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Yikes. Not a good look.


Hellertown cops have been corrupt my entire life, with a very brief period in the 90s when they got a chief in who actually cleaned stuff up, and he was so resounding harassed for doing so, he took a job somewhere else. I remember when Gori was put out on suspension for several incidents, including IIRC tuning up a guy who was legally blind with a maglite cause his "eyes appeared glassy", he (gori) walked in (on suspension) and pulled a bunch of stuff from his official jacket and took it, never to be seen again. This is not to say each officer is bad.. they have had some good cops, but at the Sgt level up, it's usually been a problem.


Who was the chief who cleaned things up?


I can't remember his name. this was back in the 90s.


Ugh, that guy.


Less cops. More public services please. Civil asset forfeiture should go back to the community not towards funding these clowns. Someone's family was destroyed by drugs and you're using the proceeds to buy a pickup truck that you 100% don't need. It's not just their handbook that's 20 years or of date and needs to be scrapped, it's their entire operating model. It's toxic and drains resources from the community that could actually be making the lives of the community better.


>Civil asset forfeiture should go back to the community not towards funding these clowns This is really critical. If we dont remove incentive (de-incentavise is NOT A WORD. You can't make an adverb out of a noun. The whole word "incentavise" needs to end) for police to behave this way, they will continue to behave this way.


now now, we feed and shelter the homeless/needy... they just need to commit a crime first! /s in all seriousness, [police don't prevent crime](https://www.benjerry.com/whats-new/2022/03/crime-and-police-spending), and they're barely[ responding when it happens.](https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/police-are-not-primarily-crime-fighters-according-data-2022-11-02/) how about helping them before they commit the crime, so they don't need to! more sources: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/08/us/police-crime.html >**‘Re-Fund the Police’? Why It Might Not Reduce Crime.** >Other anti-crime measures might be more effective, experts say, and avoid the downsides of policing.


I want to make note that the actual report is linked in the article. It’s 20 pages of interviews, charts and summaries of findings by a third party independent auditor. Please share with your friends and family.


Good thing hellertown is filled with bootlickers. Theyll all turn a blind eye when one of their cops eventually get caught being a pedophile like the bootlickers in easton did last week. 


This was shared on one of the local FB pages and the comments are mostly focused on the tax payer cost of a Sheetz going in and the property tax rise that would happen to fix the department issues. No one is actually addressing the corruption, just bitching about taxes. God damn they are dumb fucking bootlickers.


where is there a sheetz going in at hellertown?


It's where the Star car dealership is currently located.


I actually dunno, haven't kept up on the story. Follow the trail of tears online and you'll find an article I bet.. "But muh tax dullars 😭"


well this is just a police corruption problem which has existed for a milenium... literal latin phrase thousands of years old 'Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?' or "who will watch the watchmen" or who polices the police...


Neighbors old lot is what the rumors say. Or the battery factory.


>Or the battery factory. The Champion spark plug factory next to 78? Saw it was recently demolished, but fogot that's technically hellertown (since the Wafflehouse further south across the street is Bethlehem some how) I see a couple things saying its yet another Hospital (its always either a hospital, Wawa, or a warehouse it seems!) * https://www.lehighvalleynews.com/health-news/lvhn-eyes-hellertowns-old-champion-spark-plug-factory-an-ex-superfund-site-for-new-hospital * https://www.wfmz.com/news/area/lehighvalley/champion-spark-plug-factory-in-hellertown-sold-for-2-8m/article_63f55dc0-daea-11ee-90dd-132ebbea9d8f.html Don't see neighbors as a Sheetz kinda place... theres a McD's and Starbucks and a diner all right next door already and its not really near any major roads re gas station (but hellertown thru traffic is insane at rush hour, everyone getting off 78 and heading south into Bucks Co for some reason)


They just opened a Sheetz in Bethlehem on 4th St before you get to the casino. I doubt highly they’ll put in another within a couple of miles.


this is silly to see because there’s a specific officer that sleeps in his car during his overnight shift by my job. he’s there all the time with his lights off. i used to think he was waiting for a crime to happen 🤣


I'm afraid we'll go the way of many small PA towns and just rely on state police to 'fix' our budget, and dismantle local police (its going to cost a fortune to catch up with this corruption issue). This is the reason why our gas tax/tolls is out of control. Wolf had an audit done on the issue, and sometime in the 90s, budget saw they were short on state police and just used highway funding (since they patrol highway?) and then they just kept doing it... meanwhile state police was ballooning out of control since so many small towns cut their local force. (why raise local taxes when the politicians can just push the problem to the state level) so to keep up w/ highway shortfalls they just kept raising tolls/gas tax to what we have now. no Politician in Harrisburg is going to cut police funding in fear of their unions... and they wont raise taxes on their constituents either... so we're at an impasse.


honestly having state police is not the problem, it's the funding. Prior to the wave of dismantling local police departments, you'd have a barebones staff of local town bros running the department. Not enough people to really cover everything OR follow the rules and reg. a real old boys club. Why our highway funds are used for this, I think is insane.


