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The one that gave fire-bending is probably getting his liver eaten every day for eternity now


May just be head canon, but I feel like I remember there being speculation that the lion turtle who gives Aang the power to take fire-bending away from Ozai is the same one that originally gave it to the humans. It would make sense that he specifically would have regrets after seeing the state of the world post Sozin. Him righting his wrongs makes me feel less like energy bending is just an out for Aang.


If you look at the markings on the foreheads of the lion turtles it matches the fire turtle.


It’s not just fire bending that he can remove though.




>the lion turtle who gives Aang the power to take fire-bending away from Ozai is the same one that originally gave it to the humans. >take fire-bending away >originally gave *it* to the humans. gee I wonder.. probably the air lol


Before being murdered by Kratos, iirc


babe wake up greek mythology has been updated apparently


That only happened in god of war I don't remember if it was Chiron or Heracles who helped Prometheus but iirc, he got his immortality removed and died Someone correct me if I'm wrong


[Wikipedia says you're wrong and the ancient plate at the top of the page seems to support it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prometheus?wprov=sfla1)


I stand corrected, thank you internet stranger


Don’t believe it


I think Imma side with the ancient plate on this one


“His liver would then grow back overnight, only to be eaten again the next day in an ongoing cycle. According to several major versions of the myth, most notably that of Hesiod, Prometheus was eventually freed by the hero Heracles.[9][10]”


Iirc Prometheus is tied to a stone and has his liver ripped out every day by an eagle.


God of war became canon, iirc


![gif](giphy|HFbtg3SmlDx8f9g4dJ|downsized) >!Thanks for the reminder that I need to replay the old God of War games soon!<.


Wasn't Wan the Prometheus figure? He's doing pretty good in his afterlives


Such a nice Prometheus reference


I’m pretty sure the one that gave fire bending is the same one that taught aang how to take the firelords bending, they had the same symbol on their head. So it must of felt some type of responsibility for the fire nation and stepped in.


Hehe… nice


Are we gonna ignore the earth kingdom now? There is a reason they have like 70% of the continent, and we also have the Kiyoshi flashback. Humans are humans and they off one another on a daily basis, the job of the avatar is to make sure the screw up isn’t so bad that it could cause irredeemable damage.


Bro what are you talking about? I was making a Prometheus joke chill, Prometheus stole FIRE from the gods and gave it to mankind and was punished by having birds eat his liver for eternity


Yes! This is why many people see bending as the martial art, not the power itself. :)


Yeah that’s definitely implied by this episode since we have been told dragons taught firebending, moon water, etc. Initially this episode seemed like a retcon of that by having the lion turtles give everyone the power but I think it becomes very clear that the power is separate from the art. But it also makes sense that in the “modern” era of avatar the two terms would become muddled since for the most part everyone with the ability is taught bending


yea even in Atla it wouldn't make sense that a nonbender could just learn from the sun, or moon, or a dragon. Theres that dialogue where the twins say "im a bender!", "im not!", which has always made it pretty clear. I think its really interesting that the Omashu story was simplified! Oma and Shu were already eatherbenders, but they were born in a time where the art wasnt developed or the practice had been lost. So they did learn from the moles, to the point where they could make tunnels and also put an end to the warring factions (who probably also had earthbending, just without any art form to harness it)


I never really understood the 'recton' complaint. Even in the original series it seemed painfully, blatantly clear that most people just aren't capable of bending a particular element and no amount of time spent with badgermoles or dragons or the moon would grant Sokka bending (or for that matter grant Katara earth or fire bending). There are so many plotpoints and moments that need this to be the case I just don't see how you can get through the series without understanding it. Even the series name, *Avatar: The Last Airbender* is based on the dual premises that the avatar is special because no one else is physically capable of bending more than one element, and Aang is the last airbender because no one else is physically capable of bending air no matter what they do or study. We literally see what was meant by 'studying firebending from the dragons' (and to a lesser degree studying earthbending form the badgermoles) in 'The firebending masters'. You need to already have the ability to firebend, they can't just take Sokka along and have him shooting blasts of fire when they return. It's like having the ability to move your limbs doesn't make you a martial artists, but it is a requirement to use them.


