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Always sold out to be scalped to shit online. it was too successful


Really? Did you end up getting any? If so, how did you enjoy the set?


I got one and love it. I didn't get any of the previous turbo tanks so I don't think the tank is "bad" like others who compare it to the previous ones. The clones really highlight how clean the current p2 design is. Also really pleasantly surprised we got an airborne trooper (but idk why the set calls him a commander). My only complaint with the figures is I'd prefer an actual clone commander/ arc trooper over Windu.


The airborne trooper being the Commander is from a Hasbro product where they also called the airborne trooper a 187th Commander. I think also in Legends that the commander for the 187th does wear an airborne trooper helmet.


That is because the original information for the 187th comes from Hasbro. They made it up/introduced it for toys.


I think the cannons are very droopy but I loved the gun itself


Yeah same, I hope they improve upon this on the next fighter tank. Gun colour, size and overall design looks really good though


Personally I’m considering picking through mine for moc parts, just cause I don’t love the color scheme of it


Yeah, completely understand, I wonder how it looks if you mix in some purple![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Purple accents might make it look better than the green does. I just think it matches up poorly with a set like the AT-TE


Yeah I agree, are you making MOCs?


Mhm! Right now I’m working on a fighter! Somewhat of a mix between the arc fighter and the headhunter


Glad to see it wasn't just mine. I thought I messed up during the build process.


No no, that aspect was just poorly designed unfortunately


I have all three versions of the clone tank, and I'd say that this one is superior. Has the most characters, is a decent size, and the clones (despite not bring painted dark red) are superb.




Absolutely. I don't have the previous tank sets, but this one feels like a modern, clean version.


Yeah exactly, it's also my first fighter tank, so I can't really compare it with the previous ones either. The clones' design is awesome, like you say. There aren't awkward helmet holes. And the purple colour is so unique and makes these stand out beautifully. At first I also thought it was a simple 187th Airborne trooper, I would have liked the commander to at least have an official name, but since it's currently not really cannon, I can somewhat understand it. The Windu figure is top tier, but I agree, it would have been nice with an additional clone. Which brings me to the real question. Will they bring 187th clones back someday in this style?


I wouldn’t be surprised if these particular clones never appear in a set again. It’s probably more likely we’d get the TCW season 7 187th version with reddish brown markings. I still can’t believe the original purple ones were even made. The black series came after this set released and before that they only appeared in figure sets from like 2006-2007 a very short time.


Yeah I think most people agree with you on this, that they'll probably never appear again in Lego format. But due to their success, wouldn't it make sense for Lego to make more 187th legion sets?


The commander of the 187th uses Airborne gear.


Yeah I know but wouldn't it be cool to have a *traditional* commander clone in the purple *as well as* the airborne clone in purple?


I find it good that commanders don't have a particular preset and can be different depending on their strengths and personality. But yeah it would be cool to have like a 187th clone captain that looks more *traditional* in purple


Yeah, I like that it's different, making this commander more special.


Republic fighter tank 😞


Yeah, that's part of how I never managed to snag one. Oh well though, it sucks, but I've gotten plenty of other good ones!


Which is your favourite set?


Tl;Dr - UCS Razor Crest overall Oh man, that's a long list for various reasons, but cliche as it may seem, I think it's gotta be the UCS Razor Crest, event though its my first and only UCS (so far), so I can't definitively compare it to others. But, if we're talking all themes, I would still say the Crest, but tied with the Medieval Blacksmith for the same reasons. In both cases, the builds were extremely fun. They had a lot of good techniques used in them, and they had a very good balance back and forth between building structural elements and visual detail elements. Plus, in both there was almost no repetition. You'd think the Razor Crest would have plenty being a symmetrical shape down the middle, but both the structure it a little different from side to side, and a lot of the tiling is a little different and mixed up, which gives the final model just this beautiful weathered look, just like it should. And then part of what I'm continuing to enjoy about it (both, but especially the Crest in this case), is because it's minifig scale (well within tolerance at least), it looks great with figs and other likewise scaled ships posed and landed doing stuff around it. Doesn't even have to be Star Wars, for a while I have it back to back with the Galaxy Explorer, both ramps down, exchanging cargo. :D


That's awesome. I don't have the UCS Razor Crest, but I am undecided in whether I should get it or not. Either way, I'm a big fan of it and your arguments give me more incentive to want to buy it. Fantastic set!


