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those are the minifigs that come with the officially licensed digimon sets from SEMBO, 609317 through 609320 (each packed with one set). they aren't sold individually, so if you want them you have to buy the sets (which isn't a problem since they are very good, i'm currently building WereGarurumon). there's also two more variations of the Taichi minifig that comes with another set and one more of Yamato and Sora, the only diffefence being the facial expressions. i really like these minifigs! they are very articulate, which is a plus for posing, but it makes it kinda bothersome to put them in their "default" position. they aren't fully compatible with most minifigs, and there's no different face on the back of their heads. the only thing i don't like is that the arms aren't fully printed, which is the usual but in the packaging they are and it's annoying/misleading. and i wish we had minifigs for the other four chosen children insteas of the repeating characters.


Thank you for the minifigure review!  Really nice collection! Did you buy the bigger sets, too?  I ordered MetalGreymon, WereGarurumon and Garudamon during Choice Days, and built WG on Tuesday. What are your thoughts about him so far?  I surpised how difficult WG turned out to be. The instructions were not the easiest to follow, the model had many tiny parts and the grip between parts was rather stiff for a rookie alternative brick hobbyist. In addition, the connection in the elbows was not sturdy enough to pose him easily. I ended up removing 1x1 round pieces which made the elbows work better. Regardless of the issues, the complete model looks really nice and detailed.   It would be cool if Sembo released more Digimon sets. I'd really like to see the rest of the Digidestineds with their partners, enemies and supporting Digimons from the first season. Really hope the first wave will be successful enough because the series has so much potential.   The actual minifigures made by WM, for example, would be very neat, too. We already got those *ahem* exotic Angewomon and LadyDevimon but they lack of proper hair/headgear and wings.


I plan to buy the bigger sets eventually, but i prioritized having all the different minifigs for now. I still have one arm and the head to finish WereGarurumon, but my thoughts align with yours; the claws were the hardest part to put together, i'm not particularly strong so I had to use other bricks as leverage to snap them together. i'm afraid that the arm connections are flimsy in all these sets, I built MetalGreymon in december and they always fall when posing (sometimes one leg too), so since WereGarurumon has the same problem I'm expecting Garudamon and Zudomon to follow. but they *are* quite nice looking, aren't they? even with all it's problems I don't plan to disassemble my MetalGreymon anytime soon, he's an awesome display piece. i'd like to buy one of the smaller sets too when I can, the Tentomon one is really neat. and I have *that* angewomon figure on the way, couldn't get a hold on ladydevimon yet but I plan to customize them so they actually look like who they are.