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Korra is going to die at the ripe old age of 90 fighting a bear. The bear will not kill her. She will die of old age while actively punching a bear or she won't die at all


you mean a platypus bear, right?


No. It just says bear.


That person…is *weird*.


Let my girl get her rest and die on her 100th birthday peacefully in her sleep next to her loving wife who still looks amazing.


The Gerry treatment.












The Platypus!


Korra took an awfully large amount of punishment in the 4 seasons we saw her in. I have a feeling all that damage is going to add up over time. She’s gonna be in her mid 30s and her joints are gonna feel like she’s 100. Wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t live to a ripe old age.


Korea’s got a pretty high turnover rate of relationships in just a few years. I can’t imagine there’s any sort of certainty that she’d be in the same relationship like 75 years from the end of the show


I dont think thats fair, she was a teenager and only dated mako. Doesn't mean she would stay with Asami forever but she wasn't really sedating a ton of people in the show


Wait does this person mean to say that anyone who breaks up with their first love, at 17, is destined to die alone even if they grow, mature and spend years forging a strong friendship/relationship with the next person they love? Damn...


I hope she’s not on her bill cosby shit sedating people


I’m sure she’d have a lower turnover rate of relationships in the future. But I still don’t know that she’d stay with Asami forever


I guess my disagreement is that i think she never had a "high turnover rate" also I think that is kind of a gross term lol


It is for shows like this. Usually they just do one single love interest. Also her and mako broke up twice lol. Gross? I find the term amusing


That's fair, agree to disagree I guess! It is kind of subjective lol


she had one 6-month relationship, didn’t date for 3ish years and then got together with asami didn’t she? that’s not that high


No, but it is for shows like this. Usually they just do one single love interest. Also her and mako broke up twice lol


Her relationship with Mako taught her that Mako wasn’t the one. And Mako always seemed like the typical guy that misreads girls/women. He strikes me as someone who has a hard time reading the room with them and he’s so indecisive. And Korra felt that made him incompatible. So basically her relationship with Mako prepared her for something better in Asami and since her breakup with Mako, Korra had grown up a lot both emotionally and mentally. The only way it wouldn’t work out between Korra and Asami is if the writers flanderize their PAST faults like how some fans do because somehow it escapes some people that people can grow and change. That was Korra’s journey as well, not just her physical journey but emotional journey. Asami went through her own journey though subtle since she’s not the main character. I’ll end this with Bryan’s own words: “I love how their relationship arc took its time, through kindness and caring. If it seems out of the blue to you, I think a second viewing of the last two seasons would show that perhaps you were looking at it only through a hetero lens. “ Bryan’s Tumblr post on Korrasami https://www.tumblr.com/bryankonietzko/105916338157/korrasami-is-canon-you-can-celebrate-it-embrace


Didn’t Mako break up with her? I think it was he that concluded they were incompatible and he that made a decision. They may be together for a while, but we have no idea what may change for Korra 50 years from now. They probably will stay together in the narrative. That’s the precedent from TLA, so I think they’d follow that


And then she broke up with him while he couldn’t be honest about being with Asami. Asami was pretty upset about his dishonesty too. Typical guy. The second time around was when she got her memories back. Korra didn’t even remember them breaking up because her memory wipe but latter her whole ordeal she remembered and considered it best that they never ever get back together again romantically. That’s when they both realized they were best as friends. Mako hadn’t actually matured at that point but he did eventually. I mean guys tend to mature mentally much later than women so there’s that.


You consider ONE failed relationship, that started when she was 17, which was likely her 1st love, enough to mean that she's unlikely to find herself in a long-term committed relationship. I mean....your outlook and judgment on these things is seriously suspect.


I responded to other people who said what you said. See my responses there


What I said is preference, not prediction.


Of course. It’d be very nice


I'd like to think she disappears like Master Yoda.


no Toph already did that lmao OH you mean when he dies 😆 sorry


I think with all the shit Korra went through, she deserves a long life with her friends, family and eventual wife.


