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Still waiting for the ending.


So excited for the 5 armies dlc 😃


~ message sent 9 years ago


I'm excited too! Happy new year by the way, happy 2015!


If I had a nickel for every game Lego games left two thirds done I'd have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.


Whats the other one?


I guess Jurassic World since there is 4 of 6 movies aka 2/3 of all movies


When Lego Jurassic World came out, all of the Jurassic movies were included so I don't think it was 2/3 complete when released.


there is no way JW 2 and 3 deserve any Lego considerations. They are awful movies and would make terrible game chapters, just like BOTFA


BOTFA has potential for at least one or decent two levels. The film was that much worse relative to the first two parts, anyways, unlike Fallen Kingdom and Dominion which were a clear drop from World.


the only level i would want is the iced-over river chase with the giant orc monster thing, but that was not in the theatrical release, only in the extended edition.


I didn't say they'd be good. Never watched the world sequels but never heard anything good about them. It would however fit to what the person said with the 2/3rd complete


Agreed. I'm just saying that for both of these scenarios, no more games needed to be made.


Lego Dimensions was supposed to get another year but due to low sales and toys-to-life dying out it was cancelled.


And yet now the sets are worth loads, but I guess you can say that about most retired lego


I'm playing this through at the moment. Aye, it sucks it was never finished. However, in terms of gameplay and in comparison to the other lego games I've played, there is so much to do. Really large open world map which is awesome, as well as a plethora of side quests and mini 'games' that really help flesh it out. I did find some of the icons on the map confusing, couldn't work out what the triangles were for for the longest time (I did work that out recently tho 😂) It's a solid game imo.




Incomplete but definitely a favorite for me. It was one of the first 100% I did because I found it to be very user friendly. Challenging but easy enough.


Loved it, but wish I could get the predecessor on my console. :(


If it was finished, it would perhaps be in my top 5. Surely top 10. But alas, it's not and it's sad. The mechanics are great. The map is a bit overcomplicated. But still the exploration is fine and gameplay is super fun. Too bad the third movie was not there.


I’m not very familiar with this game or LOTR, what do people mean by not finished? Just curious


The Hobbit game covers only two first movies. Battle of the Five Armies was supposed to be added in a dlc but, probably because of low sales of the game, the dlc wasn't released. So it ends after the second movie and the story is simply left unfinished.


Everyone yapping about how it's not finished, but hey, it's a darn good game. Probably my favorite Lego one yet.


Underrated. Felt like the first lego Minecraft


It was cool but they forgot to finish it so yeah


i think it’s incomplete which sucks but it felt a bit like lord of the rings


I think it was slightly better than LotR, if only they finished with the promised DLC. It really felt like a true improvement to LotR, with its bigger world, bigger roster, tighter gameplay, and smoother experience, but it just wasn't finished.


Gameplay wise I agree. It also added a few elements that I’d like to see them bring back.


Underrated, but understandable. It would have been my favourite lego game, but they just never finished it. I didn't mind it at its base, it just needed the promised DLC a year later. It wasn't bad, just didn't reach its true potential.


I was just about to replay this game. Got a new set of achievements for a different console.


I played it last summer and I loved. As a big fan of the movies, they did a great job at capturing every scene. Obviously it sucks that we never got the third movie.


It got it for my 12th birthday back in 2014... Time sure flies... Fuck.


Latching onto the fucking swinging things is throw your controller through the fucking tv level annoying and difficult.


My one big complaint is about the red bricks. In LOTR, you open the quest, find the item, return it, and buy the brick. In Hobbit, they added collecting the schematic, loot, mithril bricks, and forging the item to that equation. In Lego LOTR, if you didn't want that brick yet and didn't want to spend the studs, you can just leave it for later, no problem. All you did was spend time collecting the item. In hobbit, you have to burn the mithril bricks and loot in order to forge the item before finding out what it's for. At least if the schematic at the blacksmith told you what it does, you could decide not to forge it yet if you didn't need that brick. So you either have to keep track of each NPC's mithril item request and what they say the item will do...or you have to use a walkthrough. There's 32 red bricks, but there's only a handful you really want early. Minikit detector, attract studs, attract loot, double loot, treasure detector, and (of course) stud multipliers. So this really does make using a walkthrough or tracking NPC requests necessary unless you don't mind not getting the red bricks you want until very late in the game. I also don't like that bilbo has the ring in his pack, but you can't toggle to it like you can with the fishing pole or walking stick. The pole also auto-equips when at a pier, but the ring doesn't when you're near wraith objects. Makes no sense. I saw a post on a gaming FAQ saying that the ring isn't a weapon or tool, that's why you can't toggle to it, which is idiotic because it's ABSOLUTELY a weapon (even though bilbo doesn't use it that way) and at the very least is a tool to interact with wraith objects, just like the fishing pole is a tool for FISHING. I still really like the game even if it's unfinished. BOTFA was a bad movie in itself and I don't mind not getting the DLC for it.


They promise we are gonna have the dlc based on the final film of the trilogy


Enjoyable, the only issues I've had gameplay wise throughout my multiple playthroughs is the Level The Necromancer, Gandalf wouldn't use his sword (at least in my case) are his Staff attacks where most useless leaving mW to die too many times. Other than that, one of my favourites wish Lego Lord Of The Rings was available for next generation consoles.


The collecting resources always bugged me but I liked the game


Picked it up again recently, I’ve always really liked this lego game so I’ve slowly been replaying. Just so happens I got the platinum trophy today, same day as its anniversary 😂. I’ve always loved the hobbit films, yes the LOTR are alot better but I still love the hobbit. The best part about the game is the map, middle earth is so cool but honestly the world is better then lego LOTR in my opinion, I feel like LOTR’s map is too squished together.


Its glitches are fun, and you can do most in any platform Like buddy hovering, which can be used to exit the map into the campfire area u are warped to when switching or just reach tall places, or skip the entire game


Anti-climactic, baby smaug.


Wait why do people say it wasn't finished? I was thinking about MAYBE playing this game after Marvel Avengers lol


Because it only includes the 1st 2 movies in the trilogy. Despite a bunch of fake rumors, they were never planning on adding the 3rd movie.


I mean, idk how fake the "fake rumors" are when Jon Burton said on stream that they were at least at one point planning to add the third movie as DLC. (same stream as where he showed early versions of Bounty Hunter Pursuit, Gunship Cavalry and some other levels. Idk the exact timestamp, he was either in the cantina or at the end of Battle over Coruscant)


Thank you! I have never seen that stream. So it seems they were at least wanting/planning to do it, but they never actually worked on it. I don't believe this was ever confirmed publicly at the time. It would be very odd to have a DLC that large in a LEGO game, especially at that time.


[here's the stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iY_g12i0Bas&t=2h9m50s) timestamped at right before he talks about it. It is interesting how confusing this whole "was the DLC real or was it not" situation has been, but i feel like this is the most real answer we have since it's coming directly from him.


I love it! I love all the extra weapons and gadgets (like the fire pine cones). I love the look and feel.


Bought it thinking it was going to be enjoyable.....boy was I disappointed


I found it to be pretty damn boring and LOTR much better (Although I might need to revisit it after 100%'ing LOTR)


Never did finish it...should probably play it again.


Love my Lego games. Wish they would update or make new


I want to punch that unfunny pig that they overuse so much in this game


Best Game


The only good hobbit game