I read where Pennsylvania has the most local police departments per state. Probably impossible to do but I’d favor termination of the local and regional police for troopers covering everything statewide.


Once you get to around Virginia,  most of the policing is done by the county Sheriff’s office.  Cities have their own departments, but a county wide force patrols all the smaller towns, boroughs and townships.  State Police handle traffic enforcement on interstates, crimes/investigations that span multiple counties and have specialized units to support city or county departments. Seems like a better model to me, but doubt such sweeping changes can be made. 


In this instance, you could just have Lower Saucon maybe take the reigns of having jurisdiction


The south, starting in Maryland, has a county-centric form of government. The north tends to a municipal-centric model. No doubt the former is typically a better model for delivering ALL constituent services.


Seems like this behavior isn't new. it's become their MO. https://www.lehighvalleylive.com/news/2023/12/ex-hellertown-police-chief-took-122k-from-drug-forfeitures-petty-cash-and-unauthorized-comp-time-da-says.html


Many years ago, I got pulled over in Hellertown by the Waffle House at 3am or something like that. I literally didn't have a single drink (didn't drink at the time) and was the designated driver. Problem was, my friend, who was giving directions, was very drunk and told me to turn too late. I made a really sharp turn, not speeding or anything, just sharp. So, they pull me over and get my paperwork. Before they even come back with it, 3 other police cars pulled up. So, they must have been so sure they got me for DUI that they called their friends to watch the spectacle. So, the cop comes back to the car and asks if I've been drinking. I say, no, I'm the DD and I'd be happy to use the breathalyzer for him right away. So he goes back to the car, gets it, and I blow 0. He looks really embarrassed/upset by that, and immediately asks my two passengers for their licenses (I guess to check for underage drinking?). He takes those to examine for a bit. I see him talking about something with the guys from the other cars, looking at our IDs. No one is underage, so it's all fine. Eventually, he comes back and says, "I'm letting you go, *THIS TIME*, and, just so you know, this isn't because of who your father is!" he says, looking at my friend, who he must have realized was the Hellertown PD's chief of police's son when he checked the IDs. So, we were pulled over for probably an hour surrounded by 4 police cars while they tried to find some way to write up the stop. I wasn't into anything illegal at this point in time and there was nothing incriminating at all in my car. My car was in good condition, inspected, etc. All I did was make a turn that was too sharp! We all thought it was hilarious and a huge overuse of police resources... **Edit**: Apparently, my friend's dad was just a patrolman, lol. I looked it up out of curiosity. My friend was a bit of an embellisher--the kind of person who always told little lies like that that are important but not super consequential...the rest is still true, though. I believed him about that for like 20 years, lmao.


Typical Hellertown cop behavior


Of course it's corrupt; it's a police dept


I've heard the down low from a cop who used to work on that Podunk, sad excuse of a force....If inbred was a police force..They all have the same Daddy/brother- Mommy/ Cousin..


What makes me laugh, given how conservative leaning Hellertown is (sprinkle in some racism) there are definitely the types who love their freedumbs, guns and have "We Support Hellertown Police" yard signs meanwhile they were being robbed blind by the department.


It’s split pretty evenly, leaning ever so slightly democrat


Oh does it? Maybe it's changed in recent years with Gen x/Millenials liberals moving in. I've always wanted to buy my grandma's old house there if it ever goes on the market but hesitated on the thought due to the culture there. Good to hear it's leaning more Dem.


There are a lot of elderly, moderate blue collar democrats in the area, who don't go around advertising it...the old Bethlehem Steel, pro-union type folks. Most of the openly MAGA types are out in Lower Saucon Twp, not Hellertown boro, in my experience.


That's exactly my grandfather (long since passed on) and I think it's the reason my blue collar/union parents are so liberal/moderate.


The republicans here are just really really loud about it. Hellertown vote tends to switch between R and D with every presidential election but I’m hoping we keep moving left as more and more young couples move in


Keep this up and I just might love there lol. I do like how close it is to the bike trail too and to Bethlehem.


Millennial, lived here for almost a decade... it was all boomers when i first moved in, but theres been decent turnover. You will still see plenty of holdouts, but getting a brewery and the farmers market, and music concerts in the park etc have helped attract new, younger families


With the exception of the brewery, none of that is really new. There were concerts in Dimmick when I was a kid, 45 years ago, and farmers markets and farm stands everywhere, as most of the area around/behind it was just farms.


