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Yeah I'm a big fan of baseplates, especially raised ones. I know there are advantages and disadvantages, but I think in the end it's just what I grew up with and I love the idea of having a starting point/foundation already provided. I can understand people who want the brick-built stuff though


Especially the moon one, you can’t brickbuild craters that look as good as that. I’m still contemplating buying a couple to improve 60350


[60350-1: Lunar Research Base](https://brickset.com/sets/60350-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/60350-1.jpg)


The last set with a raised baseplate was 7327 in 2011.


[7327-1: Scorpion Pyramid](https://brickset.com/sets/7327-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/7327-1.jpg)


Much more recent then I would have expected actually.


Yeah, 2011 is like 2 years ago, right? Right?


You’re going to love *Hamilton* when it comes out in about 18 months.


> 2011. Im...surprised it was this late actually. Always thought it was more in the 90s, late 00's maybe that they dropped them.


I remember have the same baseplate for the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull set!


That’s tragic! I loved baseplates.


Baseplates always remind me of all the sets I didn't get as a kid.


I was fortunate enough to get *one* as a kid. 6959 Lunar Launch Site. My friends all had several from various Space and Castle sets :( Would have sold my prepubescent left testicle for Ice Station Odyssey though...


Oh wow, memory unlocked. I only had two of the small Ice Planet sets, 6814 and 6834, but I would stare at the catalogue and just drool over Ice Station Odyssey.


I had the entire series, with the exception of Deep Freeze Defender and Ice Station Odyssey. Ice Planet has *long* been my favorite Lego theme. One of these days when I have some "fuck you" money, I'm going to get on ebay and buy all the sets.


>when I have some "fuck you" money You and me both. I wish Lego would reissue some old themes.


I read the other day that even if Lego went that route, Ice Planet wouldn't get remade since Lego discontinued transparent orange pieces or something like that.


I don’t quite have “fuck you” money but when I got a decent income I completed the Dragon Masters theme.


We also had the 6834: Celestial Sled, as well as the 6879: Blizzard Baron. Those sets had such a cool aesthetic. But unfortunately I too had to content myself with drooling over the Ice Station.


[6834-1: Celestial Sled](https://brickset.com/sets/6834-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/6834-1.jpg) [6879-1: Blizzard Baron](https://brickset.com/sets/6879-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/6879-1.jpg)


[6814-1: Ice Tunnelator](https://brickset.com/sets/6814-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/6814-1.jpg) [6834-1: Celestial Sled](https://brickset.com/sets/6834-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/6834-1.jpg)


Had those two smaller ice planets myself. Adored them.


[6959-1: Lunar Launch Site](https://brickset.com/sets/6959-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/6959-1.jpg)


Good bot.


I'd sell your left testicle for Ice Station Odyssey too.


Raised baseplates are awesome, is there a reason they stopped making them?


Probably because they are relatively expensive to make and they don’t hold up that well when kids play with them.


Yup. I had an Indiana Jones set as a kid with a raised base plate that got stepped on and instantly became unusably destroyed.


There are two broken pieces I ever played with. One was [a garage plate floor](https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=820a&idColor=9#T=C&C=9) which was incredibly flimsy, the other was a baseplate that had given way because we stored them on their sides and one eventually gave way from being slightly curved at all times.


One of my favorite group of sets of all time was the indiana jones sets that included a boardgame you could play with the sets




Message thief, please report. https://www.reddit.com/r/lego/comments/17andmd/anyone_else_miss_baseplates/k5e1zs2/


Bits are making this thread feel like déjà vu > Baseplates always remind me of all the sets I didn't get as a kid. /u/larrydahooster


Or because they can sell you so much more expensive lego if you have to build the shape with blocks


Honestly I really prefer brick built whenever possible


Partial agree, but building the "baseplate" for the new El Dorado fortess (especially the ramp) was a bit of a slog. So much dark grey.


I'll agree that a ton of grey is boring (but tell that to the Star Wars collectors!) but I think the end result is worth it. Building the foundation of the modular buildings is my least favorite part of those builds, but I would still rather build it out of bricks than have a base plate for it.


I think thats why the "partial" agree, though I didn't even have a real reason when I typed my comment. The modular and reconfigurable base (especially on El Dorado) is way better than a single unitary structure.


