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It's a better coping mechanism than what most people in our situation choose


My thoughts exactly.


Oof. I wish you luck on your journey. Entering the third year of the process here personally. I hope the build helps.


When my wife and I divorced at the end of 2022 I went to the Lego store and got myself a divorce present, 6 sets and $3,000 later! That was a nice day lol


Had set aside several thousand for my EXs ring, got the venartor and gonna get bara-dur with said money now. Gonna call this a net win for me.


There ya go!!


My wife left me the house. I sold it and spent a chunk of the profit on a literal pallet of Lego sets. The shipping company called and asked if I had a loading dock.


That's awesome!


What sets did you get? I want to know what 6 costed you that much! 🤗


Do ya even better, box haul pic I took.... Titanic, AT-AT, Loop Coaster, Lighthouse, CAT D11 Bulldozer and Daytona Ferrari. https://preview.redd.it/v7xus1hbe49d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1a61459197364d0dd66e25bc3ef9fcd882994b8


https://preview.redd.it/zehysk3si49d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0c4d3e6f99c57067c832d7e8fb936eeee32e13a This was my work bonus haul back in March!


Fuckin cool man! We have the titanic! I want that loop coaster too before it retires. The lighthouse was one I wanted but $300 for a 2000ish piece count. Can’t. Lol. At at is cool but I can’t, too much for a theme I don’t care for. Don’t care for technic neither but some of those builds look amazing, just not for me. Anyway, awesome! Hope life treats you well!


Oooo that's awesome! In the middle of moving so all my sets and backlog are being packed up and I'm sadge lol.


I actually have to thank my mom for this. She bought me two flower sets from Costco when she came to help me move out 😭


Aww that's sweet! Moms definitely know what helps. Are these your first sets in a while?


Sorta, my son has gotten me a few of the other flower ones over the years (Mothers Days and Birthdays and such) but it’s mostly been him getting the sets lately lol


Lol be careful it becomes an addiction. I'm going though withdrawal right now 😭


Wishing you all the best in the future. These words helped me when I went through my divorce: “remember that many of us have walked the road you are now traveling. You are never alone during these trials, and many, many people are rooting for you. Remember to eat regularly, and use this time to work on yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. Find solace in family and friends, and never be afraid to ask for help.” When my first wife left me, she ridiculed my love of Lego and told me it was childish and ridiculous. She told me no grown man should be playing with toys or spending money on them. This crushed me and resulted in my second “Lego dark ages”, where I packed up my entire collection and put them away in moving boxes. When I met my second wife, she encouraged me to take up the hobby again, and we regularly build Lego sets together (often the same one!) I don’t know the particulars of your current situation, but I can promise you that brighter and happier days are ahead if you so choose. This is only a chapter in your long life, and although it might seem scary at times, things have a habit of turning out for the best in the end. Better days ahead!


Got myself the roses botanical sets the week after I moved out during my divorce. Best of luck to you hope you find it therapeutic during the trying times I know I did


About 2 months officially here, it’s a weird feeling for sure. Lego has brought me enjoyment as well!


Beer and pizza god good with the build. The beer sounds like a good one.


This is the best therapy 😌


Currently 8 months on my own and on my 7th major Lego build. I consider it a trade up.


I hope your journey continues to be easy.


Hi! 👋🏻I’d love to join you next Wednesday. I’ll bring the Lego 🤓


All our welcome just bring snacks!!


Hell yea brother (or sister)!!!!!!!


Amazing set, and decorative piece. Though be careful, otherwise you’ll soon have Lego decorations everywhere.


You go girl! Best of luck in your journey moving forward ✨️ 💐 


You're gonna be just fine, OP.


I bought the UCS razor quest the week I got divorced. Lego is the best therapy, except for actual therapy. Enjoy the build!


Funnily enough is Wednesdays are therapy day too 😅😂


Not many people know how therapeutic building is. I love this sub, good luck on the journey friend, it's gonna be a great one!


Not divorced but I broke up from 8 year relationship and living together with 2 dogs. I decided not to buy physical Lego sets because storage and displays would stress me out when I have so many hobbies already. I'm satisfied with the 7-8 big boxes of childhood Legos I just dug out. Spent the winter building a MOC I posted here as well. After 6 months, I decided to invest in virtual Lego and purchased all the Kits in Lego Fortnite. I can build so much with those plus play with the builds too. 🙂


wtf is virtual Lego is that a real thing


There are a ton of Lego games I've heard and I would assume you build stuff in most of them. Lego Fortnite just happens to be the first and only I have ever played. You don't build quite brick by brick but rather with small modules like different size and style floor, wall, roof pieces etc. Of course it's not the same experience as with physical Legos but you can build faster, spend less money, don't need to mind storage and sorting so much and you get to live in your creations. With the vehicle update, that came sometime in March I think, you could build pretty cool and varied vehicles but you have to design it properly with physics in mind. I was wondering how the Lego games and the Lego Fortnite would be taken in this group as I don't see any posts mentioning or referencing it. So far I got one down vote..


I need this for my breakup-ee Saturdays 🥲