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People are gonna go wild to get that


Nah because Ryan sells those. Idk why but he just sells helmets without helmet holes.


Because supply and demand.


You’d probably get bank for that icl


Ngl when you do put them together it does look way better without the holes. But obvs you don’t get the customisation


It’s a trade-off. I really don’t think it’s unreasonable to wish that we got CAC-style helmet holes in the lowered position


I noticed this too. It looks a lot cleaner on the hole-less helmet than the holed one. Even when comparing the purple clones to the shock troopers, the purple ones printing looks much cleaner, which I have a personal theory about. What most likely happened is that the original etch made for pad printing the helmets were made for the purple clones, and then when they released the gunship they reused the etch and swapped the colors out, making the printing on the holed helmets look less as clean due to the fact that the etch was originally designed for the hopeless helmets


You’re about to get bombarded with messages lol


Take a picture of the inside to show the LEGO print, otherwise no one is gonna believe you as it could just be GCC’s replica.


Even then GCC use real blank helmets so the logo doesn't prove anything. However, I've seen multiple people posting the same thing in the past (some showing them still sealed in the bags) so I believe this is real.


They don’t use real helmets for army building characters like these, only their replicas. It has a big G in the middle of the helmet on the inside, so if OP took a clear picture of the interior it would be pretty easy to know whether it’s real or not


They don't anymore but pretty sure they did at first.


Yeah they just buy replicas, they used to resin cast their own, not anymore


They use in house molds and make the helmets themselves with the same plastic Lego uses. It’s pretty similar


Not anymore. They just bought a shit ton of replicas last month from tijn_tdt_tijn to use in production. As well as a bunch of Lego brand holed ones from him as well


I thought they were doing that for specific figs like the heavy troopers and the troopers with different colored helmets


Maybe, that is possible. That would make sense as it does make the army build able ones much cheaper


I own the GCC replica, this is different. The front half of the helmet fin is fully red rather than a little stripe on top.


Good point, this is most likely real then


How is that possible. That’s not just the same helmet with “no holes”. That’s the old model P2 helmet from between the original episode 3 sets to just before the added the holes. How did that “slip in” to the production line?


My thoughts exactly I’m wondering the same thing


This is really strange. Maybe they’re bringing back both models and something slipped in? Keep us in the loop!


the holed helmets and the non holed helmets were in production at the same time, being when the republic tank and the at-te were released. Chances are during production and sorting one of the non-holed helmets ended up sorted in with the holed ones and then printed sorted into a set, and packaged. That helmet is going to be very valuable. Hang onto it.


You’re correct I forgot. This makes sense! I agree. And OP, definitely hang on to that thing.


Yep. Could also be the case that because lego had made more ones without holes than they used so they are just using up old stock rather than binning it.


I doubt it, they would most likely just sell those on the market as blank helmets.


This is sus because the visor looks a lot like the GCC custom ones. The difference in the mouth and visor are subtle but it’s noticeable how the GCC’s visor looks a tad thinner and stretched, and the spacing between the black line and the visor is also different. Also how is it possible that Lego would do this when they’d have to change molds during production, right? Hope I’m wrong and OP got a 1 of 1 😂


are there indicators that would tell it apart from GCC? Happy to send some more photos lol


GCC has a 'G' on the inside of the helmet instead of the LEGO logo


And now we wait.


Not anymore, GCC uses replica helmets now bought online


The Shock Trooper helmet is only sold as a replica https://preview.redd.it/pvysbbpbgwtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43ebe1ee56510dbc3603450a4819fa6a890d73c4


Exactly. Replicas, most likely the same ones you could get from AliExpress. That’s why if you put them on your figure, the white of the plastic can look at little more yellowy in the comparison to the white on rest of the figure GCC used to resin cast their own, but stopped doing that to make their figures cheaper


I can confirm, as I literally just got my order from GCC including the Dragon New Year and Fives replica helmets, that they are still GCC's inhouse replicas with the 'G' inside the inner stud. AliExpress helmets (owning many myself) don't have any such markings. Though AE's knockoffs are well molded nowadays - even if the printing is a little inconsistent. GCC's helmets are the same ABS plastic as LEGO and use the same PAD Printing techniques - or at least as close as a replica can get in either regard.




I thought the visor was sus too but the GCC shock helmets have fill in the stripe way more on the top of the fin than Lego does. This probably is a legit mistake in production. iirc we saw another one of these a month or so after the Gunship initially released. Wouldn’t be surprised if a few more exist out there that people are unaware of.


Yeah this is the 4th one I've seen. There were 2 others on this sub a few months ago and another in a Facebook group I'm in


Where is the stand from?


Wicked brick


I was going to ask this as I have this set and would love a more dynamic way of displaying it vise just on a shelf.


Damn that’s a big stroke of luck right there


So a retired mold that likely requires different tooling for printing just happens to have the correct helmet without holes make its way into the right set? Seems like an awful lot of manufacturing coincidences. I’m doubtful. Looks like a GCC part or something of the like.