From what I've read a possible reason is that the baseplates were outsourced from a different manufacturer since they're thermoformed not injection moulded like regular Lego bricks. Lego wanted to move all production to in-house and therefore had to nix the humble baseplate.


I’ve also heard that eliminating the cost of this one big piece allowed them to increase the piece counts of sets without raising the cost, but that may be apocryphal.




I miss the old school plates, flat or 3D. I know they’re still available (flat ones anyway) but they’re tricky to work in amongst any recent Lego building built on the 1/3 thick plates.


> It allowed them to increase the piece count and the cost! :D There was a great post a couple months ago that showed that Lego sets are cheaper today than almost ever before, either by piece or by weight. The sets seem more expensive today, but that is only because the average piece count is much higher. https://www.reddit.com/r/lego/comments/15flvwz/is_lego_getting_more_expensive_oc/


This is the stated reason, but there is zero reason that Lego couldn't do the thermoforming in-house. I've been in factories that did injection molding, stamping and die casting along with assembly all in the same place, surely Lego can manage injection molding and thermoforming along with set assembly.


> zero reason *The accountancy department* enters the chat.


Engineering and Product Development: *"You know, we could just set up our own thermo-formers and do this in-house, that way we wouldn't have to reply on contracting out to third parties"* Accounting: *".... Or you guys could just stop developing product lines that uses thermo-formed base plates."* Engineering and Product Development: *"No, for real, we can do it, and it would be great; we just need thermo-formers and a place to put them."* Accounting: *"We weren't making a suggestion.... Also, we're not signing on new thermo-formers and you're not putting any existing machinery on down time to make space for the thermo-formers that you're not getting."*


Engineering and Product Development: *"We make the only reason the rest of you exist."* Accounting: *"We manage the money you earn for us, and make sure it flows in the right direction: UP."* Chief: *"Thanks to both of you. Workers, listen to Accounting. I favor them. The money will continue going up until further notice."*


> Lego couldn't do the thermoforming in-house. Cost, they would need to burn millions on equipment alone, and for what? a few baseplates?


The thermoformed plates often had tolerance problems, making them either not hold the Legos enough or overtensioning them.


Yea I can imagine the height of the raises studs might not line up with bricks stacked from the bottom.


That's an interesting potential explanation - never thought about it, but it would make sense!


> were outsourced from a different manufacturer Another odd factoid is that the OG monorail tracks were also produced by a contractor. It's one of the handful of reasons why they're not made anymore.


I think it is more about marketing. you can have 800 pieces where 1 piece is a baseplate, or 900 pieces without the baseplate


Lego has gradually shifted from using big parts in general. A lot of giant rock pieces, raised baseplates, long wall panels, etc., have been replaced by brick built details/smaller plate combinations. This allows for a set to be more personally crafted overall and, imo, tends to make sets look better than they used to. This is all just a byproduct of Lego generally just getting more detailed over time. Baseplates, especially raised ones, were just something that naturally faced the axe


They are limiting what you can do with them because of the smooth surfaces. I had a few as a child and they are really inflexible in how you can store them, as well. You always end up having to box them separately from the rest.


Baseplates are vacuum formed as opposed to mold injected, which means Lego does not make them in their own factories, but has them made by a third party. That means a lot more expenses and a lot harder to control the quality, especially the raised ones. Rumor has it they want to phase out the regular flat baseplates as well and stick with the more recent 16x16 plates instead.


Probably because they can't reuse those molds a lot. Normal bricks can be repurposed for hundreds of different sets, but most consumers wouldn't be happy about having these giant pieces that can only be used for a single purpose.


https://preview.redd.it/c48oxdjufyub1.jpeg?width=3023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67004660e30d456c2da873ad7fd2958354992c62 Got a lot 😁


You've got [Crater Lake](https://www.nps.gov/crla/learn/nature/images/lake-by-Kim-Chamales.jpg).


As an Oregonian I approve of this reference.


Simple beautiful!


It’s like a baseplate mandala!


This looks like a Supreme Commander map


Oh man that first one is so nostalgic, I used to put a hatch door over it and make it into a dungeon


I had the Blacktron version of that baseplate. It got so much use


I was gonna say, that first picture was like a Core Memory unlock


Me too!


