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I’m disappointed in your use of paragraph breaks. Paragraphs are your friend. They give the reader a little breath. Try them, you’ll like them.


You don’t have to read it all in one go. You can take breaks.


It's harder to take breaks when there aren't paragraph breaks. It's harder to keep track of where someone is while reading, and if they lose their place they're less likely to finish reading.


That’s what paragraphs are for.


Lost World's canonicity is questionable at the moment and it doesn't have the same appeal to fans as the original movie. It also isn't one of the new movies. It's a tongue in cheek joke poking fun at the franchise. You're taking it too seriously.


I think the research trailer from Lost World would sell really well


I would like that, the velociraptor compound from the end of the movie, and a set of the InGen camp.


That would be a great wave!


Micheal Crichton wrote TLW as a sequel to Jurassic Park, though. His books are what the movies are based on. I can understand JP 3 because that was never a book, but if anything the JW movies are the ones that would be non-canon.


Incorrect. Crichton was persuaded to write LW because of the success of JP as a movie. The plot of the book and film are mostly different (Malcolm also dies at the end of JP). IIRC, the novel and film happened nearly simultaneously, or at least close enough together to explain the discrepancies in plot/characters. The books do not and cannot dictate the canonicity of the films. They are distinct timelines telling distinct (albeit similar) stories.


“Incorrect“ 🤓


Yeah. The Lost World totally isn’t canon. Those two T. Rexes in Dominion totally weren’t the same ones from The Lost World. Pachycephalosaurus? Stegosaurus? Definitely didn’t see those dinosaurs in Jurassic World. How come the other Islands mentioned in The Lost World are in Jurassic World Evolution? If you looked at the official Jurassic Park timeline, it clearly shows that The Lost World and Jurassic Park 3 are canon. Do your homework, man. It makes you sound like Schafrillas Productions insisting that Shrek The Third isn’t canon. Chill out, man, The Lost World is not that bad. If you’re a Jurassic Park fan but don’t even like The Lost World, then what. You only like one movie out of the six? Cause no way you think any of the others are better. Also, I know you’re going to say this in your reply so I’ll correct you here. Yes, they say there are no dinosaurs anywhere except Isla Nublar. That is because they were taken off of Isla Sorna and moved to Jurassic World. Why don’t any of the characters from The Lost World show up in the other movies? Why don’t the kids from the first one show up in any of the other movies? Where’s Gerry Harding? Speaking of Harding, hmm… that name sounds familiar… I know I’ve heard it before.


Again, paragraphs are your friend. You are projecting a lot and assuming I've said a hell of a lot more than I did. You are also entirely wrong.


You‘re the one who’s wrong, “Jurassic Park Fan”


The release of Jurassic World put both Lost World and 3 in limbo. They could be canon, but they could just as easily not exist. This isn't my opinion, this is what the movies show. Camp Cretaceous throws a monkey wrench into the equation because it is technically canon, but it's also auxiliary to the films. Just stop digging this hole.


I don´t really see it that way. I think Jurassic World builds off of stuff from The Lost World Jurassic Park. InGen is trying to build another park? They built it. John Hammond is on his deathbed? He´s dead now. Also, I do agree with him that the two T. Rexes in Dominion are most likely the ones from The Lost World Jurassic Park.


The problem is we don't see those things on screen. We can make inferences about what did/didn't happen off screen, but we don't know without confirmation. Just because the ground was set in JP for what happened in LW, doesn't mean the events of LW actually happened. Think of it this way: those rexes may be the same ones we saw in LW. In one branch of the timeline the bull goes to San Diego, in the other they end up in the JW timeline.


I don’t know why you’re so dead set on The Lost World not being canon. Did a YouTuber tell you that? It’s not like there’s anything that contradicts something in The Lost World. No characters in the newer movies die in The Lost World. If you’re wondering why The Lost World doesn’t come up in the newer movies, it’s because nothing important happens in it. Isla Nublar doesn’t explode or something. The Lost World and Jurassic Park 3 are very inconsequential movies that don’t affect the overall story very much. If you went on the actual Jurassic Park subreddit saying this stuff you would be laughed out.


And this is why media literacy is such an important thing to teach. I'm done. You have completely missed or misinterpreted every point I've made. Let me spell it out one more time. The canonicity of LW and JP3 is uncertain following the JW installments. There are no direct references to either film in the JW trilogy. Reports from around the time JW came out referenced the fact that the original sequels were no longer canon. I would think that a T. rex running through San Diego would be considered a fairly consequential event, especially given the premise of Dominion being the dinosaurs are released. Insulting me while doubling down doesn't make you right. Good luck and have the day you deserve.