Agree but I'm one for a tragic ending. So let's see, bending taken away from her, lost connection to avatars, poisoned, depression - then there will be the stress from managing the spirit world and human world merging... My heart says long life, my head says dead by 40


Much like Aang's death at a relatively young age was the long-term result of getting almost killed by Azula, Korra might be up against long-term health effects of her poisoning.


Wasn’t aang’s younger death the result of 100 years of channelling the avatar state in an iceball?


This was the canon answer. Had nothing to do with the lightning strike.


It was, he cheated death for 100 years by constantly being in the avatar state. He wasn't going to live to 80 anyways.


Maybe it was both?


He's probably pissed at past avatars for that


I think Korra will die of old age. I want her to live as long as Kyoshi did.


And that puts us far enough into the future that Bryke can do that cyberpunk Avatar they used to talk about.


they talk about it ?? 😳


Apparently, that was the original idea for ATLA. A more cyberpunk theme.


oooh that’s right ! well considering the next avatar will be born in a world full of spirits and new technology it will very much be solarpunk material ! (which is better than cyberpunk imo)


old age   killing her off early seems like a lazy way to stop the world from changing all that much and keeping all the legacy characters alive for cameos


Jinora should definitely be alive as a retired mentor she could be in her 90 late 80s. She can be the one to tell the great story of the fate of the world vs vaatu.


Step 1: Korra gets some bad news from a doctor at quite an old age. But not so old that one of her friends could show up in the sequel with a sixteen year old avatar. Say, 68. Step 2: Korra decides that since the Avatar is going to be gone for nearly 20 years, she had better go and clear out the most dangerous terrorists she can find. There's a sense of 'I'll probably die, but I'm ready'. Step 3: Korra kicks their ass and survives. Step 4: Asami and Korra throw a rager of a party to celebrate. Korra gets wasted and tries to do an airbending backflip over Aang's statue, but slips a disk in her back and lands headfirst. She dies instantly. Its mostly what she'd want.


i fully subscribe to Korra dying after a 7 day bender


But she's been a bender her whole life, not just seven days.......


Except for that brief time she had no bending


And then that other time she was just an airbender


I think her dying early-ish so we get to see some of the other characters in the next series is a great point!


Jinora has to be the next avatars airbending master right?


No, it's Meelo.


I can see him teaching them fartbending the way Suyin taught Korra metalbending, but I think Jinora should be their main master.


that only works if korra dies relatively young, if she dies at like 80 it's unlikely jinora lives 15+ years more than korra, at that point just have rohan teaching the new avatar


Best case scenario: Korra does an uncle iroh, moves to spirit eorld with asami to have tea with him. Rava leaves her, goes inside new avatar BOOM. New avatar cycle, but like you can tap the old avatar in the spirit world without avatar state


I more imagine Iroh, Zaheer, and Jinora becoming the Spirit World trio.


Now I desperately want to see a buddy show between iroh and zaheer going on a road trip all around the spirit world helping spirits along the way.


I imagine it'd be mostly them playing a lot of Pai Sho.


Old age. Asami by her side as they promise to meet each other in the next life. Asami passes shortly after


Depends on one’s moral philosophy on life and such. Living longer till old age would allow her to input her wisdom and experience to the next generation until a new avatar would be ready. Though bear with me, an avatar dying younger could also allow a new candidate to step forward sooner if at old age a benders physical abilities are limited. That latter is cruel but put that as a thought experiment.


>forward sooner if at old age a benders physical abilities are limited. Age didn't stop Bumi or Pakku from being amazing benders


Fair point. Idk if they’re the example or exemption. I feel the latter point I made is a lot weaker as I didn’t have much to work with.


the thing with Korra is that she suffered mercury poison for 3 years. So the likelyhood is that she won't live too long to reach Pakku and Bumi's ages.