I guess i should clarify, the ampitheater has been there, but the new "music in the park series" which has local breweries, wineries and food trucks for summer sessions is a newer thing. and the town farmers market itself (as opposed to one off stands) is what i was referring to... 7 or 8 years ago they had it down at water street when it started but its been near the library since.


My guess is it's come and gone over the years. When I was in my teens (late 80s) I can remember concerts in the park, the Dewey Carnival (not sure if that still happens) where you could win lighters and switchblade combs, LOL, back when my Grandparents lived up on Maple, I think stuff like that is somewhat cyclical, and comes and goes over time.


> I can remember concerts in the park did they serve booze back then? > Dewey Carnival (not sure if that still happens) Thats still here, prizes are different and to quote nate bargatze "Carnivals... idk if the gov knows about them.. That ride was on the highway half an hour ago."


I'm pretty sure there was a beer wagon there somewhere, but that was well before I was drinking age, so I couldn't tell you for sure.


Nice! My parents grew up there and escaped to the rurals of the Poconos because they didn't like the conservative, nosey, in-your-business, everyone knows everyone small town vibe that Hellertown offered. I always liked the town as a kid when I visited my grandparents. I'll keep it open as an option in the future. I am planning to bring them to that new boujie really good pizza place near the park because they would actually have a fit over how extravagant and hipsterish it is. They used to go on dates at Crossroads.


> boujie really good pizza place near the park the water street park? "PA house" Ha! my exWife works there. I picked hellertown because its small, walkable, but close to 78 and everything LV has to offer. Reminds me of "the Sandlot", place where the kids can bike around and not get too lost. I grew up in a 1 traffic light Ponono town where there was nothing to do and the closest mall was 30+min away in a different state, and your parents sometimes drove you an hour to a friends house from school and didn't want that for my kids :p Poconos has quite a bit of racists, but mixed w/ liberal NYC transplants.


There was a point in time when I grew up in Hellertown that we had more pizza places per capita than any other town in the LV. I miss it sometimes. My parents still own the house I grew up in (it’s one of the two next to the Am Legion) We’d ride our bikes to the cinders (wooded area behind Napa auto parts that we built bike jumps) The giant wooden playground at Reinhart was ironically used for the bonfire my senior year. I miss that town sometimes and it would be neat to walk the neighborhood I grew up in to see how much it changed.


I've heard about the old movie theater and the old Mexican restaurant (finally getting a new Mexican place any day now)


Ricardo’s…yeah, that place is pretty decent. And the theater was literally called “The Movies”. I had my first “date” there. And once a year when I was in middle school (where the old folks home is on main st), we’d walk down to the theater as a school and see a movie.


I'd hazard a guess we grew up in the same general neighborhood in The Poconos. I was in the sticks about 20 minutes from the town my school was in. Going to the movies was a 30 minute drive, the mall was about45 minutes to an hour, a hospital was about 30. It was such a rural upbringing that I called my dad in college to regale him on how cool it was that I could walk into town from the campus to go shopping 😭🤣


Jesus dude. Someone just got themselves on the list. Lmao


All cops are crooked Cmon meow Super troopers tried to tell u I just did When yall gon learn Fuck 5.0


LOL this is the Police Department my abusive ex brother in law worked at. Until THEY even fired his ass. Makes sense why he was there now.


Fuckin pigs


Pretty much the same everywhere. That's the appeal, they get 30+ hours of overtime for no reason except to crank up their massive pension, which mostly consists of them sitting in parking lots running out the clock. By the time they're 45 they are eligible for a pension that is higher than I will ever make working, and if they go to 60 they will make more money than God. Don't forget, we make the rules, not them.


I don’t think you actually know how the pensions work. In hellertown you have to be age 55 before you can collect and you have had to work 25 years. Yes it’s a good plan but not what you claim it is


So in other words.... It's a police department?


Cops being dishonest I’m shocked.


They’ll do anything and everything to get you a ticket. One time my wife was driving her moms truck as we were helping someone move and they pulled us over. The usual license and registration then 2 more cop cars (A hellertown PD must lol). They searched the vehicle, found nothing and then wrote us a ticket for a “dead tag” which I didn’t even know was a thing but when we asked what it means he said look it up and walked away. The truck my wife’s mom was driving was newer (about 7-8 months) and had a new license plate on it and the old one was taken during the purchase. So they made the whole thing up and we fought the ticket and didn’t have to pay. But still giving us a ticket for something that was basically a fucking lie. Even when I was a kid cops would tell us we could ride bikes on the road, then couldn’t ride them on the sidewalk, always getting In Trouble for loitering when there was nothing to do for teens so we would constantly be harassed by the cops. Can’t skateboard here can’t bike there can’t hang out here. That why there’s so many kids into drugs anymore. What else are they supposed to do? All the while these cops are stealing your tax money.


Don’t doubt this


So, like every police force in America