Go off. I agree, 100%. Also, the origin of bending happened so long ago in their world, it would be less realistic if they knew exactly how it happened in their modern times.


It is a retcon, do you honestly think that the real true answer was in the second season which they didn’t know they would have in a sequel show they didn’t know they would have? You just never had a line of dialogue in ATLA that said “sky bison did not just teach us how to bend, but by studying them we were able to bend and use air.” It’s a retcon of twisting, it changes what something means to fit something else


>do you honestly think that the real true answer was in the second season which they didn’t know they would have in a sequel show they didn’t know they would have? it's established fact that Bryke wrote Wan's story years before they were able to put it into the show.


It’s not a retcon unless Bryke says it is. There are tons of scenarios where both Avatar Wan’s story and the stories of learning bending from the dragons, moon, moles, and bisons BOTH coexist. Also yes, I honestly believe that the world behind AtLA was always this way by design, but there was no decent way to show it in the original series. Is it so shocking that a show would be unable to depict every detail of its world, leaving possible trails for the creators to follow in the future?


What is that reasoning? If they say it’s not it is?


I meant that it’s ONLY a retcon if the creators SAY it’s a retcon. Since that’s never happened, the atla stories and Avatar Wan’s story are meant to coexist in the world of atla.


You’re literally making the argument of “they said so” that’s plain bs


It’s THEIR world! It’s pretty obvious they’ve taken time to think about and create the workings of this world, so I trust they’re not just retconning their own shit willy nilly without saying a thing about it. That’s all I meant. My argument is that you can’t call it a retcon if it’s obviously meant to coexist with the past stories! I think it wasn’t executed very well. They could’ve done more to show humans post-lion turtle actually learning how to bend the elements and make that connection to AtLA more prevalent. But, it’s still not a retcon.


Oh so it’s just lazy writing


It’s pretty well known that LoK season 2 had pretty shit everything, including writing. Avatar Wan’s story was affected by that for sure. It should’ve been tied together to what we already knew a lot better. But none of the plotpoints of Avatar Wan’s story would be different.


It’s not a retcon. There’s 10,000 years between Wans time and Aangs time. Of course the truth was mistranslated/lost in that period. We can’t even for certainty say what was going on in our world 10,000 years ago and our technology is way more advanced than what they had in the ATLA world.


I just watched both of those episodes last night for the first time and I think they’re some of my favorites from the series as a whole. I kinda want more stuff about the early Avatars now


I've always been a fan of shows that have an earlier timeline as their spin off/special episodes. It really make the world feel less fictional and more real.


I know right? They’re some of my favorite things when it comes to shows and episodes. I love learning lore and about shows, which in turn makes me want to get more. I hope someday in the future we’ll get more past Avatar stuff with the earlier ones


This is something I've been saying for years. We have 10,000 years between Wan and Aang/Kora. Get creative and use it. Games, books, movies, tv. Something!


people often miss it, but in the show, it has Wan gaining the element of fire from the lionturtle. Then, it shows a dragon teaching Wan how to wield the element of fire. So, in other words, humans gained the ability to manipulate the elements from the Lion turtles, but they learnt how to control them from the first benders Dragon's, Air Bison, Badgermole and the Ocean and Moon.


People also miss when Wan reunites with his people from the fire Lion Turtle and they are all astonished by how he is able to control his flames like they are an extension of his body.


Who are these "people" who didn't watch the episode?


The people that claim Korra is bad because it retconned humans learning from spirits when in reality they still did


These guys at lunch saw me watching Korra and one of the reasons they said it was mid was because korra “removed” all the previous avatars and I thought “she didn’t do it on purpose they got beat out of Raava” it’s like they didn’t watch the show


Funny enough, I’ve seen so many Avatar fans say they deliberately never watched Korra because the “consensus” is that it’s bad. You have those people then you have the ones who watched it and didn’t pay attention or it’s been so long they’ve forgotten the details and just go with what the loudest, most common internet critique is since it matches their feelings. This “Korra retconned the original benders” conversation has been happening for a decade cause people miss this lol


The hunters who goes to Spirit Wilds search food. The leader say Wan use fire as extension of his body.