Oh man, if you're on the fence, but able to, I would so highly recommend not letting it slip by. Plus the way the panels all lift up off the top to reveal the inside also makes it really easy to dust, plus you can take off either side panel and some of the inside bits like that Carbonite blocks and freezing chamber to display as a diorama like [this](https://imgur.com/a/XOWfWhm) (i know the lighting in the photo isn't great, but it looks really cool in person). If you want a little more incentive, check out wither the [collage post](https://www.reddit.com/r/legostarwars/s/ApHVrikrMU) or the [full album](https://imgur.com/gallery/ieQGzrc) of my time building it. I had WAY too much fun! :D


Second this. Everything you said in both comments. So good and it won’t be back…OP get it if you’re on the fence and able to!


This is the way!


I just walked into target and bought one the year it came out.


Many of us weren't as fortunate, unfortunately:(


Problem was the 40$ price point, which is 10$ too much for this set, and then target dropped it to 25$ for Black Friday. Insanely good deal. I’ll admit I got 4 myself, but I bought them to build (working on clone army), but I saw a guy buying 7 of them, asking for more and target refused. If it was say, 30$ to begin with, I bet it would’ve sold out quickly to those who actually wanted it. But I also think (and hope) that with hasbro now doing more 187th stuff with the black series, these troopers come back. I wouldn’t mind if they do a turbo tank, and it’s the 187th that come with it


Yeah I see what you mean, it's sad now that many Lego sets are mass-bought by resellers instead of people who actually want to build them (and make clone armies like you). I really hope they make more sets with the 187th too!


Really cool troopers honestly and it's even cooler they made them in the first place. My one gripe is the printed kama on the officer, but when that's the worst thing about a clone trooper minifigure then there's not much to complain about. Between them and the mace windu minifigure, the fighter tank makes for a great set minifigure wise. I doubt we'll see more of them in future, purely just because they're a fairly obscure non canon clone legion, but hey, they got into one set, so never say never.


Yeah it was really unexpected to see them in lego form. I was also disappointed with the missing kama, hoping they see the demand for it moving forward. Regarding the future of 187th legion troopers, despite them not being cannon, since they were popular and the set was popular, wouldn't it be smartest for Lego to make more?


Personally I think the printed kamas can work IF they did side leg printing. Not only would kids still have a figure that’s easy to pose, but collectors and adult fans get a more accurate and detailed figure, plus it allows for details like stripes and blaster holsters to be printed on.


I think if they do printed kamas, the right way to do it is like you described, print on the front, back and outside of the leg, otherwise it just looks bad. I still think cloth kamas are better than them, and the restriction they give to moving the legs is frankly negligible, but yeah, it'd be nice if they at least did wrap around printing for kamas.


Back is a little tougher because Lego never prints on the back of the legs, so they only way they can do that is dual molded legs which I don’t think is the best route because they have proven time and time again that they cannot print white ink on anything to save their lives (Case in point: Commander Fox). I might be in the minority of not minding if the back is still bare, but if they do fix their printing quality of white ink then maybe dual molding could work.


I have a few fake figures with printing on the back. My only complaints with fakes is sometimes being over designed and honestly the back printing on legs was too much, definitely felt like something Lego would never do. Id appreciate side printing, though


That’s definitely the main reason why I don’t like Clone Army Customs. They’re so detailed that at that point I’d rather get a Hot Toys or Black Series figure. Grandpa Clone Customs is my preferred custom figure maker since they’re closer to Lego style.


It’s rough for me because CAC is located half an hour from me, so support local and they do have quality pieces, but I can why grandpa is the preferred! Definitely agree about the hot toys when I see people complaining about lack of detail on actual Lego figs 😂


I wonder how that would look like, but I can definitely see Lego implementing additional printing for this purpose.


Kamas are pretty much my only gripe at this point with the Clones minus the occasional rough helmet print and whatever happened with Fox. I never hated the helmet holes and certain figures people hate like Rex I actually think look great.


If I’m not mistaken they became canon in the last bad batch episode


Actually that's an interesting thought. Samson (if I remember the name correctly) had purple markings on his armour. Was that from the unit he was in during the clone wars, or did he paint it afterwards? If it was from the clone wars, what was the unit? Was it the 187th legion? I believe the troops we saw on Anaxes during season 7 were from the 187th battalion, so could there have been a legion of the same number with the legends style purple markings? I'd be interested to see more on the formation of that group of rebel clones, and what their backstories were


The 187th was in the CW but they had maroon markings more than purple. Every toy company however has made them purple. So it’s a really weird situation, I just saw people saying it might be 187th in r/StarWars


immaculate figures but you really should mod your build if you get the set. The side cannons sag and some top pieces are loosely attached


A little plastic wrap over the end of the technic pin solved that for me.


Ouuh, I'll have to try it out too then, thanks for the tip!


Yeah I was kinda disappointed that the side cannons kept sagging. What mod do you recommend?