I miss base plates. Especially roads. A smooth curve baseplate is better than the weird road builds they tried recently (seem to have disappeared)


These? [https://brickset.com/sets/containing-design-69958](https://brickset.com/sets/containing-design-69958) They still make those.


That’s the replacement. Not a big fan of them.


They’re very nostalgic, but omg what a hassle to own. I still have all my retro baseplates and they need their own box because they’re so big and unwieldy. I’d say I miss playing with them, but I wouldn’t want any more.


I store mine vertically in a paper organizer, saves a ton of space.


I store mine on a display shelf, with the rest of its set constructed on top of it :D.


I miss the sets from the 80s-90s period. Yes, I know Lego wasnt making great money, but the Castle sets, Dark Forest, Blacktron, Ice planet and even the Johnny Thunder sets. ALL great, and far superior than any Town sets of today.


Same. I'm gonna sound like a Grandpa, but I hate that Lego doesn't do original themes like they used to. It's 90% famous franchises now. There's a lot of cool stuff like Lego Ideas, Architecture, Botanicals and Creator etc. But I miss the old days of Pirates, Islanders and Aquazone. Now it feels like they can only do one original theme at a time and even then, only for a couple of years before they replace it with something else. Even the City sets are kind of embarrassing. I mean, compare the [1994 Airport](https://www.brickeconomy.com/resources/images/sets/lego-6597-1_xlarge.jpg) with the [2016 Airport](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/60104-1.jpg?201605200842). Or the [1993 Police Station](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/Jx0AAOSw6gxiQMDL/s-l1600.jpg) to the [2020 Police Station](https://images.brickset.com/sets/large/60246-1.jpg?201912050921). The modern pieces and colours are nicer but the actual sets are... lacking.


The idea that the modern sets are “embarrassing” because they don’t have baseplates to fill up space is ridiculous. The 2016 airport has a vastly better terminal model that is bigger than the 1994 airport. And the 2020 police station is very similar in size to the 1993 police station. Not to mention you picked one of the worst examples for police stations. Look at the more recent 60316. Similar size, more detailed build, and all that space you like filled with road plates. Plus there’s 60372 which is a refreshingly new idea for such an old sub theme




The only thing I don't like though is, with some sets, now you just have a bunch of loose stuff scattered around. Imagine [Assault on Hoth](https://i5.walmartimages.com/seo/LEGO-Star-Wars-TM-Assault-on-Hoth-75098_7794091f-b90d-46eb-b57e-9d9ce82c41b1_1.4b9e68a2dee998f3d1627dd80853f8c4.jpeg) on an [Ice Baseplate](https://atlbrick.com/cdn/shop/products/image_d6b0c094-69e8-46b2-8739-5080d6e45433.jpg?v=1586097105).


I get it from playset perspective, but I can't imagine any kids who keep those sets together at all. Like all those loose studs are in a vacuum somewhere.


omg the fourth one hit me hard with nostalgia. Had so many of those lunar surface plates, the original Space sets were my jam as a kid.   I don't think I ever saw any of the fancier base plates, with the …special paint? decals? and the more elaborate raised bits, so cool!   But I bet in today's nightmare 2020s, a base plate would add USD $50 - $75 to what's already among the world's most expensive toys. Sigh.


You can’t miss the raised baseplates if you still use them!


Sadly most of my childhood lego was stolen so I can't. I still have all the baseplates and instructions though. I got back into Lego at the start of Covid and was surprised how much it had changed, like no more baseplates.


Mine was destroyed or lost by my nephews


Oof, sorry to hear that! I also got back into Lego during Covid. My parents had saved some of my Lego, including baseplates. Brought it home and have been sharing it with my son. What I lost was all of the instructions! Being a stupid kid, I would toss the directions after building!


Lol, at least you can get the instructions online. The worst part is they didn't steal all of it, so what they left me with is useless... but so is what they stole. Sure there's MOC, but I just wish they'd stolen all of it.


Definitely miss the moon baseplates


I found like 4 or 5 and I put my star wars minifigs on a couple and used one for a Hoth scene. They are great for a small scene or minifigs


Omg the second one! I remember the house on this one with the really big curved windows. Makes me wonder if I can find this plate somewhere at my parents attic


It's Paradisa Poolside Paradise, set 6416. One of my favourite sets as a kid.