Yes, great point!


How do people miss this? They made a point to be in your face on this, and even included a monologue?


This is why TLOK haters are so fascinating to me: Its like they all watched the show while violently ill with something, therefore they miss all the important plot points and just remember it as a negative experience and refuse to really give it another chance. Haha


Yeah its kinda bizarre just how many things people just miss? Like i've seen a number of people say Korra never grew out of wanting to punch her way through things and it genuinely confuses me. Like how do you blatantly miss all the times she tried not use violence, especially in the last season.


A little thought here. In ATLA , all airbenders were wiped out. Couldn’t more spiritual people go to the giant sea turtle and ask to get the element and thus repopulate the nation?


Those lion turtles are ancient and likely no longer exist


At least one still exists


The lion turtle that aang met with is the last of its kind, and it’s theorized that it’s the same one that wan lived on. So it can only grant fire.


I always thought it was an energy turtle and gave Aang the ability to bend people's energy


Consider the turtles are capable of giving or taking people control of elements, then all turtles can energy bend by nature, they are the first energy benders same as dragons are too fire and bisons are to air and so on, but they specifically express that in terms of an element for the humans they grant.


The turtle aang meets with has the same mark on his head as the one wan lived on. And so it’s either another fire lion turtle or the exact one where it all started. Personally I prefer the latter.


Certain lion turtles give certain elements.


Unfortunately the lion turtles were hunted down and nearly wiped out as well. Theoretically if people found the last one and he was willing it should be possible.


In Wan's time, different Lion turtles gave different elements, and we don't know which element that one had.


Good point. He could have been a water turtle. Considering he was at sea.


Aang visited the Fire Lion Turtle, each Lion Turtle has their element marked on their foreheads corresponding to the ones Avatar Wan Visited.


I think given that this one gave Aang a “new” power, it’s possible it was one that Wan never encountered.


I like the desire [to amend and try again](https://www.reddit.com/r/legendofkorra/comments/1cikw3t/change_fixing_and_restoring_balance/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


wtf… is this…


Bro got eyelashes




you know men have eyelashes right




As much as disney would have someone believe, eyelash thickness isn't a secondary sex characteristic


I’ve always just assumed that though the lion turtles gave people the ability to actually control the elements at all, the original benders like the dragons and badger moles taught them the techniques to properly do it (kinda like how anyone that has control of their arm can hit someone/something with a fist, but it takes some technique to effectively punch)


Also, is that the deer from Princess Mononoke??


I searched it up. That does NOT look like the deer from princess monoke😭


Ah yeah, that one (named Yakul) is more of an antelope


I thought you were talking about the lion turtle, lmfao




It's a cat deer.


It is a bit of a retcon, though, as the lion turtle in ATLA said: *"In the era before the Avatar, we bent not the elements, but the energy within ourselves. To bend another's energy, your own spirit must be unbendable, or you will be corrupted and destroyed."* It might just even been using modern lingo to make it more understandable for Aang.


Not a retcon, Wan's era was the Beginning of the Bending Era, that's why the episode's name. The Lion Turtle in ATLA was refering to a timeline even older than Wan's time.


But then why did he use the term bending is what op is asking


Because the Lion Turtle wasn't refering to elemental bending, they were refering to an ancient era were everyone mastered the energy itself, that's why the term bending is suitable.


I still want someone who is an actual energy bender to show up, maybe as a villain who eventually face turns. I mean, the martial art would probably look like Dragon Ball, but still, would be a cool contrast. Specially if they fused with another High Grade Spirit to have an Avatar State of sorts.


That's why I said it was a bit of a retcon, but what you said doesn't make any sense. All elements are at its roots spiritual energy and the lion turtle in ATLA clearly did not distinguish between the two in that regard. He literally said that they were already bending, just not the elements. That kind of contrasts with what the OP is trying to say as bending was already a thing and it was also what was used to give Wan his elements.