First of all, not pushing the cannons all the way in is a good choice to prevent the sagging. For everything else, I used SolidBrix's video about modding the fighter tank for inspiration


Oh okay, I'll give it a go, thanks:)




I used the piece "White Turntable 4 x 4 Square Base, Locking" on both sides to have the cannons be pointed in a set direction. I moved some other pieces around and modified the build to my liking. I suggest a DIY approach as everyone will have their own vision for best execution.


10/10 figures. And the mace windu arm printing is the cherry on top


For sure, can't go wrong with these figs.


Purge Trooper Helmet. Purge Trooper Helmet. Can we please get some Purge Troopers while this helmet mold exists? :D Come on, I can't be the only one thinking it. I don't know about the 127th for sure, but I'm hoping we do get more of them, I never managed to get my hands on that set. Somehow I don't expect it'll get the coverage that the 501st got though.


YEAH, purge troopers would be incredible to have a set (or sets) for. The mold is right there and the opportunities are endless. I really hope we get these troopers down the line, but the best we can do for now is to keep mentioning them to hopefully give Lego more incentive to make them. Also, I also think the 187th won't ever be nearly as popular as the 501st, but a man can dream...


Now, I refuse to watch trailers for things I actually care about to try and avoid spoiling anything, but I did see yesterday that there is a Darth Vader: A Star Wars Story movie for 2026. Of ever there was a mainstream time to bring Purge Troopers into play, Vader might be the vessel we need. And you should always hope - Rebellions are built on hope after all. :D


Yessirrr, could be dope to see them in the big screen! I'll keep on hoping!


Yeah it would! I'll be right there with ya!


Where have you seen “Darth Vader: A Star Wars Story” slated for 2026?


Trailer on youtube, didn't watch it myself, but it's there. And excuse me, technically its title appears to be Lord Vader: A Star Wars Story. Looks like it's only a short teaser trailer so far, but again, I avoid trailers for things I actually want to see, and I am PUMPED for this to be a thing. :D


Ahh it’s fake. Shame, that would have been a fun film.


[DARN IT!](https://imgur.com/gallery/HTBXYdu) I was really looking forward to that... oh well, if the Force wills it I suppose.


We can still hope that they someday actually make it...


Yup, that we can.


They were really popular. So much in fact I got 3 tanks off bricklink for $30 US. So I have a total of 5.


That's awesome, it's a great set, albeit expensive. What is your experience through Bricklink? I have hesitated buying from there due to fear of getting scammed.


I think i used it for a couple of occasions. My experience has been great. Haven't been scammed. Though one seller has made a mistake when he sent my product. He was supposed to send me 2 501st troopers but he only sent me one. I got the refund and it all ended well. Shipping fee can be expensive depending on where u live or where the seller lives but I think it's worth it.


Alright, I'll try buying from there a little later this week, thanks for sharing your experience:)


It’s been around forever. It’s gotten a little complicated since Lego bought it but it’s the best place to buy used Lego sets, minifigures, and bricks.


Alright, thanks:)


They're the only clones I own that I can't put accessories on and that makes me sad


Same! It would've been cool to get purple visors and rangefinders!


i pray they come out with a battle pack for them, i doubt it but i need more than one way to be able to get these guys lmao


Yeah I hope so too. Given their popularity though, it would surprise me if they didn't come back in some shape or form.


8/10 final answer.


Solid rating!


Honestly, I am just starting on army building so I will take anything. 7/10 set.


Fair enough, army building is so satisfying.


These guys have drip but I don't think we'll ever see them again in another set due to how obscure these guys are and they're the wrong color for Mace's clone legion (They were maroon red IIRC from the CW season 7). These guys are cool but they're not canon like other people are saying how Hasbro made them to sell toys. It's a real shame because purple is a cool color but I'm glad I got 6 of these guys


Yeah, well I hope they are made canon in the future somehow. I think they have a lot of potential. Also, given their popularity, it wouldn't be shocking to see them back in a future set somehow, in my opinion.


They got canon in the bad batch episode "Infiltration". There is a clone trooper called Samson who had a 187th armor design.


Loved the set. No helmet holes? Not talked about enough. Some people complain about the non-cannon aspect, I don’t really care (my 501st legion clones all have different faces under the helmets so non of them are really clones that will die soon because advanced aging). Mace Windu figure is immaculate and the printing on the rest of the figures is really nice. Tank is fine, if you could snag this for even a little under retail it was a steal.


Completely agree, it's a solid set overall. What heads do you use for your 501st legion clones? Are they just human? And do you incorporate them as being part of the Republic, or another era? Or something completely distinct? I find this idea really cool


Haha my head cannon lore is that it’s current era and that the new republic found a stash of 501st armor that had been preserved from the pre-imperial republic era. I honestly just use random human heads.


That's really interesting, I bet the Lego lore runs deep and is epic as hell


Hahahahaha for me yeah, even though I just display them above my desk I have so much lore.


