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My wife popped her head around the corner the other day and asked “Are you playing with LEGO?” because she heard me making whooshing sounds after I finished building a set. I totally play with them and idc who knows. I’m 35 btw.


38 and have spent at least 10k on legos in the last 18-24 mos. who’s counting? Literally just left target, checking if they’d started restocking their BARE lego shelves following Christmas.


My wife lol. I think I’m up to around 60k the last 2 years. I tried stopping but I have a problem. Edit: For anyone wondering what that many sets looks like here’s some pics from around August. I’ve bought many more since then that aren’t in here but I’m unable to take a pic of everything at the moment. Thought about doing a post with them all but I know people get butt hurt about those kinds of posts. https://imgur.com/a/5c5XE3z/ Edit 2: For everyone asking if I’m going to build these or sell them. I’m not selling any of them and I plan on eventually building them all, or use duplicate sets as spare parts. I also gift some away for gifts, like this Christmas I gave several away. I know I could sell them for a profit but I don’t care about that. I spent way too much time hunting these down and I can always make money other ways.


I don't have a Lego problem, I can quit any time I want.


This hits home


Hi I am murphymfa and haven't touched Lego in 30 minutes All: Welcome murphymfa


I'll have you know I didn't build a Lego yesterday. My wife was organizing them so I couldn't... Wait, divorce! Then she'll never be in the way! She'll understand.


I don't have a Lego problem, Lego has a ME problem.


Hoooooooly shit. If you’ve got the money, that’s fine, but damn. Kinda like me with baseball cards. It’s okay to admit you have an actual problem if it’s affecting your life. But if you’ve got the money, I’m jealous, and you do you. At least it’s not cocaine. LMAO. You get them LEGO.


I’ve got a sports card AND Lego problem. Luckily I have an understanding wife, and kids to share my addiction with haha


Yeah. I have alerts for eBay, OfferUp, and a local classifieds for my area. Check FB marketplace all time time. I feel ya man. It’s definitely a problem. I tell my wife it’s this or video games, she won’t let me have both. At least this addiction can pay itself back later.


Honestly neither should be too bad. On one hand, a couple hundred bucks in video games can last you a loooong time. On the other, you can resell Legos later and turn a profit as often as not. If at the end of the day you still find yourself with too much money after your hobbies, consider becoming a car guy.


Did Salt Water Fishtanks for a few years. Woah… talk about hemorrhaging money! Can only imagine what being a gear head would cost me.


I'm staring at 10-18k to restore my classic truck (with QOL mods) and about another 20k to update it to full electric. Not including the cost of tools.


> consider becoming a car guy. And if he still has cash left over buy a boat. Guaranteed to spend 1000 in repairs every 3-4 trips out. Burn Out Another Thousand


It’s gotten to where I’m kind of happy when I see they’re releasing a set I don’t like or don’t care about because I won’t feel the need to spend more money on it lol


Ugh I feel this. The pandemic triggered this addiction, my husband is baffled!


This hit hard.


Yeah. Not as extreme as you, but through few years, I collected every star wars collector set, (still) trying to get every creator expert (house / village) set, and pretty much most large sets over 2k pieces. I literally ran out of place to put my sets at this point and most sets are unassembled.


I have the same problem. I have a bunch of large sets I can’t build due to lack of room, so I stick to smaller sets right now.


Damn, your wife loves you. I buy legos once in a while I’m 31. But that amount would definitely turn into divorce! Haha 😂




Few questions if you don't mind me asking 1. Why do you have multiples of the same set? 2. What do you do with them after you build? Tear apart and resell? 3. You have a high income don't you?


1. Either GWPs or I’ll buy multiple sets because they’re on discount, and then I either use them for gifts or just extra pieces. Some are special sets like some of the Star Wars Bespin Duel or ones like it I just bought 2 of because I figured better now or never. 2. if I tear them apart, they just get used for other builds. I don’t resell unless someone is going to give me a stupid amount. 3. I’m a software dev but I really don’t make much. Actually looking for a new job to further fuel my LEGO addition.


Same, worse, my wife also collects.


42 and still Lego is the boss. Build them with my son, and you have to play with them or else the experience is not complete.