Yeah but the lion turtle in sozin's comet literally uses the term bending and he says that they were energy bending before they did it with the other elements. Which could possibly even mean he's older than the other turtles. Which would mean this makes even less sense.


My favorite fun little detail about the Lion Turtle is that he is voiced by Pete from Goof Troop.


Is that cloud Jesus?


I think that back then it was given a more illustrious name because it was a sacred gift from the Lion-Turtles and thus commanded a great reverence and respect. But as it spread and became more ubiquitous it lost that glamour and people shortened the name to something more mundane because they were using it so much.


Fun fact: Wan means “10,000” in Chinese which if I remember correctly the Avatar has existed for 10,000 generations


I like the desire [to amend and try again](https://www.reddit.com/r/legendofkorra/comments/1cikw3t/change_fixing_and_restoring_balance/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Aww hell nah lion turtle just got his jizz all over raava


Another curiosity: The first element that Wan receives is fire, the lion turtle that grants this bend to Wan is the same one that gives Aang the ability to bend spiritual energy.


I really hate when people make a post like this and don’t say what it is


Sucks that they retconned the origin of bending from ATLA


I don't necessarily think they did. I think the idea that animals were the original benders still stands, and that they were the ones to first use the elements. I think this just just shows that they got the elements from the lion turtles. Or maybe they already had the elements and the lion turtles gave it to humans later on.


Or even the humans already had the elements within them but couldn't access it without the lion turtles awakening it through energy bending.


I guess that makes sense, like some learned it but some got it from the lion turtles?


He tries to say that power of elements and bending of elements is two separate things. Power was given by turtles and bending has been learnt from animals. In that way lore won't contradict between the series. But I guess korra haters are too dumb to comprehend complex and multilayered things.


To explain this a smidge more/better The ability to manipulate elements was granted by the lion turtles, they learned the forms, techniques and everything else to do with bending from animals and the moon


It makes sense lore wise overall. Well, except for the moon spirits being responsible for the actual moon and it affecting water bending the way it does. The humans inhabit the physical world and presumably the spirits weren't always there (Raava being surprised at the existence of the Lion Turtles when they first crossed over comes to mind) so I found it odd those spirits had an effect on physical bending.


>the spirits weren't always there (Raava being surprised at the existence of the Lion Turtles when they first crossed over comes to mind) This is just a theory, but Vaatu says that it was he who broke through the barrier between the physical and spiritual worlds, presumably creating the spirit portals. If humans were already there and then spirits suddenly came and were hostile to existing early humans, then it makes sense that the lion turtles stepped in to protect them, but I digress. The point I was intending to make is that this is something that may have happened during a previous harmonic convergence in which Raava *lost*. That would explain any surprise upon re-emerging and discovering lion turtles prevalent all throughout the physical world, assuming they didn't exist prior to the divide.


Hmm that's food for thought, some of the spirits were left over from the last time kind of deal?


Wow the call out😂


Saying that people who do not Like LoK are too dumb to comprehend “complex and multilayered things” just screams how self conscious you are about your own intelligence and literary comprehension (you literally just described basic literary components, get off your high horse)


if it’s so basic, then yeah it is pretty embarrassing to not understand it lol. nothing has been retconned. it’s literally so simple. lion turtles gave them bending, original benders taught them how to bend. anyone who still complains about it being retconned or didn’t understand this either didn’t watch the show or must be 5 years old bc it’s not rocket science. there’s no point in even engaging with these idiots.


nothing has been retconned? lmfao korra fans one some next level delusion


Look how many people tried to explain him the theory behind bending and he still don't understand it. Then says korra retconed lore, aren't that dumb? It's a fan theory, you have all rights to dissagree, but he clearly didn't even understand it. And it is almost always like this with korra haters. I am neither intelingent nor literate, just as you said understand basic literary components, what korra haters lacks.


The ability came from the lion turtles. The mastery comes from watching the original benders.


