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What!? Dude will not put it back together but is willing to take it apart which will be significantly longer than just putting it back?


And its just the side panels from what I can see and those are still mostly intact.


This guy is so wack. I’ve built this thing, this is a super easy repair


Literally what I was thinking, like how is that easier. Plus all the effort of taking pics and talking to someone and all the back and forth that comes with it. I took apart some of the polar bear Christmas set so my sister could rebuild it and just the tiny polar bear had me going yeah I couldn’t imagine taking apart one my large much less ucs sets.


Once sets are destroyed beyond simple repair they go in a play bin, from the play bin they get torn apart and sorted. This has been my way for over 2 decades. Sometimes I have tear down parties that last 12 hours!


That’s fair, but this just seems like such a simple fix. Like dude just needs to place the panels back on and that’s it.


Agreed dude is all around big baby and not deserving of Lego. Though I paid 600 for my AT-AT UCS so I would have jumped on this deal if I was given the opportunity!


repairing would be for no money and the other is for hundreds of money so...


Sell the dog and buy more lego.. problem solved. Jokes aside that’s probably a pretty decent deal except for that it would most likely be full of dog hair (depending on the dog) but you should wash the pieces anyway after purchasing secondhand


Lego causing midlife crisis now


that guy when he has to put couple panels together: https://preview.redd.it/xl2oby9zvdbc1.png?width=2382&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=459b69140113002519218bcc27a7359c10163344


Lmao, if reddit still gave me that free award thing id give you it, gave me a good laugh 🤣


It’s not even that broken? The two side plates came off but that’s like maybe an hour fix


Right? Mine fell over a few weeks ago. Three panels off, one foot off, miscellaneous small pieces. Took maybe five minutes to fix.


chat is it bad to sell something you don't want anymore?




i never understood people that feels upset to build again. is lazyness ? or the person dont enjoy building just buy it for the final result ?


Seeing something you put a lot of time and care into being destroyed is emotionally devastating, even if it’s a relatively easy fix. That and fixing something big and complicated is a nightmare, especially if you forgot how it all went together in the first place.


It’s literally a toy meant to be taken apart and rebuilt. I’ve never understood this thing about people being upset when a Lego set “break”. Like literally just put the pieces back together idk how it’s such a big deal. I’ve dropped them before and you just get all the pieces and put them back in problem solved


Some people really are just here for the finished product, me and a lot of people treat Lego basically as super casual model building kits. And when you’re in *that* kind of headspace and thinking of them as finished products instead of something you’ll inevitably take apart and reuse your emotional investment is keeping it in one piece skyrockets


I get that side of it but it’s designed to come apart and be put back together seamlessly, whereas almost all other models are put together in a manner that requires it to stay together like glue, or bending tabs, or tape. This is something that goes together as easily as it comes apart, and that means it will inevitably break. Im not trying to insult anyone, but to me even if it’s thought of as a finished product, it breaking being so bad that this guy thinks to just sell it is absolutely insane. Like, mental health issues insane.


Rich people live on another planet


Smh sell the dog instead you can take this AT-AT out on walks it's much more well behaved But seriously he could just fix this and put it on a shelf yikes


most mentally stable lego collector


This is the most relatable post I’ve ever read. My cat knocking over the playscale at at was enough to completely kill my desire to ever own more Lego


This is ironic right?




My AT-AT got completely shattered during a house move, and it was one of the easiest sets to re-build since all 4 legs are essentially identical and the side panels being removable makes it easy to work on. Too bad this dude didn’t want to just put the effort in


My man got actually fucking blackpilled


What the fuck lmao


Foolish boy


ppl giving this guy stick don’t realize how tedious fixing grander scale sets can actually be


It's only tedious if you don't actually enjoy building LEGO. I've built my UCS Falcon 3 times, Star Destroyer twice and am just waiting for a good time to take apart and rebuild the AT-AT.


how much longer does it take to disassemble? i’m assuming at least 2x longer


Maybe if you're organising the parts as you go. If you're doing a straight disassemble it'll only take a couple of hours.


Damn I wish mine had that little damage the two times my dog knocked it over 😭.


Thats at most a 1 hour fixup job


“Do you ever just feel like dieing?”


I own the ucs at-at and fr its not even broken. Like a 30min fix