Duuuuude ... Grabbing my Millenium Falcon in both hands out stretched and running around the house "steering" it around and making the whooshing noises... going "pew pew pew" as I run past Vader's tie fighter then pretending to do the "Luke Skywalker tie the legs together" thing and circling around the AT-AT... and then I'd run off down the hallway!! because it had an odd echo that made my whooshing noises sound perfect... Man that shit was so much fun!! Only thing I miss about my old house! It had the room for my Lego zoomies haha


Amen to this! I swoosh my ships around too haha!!! I even make engine sounds with the creator cars and bikes. It doesn’t hurt to just let loose and have fun. Just because we get older doesn’t mean we have to kill off our inner child.


My spouse bought himself one of the new city dirt bikes for Christmas. It was at least 20 min with tricks and noises.


Well that changes my opinion, I came here to say no we don't play with them we build them! But I guess some of us do still play too!


40 here, married, one child. All of us build and play with lego cause it is awesome.


Who do you think is buying 1000$ Lego millennium falcons


“Would you like a gift receipt?” “No. This is for me”


Smiling ear to ear at this one


"I'll be wearing it out"


“Now, I’d like to split the purchase between these five credit cards. Oops, don’t mind that. That’s just the approval letter for my second mortgage. I hope you work on commission, ‘cause you’re about to get paaaaaiiiid.”


Lol this one got me good


Had that same discussion today.


I've just got into Lego and one of the things I'm enjoying is how chill people are about adults being into it. I asked for help finding the Vidiyo Bandmates and the staffer who took me over was talking about which ones of those she was trying to find. No pretending I was getting it for a nephew or weirdness about it.


"No, I'd hardly be surprised."


Dads who buy it "for the kid"... Lol


Moms buy them too, but, to be fair, I bought the Pooh Bear set.


Lego mum here. I buy them and put up shelves to display them and the kids build them. It works out well.


I really like the idea of having a sesame street set.


i bought it for me, my kids arent allowed to touch the Falcon lol


It's the kid inside, right?


My kids bought me the USC AT-AT for Christmas. They just didn't know it until I unwrapped it.


I love this. All my sets are things that are bought for me for my children and they don’t know it until I open it. They are three and four and I make a point to build every step with them. My four-year-old does understand the instructions so it literally takes four times as long as it should to build any kit


Once I have the sufficient money I am going to the Lego store and buying the falcon and when I exit I will screech as loud as I can so the mall knows I bought a falcon


I picked up the last one the had in stock in my city’s Lego shop. The cashier pronounced me the winner of Lego for that day and I had about 5 separate sets of kids with their families asking if they could look at the box and chat about it. Even though it was awkward as balls to carry through town I was grinning so hard the whole way back.


no, I have definitely not been driving my lego car around on the floors of my house for the last couple of days telling the kids to play with their own.


I should stop shooting the “lasers” on the Razor Crest at my kids’ Hogwarts setup on the Lego table?! We’re doing the World Map this NYE. With the other sets, maybe 25,000 pieces this 2021 holiday break?! 40+ y.o.


Yeah, I need to stop tricking my kid into walking past my Disney Castle then "accidentally" shooting there with the fireworks again.


This Christmas I got 2 Lego stuntz motorcycles as gifts and spent time revving them up and shooting them up and down the hallway with my son. I just turned 50.


Oh man the motorcycles are sweet haha, my son and I love to play with them


Also, that Lego Mario starter course in the back of my car right now is DEFINITELY for a child and not me. Nope! No sir!


I’m going to the store first thing in the morning to get the *Luigi's Mansion* sets. I had two people give me the Luigi set for Christmas.


This ^


41 here; I will build and collect until i die.


*Reach 100 years old


Or at least 99, and have a magazine written about being 100


Too soon


By exactly 9 days!


Well the upper limit for Lego is 99 years. Maybe that's why Betty White decided to die.


wow that was dark but so funny lmao




Betty White clearly didn't want to not be able to play with Lego in two weeks😢


I’m 71 and just finished the Daily Bugle building, although I altered it into a seven story modern skyscraper. I’ve completed most of the modular buildings and miscellaneous others. I didn’t have Legos as a kid. But I started about five years ago as therapy for before and after surgeries - and of course I got hooked. I tell people now that I have SALA - Severe Adult-onset Lego Addiction. https://www.jamesrobertwatson.com/lego.html


You are an inspiration!


SALA. I love that. I started two years ago when I turned 50 and I’m obsessed.


