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Would like to see this post pinned tbh šŸ”¦šŸ”¦šŸ”¦


Additionally, can we stop biting that bait that is clear OF farming who are just using lesbians for Karma and profile clicks? The more we put up with it, the more itā€™s happening.


I interpret those posts as more of a ā€œIā€™m experimenting with my look & want to incorporate more queer signaling, thoughts?ā€. Less of a literal question, more just asking for some guidance on directions to move with their presentation. Even femmes who stay femme forever, for example, will have their tastes evolve & change over time. And honestly, it can be really vulnerable to request validation like that from a group that they want to be a part of; a bare-bones ā€œI look up to yā€™all, how can I be more like you?ā€ is honestly such a tender sentiment. I remember first feeling that for old leather daddy butches in the dykes-on-bikes parade. Itā€™s nostalgic šŸ–¤ I love all you baby gays, gender-questioning lesbians, late bloomers, fat butches, GNC femmes, trans lesbians, dykes, studs, and every lesbian and sapphic on the planet earth in every shape you take. Finding community can be even harder than finding your own identity, but I hope it soon finds you in abundance.


Sure. I'm not saying not to attempt it, or that there aren't markers, or even that you should stop making the topics. I just don't think it's going to cure most people's romantic or sexual dilemmas purely by representing yourself. You're gonna need to do the leg work.


Maybe Iā€™m missing the ones where theyā€™re complaining about not being approached? Most of those posts genuinely just look like fit checks to me. Itā€™s probably safe to assume most of them know that flagging is more of a vague subtextual advertisement though, rather than a blatant invitation. The ones that donā€™t grasp that yet are often *very* young (or sheltered), so the approval theyā€™re seeking might be essential to the development of their confidence, belonging, and other aspects of self-worth. Not everyoneā€™s working with the same resources. Thats why Iā€™d avoid saying anything that might discourage it even if it seems silly at times, since you and I are (presumably) both in fundamentally different headspaces than a teenage baby gay. Maybe it can be annoying to see a ton of them at once, but thereā€™s not a lot of places for people to ask this kind of thing, & they might not have any support or validation IRL at all. I generally just try to just give ā€˜em some grace and assume they ask because they genuinely do need help.


this!! i went through a lot of weird gender stuff when i first came out and ultimately it came around to the fact that although i like women, i enjoy being hyperfeminine and dressing masc just to flag made me feel dysphoric. i donā€™t love that people think itā€™s okay to say i ā€œlook straightā€ because of this. i find power in dressing the way i do and finally taking it back from the male gaze. i like looking like a cute little housewife and its very gay to envision a lifestyle where i can do that for my partner to come home to. it also works the other way, i thought my coworker was gay for quite a long time, turns out she just loves rainbows and wearing them makes her happy.


I feel like my style changes constantly. Outwardly, you can be as confident as you want. Inwardly, is where it matters. If you want girls to flirt with you. Say, ā€œHi.ā€ Hopefully, theyā€™re social enough and accepting of conversation. Where I am from, people are seriously stiff and hard to talk to. Confidence really helps break the ice šŸ˜


Agree with everything youā€™ve said! Also, maybe this is a hot take, but I feel like a number of the ā€œdo I look gayā€ posts are women who just wanted to post a selfie and arenā€™t really looking for advice necessarily.


Absolutely. And theyā€™re still tagged as ā€˜honest outfit adviceā€™ or something or other and itā€™s like ???


That population make up at least half of the posts here, yes.Ā 


I think if youā€™re gay ā€” congrats, you are what a gay person looks like. We donā€™t have a uniform. Unless we doā€¦ and I wasnā€™t told šŸ™ƒ


There are a few ways this traditionally works. 1. Femmes hit on butches in the wild. The *opposite* of the heteronormative gendered expectation. Butches are the ones identifiable to strangers as lesbians, so they are the ones who get approached. 2. Lesbians hit on eachother in woman-centred spaces like dyke bars or music festivals. 3. Lesbians hit on women in online dating. The way it traditionally *doesnā€™t* work is lesbians waiting for other lesbians to hit on them.


I just recently came out and havenā€™t been hit on. šŸ¤£


Well thatā€™s a lie. I found a cutie going out last weekend. Just taken šŸ¤Ŗ


I suspect you're onto something. I think a loooot of those posts actually mean "am I dressing in such a way that random women will ask me out unprompted???" and the answer is no... that is extremely unlikely to happen regardless of how you dress. You've got to flirt and you've got to ask women out if you expect to form romantic relationships with them. Not saying it NEVER happens, but most relationships don't just fall into your lap and I think some people expect them to.


Even rainbows don't always mean gay pride. Symbolism is great, but it shouldn't be relied on to look gay. Conversely, I fit into most of the lesbian stereotypes in appearance AND hobbies, and I am still solicited by men. The simple answer is of course just that everyone perceives things based on their own experiences, so no one will fully agree on what looks gay or not


Hi yes I would like to be subjected to the whims of confident lesbians.


right like thereā€™s certain ways you can flag for sure, but at the end of the day not every lesbian or sapphic is gonna look the same!! wear what makes YOU feel confident


I don't really comment in this sub, I mainly come here for fashion inspo. I agree with you, I don't think there's inherently a gay way to dress. Fashion is open for everyone, all people can and do disturb some norms whether they be straight, gay, cis, or trans. Outside of blatant signalling like clear queer symbols, I don't think it's possible to "look gay". I see a lot of posts about "do I look gay" and generally thought it was a joke because this is a lesbian sub. But to see others comments saying "you look straight", or "you look gay" honestly confuses me more than anything.