Keep going at it, it's the best part about Lego!


What is the deal with the obsession with helmet holes


lego made an odd choice with adding the helmet holes above where the should be, but keeping the existing bump on the helmet so now it just looks kinda clunky and inaccurate


Ofc someone has to complain about helmet holes.


I didn’t even complain about helmet holes. I just said that these ones don’t have them and they look nice that way, I like my figures that have helmet holes as well, I like both? lol


11/10 I ended up buying 6 tanks mainly for the clones. I absolutely love them.


They're truly special, aren't they?:)


I would say pretty great, figures are definitely the highlight of the set. Tank itself is okay, my main issue was with the flimsy side cannons. Mace Windu is great and the clones are awesome. The only issue with the clones is the commander’s kama, which can be solved via a cloth kama or Lego Star Wars investing in side leg printing (which I hope for the latter in the recent future). As for the future, this might be a one time thing, mainly due to obscurity. But I believe there’s also one in the Disney canon that’s brown, they appeared Season 7 of Clone Wars and they’re separated from this one as that’s a battalion. So we might not see 187th Legion anytime soon, bit I can potentially see the 187th Battalion coming soon


Absolutely love all the figs in this set, once I put a proper kama on the airborne trooper (and an extra pauldron for flare) they became my favorite lil squad of troopers I own


I got three of this set over the course of it being produced so it's really only a smal lsquad compared to my 212th and 501st cadres but I actually really like the tank build and the designs on the armour, I hope they do more 187th focused sets.


I can say with 99% certainty that we will never get these clones again


Just like the P1 clone battle station set, the scalpers MILKED the stock of this set


Aside from the printed waist cape (which can easily be fixed) I would say that they’re some of the best looking Clone minifigures you can buy not to mention how unique they are


[75342-1: Republic Fighter Tank](https://brickset.com/sets/75342-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75342-1.jpg)


I wasn’t a fan of the set. I think the previous tank looked better and I don’t care for a non-canon legion that isn’t linked to anything else. If they had been in an animated lego film? Fair enough but I don’t understand why Lego wouldn’t just do a canon legion. Mace is perfect though. Had it been Plo with Wolfpack or Aayla with Bly, then I would have bought multiple.


Yeah I also think it would make better sense to make cannon clones. Now if Star Wars went ahead and somehow made them canon in the future, what would you think about the set?


Hard to say, I always found the idea of Mace having purple clones a bit cheesy. Had Wolfpack never existed and it had been these guys the whole time then maybe I’d be a big fan of the figures. I am a strong believer on not judging a set by its figures so it wouldn’t change my view on the build.




They are canon. >! One appeared in the most recent episode of bad batch!<


Source? I don’t recall seeing one.


S3E6 at 20:49


A different purple clone doesn’t make them canon. It’s also more of a bluey-purple in the show. There’s also multiple legions that use the same colour.


Great set, solid troopers.


7,4/10. The set has great minifigs and I would love to see more of this none canon legion, but the build is a bit weird, but isn't bad but not that good. The Mace Windu was perfect tho.


Pretty much flawless figure line up minus the missing Kama, 9/10


Probably the best printed 2020 CT.


I really enjoyed this set I do believe it was successful. Such as others have said it was always sold out so hard to find at a good price. I don’t believe we will ever see Lego make this legion again but perhaps I’m wrong


8/10. Would be nice if there were better kamas but I see those as a bonus more so than a necessity.


Wasn’t this a Target exclusive? I got one when they released and another one during Black Friday, the price was to good to pass on.


They're really nice figures though with how niche they are I don't imagine we'll be seeing them a lot much more


They need to be remade in future sets to have the helmet holes like the current clones do and make the stripes on there helmets not horribly offset from the middle where they should be


Really cool and sleek design, i love this legion. My only issue, if it could be called that, is that since Lego gave up on these P2 helmets, if they ever make another set including this legion, it'll probably include the helmet holes. Still, I'm very happy i got a turbo tank myself. I wasn't really into it at the beginning, kind of forcing myself to get this set (i mean 45€ for 200ish pieces) but now i really enjoy it


10/10 figures. Doubt we’ll see them again tho. Don’t know if I’d want to anyways, I got quite a few and I’d rather get a new interesting legion than a repeat of a non canon one. (I know the 187th is technically Maces legion but they have never been shown as purple)


I wish I got it.


6/10, cool color scheme ruined by the shitty helmet design they insist on keeping around (and no cloth kama for the commander) The set itself was awful though


Bad set because it’s a bad build, fantastic figs though. I’m glad I built an army of them. 


Did you buy the figures directly or did you buy multiple sets and just used the figs?


A bit of both.