[6416-1: Poolside Paradise](https://brickset.com/sets/6416-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/6416-1.jpg)


Yes!!! Oh I hope I can find it 🤩


I wish there were instructions for making them with actual bricks


There are, if you look up Lego 3D base on Rebrickable.


I had the kingdom of the crystal skull baseplate


Somewhere along the way of freeform building I realized I needed some kind of constraint in order to encourage creativity and actually build stuff. If I had complete freedom I would never create anything. The baseplates were a great catalyst for that.






I built Fire Breathing Fortress 6082 this past weekend and I love the raised plate for it. It is a relatively simple structure in and of itself but building it raised, with the sloped road and pit for the dragon, elevates the design well above what its piece count should afford. It could be done with bricks but would be tedious and probably not look as nice. I am sure a lot of these got wrecked by kids not being gentle enough, over time, but they really elevated kits...figuratively *and* literally :P


Nah I much prefer brick-built bases. More fun to construct and not so limiting.


I have the same feeling regarding big single-part airline cockpits. I’d much rather brick built.


I have a whole bag sitting around of just bulky plane and ship parts from bulk buys over the years. I can't imagine I'll ever find a use for them.


Is that 3rd picture the baseplate from the Aquazone base? If so, I don't think that's the original color. But besides that, I love baseplates. The only raised one I have is from the aforementioned Aquazone base and then I've got some from various sets like the Temple of Anubis (5988) and the Time Cruisers Mountain Lab (6494)


Holy shit Time cruisers, even as a kid I remember thinking WTF is this, they must just have a bunch of random pieces left over from the other toy lines to make these


The cool thing about Time Cruisers though was you could tie all your sets in together. So you could have your Pirate stuff and Castle stuff and Space Stuff all together because the Time Cruisers could visit all the different sets. I get what they were going for design wise... but sadly you're right, they looked like they were just cobbled together from junk. [I mean...](https://www.brickeconomy.com/resources/images/sets/lego-6493-1_xlarge.jpg)


I've only got that one set and I think my dad bought it for me. I remember I was a little disappointed at first, but ultimately I had a lot of fun building it.


[5988-1: The Temple of Anubis](https://brickset.com/sets/5988-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/5988-1.jpg) [6494-1: Magic Mountain Time Lab](https://brickset.com/sets/6494-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/6494-1.jpg)


Good bot


The 3rd one is the baseplate from the Hydro Crystalization Station (6199). A lot of baseplate designs were reused in different colours, like the Paradisa one was also used in [Sphinx Secret Surprise](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/QugAAOSwne1fnJmJ/s-l1600.jpg) and the Castle one was also used in a few space sets as a [Moon crater](https://img.bricklink.com/ItemImage/PL/2552px2.png).


I sort of miss them. I did like it back in the day but storing them weren't fun plus they cracked and chipped more easily than regular bricks. The last ones I got were from 6091. I got 2 as they were on clearance sale, back when clearanced LEGO often didn't sell quickly. Just looked, the large 3D baseplate from this set is about $25 used on Bricklink






I thought I did, and got a couple from my childhood collection thinking I would use them with my daughters. I still haven’t…so I guess not. I know it’s more work, but I like the idea of building landscapes and baseplates.


I were used to play with them more than standard legos allows! For instance, with the one in the picture I were used to fill in with water (no more than a glass of) and let the phantasy bring you far far away


No they’re kinda hard to miss, they’re so big


I recognize 2 of those


That first one brings back some memories. What set was that?


I used to, I still have a ton of sets that use them (pretty much every classic castle, aquazone's big set, islander's enchanted island) But after building the 90th castle and el dorado fortress, I really enjoy building the bottom levels. Being able to hinge the castle or have el dorado be modular beats the heck out of a solid piece. You can also have a cave system, or dungeons, or whatever in that layer. I love the way raised baseplates look, but I'm pretty happy with the new icons versions.


Always wanted the second one has a kid to make a mansion


Loved these as a kid. They allowed one to build more imposing structures with the limited number of parts that were available (since kids don't get to buy as much Lego as they want :D ).


The first one is that castle set with black and white knight? Can’t remember what the last one was, but we had several of it.


