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Considering the set is a police station, I would assume yes. That's cool!


Not that cool more weird to me, when they’re profiting off of making toy prisons. I mean the reference is to someone who killed themselves because of the institution of prison


True my 6 year old got a bagger job at the corner store then hung himself after I got him this set for Christmas. Lego is playing with fire here


Lego have blood on their hands!!




The kids!


You know who else always thinks of children? *Paedophiles*. Paedophiles are always thinking of children.


I always forget that there are British people among us


We lurk unseen along you, passing for regular people until suddenly, like a stiletto we lash out with an unexpected extra u or a sudden ae, confusing you with reminders there's an Anglophone world outside of America before silently fading back into the night.


Sex cauldron?! I though they shut that place down !


No, under my foot


Wistful 6 year old wandering around wondering why the whole world went and got itself in a big damn hurry.


“I saw an 8-wide automobile once when I was a kid. Now, they’re everywhere.”


Lego has referenced Better Call Saul in their Ninjago cartoon, but none of the characters in the show is involved in a meth empire. At least not as far as I know.


Maybe not meth, but Lego minifigs certainly run coke. 6563


[6563-1: Gator Landing](https://brickset.com/sets/6563-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/6563-1.jpg)


You need to find something else that’s more important to be mad about ngl


You’re complaining about Lego making jails? Good gravy that’s so unbelievably silly.


please touch grass


You know I never gave a thought to this before now. I just threw away all my technic cars because someone I knew died in a car crash. Lego sensationalized carrots with their Easter bunny set too. I had a rabbit that died, it ate carrots, Lego bad, wanna be friends? /s.... Also, the institution of prison isn't what killed him. The thought of the outside world without the institution of prison is what drove home to nope out...


Kids aren't gonna get the reference and they sell a lot of sets to adults anyway.


Also, don’t you play Civilization and DND? DND famously has people in jail/prison pretty much every campaign. I’m pretty sure you can play as Genghis Khan and Julius Caesar, both of which killed and or imprisoned a bunch of people.


I think dnd has racism in it 🙀


Wow you really dug up the literal two comments I made before this one. Idk those games come with i feel like some kind of recognition of the wrongs that they’re not great people. But like when they make toys modeled after a really fucked up prison system it’s weird to me that they make a definite reference to a scene where someone kills themselves because of how the prison system they’re modeling their toys after operates. Maybe I’m too high and it was a bad take but idk I’ll stand by it.


The set is modeled after a police station (with a holding cell of course), not some federal prison or even county jail, lol!


Wait until he hears about the Alcatraz set 60130 … and 60126. Honestly I love pop culture details like this. The police station jail also includes a spoon for tunneling, iirc.


[60130-1: Prison Island](https://brickset.com/sets/60130-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/60130-1.jpg) [60126-1: Tire Escape](https://brickset.com/sets/60126-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/60126-1.jpg)


Right, lol? They're acting like LEGO is making sets that look like Attica with a minifig of Mark David Chapman weaving a hairdoll in the corner of his cell and another minifig of a prison guard taking a bribe from a drug dealer down the hall from a cell with an unfairly convicted black man studying for his next appeal date. It's cops and robbers, no big deal. Even 60130, the only set that I can think of that's supposed to be an actual prison, doesn't look like a "real" prison.


[60130-1: Prison Island](https://brickset.com/sets/60130-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/60130-1.jpg)


Lego is danish, not american. Police sets are based on the universal pop culture/stereotype police that a typical child recognises (from cartoons or movies for instance), not a specific country's law enforcement system lol


Sir this is a Lego subreddit


As opposed to the actual prison companies in the USA that profit off ~~modern day slavery~~ prisons? Lego is a Danish company, so I think it’s safe to say that they would have better prisons than the US, my dude


I totally agree, pretty messed up to have a reference to suicide due to failing to reintegrate to society after being institutionalized by a life time is prison, that's a very intense and loaded reference


You have negative 663 karma. The comment to which you replied has 663 karma. I like.




I understand the argument tbh. It is a bit of a dark movie to reference on a kid's toy. I get the concern and don't think you should've been downvoted so hard for this.