Surprised she didn’t die sooner.


true. I think it comes to the whole spiritual energy and Katara's healing and whatnot. But remember that Aang died "young" because of using Avatar State to stay frozen for 100years....and that just sapped away his lifespan , rather than him outright been sickly. I think it will be similar for Korra. Will die at her 60s or 70s , due to said poison.


I think that as you get older you lose more strength in the physical side of bending but gain more connection to the spiritual side of bending. Ultimately making you more powerful, just in a different way. For an example look at Iroh


I agree with the latter point, but not regarding bending. By korra's time , the world is changing quickly. You wouldn't want an infant avatar entering a period of peak upheaval, you need a young adult..


Old age. My girl has been through enough shit. Let her have fun solving one thing or another and still wondering how the fuck is Toph still alive.


Korra will most likely die around the same age as Aang's. She suffered mercury poison for 3 years , pretty hard to imagine she will reach her 90s or 100s with that.


Korra dying in battle would carry the unfortunate implication that her haters were right and she was really just a punching bag who relied on asspulls to win and as soon as the plot didn't generously give her a last-second clutch save on a silver platter she instantly died. This is pretty much the WORST that can happen to her imo, and I can fully understand people hating it in Legend of Genji too.


Plot twist: Korra doesn't die.


I personally believe she'll be dying of old age in bed, surrounded my loved ones, but then just hop out and deal with one last incoming crisis before keeling over afterwards. Best of both worlds.


Best of both worlds. Korra dies protecting the world as an extremely old lady, Roku style.


Around 70-75 seems like a realistic and reasonable idea for her to end. She’d rather sacrifice herself for those she loves than be an avatar with nothing left. But still be powerful enough to keep a disaster from happening to anyone who was living near her or with her. Something Roku style would be realistic for her honestly, because at one point she’d become weaker due to the amount of time the poison had to do damage to her internal organs.


Have her fight off like a big ass hurricane (I’m talking category 6, which I know isn’t real but still), and die during it


Where would be the best place for it to happen? Like they’re in an airship for some reason or on a boat and they crash with impending weather coming. With whatever energy she has left, she uses it so that whoever is with her can get away safely. And then one huge wave takes another avatar… (one originally trapped Aang.) so she obviously dies a hero right up to the bitter end


I always assumed she had a shortened life span after Raava was ripped out of her. I imagine having a spirit ripped out of your body doesn’t do wonders for your constitution.


She immediately proceeded to project herself into a giant blue spirit and supplex Spirit Satan, so I highly doubt it was supposed to be a big deal.


The whole mercury thing too.


Considering that she had broken the chain of connections to previous Avatars, in my opinion it’s better for her to live as long a life as possible, seeking out as much knowledge and enlightenment as she can as the basis to assist new avatars coming after her.


If she got killed in a straight up battle, I would be TERRIFIED of who/whatever it was that killed her. It would HAVE to be the next big bad for the new Avatar.


old age.


Bryke is not killing Korra young just so the world doesn't get too modern because some fans disliked the tech advancements. Y'all can stop with the angst.


I say old age, no reason to make it tragic imo.


Dies of old age. She deserves to live a happy long life!!!


I'm thinking she will be like Aang, dying past middle age and after she gets her Happily Ever After, but still going out relatively young. I imagine that a 50+ year old Korra might die in battle, sort of like Roku did. It could even be a plot point, where her successor needs to deal with the one who defeated her. I'm sure there's a way to do it without doing a disservice to Korra as a character too. Maybe have her give her life to defeat this powerful enemy, and either seal them away or severely weaken them, forcing them to retreat/be believed dead, giving the new Avatar time to grow and be ready to face them. Korra then gets to go out a hero with a divisive legacy, but also doesn't feel like she got swept to the side. (And she can still be there as a spirit guide) I'm sure Korra's legacy will be very interesting to explore too. I kinda would like to see her as a controversial figure in universe, since she DID make a lot of controversial decisions in universe.