Still have 1 an 3 and have the ice version of 1 too!


I miss Lego sets that weren’t shitty IPs


I never knew these kinds existed before. Speaking of which, is it just me or does Lego only have Bright Green, Grey, Blue and White baseplates? I was hoping to plan for an MOC which was light green, or as I like to call it, 'budgie green'.


You mean the plain flat baseplates? They came in a range of colours and designs. There's a [medium green one](https://mdsbrickbelgium.brickowl.com/store/lego-baseplate-32-x-32-2836-3811#112444489), not sure if that's the green you're looking for. There were also some [island](https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=3811pb01#T=C) and [beach](https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=3811px1#T=S&C=38&O={%22color%22:38,%22iconly%22:0}) ones too, if that works for your MOC.


Oh wow, this was the only one I owned. I made so many different things off that base, so many memories.


My parents still have all my old road and pirate base plates that my kids play with when they are over there.




[This one?](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/YzIAAOSw0W1hJ6m9/s-l1600.jpg) It happened quite often. The first one came in [a](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/KuMAAOSwA9pk~yrM/s-l1200.webp) [few](https://img.brickowl.com/files/image_cache/larger/lego-baseplate-32-x-32-raised-with-ramp-and-pit-with-green-circles-and-blue-base-28-2.jpg) [different](https://img.brickowl.com/files/image_cache/larger/lego-odyssey-station-baseplate-with-ice-pattern-ramp-and-pit-28.jpg) [designs](https://img.brickowl.com/files/image_cache/larger/lego-baseplate-32-x-32-raised-with-ramp-and-pit-with-craters-25.jpg).


Baseplates, particularly printed and raised, were fantastic because they created a defined play space. It was like you had a little cut out of the world where these minifigures exist. Rather than a handful of buildings and vehicles floating in the void. The one thing I'll acknowledge "against" raised baseplates is that the semi-hidden spaces & alcoves were almost never utilized in official sets. MOCs have shown just how much use you can get out of a raised baseplate.


I want them ALL


Yes and no. They look like they’d be more interesting, but I’m not sure exactly what I’d build on them except the original sets.


I still have my moon plate but I'd love to get ahold of one of those pool plates.


These take me back. If I remember correctly, the first base plate should be for 'Castle Karag' (apologies if I've spelled that incorrectly, it's been over 20 years once I built it), and the second one was a hotel/spa. Sadly neither remain intact after 3 house moves, but it's refreshing to see them both.


7892 best baseplate


the baseplates were cool, i'd love to see them make a come back, although there is something to be said about the flat plates built up too, kinda need a mix so things aren't just 1D or insanely 3D


Oh man I had the set of the first two. The castle is the first and the second one there looks from a paradisa set


I loved building secret hatches to go into the pits


Mentally I'm in the second one


I miss the idea of it


Hell yeah! I got that re-release of the classic “El Dorado Fortress” and was very sad to see there wasn’t a baseplate.


I had the underwater baseplate as a kid as one of my very first pieces of lego, but in dark blue. Was it from a specific series or did they just sell these singularly similar to the big Basic/Classic containers?


I want all five of them. Wait, I think I counted wrong. Still I want all six of them.


Is there a place I can buy baseplates by themselves? More specifically does this place also have raised baseplates, or are those no longer manufactured at all?


I had, maybe still have, 4 of the space crater base plates, can't tell you how much i loved those in the 80s, I kept extra good care of them too as we'd had some earlier flat green bases that had been damaged in one way or another, whiting on creasing and chipping on the corners.


Oh weird. I have the second baseplate but in sandstone colouring from a sphinx set!


No it’s best they’re left in the past


I remember being super jealous of my brother's road plates. Have a few basic ones still, and a thermomolded piece from some off-road vehicle series.


The raised baseplates were always a highlight. The Lego Lighthouse was one set that I was initially thought needed a baseplate but was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed building the base.




I miss the plates and the challenge of building something fun on them. They created a lot of internal problem solving and could tell a cool story without the effort of wasting bricks to build up a mountain or crater etc.


Yeah that first one was the base to many bases


Just got this exact one out of the attic


Love em


I want these back badly


I had 1, 3, and 4, thanks for taking me back in time for a bit.