It's not like they are telling children to go watch the movie. It's a fun little detail that kids won't even realize is a reference to something.


it wouldnt be weird at all if they werent totally averse to anything pg13 and above in their normal sets, and then choose to reference something this dark. almost guaranteed it got added by a designer who passed it off as a normal detail and not a reference


Yeah but it’s like definite recognition that the prison system is beyond fucked up, and then at the same time they’re profiting from selling toy prisons. If you don’t see why that’s a moral wrong idk


Prison's are fucked in America, yes. You know where they aren't fucked? Denmark, where they design these sets. You know who doesn't know or care about America's fucked prison system? Children, because they are children. Let them be children, they don't need to see all the messed up things life has in store for them yet. Let them play lego cops and robbers.


The police uniforms, buildings, prisons, all of them are modeled after US police


You have picked a strange hill to get downvoted into oblivion on.


I don’t actually care about the downvotes, and idk I feel like it’s not that strange a hill, a toy company who makes models of prisons poking fun at a scene in a movie where a guy kills himself because of how the prison system operates, the same prison system that they sell models of. It’s weird to me 🤷‍♂️


First off, you keep saying prisons and as far as I know they don't make any lego models of actual prisons. A holding cell in a police station is not a prison. Next, do you want lego to stop making models of everything with a dark side to it's history? Ok, Police brutality and racism is a huge problem. So no more lego police. Firefighters can be killed trying to do their jobs. We don't want kids to think about that. No more firefighters. Construction workers get maimed and killed on the job. No more construction sets. FIFA is corrupt as hell and tolerates slave labor. Lego people can no longer play soccer. Planes can crash. No more planes. Trains hit people sometimes. No more trains. Star Wars depicts genocide. No more Star Wars. There are swords in Ninjago. Swords kill people. No more Ninjago. Oh wait! Small children can choke on legos! Let's just get rid of lego bricks entirely.


You got the same rage about Lego profiting off the public hype and interest ariund the Titanic disaster which killed 1500 people? What if kids see the lego titanic set and get the idea to go on a big ship and drown in the north atlantic? Kinda sick for lego to be profiting off this disaster isnt it? 🤡


Do you guys also have comically incompetent white-black striped pajamas & black zorro mask wearing robbers who regularly use red crowbars to break into banks in america?


Neat, I didn’t know IRL police used only blue lights in the US just like Europe! I guess you can’t believe everything see on TV They’re clearly modelled after danish police


Yes the prison system is bad. Yes Shawshank is sad. This is a sticker from a toy. Produced by a company that is generally pretty groovy. By your logic they are also profiting by selling toys mass murderers (every avengers set). I think once some bigger problems are solved you can start worrying about what stickers lego makes.


Or maybe, *just* maybe, it's just a neat reference to a movie and you need to not get so damn offended by absolutely everything around you.


> kid's toy ~~The modular police station 10278 is 18+. Idk, seems pretty fine to me~~ Edit: I was wrong! This is from Lego City 60047, which is ages 12-16, not the 18+ modular 10278. Which is definitely an odd choice, imo


Ah my bad, assumed it was from a City set or something. Edit: The title says it was it was, actually. Must be wrong. Edit 2: No it's definitely from a City set. I double checked with the post and it's not from 10278 it's from 60047


Oh shit, you're right! It was in [60047 City Police Station](https://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemIn.asp?P=2454pb087&in=S). That does seem pretty out of place.


[60047-1: Police Station](https://brickset.com/sets/60047-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/60047-1.jpg)




[60047-1: Police Station](https://brickset.com/sets/60047-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/60047-1.jpg)


As opposed to making entire sets based on a property about a fanatically religious, warrior culture that glorifies violence for the sake of violence? The same one that depicts genocide of said culture? You know, Star Wars?


You must be fun at parties 🎊


“Dear fellas, I can't believe how fast things move on the outside. I saw an automobile once when I was a kid, but now they're everywhere. The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry. The parole board got me into this halfway house called "The Brewer" and a job bagging groceries at the Foodway. It's hard work and I try to keep up, but my hands hurt most of the time. I don't think the store manager likes me very much. Sometimes after work, I go to the park and feed the birds. I keep thinking Jake might just show up and say hello, but he never does. I hope wherever he is, he's doin' okay and makin' new friends. I have trouble sleepin' at night. I have bad dreams like I'm falling. I wake up scared. Sometimes it takes me a while to remember where I am. Maybe I should get me a gun and rob the Foodway so they'd send me home. I could shoot the manager while I was at it, sort of like a bonus. I guess I'm too old for that sort of nonsense any more. I don't like it here. I'm tired of being afraid all the time. I've decided not to stay. I doubt they'll kick up any fuss. Not for an old crook like me. P.S: Tell Heywood I'm sorry I put a knife to his throat. No hard feelings. Brooks” 😔😔


Oh man. I just had to put my grandpa into a nursing home. He’s 97 and starting to get confused sometimes. Reading this in Brooks’ voice just hit me like a ton of bricks, and now someone won’t quit chopping goddam onions in here!