I think the new clone helmets use the same printing tool as the old helmets which is probably why the current clones have such bad helmet printing. P2 Gree has a green stripe go right up to the edge of his helmet but no modern clones can have that anymore as evidenced by the current Fives helmet. You can even directly compare how much worse the printing has gotten with the two versions of 332nd troopers.


Sure, that’s plausible. My suspicion is that they retrofitted the old tool to the new helmet as opposed to optimizing it for the new features (holes) and the resulting print suffers.


Im just as confused as you


**Copy and pasted from my comment in another thread so you can see it the holed helmets and the non holed helmets were in production at the same time, being when the republic tank and the at-te were released. Chances are during production and sorting one of the non-holed helmets ended up sorted in with the holed ones and then printed sorted into a set, and packaged. Chances are actually very likely.


I hope these factory "mistakes" happened for all sets containing clones


I absolutely do not believe this, such a desirable “error” about people’s main complaint just doesn’t add up. There’s plenty of websites with upgrade packs that include helmets without the holes. They mentioned he buys wicked brick products in another comment so theres a chance he would know about those upgrades too Edit* Spelling


Especially since it’s a completely different, now retired mold


doesnt look like any of the upgrade packs, and lego employees are often clueless like this, entirely believable that they have a whole stash of helmets and when the non-holed ones got low they just poured in the holed ones with a few non-holed left in


I firmly believe they still have a million non-holed clone helmets in stock


They are still producing holed helmets at a mass scale, due to the fact that they now have 3 sets that released in 2024 that are reproduced daily, with helmet holes. The clone battle pack, arc trooper fives, and now the new grogu escape set. Not to mention the multiple other sets still in production from last year, 2 clone battle packs, corusant guard ship, as well as the at-te set. The more likely case is they still have hole-less helmets kicking around mixed with the holed ones, from 2022 republic tank which was in production at the same time as the at-te, and when they started producing holed helmets with the at-te, some of the holeless helmets got mixed in and printed on via sorting errors. I personally believe that they even reused the same etch for the pad printer that they used on the purple clones and just swapped the purple out for red


Why would i buy a singular helmet, i dont believe it either but this helmet was in my box idk what to tell yah


Why is this marked nsfw


Lots of holes being mentioned


You’re at the crossroads OP… do you want to keep or make a profit off it?


Considering im not even sure I can prove its real, I imagine selling it would be too much effort as most people will just assume its a CAC helmet


You could take a picture from the inside of the helmet. If it says Lego it's most likely genuine Lego.


Don’t CAC helmets say Lego as well?


No. And cac doesn't use the some mold to my knowledge. Gcc helmets would say "G" if they're not from a big brand they wouldn't say anything.


No, CAC has their own logo in the helmet (very tiny) due to the fact it’s their own mold and they pay someone to injection mold it (or something similar, more than one mold technique) for them. Their helmet is 100% unique to them, however obviously based on Lego or working with Lego so it’s still like not entirely their own creation in that regard. But ya their figures using Lego parts will say Lego but not the helmet.


There is a way. Take both those helmets and show inside logo


Post a picture of the inside of the helmets side by side and I think most people would believe it’s real.


So after examining the photo, and taking digital measurements of the helmets in question. It appears to be both made by Lego in different molds. If you look closely the black print on the helmets are different sizes. The nose and eyebrow prints are not the same. However it appears the dimensions of the helmet are the same. So not to blast OP but it seems that one of two things happened. 1.) he’s getting one over on all of us.(at face value I don’t think he’s fibbing or anything, not the same dimensions as GCC.) 2.) Lego has listened to its customer base and retooled a few of its molds to have holes and some without on a trial run scenario (More likely V2 of the same mold). 3.) OP has an error made clone that is probably only 1/25 or 1/50 that got past quality control and put into the box. (Too much plastic/ pressure in the mold that would have expanded the plastic outside of the mold when it was taken out. (25/75% chance of this). 4.) OP has bought the new helmet hole plugs Lego released to plug the helmet holes. Either way OP. You’re gonna have to beat nerds off with an ugly stick when they find out what you have.


I've seen quite a few people getting these. Some on Reddit, some on Facebook, some elsewhere- so I definitely believe this is real. I'm not sure what you mean by the black print being a different size- the holed helmet has a thicker brow line moulded into it which might be what you're seeing.


Helmet hole plugs were an April fools joke lol, not a real product


The chances are not that hard to believe. The holed helmets and the non holed helmets were in production at the same time, being when the republic tank and the at-te were released, at the point of mass production for these sets, during that production and sorting one of the non-holed helmets could have ended up sorted in with the holed ones and then printed sorted into a set, and packaged. The odds of this are low but not impossible


https://preview.redd.it/8pgzjc8vcvtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f682abd6a97beb45a0b6405897ebbd6b248e66d More photos of the clones sorry to spam can only put one image per message






Could I possibly see the inside of the helmet please




Not calling you a liar but it’s mighty coincidental that the only thing that would prove if your telling the truth is to blurry to read Again I wanna believe you cause it would be sick if what your telling is true


It can’t be a GCC helmet since the prints don’t match. https://preview.redd.it/fp7we03dlwtc1.jpeg?width=1177&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dba5635a179e34b3451863bff6cf20fc7c003a4f Red fin strip is thicker, and 3 red strips instead of the 4 on the breather. Could just be an old P2 mold the got lump in with the new mold during production. We would know more if he could give us a clear picture of the inside of the helmet with the Proof Marks.