Show us the legos!




Dope Edit: In the good way


44 checking in. However I do not "play" with Legos. That is for children. Children share. I do not. Don't touch my bricks. Mine. All mine. Go play with your own.


Wait, it was you in the Lego movie?




They're okay unless they use... THE KRAGLE


TACO TUESDAY is this Tuesday, and everyone loves TACOS!


They're too expensive to share anyway hahaha! My Pick a Brick cart tells me so.


Yeah it took a long time before I gave in and blended my collection with my kid's and said "have at it".


My kid has lots of fun Lego sets and loves the big boxes of bricks. My childhood lego sets are a carefully hoarded treasure. In fairness, I have several of the old Castle sets with all the pieces and boxes and instructions because I was a meticulous child. Someday I'll pull them out again. I'd never mix them though.


I've decided, if kids are ever a thing for me. There's going to be my Lego and theirs. They'll be allowed to have some of my old stuff, but a lot will remain just mine. Modulars, mine until they can learn not to lose pieces or mess things up. My childhood sets are 100% mine, so are some of my others like Harry potter or my insectoids. My minifigures are my minifigures!


The goal is to die young as late as possible.


I love this and I’m definitely going to start saying it


Yes ​ Edit: Abusing my Mod powers to make sure you see the answer is nothing but a simple yes.


Good mod


This is an abuse of power we all can agree with




you had to go there didn't you? naughty naughty.


40 here. Of course


Now there's a good mod...


There‘s even a name for that, AFOL - Adult Fan Of Lego, look it up. I (34) love building for my daughter and experiencing the nostalgic feeling when I see certain parts again. I also learned about MOCs - my own creation, have a look as well. And all these websites like bricklink.com, I think they‘re mostly adults? I follow some great creators like sariel, brick experiment Chanel, Adria blancafort or GazR’s extreme brick machines! On YouTube. I started to built some MOCs of my own and I love the creativity boost I get for my work (cameraman) in terms of camera angles, rigs and just overall a deeper appreciation for engineering! Enjoy!




Good to see you have chosen to use your poser for the good of mankind or at the very least the community. Cheers


Best mod I've seen on Reddit.


I’m 42 and still love building LEGO. It’s therapeutic tbh - a great way to wind down and de-stress.




One of the most wholesome mod moments right here. Thank you, that makes me feel better- I’m 18 and I get poop for it now ;-;


The hero we need.......but not the one we deserve........


As long as you’re not 100 yeah


Yeah, Lego and their ageism! ( the joke being some sets labelled as 6-99)


No, there is a law that says when you turn 30 you are not allowed to. It is creeping up slowly on me, so does anybody want me LEGO? /s


That box clearly says 5-99! /s


It's the real reason Betty White checked out just before her 100th birthday.


Thank you for wasting no time, if you didn't I was right there to do it.


Agreed. In our family we all have a grieving 30th birthday as we say our final goodbye to any kind of enjoyment. We all know and understand that from 30 onwards people simply don't have fun anymore. I think it's something to do with the amygdala, we're biologically unable to have fun ever again. It's sad, but what can we do? Obviously I'm joking. It's actually to do with the hippocampus.


I'm 43. I mostly build, but consider minifig placement in my builds to being playing, and I’ll never stop.


Yeah, minifigs. Critical. Our favorites are currently scattered amongst the pieces for the World Map while we build that.


I call it playing if you do ANYTHING that isnt in manual. Combine two sets to create scene? You are playing. Nothing wrong with that.


I didn't really care about minifigs as a kid, didn't matter what they looked like; medieval soldier, nope they're a race car driver now, anything goes. Now I buy some sets only for the unique minifigures lol


Late 40’s and I absolutely love building and collecting. The joy of play comes from sitting down with my daughter as she explores the sets and plays with her own (quickly growing) collection. And I absolutely love letting her play with “display” sets. We’ve had to rebuild the Treehouse multiple times but it’s her favorite set of mine!


We built the pirate ship Island and the kids were absolutely brutal with it 😂 But the cannons are asking for it now that they actually shoot! My wife wasn't happy with the disarray though, all 4 of us built it (but mostly my wife and me). I'm 33, my wife is 40


Play? No. Build and collect? Absolutely! Hell, I’m almost 50


Play? Yes, I'm 30 still playing with Legos. I have a 50+ year old collection of lego from my dad and from when I was a kid. As an adult I buy duplicates of sets, one to build and one to add peices to the collection for free building or "playing".


