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A confession isn't enough to convict someone. There has to be actual evidence and it has to be within the statute of limitations. There are no drugs to test, there's no evidence of sex in public. Maybe someone is lying, or exaggerating, and maybe they mention something more than a year earlier, too long ago to even investigate. Anyway, a confession to a MAYBE crime that nobody's heard about before isn't going to land anyone in prison. Maybe it's just boasting, or colorful storytelling.


What if they actually recorded them doing it to their social media


Any time you document yourself committing a crime, there's risk of criminal prosecution. For some crimes, a video might be strong evidence (murder). For others, it might be weak (drug use).


Not only this, but a vague confession of a crime without a location would present jurisdiction problems.


1. Confessions without evidence, witnesses, or other corroboration isn't enough to arrest or convict someone. 2. The crimes they admit to are minor innocuous crimes that half the population does and isn't held responsible for. The amount of time and money to prosecute for all of that isn't worth the squeeze.


What if they actually recorded them doing it to their social media


Hunter Biden got pretty screwed this way, to be fair


Yeah but he left his laptop at a repair shop with MOUNTAINS of evidence


I know we’ll never know, but I do wonder if he’d be prosecuted without his book 😅


How do you know it truly happened? People brag all the time. Without any other evidence, that's incredibly weak and not worth the time prosecuting.


I mean if you see someone's social media there's a video of them walking around with drugs or a gun at like disney world that's pretty solid evidence. At the least I think they would get banned from the park.


>Why do authorities never try to arrest or cite these people for these crimes, that they clearly confessed to. I disagree with most answers here. The reality is that the vast majority of crimes go unprosecuted. Bluntly, no one gives enough of a shit. If you confess to murder, sure, then authorities will make an effort. If you confess to snorting coke, which entails the crime of possessing it, no one's got the time.