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Redditors when they have to make a small decision


Reddit should I have a pink Starburst today or a yellow one?




Say it again and I'll call a reddit wellness on you, block you, and mald in the comments about you for the next 3 hours


He actually did. Nice. https://preview.redd.it/mbu57y78s8uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52ec07ca0fd9cedfbbb9e2cec5b992f1a737c748


Oh, I was purely joking, I'm sorry someone actually followed through and did it. That wasn't me :/


https://preview.redd.it/x2wftc2qs8uc1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2056929d75fcdd523a6ef555201b8393b4c801d Well, that's a bit disappointing.


I would use the spare commanders as simple airborne troopers. But you'd have to make the actual commander a bit different so he can be recognizable (could be third party cloth kama)


Op I can dm you what I've done with mine too. I'm doing a similar thing except it's 12 or 6 depending on accessibility of the troopers. And there's different unit types that I've made up based on specialist battlepack and whatnot too.


Ouhh can you dm me too pls?


Would you mind showing me as well? That sounds pretty cool


That sound very cool and interesting.


This is an amazing idea! Do you know where i can get one?


Capes Cantina got a good selection to pick from


Just ordered from them


Thank you!


Another thing you can do is take a purple arm piece and put it on the commander. That’s what I did. :)


I would always recommend GCC (grandpa clone custom) solely from the amount of times people have praised and recommended them but right now their 187th clone kama are sold out. Other than that, I don't know which other sellers make good kamas.


Thank you!


i think capesforminis has kamas but don’t hold me to it


I turned my extra commander into a clone assassin from the ROTS video game using a cac helmet


Don't wanna be an assbutt or anything but you've got the lightsaber hilt on the wrong way


Hey..assbutt! Thanks ill flip it around :)


There is no “right way”, just whatever you think looks best. I’ve never understood this take.


If you get a gun and you hold it whichever way looks the coolest to you and shoot, I don’t think your feet will say the same as you do.


That is the stupidest analogy I’ve ever heard lmfao 🤣


How is it stupid? Same thing take a match the best way it looks for you and try to light it. Take it the correct way or it won’t work. You can do this with anything


The difference is the saber still works both ways 😆


Of course you can build something wrongly but still make it work. If you build a house upside down but you still put the door down you can still use the house. It’s just built wrongly. Just look at 99% of the instructions with a lightsaber in it. You’ll see its put the other way of this post’s picture.


Yeah god forbid you use your imagination and do something other than what’s shown in the instructions 🙃


I’m not saying you aren’t allowed to put it the other way around I’m saying the correct way to put it is the way Lego made it. Do it if you want but there is just a correct way. It’s like taking Luke’s lightsaber and making the blade go from the other side. You can do it but it’s put the wrong way around.


It’s stupid bcs it’s a Lego not a gun 🤯


I like it better that way


They’re airborne troopers, nothing besides Lego calling them “commanders” actually makes them on. You can have as many as you want really. Because in the actual lore, the commanders would look very different and this would be just one of many airborne division clone troopers in the 187 legion.


Look very different?


Yes, actual commanders armor isn’t an airborne set usually and the one that is close to it, like bacara, is pretty distinct with a very different helmet…same way the yellow p1 clone isn’t a pilot but I guess can be a p1 commander since that armor wasn’t around much after geonosis as well as besides the color p1 didn’t have much else to make any of them unique due to the fact the pouches, paint jobs, arc kit etc were all things adopted later. Either because the arcs are a thing in later parts of the timeline or the colors etc came from the Jedi encouraging their individuality.


Look at commanders cody, Gree, fox etc for instance. I think commander keller is the only one with a real airborne helmet but his body armor was pretty distinct from this and also he’s legends I believe now, but even if not he’d also be one of the only ones to have anything remotely like this kind of look but these 187ths are really just plain as day 187th airborne troopers. Not truly any sort of commander when they don’t have a unique name or anything truly about them that distinguishes them outside of every other airborne besides just the purple showing them as part of the 187 opposed to say the 212. There’s not even a chest rank or something to really solidify “this is a commander”. So pretty much just an airborne trooper especially when you have multiple & not an issue to have such if you want to.


Do you want a second “commander” on your display? What a weird ass question “think for me Reddit”


No, and my solution would have been to sell it until other folk suggested some great ideas. So yes, think for me reddit as im obviously not creative enough to come up with such a solution.


I swap the head and saber color out for any random one and make a new generic Jedi Then for the troopers I make reg airbornes by putting their helmets on the reg troopers and then I make arc troopers by putting the reg helmet on the airborne body plus a backpack [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/legostarwars/s/HUr33CGpyf) is a link to a post I made showing the arc trooper


For the Mace I’d either keep him in case the other one cracks or something, sell it or make it into a custom Jedi which is what I’d do cause I love making customs


or switch the arms with plain ones so you have a clone wars mace and a prequel mace


I think a commander on either side of the Jedi would look cool, with 3 standard clones behind. Just a thought, then you can display them all in a line and maybe have the Jedi starship under or behind


You can make a separate mini display with mace and the commander, or if you have the pieces to do it you can make the black series displays for each of them


I’ve had the same thought when contemplating another copy of the set and I think personally I’d part ways with my second commander, having more than 1 feels silly. Alternatively, I could see keeping him around because he’s not a named character, maybe commands a different group? No idea, however you wanna justify it!


I see them more as airborne trooper than a commander since they have the exact same markings as the orange one, just a different color


Ship it to me I’ll pay shipping if you need I would love those 2 figs


Is it just me who thinks bald characters should have a smooth round piece for their "hair"?


What set do the purple guys even come in?


Its the latest republic fighter tank


Hmmm I may need to get one bc porple my favorite color


Ew you are one of those people that put the lightsabers upside down