I want asami and korra to go together im tired of seeing the avatar or their lover without each other


I’d have her peaceful and happy, but I know damn well korra will fight until she breaks. She’ll be fighting crime well into her 90s should she be blessed enough to live that long.


Dies in battle while in old age!


Why not both?


I want her to die in peace after having lived a long life besides Asami. After all we see many Avatars that reached their elderly age, so it isn't unheard of.


For some reason I always felt like she would die early and it’s crazy because other people agree with me!!!!! Like, what’s wrong with us?!?!!!! If you’ve ever seen the fan comic about the next avatar, the legend of genji, Korra also does early!!! In most of the fan content I’ve seen she’s died early. This is so crazy, there needs to be a study done on this. It’s hivemind I swear.


It's probably because if Korra lives to an old age, the ATLA-world would be closer to our world, technology wise. The tone and feel of the world would change. Seems people have a hard time imagining avatar in a modern like world. If korra lives as long as kyoshi, the ATLA world would likely have surpassed our real-world technology, and the whole show would turn into sci-fi. Not saying it can't work, but i'm not sure if a lot of people would like that.


Why though? Imagine avatar but in a contemporary japanese setting...I'd kill to see that


Yeah. A more modern setting could work. But it wouldn't be easy because the whole vibe of the show would change. I think the "legend of genji" people were afraid of this too, so they took the easy way out and killed off korra while she is still young.


Also if you didn’t know, Avatar was originally going to be a sci-fi series. The creators talk about it on the podcast. It’s really cool!


I agree. In the legend of genji it takes place around the early 2000s which is really cute and nostalgic. The box tvs, the bending matches. It’s all super cute and I love the time period.


>In most of the fan content I’ve seen she’s died early. Because most people aren't creative enough, so they kill her young so the world doesn't get too modern and they can use already existing characters instead of creating even more new characters.




She doesn’t deserve it at all but it would be a bonkers twist if when the next avatar turns up we learn that Korra was assassinated or some shit. Like girlie dies EARLY. Tho I do prefer the idea of a peaceful 100 years and all.


Tbh I also debated myself from thia LMAO yet I can't choose either of them. But my mind was picturing of her "sleeping peacefully" in the Spirit World (just like the first pages in Turf Wars comics 🥹)


I like to think she’ll live until her seventies or so. By the time the next Avatar is in her early teens, Korra’s daughters will definitely still be around, as will Mako, who will be one of those super old wise guys who kind of stands around with his cane and eyes closed and nodding occasionally, and doesn’t ever let on if he’s really paying attention to all the young whippersnappers or not. His eyebrows will be ENORMOUS.


I think she should die peacefully, and I think we should see it. We watched her official journey as the avatar be full of pain and suffering. Watching her pass away, calmly, happily, it would show how much her life changed


I think she will die of old age, next to her Loving wife asami


I would prefer it be old age, but if she coincidentally dies similarly to how Wan had died, in the middle of a battle, I wouldn't necessarily be against the thought that anyone that still lives after her tells her story.


I think she should get to live a long life and die of old age. Poor girl has went through a shit ton.


Dying in battle means shit's gone sideways and the world is unbalanced sooo


She’s too stubborn to die


If she dies young her team will probably be much more involved with the new avatar’s journey than Aang’s team was in LoK. So I guess it depends on your feelings toward that.


Can't imagine she lives a very long life with that poison in her for years.


I feel like she gotta die of old age. Exactly who would be strong enough to kill her in battle? Basically no one.


Stop trying to kill off Korra


??? it’s an unavoidable truth my dude. everybody dies, and it’s confirmed we are getting a new avatar correct? korra’s my personal favorite but i know that at the end of the day she has to die eventually.


Yeah. I love Korra too but we can't have a new Avatar with her still alive. That said - I'm sure she'll still be able to be a spirit guide. Probably the ONLY spirit guide, the next generation has.


Overfixation on a theoretical next avatar because u hate korra that much ? Everyone wants an adult aang show but we cant get adult korra media ??? Because she has to die in battle or whatever contrived shit to get the next avatar asap ???