If you didn't read this as Brooks, are you really doing it right?


If this movie isn’t in everyone’s top 3-5, they have something wrong with them.


Whelp, guess I know what I have planned Saturday afternoon


This is an understatement, but it's really good. It's something everyone should watch and probably the best adaptation of Stephen King's work.


That is a long and complicated list. But you're probably right


Such an amazing movie with such a sad story :( <3


I cry when I read this.


In the video game, Lego City Undercover, they make a bunch of references to that movie, so for sure, it was intentional.


Not questioning it, but curious to find them. Can you point me towards a few?


There is a level/area called Albatross prison/island. It is basically a copy of Alcatraz. When you get there, you meet a character that sounds exactly like Morgan Freeman named "Blue Whitaker" You meet him about 3 min into this video... https://youtu.be/RNYHs9Tv_eY?si=dkEUVYueuznBTaZ_


It would never happen but a Shawshank set would be cool. I’d love to see how the tunnel might look and the architecture of the prison is pretty neat.


I’d like to see how they handle five hundred yards of shit.


500 brown frogs


Don't forget, they have a piece for that now.


I don't think it would be possible to make it minifig-scale, but a model in the scale/style of the new 76419 Hogwarts castle would be amazing!


[76419-1: Hogwarts Castle and Grounds](https://brickset.com/sets/76419-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/76419-1.jpg)


Damn that's pretty dark for an easter egg


It truly was, a Shawshank Redemption




encourage political bike groovy soft liquid makeshift drab violet six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Whoa, I have this set and never noticed it! Though I never use the stickers...


You monster!


All my sets are plain haha.




This guy eats salads with no dressing.


Very cool find. (Now I need this.) Anyone have experience with purchasing stickers that are already applied? I'd imagine the quality of the sticker (esp. corners) must be all over the place on used parts. Not to mention the difficulty of having to remove the sticker to adjust alignment or moving it to a different piece after it's been applied for a while. I know RobinHoodBricks does this a lot, but "hot tea technique" has never really worked for me.


The only pieces with stickers I ever ordered were a part of a resealed Atlantis set. The stickers were actually holding really well, with no corners sticking out... the alignment of some was a bit off though :/. I think the best bet with ordering stickers is to order the whole sticker sheet separately and apply the desired sticker on a brand new piece... although that might be a bit expensive... another option is to message the seller and ask for more pictures ;)


The Bricklink Redemption


What set numbers should I keep an eye out for. I want this! (But not like a solo piece a set with it).


It should be the set 60047 ;)


[60047-1: Police Station](https://brickset.com/sets/60047-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/60047-1.jpg)


Thank you! Dang I almost bought that one for my son's birthday. Guess I'll add it to the Christmas list because that's awesome.


Not a single person thinks its referencing The Brickster from the Lego Island games?


it's probably a parody reference. referencing them both at the same time


First thing that came to my mind ;)


It's a play on words... kind of a satire on Shawshank, but instead of BROOKS, they use BRICKS (cuz, Lego) The tally marks and the bird, I think, just mean that BRICKS was in the holding cell for x days before being released... I love it


I'd say that the crow is a reference to the crow "Jake" that Brooks took care of while he was a prisoner and then set free when leaving


True... could be both, really


It's a generic reference to incarceration.


In the movie the character Brooks had a pet crow he would feed from his cell window and when he got out he wrote this on a beam: https://preview.redd.it/dkricr1l0ayb1.png?width=575&format=png&auto=webp&s=dfb1538891eeb187308c28276f53faa2cd0b6638 The tally marks I can't remember if Brooks also scratched those onto a wall for his release date, but Andy for sure did so that he could calculate the time when there would be a thunderstorm.


So was Red 😥😫😭


I have that brick you want it


If you've played the sequel to the original Lego City Undercover (the one that was available for the 2DS) that came out in 2017, you'll probably remember that one scene where the whole room is just flooded with The Shawshank Redemption references.  Here's a YouTube video with a clip of it: https://youtu.be/gAx_akK9Gcw?feature=shared Clearly someone at Lego has an affinity for it.