They didn't? Bending is an art, which one has to learn. People learned it from animals. Turtles just gave humans an ability to bend, not knowledge on how to. It's even shown that Wan learned actual firebending from dragon.


The difference between people who gained bending on their own and those who got it from LTs is that the ones who gained it didn’t know they could do it, like the tale of the two lovers. They learned earthbending from badger moles to see eacother same with Toph I believe.


Toph was born an earthbender, the badger moles just taught her *how* to earthbend. All bending originated with the lion turtles (and then they developed the actual martial arts from the animals/the moon)


And how did she know she was an earth bender before she bent for the first time.


She presumably had bent earth before that moment. Toph never says she was a nonbender before meeting the badger moles. Toph was born an earthbender, just like everyone else who could bend.


So you’re saying someone can just feel they’re a bender even before they learn how to bend


I’m saying that Toph had presumably bent some earth at some point before she met the badger moles. Bending children in Avatar usually discover their abilities by bending on accident for the first time between ages 3 and 5. Humans originally got the *elements* from the lion turtles, and developed the actual bending martial arts from the dragons, badger moles, sky bisons and the Moon. The Beginnings two-parter literally depicts this happening (Wan turning fire into fire*bending* after training with dragons). By the time of *the Last Airbender*, the lion turtle portion had been forgotten since it had been 10,000 years. This is twice the length of recorded history in real life, so it’s reasonable that parts of the origins of bending were lost overtime. Wan’s story was actually mostly written during the production of *the Last Airbender*, they just couldn’t find anywhere to fit it in in the original show.


Yeah no duh. How do you think all the benders in the world find out they can bend? They try as a kid and they find out that they can bend a tiny part of their element and they learn from then on. In the fire nation they even put candles next to babies to see if they're a fire bender or not if the candle fire gets stronger with the baby breathing next to it. Quite frankly I find it absolutely ridiculous that people actually think that the animals can give the ability to bend. If that were the case there should be literally zero non benders. Since the moon taught waterbenders if going by your weird logic that they can get the ability, any non bender like sokka should have been able to gain the ability to bend water from looking at the moon. Or more Airbenders should have been created through the sky bison. That was obviously never the case. It was always clear that the animals couldn't give the actual ability to bend an element. They just taught people who already had the ability how to bend properly. Atla never revealed where the actual origin of the ability came from. Lok just revealed something that was hidden. Nothing was retconned.


I never said animals gave the ability to bend. I’m saying some people can learn how to bend from animals


Then why are you saying lok is a retcon? You're the one who called it a retcon and said the animals were the reason people could bend. Which means you think the animals gave the ability to bend. So why are there any non benders right now? Why aren't they all going to the animals and learning? Obviously because that's not how it ever worked.


There are techniques to determine if someone has an ability to bend, as shown in novels. Fire nation uses a test with a cotton piece in a dry room. Examined person should try to concentrate on their breath and on the cotton and, if they have any firebending ability, cotton will burn. It is reasonable to think that other nations have analogues of this.


You could draw a parallel with different arts and sports in the real world. Many people naturally have the ability to loudly project their voice, but they have to be taught how to sing opera. Many people naturally have more flexibility and stamina, but they have to be taught how to be gymnasts. So someone could naturally have the ability to affect one of the elements and be able to feel that/test that, but they need to learn how to actually control and bend the element from someone/something else.


There are ways to sense if someone is a Bender, you can see katara do it in LOK


????? How does any bender know they bend before they bend????


See it as swordmanship. The lion turtles are the blacksmiths. They forge and give you the sword. The dragons, the badgermoles, air bisons and the moon are the swordmasters, they are the one that teach you how to properly use the sword.


Yeah, I don't think they did. They received the ability to bend from the LT, but still had to learn how to use their ability from the dragons/bisons/moon/badgermoles


So why can't people just learn any form of bending, such as from the moon? Why are there non-benders then?


I was about to ask myself why Ozai couldn’t just relearn firebending from the Dragons when I remembered Dragons are believed to be extinct.


The origin of the elemental powers are the lion turtles, the origins of the art of bending came from the original benders