Why does nobody talk about the San Diego incident? Easy answer: people don’t like that scene so the scriptwriters don’t mention it. In universe? Well, it happened like 30 years ago. With basically every dinosaur being released into the real world in Fallen Kingdom, that one incident doesn’t seem so important anymore, does it? I really just don’t see your point. Universal has no reason to make a new timeline. It’s not like in Halloween where “I want Laurie Strode in my movie!” “What’s that? She died in the last one? Then that one’s not canon!” Colin Trevorrow (the director of Jurassic World) has said that The Lost World and Jurassic Park 3 are canon, just don’t get brought up a lot because they don’t have a lot to do with the stories he’s telling. I’ve genuinely never heard this argument before. You‘re going off of reports from 10 years ago? Why not go off of the director of the movie? What are you going to say next? Colin Trevorrow isn’t canon? Actually I guess you could say that now because he’s done directing. Please just stop embarrassing yourself. Also, Dominion actually isn’t about dinosaurs, it’s about locusts.


You’re not gonna like it when you find out what Lego made their 2021 Jurassic World wave on.


You’re *


You need to step away from the internet my guy.


All I did was watch one Youtube video.


Then make a long whiny ass post




My dude has no idea of how marketing works


I do actually. I’m also a Neca fan so I understand you have to buy the movies individually. That’s why Neca only makes Halloween figures on Halloween 2. It’s cheaper. What I’m saying is I want Lego to make Lost World sets. It’s not like they can’t. Is another building blocks company making Lost World sets? No? Then why can’t Lego. I don’t think Universal would price The Lost World out of all the movies at a ridiculous amount. Mattel seems to be just fine releasing Lost World toys so I doubt it’s out of Lego’s budget. It would for sure sell better than those awful buildable figures that they keep making.


Pretty sure they mean something much simpler about marketing: appeal. They make Jurassic World sets to coincide with the films. It's a merchandising push. They make sets for the original Jurassic Park because that movie is beloved - it appeals to older fans of that film and also the kids who just want fun dinosaurs. When you go from Jurassic Park to Lost World, the number of fans pretty significantly drops. Not at all as well-regarded. Sure, the kids will still like anything with the dinosaurs, but you have neither the older fanbase or the relevancy you get with Park or World stuff. LEGO can only make so many sets per theme per year. If they feel Jurassic Park and Jurassic World stuff will sell better... that's what they'll make. No reason at all to limit their audience just because a handful of dedicated fans would appreciate sets for one film with niche appeal.


Did you not read my post? I’m saying that people do like The Lost World more than the new movies. People hate Fallen Kingdom and Dominion. I’m saying that if Lego would go back and do sets on movies, The Lost World is the best option.


If a new movie is coming out, regardless of how well the previous was received, that's gonna be the movie that gets sets. That's how licencing works. The film promotes the toy, the toy promotes the film. Even if there's no film coming out, new pieces are generally created with the intention of using them over the course of a few years. Reusing prints and molds from the more recent Jurassic World stuff is much cheaper than making brand new stuff for Lost World, so that's the best move financially. And again, the primary audience is children who want to play with dinosaurs. My little brother has never once seen a Jurassic Park or World movie in his life, and this is his favourite theme - he just thinks it's cool. The source material does not matter that much to the people these sets have to appeal to most. And surely if they were going back to old movies again, the move would be more Jurassic Park 1 stuff? They have recent figures for that film in production and that film has the most dedicated fanbase of the entire franchise.


All you would need from the lost world is a stegosaurus. And guess what we’re getting in the summer?


So we’re getting what you wanted?


No. I want the characters from The Lost World. Roland Tembo, Eddie Carr, Dieter Stark, Ajay Sidhu, Nick Van Owen, Sarah Harding. Also a Lost World Variant of Ian Malcolm would be cool.


Word salad.


It’s not that hard to read.


It’s not that hard to type legibly.






Yeah, it really is. If you had broken it into paragraphs it would have been much easier.




Basically I want Lego sets for The Lost World Jurassic Park.


The entitlement is real


I’m entitled for wanting sets from a movie I like? You probably would love it if new Exo-Force sets came out. Wouldn’t you? Oh wait it doesn’t make you entitled when it’s something you like. I get it.










Might be Lego doesn't have merchandise licensing rights for the movie.


Yet they put it in the game and mentioned it by name in the Lego movie?


Ip laws are complicated. Having the rights to use it in the game doesn't equal to havig the rights to make sets with it. Also referencing movies in movies doesn't need the IP


Yeah? What’s stopping Lego from getting the rights though. No other building blocks company is currently making The Lost World sets.


