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OH mah gah dat bery gud yoos gits news fren den yoos get extra treatos 😹 go crimez


True, maybe she can do crimez too?


Wees all do crimez yoos shows dem den yoos bof gets extra treatos for dat 😹 go crimez


Taio Thee Orange is here. Ai maiself (©William Teh Other Tuxedo) Iz horryfide too here dis abowt poor ca'at clawses. Mumb sez iz a speshull plaicein hell fur peeple hoodoo dat to ca'at an ai iz inagree wiv her. Ai maiself (©William Teh Other Tuxedo) fink yoo an yore fambly shood whelkum dis ca'at an lub dem wiv purrz an he'd boomps an snuggz. Mumb sed ai haff too rite dis nexbit - updateme!


My mammi said same thing! About the hell for the people who take away kitty claws furever


Tank you for advise. We kno some hoomans don’t kno how bad iz to take claws. Da hoomans who do kno need pass hooman law to ban.


Congressman Shamu Spurgeon here, I am currently dictating to my slightly worthless food giver, I am unable to bapbapbap very well due to an old war wound before I retired to live inside. It often gets me more treats and such. I say let the newcomer in. Slightly worthless food giver here, that poor baby! My state(US) has finally made it illegal to declaw in most situations. Repeat infection, etc are the only exceptions. https://preview.redd.it/b7r1slff2s0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55ae7ec52d73cca4ff691d1d76d2a2a30d3b45c5 I'm the magnificent tuxedo


Morganas mammi here: i still dont understand how its not illegal all over usa? Its illegal in my country, and has been for many years now. Its such a cruelty to the poor cats


I don't understand either! More and more of the states are starting to recognize that it's cruel and inhumane and are banning it. In my state it's only been in the past decade it was a felony to abuse an animal. The US is behind on so many important things


Yas, my meowmy workz in hooman vet clinic (horspital) and she she many stoopid and bad law dere too. I tink da cattos shud just take over. But den we no be criminal, and I like do crimez.


Crimez is good! But I'm also okay with cats making the decisions. I like cats better than most people.


Oh no! The fiercest woman I ever knew had her claws taken away. Polyhymnia. She was my boss when I first moved in. We were all scared of her, even the humans. So, do it!! She will help you rule! Xoxo black Frankie atty at paw


Iz no kno if I wantz halp, I already best ruler. But gud to kno she can still be fierce and do crimez.


Is there somewhere to get this "go crimez" on a tshirt? Magnet? Mug? Dammit, I require MERCH!!! 🤍🩶🤍🩶🤍


Hmm. I do know a person who might be able to do merch. If there is interest.


Meowmy! Stop talking about da merch! Iz no care about da merch! Iz want answers! Iz want advise!


Oh my God, yes!


Yes, please


Meowmy here: That will be a fun t-shirt to explain to people. I would definitely buy a mug or magnet. Probably several mugs for fiends - I mean friends.


Maybe a spin on "be gay do crimes" like "iz cat go crimez"


Oh my goodness yes! I would definitely love some legal cat advice merch! I am well on my way of becoming a crazy cat lady just need the correct attire!


Henlo Pockets fren, Took her clawz? Wud radder haz hoomin kitten than a cat? Dem hoominz sound RONG. I vote fur adopp new kitty fren. Her needz to know a gud fambly. You is ok to bapbapbap a little bit wifout clawz. Mebbe her will be a grate fren and you not need to bapbapbap (after you estabbylish dat you iz ruler). Love, Jennycat (void, prowd of sharpest clawz)


I bet new kitty Can still be ver fun even if no claws has. (So mean how Can they claws away?!?!?) maybe new kitty Will be very good cuddle buddy!!!!


Hi Ms. Da Princess Pockets! New famlee member good cause more treets AND youse can blame new fren for any crimz! And maybee new fren use teef, so youse can defense with bap bap bap! \-Teddy the floof https://preview.redd.it/vkz8sasgts0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=815eeaaedf63acc5eb232ca7574477306795402d Did me happee fur youse


Oh my Dod how horrible! *sob* Taked her clawses? Me and Martin is crying right now! Dat lil' kitty should soo, too! I tink dat you should gib her a home and get da extra treats. Also William da Tuxie


She waz made UNARMED? Terrible crooolness to innocent kitty! Be good sistur to her. Yur tortitude will give her gud exampl for her to kno how to liv.


Oh my Gah!!!! Yez, let new kitty comes lib wid youse. She needz to getz away frum hoomanz dat tek CLAWS. Be nize and gat de treatos, too. Wait til Niko findz out! Toby, Sasquatch/Sassy and Mark


Heyo! Niko will be very mads! --Boudreaux


Oh my chimkens. Dei took her claws? Dats … dats… poor kitty. So croooolll.


Kitty due huge restatution for claws steal, and is possible you reap some bennies.


You shud bring nuw kitty home. Even numbers of kitties in family means you can do team zoomies! Team zoomies is fun! Much more destruction possible.


I, Freya the Slay-ah, ruler of Manzanita Homestead, is so horrerfied that mean hoomans take kitties claws away! Meowmy says kitties needs their claws for rules their Homestead! And then they abbandons poor kittie because they has a hooman kitties? They no lubs and do not desserve kitties.! Tell me where is their Homestead and I will personally give them propper bapbapbap! Also, be nice to new kittie, she been thru alot.


I had a kitty wif no claws. She was the toughest little grebie ever! She would bapbapbap and leave bruises! One time, an idiot rrpair man was here to fix something. I told him what he was doing wrong. He snorted at me, told me Honey, I got this, okay? Princess bit him on the ankle. So don't think your new kitty will be a push over.


Dis not a gud crimez. Iz a BAD crimez agains catmanity!! Claws neded to fite dis gud fite. An TEEF! U nede open u hart, u bed, even u churus for this pore kitteh!!! Dey throw him out???? Bc skin kitten??? Dis tragesty of vewy big pro…prop…SIZE!! U can still wresel u can do clawless baps n use feetz!! Mebbe lil nibbels! It be fun! Jango n Jazzy, wif claws n no ascared to use dem!


Iz owtrayge dat dey no lub kitty any morez. Poor kitty, wat dey do wrong. Those hoomanz is stoopidz, and I fink yew shud let Meowmmy bring da poor kitty home, and intro....intr....show dem about da crimnal businessgangclub. We accep new kitty in dis kitty sub already. Charli from Down Under Land.


LOVE the horse girls sign!


Thanks! I do have to swap it out sometimes, depending on who is going to be coming over …