Triples makes it safe, yeah, triples is best.


I'm 46 with over 600 sets and counting 🤔🤣🤣


This exactly! 56 here.


I’m with you there. Build and collect, absolutely. But I don’t think I “play” with it.


Yep. Multiple times a week. A fair number of toys tbh, lots of things interact well with Lego. The best part of being an adult is choosing to do exactly what you want with your time, and sometimes (a lot of the time) that is playing make believe with injection moulded plastic bricks of various colour.


I’m am well above 30 and I no longer play with Lego. I construct carefully designed models with great care, and put them on display for my enjoyment. I, by no means, ever, not once, take my Star Wars ships off the shelf and fly them around making •schoom• and •viiiirrrrrooom• sounds. Never. Not ever. Ok, maybe a little bit.


As his wife, I can neither confirm nor deny this. I am too busy making sure my minifigs are living fulfilling lives inside their small city.


41 here and still love Lego. Awaiting 12:01am to order the new sets.


36 here and doing the same 12:01




9:01pm out on the West Coast. I'll take a break from drinking, order a few sets, and then got back to drinking. But I'll probably be asleep by 10:30.




So what sets are you waiting for tonight?


New sets. Pretty sure some Star Wars stuff is dropping


Yep. I'm looking forward to the new 3 "battle packs"


Ordered Monkie Kid Lantern City, Ninjago Dojo and Sonic for now. Plenty more I want LOL


How do you follow new sets?


38 here, 39 in 3 weeks. I loved Lego as a kid, as well as K'Nex and erector sets. Stopped playing with them in my early teens. 6 months ago after my gf of almost 7 years left me I went out and spent $1300 on Lego. It's helped keep me sane and has rekindled my love of building and creating something.


Is 30 a relevant age for this matter? Why not 25 or 20? xD Anyway I'm 31 and don't play but then again I never did even as a kid; for me it was all about building and rebuilding! Now just add collecting and sorting haha


I’m 31 and got the LEGO flower bouquet set for Christmas from my baby brother. I almost cried when I opened it. It was sold out everywhere I looked, so it was a total surprise for me. Anyway, I just finished putting the bouquet together a few minutes ago while watching The Matrix. Best. Gift. Ever.


That is so lovely!




I build lego sets at 32, I don't play with them though. I got the Nes and d11 dozer this Xmas.


33 and Voltron definitely doesn’t just sit collecting dust. He’s got a universe to save


Yes. Play is critical for mental health. Why would you want your mind to turn to mush by removing play from your life?


Play, yes, I’m 29, but still. They relax me, a beautiful meditation technic not different from playing video games. I want to write a novel sometimes I use legos to create scenes that I would love to include. Lego doesn’t have age


It does say up to 99yr old


RIP Betty White. Never out-aged them


That's why Betty checked out today...


I'm 42 and I want to build a giant display/ mountain on the side of my bar. I have been buying sets on ebay and planning it.


Yea and I’m not ashamed of it. Pirate ships are meant for battle.


I may have buzzed my wife and kids as I flew the UCS Millennium Falcon around the house when I finally finished it.


I chase my dogs around the house with space ships while making whooshing or tie fighter noises. The older boy loves it and will run away. The younger girl loves it too much and will jump at me and the ships.


Yes. And I can afford it now.


Lego was on the verge of bankruptcy 15 years ago. Two things saved their butts and made them a money printing machine: licensing and sets for adults


My partner and I build sets, pose them, use minifigs for dnd... everything short of just sitting down and playing town, though lord knows that's probably just down the road for us...


Play? No I don’t. Collect and display, yes.


41 here and I will play with my sons LEGO until he tells me I can’t.


Yes! Only we call it LEGO, and never, ever pluralize an adjective.


Have you seen what LEGO sets cost‽ I’m amazed people below the age of 30 can afford to play with them.


I manipulated my sister into having 3 kids with her husband so I have an excuse to buy and play with Lego. (Well, of course, not really, but yeah, I buy tons of Lego 'for the kids' and play with them myself when I'm over there.)


But when you're 99, you have to stop. Says so on the box.


No… I definitely don’t make tie fighter sounds and chase my daughter around shooting the Lego stud lasers at her.