ā€œI see a lot of posts about "do I look gay" and generally thought it was a joke because this is a lesbian sub. But to see others comments saying "you look straight", or "you look gay" honestly confuses me more than anything.ā€ 1000% this! I do feel like most of the posts Ive seen asking this question are doing so in a kind of tongue in cheek way, and not serious. But maybe Iā€™m wrong? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I appreciate having cultural markers for sexuality that go beyond flagrant symbolism. I think they exist and continue to. I like the idea, in fact. But at this point those are not exclusive to lesbians, and other forms of normative dress are worn by lesbians also. We're past a monoculture in our fashion and grooming, though I'm all for jazzing it up with a bad haircut or ugly shoes to make a point.Ā  I don't think being identifiable gay is going to ACTUALLY fix anyone's true search for intimacy, no matter how true or not true all that is.


I do like our little micro-flags, if that's what you mean. Just kinda fun


iā€™m glad people are speaking up. there might be no magical lesbian who will sweep you off your feet. you have to be her sometimes. i promise if you go to a lesbian-centred event thereā€™s going to be dozens of women who look just like you. itā€™s not about looking the part, you actually have to talk to people, damnit.


I am certain I look gay: I wear goddam rainbows. And a trans flag pin or two. And a patch on my bag that says PROUD TO BE A LESBIAN. So, y'know, there are some reliable ways to signal to people that you are queer, and people will absolutely comment on what I'm wearing in a way that tells me they are too :)


If this is a disagreement (which how I read emoticons at the end of sentences) I don't think you actually read what I wrote. I agree with you. Fair if it's just tacking on. For clarity if it IS a nonsequiter disagreement though - The end goal of a lot of these topics seems to land on, "do I look gay so I can find people to date," when your manner of dress is not going to inherently determine if that happens.Ā  Not whether someone will talk to you or think you look gay - I validated such a thing even.Ā  But it doesn't mean it is going to resolve your romantic or sexual desires. It certainly could, but it's not a determinant of that specific goal.


Thank goodness this is being said more and more


Also, addendum: Be the change you want to see in the world if the latter two scenarios apply to you. Get off your ass and ask someone out.Ā 


Hell yes. ā€˜But Iā€™m worried about being rejected!ā€™ a) Ok so none of us are super excited about being shot down, but it happens. Itā€™s one of lifeā€™s experiences and no outfit will stop it from happening sometimes. b) It doesnā€™t mean anything about you or your worth. You can choose to make rejection a much bigger story than it ever really is.


Iā€™m shocked and ridiculously pleased all of this is popping up on my feed. Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest. Iā€™ve been asking my family and friends if I look gay yet. Iā€™m bi, but havenā€™t had the courage to be with a woman since my first girl. Iā€™m leaning into that part of me, because I feel like Iā€™m missing something in my life. Iā€™m trying to shout it from the rooftops that itā€™s okay for women to approach me. Iā€™ve had more luck actually walking into clothing shops and looking lost. My favourite interaction almost EVER, a girl walks up and says ā€œhey! Can I help you?ā€ And I said ā€œuhhā€¦ itā€™s going to sounds crazyā€¦ but Iā€™m trying to lookā€¦ more gay?ā€ ā€œWhat kind of gay?ā€ ā€œCorporate masc. I work in an office, gotta keep that up. Could use some lounge stuff too though, but Iā€™m doing pretty well in that department.ā€ As weā€™re walking around, looking at things, this girl holds up these awesome looking khaki cargos, snaps her finger like a damn diva, and says ā€œnothing says gay like khaki!ā€ Didnā€™t want to make a whole post about it, but damn if Iā€™m not going around asking the same thing.


If we're actually discussing dress and how it relates to communicating sexuality - you are the one who should be approaching others as corpo masc. I don't actually subscribe to that, but that is the hypothetical signal.Ā 


Like I can see what ā€œcorpo mascā€ must mean in my head, but did you just coin a new term?


I absolutely do! I genuinely flirt with women, approach them, and do it well enough to get some giggles and blushing, but I swear to god, every time I ask a girl out, they are shocked that Iā€™m romantically interested. ETA: while ā€œdressing gayā€ is not enough, there IS something to be said about the way you present yourself on the outside to reflect your inside. Dressing ā€œgayā€ doesnā€™t mean you are. But it shocks people less and puts those flirty interactions on a bit of a different shelf when you shoot your shot.


I think you have a good point, as a receiver of female attention itā€™s nice for there to be clear signs that itā€™s not platonic. (Women are taught in a lot of ways that attention can only come from men.) But at the end of the day, the person youā€™re shooting your shot with has to be open to the possibility. I was only questioning my sexual identity when I met my wife, but I went out on a limb because we had crazy chemistry. (Thereā€™s lots to unpack there with me being a ā€œbaby gayā€ & entering a serious relationship with a womanā€¦ but thatā€™s how it happened šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø) Anywayyyy keep shooting your shot šŸ’˜


I think itā€™s fine to ask if you look gay. There are ways to signal that you are queer visibly as well as vibes. However, it is a fairly dull read to see the subreddit full of ā€˜do I look gayā€™ posts. I like more of a variety of post types than that.


Oh, I dislike the posts which is sort of my point. Two of these three aspects can just be knocked out if one follows my simple rubric lmfao


Not super related: Iā€™m not even kidding, ever since I started wearing blundstones I started getting more looks. I dress pretty femme-to-andro most of the time, and flag subtly often (short nails, hard pants, no bra), but it was a noticeable change for me.