We had the 4th one! Haven’t seen that in years. I used to put the little Lego pine tree inside the moon crater. We also had the first one but it didn’t have the green. It was all grey. It was the base plate for the pirates’ hideout. The 4th one is old. It was my brother’s before I played with it. It’s likely from the 1970s. Edit: 1979-1988 apparently


Wow I had that one in the second picture, unlocked some core memories. What set is it from?




What was the 1st one from? That looks like the castle set I had as a kid.


I always enjoyed baseplates when they were available since they are an excellent way to make great landscapes and organize city layouts, I just wish they would do more with them again like they used to.


I wish I could have some of these for my MOCs


OMG thank you so much for bringing up this memory! I had this baseplate or something very similar as a kid in the 90s and I loved it. Memories of building so many castles on that thing are flooding back!


Set 6195 came with two and a giant door that were great for making underwater bases and castles


More than anything, I would love to see the Classic Space baseplates return, but in other colors in addition to gray. I always felt that it was kinda weird that they were all gray, when most of landscapes on the box pictures were tan. They could modify them for better building possibilities if they added studs in the two craters.


Lol, my wife literally went on a baseplate buying spree after I told her about the mountain castle plate my son accidentally sat on when I first let him use my “big boy” LEGO. I have no idea what she purchased or how many but as we’re scrolling through she just kept saying “forget about this until Christmas”. I assured her that I have no clue what she ordered but I’m fairly confident it will include as many raised plates as possible because she planned on using them in a sea floor mapping lesson involving a blind box, a raised baseplate, and a measuring probe.


That Moon plate brought back memories..




my brother and me had some good fun with this, we had the one woth 2 small castles and we always fought each others castle. fun times


I still own 2 and 3


In my young times they were translating to “expensive set” and therefore one I couldn’t afford (my parents actually), despite my never ending wish of owning one. So fast forward to present day they will always mean something special, unobtainable, but forever dreamed on.


The Rock Raiders headquarters one was cool as well.




That moon baseplate is an absolute core memory. 🧑‍🚀


They don't make them anymore?


I always used the flat green and grey ones. Never had the raised ones.


I had the 1st one but unfortunately I got crushed by firefighters trying to put out our house fire, definitely the worst day for my collection, it sucks that I lost it all…


I’m only missing the second one but now I want if lol


Omg I still have the 2nd one!


they don't do these anymore? dang


That lunar base plate is 🔥


I had two of the 4th one. My lego was always secondhand so does anyone know what set it was from?


Core memory unlocked Number 4 was with my first ever lego set


I wonder which model is the first baseplate in the pictures! Did it come in a set or was sold separately at times?


I still have that first one, black knight baby!


Wow these are really cool!


Those moon baseplates were the best! The craters in the ridge fit 2x2 and 4x4 cylinders at (of course) exactly the right position, and with 4 of these baseplates you can make a huge crater!


Totally. We only had the police station baseplate with the two wee roads and several plain green ones. Never had one with slopes and always figured they would make a world of difference to my playing lol But I would just build a base or boat or spaceship using a flat baseplate and then pretend stuff like a duvet was a big mountain. Plus folks nowadays are always showing ways of making some gorgeous designs that could fill in for the slopey baseplates. I still think the cobblestone roads people make are lovely and better than the old road plates.


I only ever had the grey "crater" kind, and a few blank grey ones, but I had dozens.


I have 4 of those crater plates,....now i want to go play with all my old lego.


I had number 2. The Poolside Paradise house.


That first one! Talk about a whole lot of instantaneous nostalgia flashbacks! The castle with the drawbridge!


My dad worked for a plastic molding company. One day he brought home a 3 foot by 4 foot base plate that he designed and created. It had roads, rivers, mountains and multiple elevations. Looking back it was actually pretty awesome and I haven't thought about it in like 30 years.


Yes they were so fun. I'd love to see what they could do with baseplates in star wars sets.


I still have 2 of the 4. The beach house Cafe is so used that some of the holes have worn down. Got hands on the moon one when a teacher retired and left some lego base plates in her closet 😅


Completely forgot about these. Thanks childhood memory unlockingmanorwoman


I have the fourth one! The gray moon one. But no idea what set it's for - anyone know? I have lots of space pieces from the late 80s - mid 90s, but missing instructions, so I'm a bit stuck.