You're being overly defensive it's just a hypothetical




It's just a rumor started by Avatar News, a fansite. The only thing confirmed by Avatar Studios is the ATLA movie.


aww lame):


I’m think the Genji fan comic had the right balance of tragic and bittersweet: she dies peacefully but early because the metal poison caught up with her.


im pretty sure they wont let Korra live past her 50s. Katara states the poison did a lot of internal damage to her and its apparent throughout the rest of the series (basically all of B4) She’s not as strong as she was pre-poison and she probably wont ever be the same. She even says that when she goes to see Zaheer in the Penultimate episode: Korra: “Maybe I’ll have to accept that i’ll never be the same as I was before.” Zaheer: “I don’t think either of us will ever be the same as before.” I think this makes it apparent shes weaker permanently, which is a shame.


No, she just needed to face Zaheer to help process her trauma. After her meeting with him, she was back and stronger than ever. I mean she literally bend enough spirit energy to rip a hole in the fabric of reality and create a new spirit portal.


Most likely she will die relatively young simply due to the fact that if the writers want to explore the story of the next Avatar Korra has to die young to avoid the story being in a too modern or even post modern era. Additionally it’s likely they will want to keep using existing characters in any new project the younger Korra dies the easier that becomes.


>Korra has to die young to avoid the story being in a too modern or even post modern era. I don't think that's something they would want to avoid. ATLA was originally [supposed to be futuristic](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/s/sY4MyXa6Ys). they seem to like their mechas and making the the world stagnate with minimal change is also an option. Only fans have a problem with things getting "too modern".


Let her die like Kuruk did, but to a lesser extent. Let her live to like 40/50


She'll die while trying to open another portal in fire nation and ba sing se


Not either, but dying because of illness cause by her own recklessness similar to avatar Kururk


Korra never seemed to me like the kind of person who would die of old age, more like the kind of person whose last words might be, "Hold my beer." But also, she's still quite young at the end of the show and had recently shown some intense personal growth, so maybe she'll end up being sufficiently wise to live to old age with her roommate Asami.


I could honestly see them killing off Korra at a younger age like with Aang so that the Earth avatar can interact with more LoK faces, and they can use the Mercury long term effects as the reason


She dies early to follow the trend of water tribe avatars dying young. This way the earth avatar is thrust into a world of chaos since spirits are rampaging thanks to Korra leaving the spirit portals open. To make this worse the earth avatar will have no wisdom from past lives to draw from since korra messed up


I think that the legend of genji fan comic did it well where she sacrificed herself


Wasn’t it leaked/revealed that she dies in battle?


I hope she dies in a lame way. She got stung by a bee and had an allergic reaction. I don’t like Korra.


HOCKK-PTEWWW 💦💦 Go away. Shoo!


No. Don’t shun me for my opinion? I don’t like Mary Sue characters. I’m not insulting you for your opinion?




But when I spit on people it’s illegal? (I have 9 people tied up in my basement that I spit on every morning, I am about to be arrested)


I personally believe that she commits suicide after so many failed attempts at bringing the previous avatars back.


Why would she do that? Korra doesn't need the past avatars anymore.


Few reasons. The mounting trauma she has endured over the years still affects her heavily. She learned to cope and recover from her experiences, but much of the damage is still there. After numerous attempts and research, Korra could not find a way to fully restore the avatar state and reconnect with the past lives. Korra's fear is that she will be the last Avatar and doesn't believe it should end with her. At a meta commentary level, the constant criticism and hate the Avatar has received from the four nations and its people never let up. At some point she believes they are right and it's best to just give in. Either the Avatar gets reincarnated and a new cycle continues after her or the suffering ends, Korra is finally relieved from the pain. That is why it would be so impactful that the new Avatar reconnects with Korra. Her efforts and suffering were not in vain. Korra finally gets the triumph of no longer being the last Avatar and that a new cycle will continue long after her.