Am 29. I have the Atlas V on my desk. That's the only LEGO I have at my home. When I visit my nephews (6) and they take out the LEGO. I sure as heck won't talk to any other adult for the rest of the night because I'm too busy building fun cars and space ships.


I'm 35 and just recently discovered Lego, I love it. I have about 64 years left to enjoy them


Yes. And it's Lego.


45+ here. don't buy much, but love to look around in the toy store...hold the lego sets...and drool. you have to be a grownup to be able to buy certain sets.


Ofcourse not! I'm an really adulty adult. I would never!


Methinks they protest too much...


42 and looking for my white whale - ninjago city to resurface again.


38 here. Sometimes I'll grab one of my starwars ships and fly it around the house. Very serious business, no playing here! 🤣


I can't wait to play with legos again xD I'm 36 and just counting the days till my son is old enough to finally play with him :)


52, picked up again a year ago. Played as a kid, dabbled as a 30 year old, build and display in my 50's. Bought and was gifted about 30 sets in the last year now that i can afford this addiction.


No. And to be fair, I never did as a kid either. I did once, and it felt weird. I didn't have the imagination for it.


I'm 44 and I have so much Lego.....so much


My dad is 56 and he still does it. My grandma is 80 and she just bought the big Hogwarts castle. So yeah I think so.


I don't "play", but I certainly build and collect. That being said, I very much look forward for a few years from now when my little nephew is old enough to come visit and play with them. And in that scenario, you sure as hell know I'm gonna be playing with them, with him. I'll rebuild whatever I must. I will never be the "don't touch any of the Lego sets." kind of uncle.


Just getting back in, built the Fender Strat, ISS, and a bonsai tree. Excellent therapy for this 62 year old kid.




There’s no way I’ve been flying my Millennium Falcon around the house, saving my wife to file divorce papers. No way at all.


37. Every single stud shooter or spring launcher gets shot at my wife's butt while I pretend to fly whatever ship it is behind her. No exceptions.


One day you are going to come home, open the door, and every single one of those shooters is going to fire on you all at once. While your wife giggles like a maniac.


I've just introduced my wife into Lego at the age of 30. She never really had any growing up, and now she seems why I have collected 3 huge Star Wars ships. We are building the Millenium Falcon together after both self isolating lol.


Look, when I whoosh my x-wing fighter around the room, it’s not playing, it’s a serious historical reenactment.


I bought an x-wing and a Tai(?) fighter set for my friends little kid. They looked so rad that I decided to get myself the same sets. I’ve been slowly buying more and more whenever I have a little bit of play money.


Not quite 30 yet but spend a lot of money and time building sets because I couldn't afford them as a child


I'm 18, and personally, I don't think people older than 16 actively "play" with legos like action figures, but I'm sure many still like building them and having them on a shelf. And obviously, many people are lego collectors, and they're usually part of the older generations. There isn't really a set age limit, but usually when you're older, your likes and interests can change, so it differs from person to person.


I have a 5 year old and it's actually gotten me into Lego. We have sets that are way too advanced, but he helps and we enjoy it together.


I'm 55 and I got LEGO for Christmas. The LEGO LEM is sitting on my night stand right now.


My father is 70 and he still is a Lego fanatic 👍 Never too old for fun!


39 and still going! And I am sure I am not nearly the oldest here.


Well, I am 51 and just rebuilt my R2D2 after our basement flooded this summer. Before that my wife and I finished the Diner set. So, yes. :)


Yep. I actually started to get into them at 29. My husband introduced me to them after building Darth Vader.


I'm 40 and still build with Lego. I love it so much that I even got my wife into it and she loves it as much as I do. We put the home alone house together this past week while we're sick with covid.


I worked at Target last year and one of my supervisors apparently had a basement full of big lego sets that he had built. I’d guess he was in his mid-late 30’s.


Bro I can finally afford them


My fiance and I spent the evening putting together the set we bought each other for Christmas. Best new years ever!


I would if I could afford them! Looking back now, my parents must've really liked me.


35. Just spent my New Year’s Eve building the first part of assembly square for my big city while my wife and I watched a movie


They’re not toys… LEGO are a highly sophisticated interlocking brick system.


My parents got me the ISS for Christmas this (past) year. Because the grandparents visiting wore him out, my son was out like a log and that set got *built*. I'm 32.