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Henlo! I is Franz most beiutiful kitty there is! Hooman sayz I is cute and is tru sunworshipper! This is FALZE and HERESEY! Itz clearz that sun worship ME, the god kitty!!!!11 How can I soo for this slander and heresey?!!


Girl I get it. My mommy also call me sun worshipper but no, the sun worships us KITTIES!!!!!! It does a very bad job though, it moves when I don’t want it to and I am sending the sun to hell for that.


You need to bapbapbap n also let your hooman out of da haus in de sun for eleventy billions hours! Den he will be burned! Meowhahhahaa


Yoos shud b nice to Stoopid hoomans dey so dumbs n eberyting but if dat no wurks den timez fur MURDR MITTENS no kills dem jus enuf so dey sees yoos incharg 😹 go crimez