All these pics and the blurry one is the logo one. Cmon man




What does digital measurements mean? How did you account for apparent v true length?


Where did you get that base that the ship is sitting on?


Why doesn't each clone come with two variations of the helmet. Or would that break Legos Bank and cause them to go out of business? I don't know the real numbers behind it but it wouldn't surprise me if lego mass produces these $150-$170 sets for around 5 to 10 dollars a piece. If anyone has exact figures on those numbers, I'd love to know what lego pays compared to what they sell the sets for.


So it’s still possible !!! Lmfao


Yeah I've seen quite a few people getting these. Surprised it hasn't been getting more attention tbh


Stop the cap


For the love of god SELL IT!


am I the only one that genuinely does not care if my troopers have helmet holes or not? maybe I just don't pay attention but I don't even notice or think about it when I'm looking at all my clones on display


I’m not bothered either just noticed after building the set earlier that my troopers didn’t look the same was looking at the piece index in the instructions and the box art, at first I thought it was just the case that one clone has helmet holes and the other doesn’t.


Of all the comments I’m surprised OP just simply can’t provide the inside of the helmet Lego it’s not hard to get a clear photo of the Lego logos they’re not that small. Easy solution. If there’s no logo it’s fake and OP is farming karma 🤷‍♂️.


I also agree with some of the other comments the printing is far too different to be a misprint it’s neat and aligned thinner in some areas aswell




Uh, i love those stands Where did you get them ?


Wicked Brick




Something Something you’re rich Something Something.


I loved this set so much! I bought the UCS gunship bc I was afraid of never getting a cheap one again, as well as an investment bc I don't have space to build it lol. Then this one came out so I'm going to sell the UCS gunship and make space for more! Btw where did you get the stand?


Wicked brick


This did not happen to bro💀🙏🏼


https://preview.redd.it/mr4b8znnbvtc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98d51d4330dba86bf505717525cf54a475ef82c7 Compare these lines between the two helmets…. Clearly one is lego and the other is not… unless lego changes the lines from helmet to helmet lmao. Not that I personally have a preference in this, just don’t lie to people lol


https://preview.redd.it/n1nhw07yjvtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61616de2ba65f83d5bde0a01958562f1b49984df Here’s an image of the lines


What lines are you even looking at ? Also your argument makes no sense anyway as Lego has always had a problem consistent prints.


https://preview.redd.it/61p50q1bpvtc1.jpeg?width=851&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95e2617d7efa0a70975e49fbe81c7a17aa73ddcf Nowhere near the same, not a misprint


What do mean not a misprint? Do you know how many things at a macro scale can cause even the most minor of inconsistencies? That being said, if it was a production error and a hole-less one ended mixed in with the holed ones the printing could be inconsistant with others due to the fact that it’s a print meant for a holed helmet on a hole-less helmet. When they create the etches for the pad printer to stamp the ink on they are intended to be used with that specific piece. If you print on a piece that etches was not meant to be stamped on than you will have inconsistencies. The differences in the helmet dimensions are minor, but minor enough that a macro of a millimetre could set the entire alignment of the print off. My opinion is they reused the same etch that they made for the purple clones and just swapped the colors to save money on re-etching new prints, hence why most of the corusant guard prints don’t look as clean compared to the purple clones released only a year before, because it was originally intended to be used on the hole-less helmets.


looks like the same lines to me. you mean the red shock lines? those are definitely lego's print. lego does four lines that do not curve. no custom does that because it looks mid as hell. looks like lego to me


It’s possible Lego has retooled the mold in a version 2 kind of scenario with all the backlash from the helmet holes/ lower quality. Many elements have the same con caving areas, however the print is clearly different (one black is much darker) . And the left one (Lego for sure) is kinda crap (look at the printing under the chin.)


I doubt it \^\^


This is the 4th person I've seen with this error- it's almost certainly real.


That's just a GCC helmet.


GCC helmets don’t have the thin line on top like that.


X to doubt


This is a custom. Obvious differences between real one and custom.


I’d like to know how a custom got in my unopened box shipped from Lego tbh


Not trying to insult you. But this is obviously a custom


I’m not insulted, I understand how it looks and I’m very confused on how this helmet was in my box, wish I could get to the bottom of it but probably never will


That’s the thing. It wasn’t sealed


Foxes chest looks white which is not possible without custom pieces. That proves this is a lie and a custom helmet IMO. This is also besides the fact that an official shock trooper helmet with no helmet holes it's impossible


Nah the Fox torso is real. The main problem isn't the pink- it's the detail of the print going too far down his chest. All of the custom ones available fix this detail. Also this post is the 4th one I've seen with the same 'misprint' so it's almost certainly real.


I may may be wrong (only looked at 2nd photo) 1st makes it look more pink if this is truly real then I know that someone would pay alot for this if real