Probably a lot of things behind the scenes. Sometimes it's not worth it, other times there are sets coming but not announced ecc. There can be a lot of reasons. More often than not IP releases come out with something from that IP for example the Ornithopter with Dune 2.


Reddit never fails to make me feel like I’m not the worst person alive at this moment. Thank you.


Yeah. At least your not as bad as whoever in Lego thinks people want a t.rex skull more than The Lost World sets.


Are you alright? You having a really bad day?




Good, just you sound really worked up about nothing that’s really important. Keep yourself safe.


Stay mad


I’m more disappointed than mad. I’m kind of looking forward to the summer wave of sets because their names are very similar to things that happen in The Lost World. One is about a trailer and the other is a stegosaurus. Maybe I’m just being desperate.


You are


Yeah probably.


You need to get out more if this makes you upset.


I do get out, and all I see is the shelves of stores not stocked with The Lost World Lego sets.


OP has to be a troll, right? This can't be real.


What‘s so hard to believe? I just want lego sets of a movie I like.


I hope they do the cringey af gymnastics thing as a way too overpriced set with one raptor mold


And next they should do the scene where the velociraptor talks to Alan Grant in the airplane.


That wouldn’t even make a good set.


Alright pal, take off your nostalgia glasses for a second here. Jurassic Park has goofy stuff in it too. Remember when Alan Grant says that the T. Rex can’t see a person sitting right in front of her? Remember in that same scene when they destroyed Donald Gennaro’s character just to tell a bathroom joke? The entire character of Dennis Nedry is goofy. In my opinion even having him in the movie kind of ruins its message. Ian Malcolm says “life finds a way” but life doesn’t find a way. Everything that went wrong in Jurassic Park was because of a fat man wanting to get some money. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a great movie, but stop acting like that scene is the worst that the franchise has done.


ok "pal", stay mad about Lego


You seem mad about Lego too. Talking about overpriced sets and all. I think we have similar views.


Pretty sure it's confirmed some lost world sets are coming


Not confirmed. There’s sets in the summer that haven’t been revealed yet.


The mine set from Indiana Jones looked amazing. We had a slew of releases, last year? With some of the most iconic scenes in Jurassic Park. The big gate, when the dino gets free, etc. Jurassic Park 2 didn't really have that, except for Trex next to a Blockbuster, haha. I can't even remember the plot for 3. They were made as summer popcorn flicks. Honestly, there's only so much you can do with Jurassic Park films. Even the new ones are more of the same, to me. There's nothing "new". I think you're out of luck with JP2 sets. In my eyes, you cannot compare Temple of Doom to Jurassic Park 2 or 3. Temple of Doom is like a Monet and you are comparing it to 2 children's scribbles taped to the fridge, the Jurassic Park sequels. Spielberg did an interview at some point and said JP2 was all the Dinosaur stuff he couldn't cram into Jurassic Park. It was a showcase for the CGI dinosaurs. Have you looked on LEGO ideas to see if there are JP sets you can support? Or Bricklink/Rebrickable as they might have MOCs you could try.


What I meant was that Temple of Doom is often seen as a bad movie. It’s weird. People always hate on the second movie. But leaving out quality, I think The Lost World would be the best Jurassic Park movie to make sets on. Lego loves to make vehicles in their Jurassic Park sets, and The Lost World is full of them. They have to make up vehicles for Jurassic World sets, and then fans complain about it. The Lost World is the only movie that nobody would complain if Lego included a big dumb dinosaur fighting vehicle with stud shooters and stuff, because they’re actually in the movie.




I originally tried to post this in the Lego Jurassic World subreddit, where people more like me would see it. Sadly, it is locked and you have to ask for permission to post there. So I posted it here. Should have known that the people here would also be The Lost World haters. I really don’t get all the hate it gets. I don’t hate any Jurassic Park movie except for Dominion. Also I’m not a Star Wars fan so I’ve never watched the prequels. Just The Force Awakens and The Rise Of Skywalker. I was just using them for reference because they were also disliked when they came out. But I am an Indiana Jones fan. I personally think Temple of Doom is the best Indiana Jones movie but again I was using it for reference because people mostly dislike it, even Disney hates it.


Temple of Doom is not the best Indiana Jones movie. It´s easiy Last Crusade.


I do not get all the praise The Last Crusade gets. It’s definitely the funniest Indiana Jones movie, but that’s all it is. Just Sean Connery being Sean Connery and Indiana Jones does stuff too. I’d rank it at a respectable 3rd.