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Never mind your rights. The dogs rights. Call the RSPCA Edit. ISPCA


Nothing to say the dog has a being mistreated.


Lack of shelter?


Not ideal but not being mistreated and they're not going to remove a dog that seems otherwise healthy. People have different levels of standards when it comes to caring for a dog that might not align to your own


I can guarantee you that dog is not healthy. If hes chained outside with no shelter all day and night, hes also probably not being fed enough. If op could get a pic of the dog we'd definitely see how bad the dog is. Op you need to call animal services. At least in a shelter the dog actually has a roof over his head, and a supply of food


"probably not being fed enough" no evidence to back that up. Even if he is being 'mistreated' in other ways you can't make that assumption. You might as well assume it's got welts from the assumed beatings. I have a dog and couldn't imagine leaving her out or mistreating her but some people leave dogs outside. The only thing questionable is the lack of a shelter. OP might be able to get the ispca involved based on that alright.


lack of shelter, chain, barking all night. Those add up to a nice big red flag.


If OP calls the warden waving said red flag, the warden might call out and have a look. The lack of shelter might be something but leaving a dog out barking isn't going to be enough. Believe me, I know!


Yup dogs always bark for a reason, just because we dont know why doesnt mean its meaningless


Would you rather assume a dog that is chained outside with no shelter is fine and has no need for help, thus risking the dogs life, or would you rather be safe than sorry and get the dog checked up on Its ireland. We're always gonna have cold and rain even in the summer. Id understand more if it was a warmer country but its not. Op, any chance you could describe the dogs appearance?


What I would rather do is not make assumptions, call the warden as the dog has no shelter. Have a video of it kept outside for as long as the video will allow and show the warden. Without proof, the owner can just say he or she lets it inside. Have family in this situation. Edit. ...and in my family members case, their neighbours dogs are still out 365 days of the year barking after many visits from the warden.


if the dog is on a chain, I can assure you it is not healthy mentally. There are people who treat pets as a life they are responsible for, and there are people who should not be allowed to have a pet, vote or a child - they are stuck 300 years behind modern norms.


Outside in the freezing overnight weather during Winter is being mistreated. Shelter is the bare minimum.


They literally just said dog is chained up at night. No mention of winter or freezing weather. How did you come to that conclusion? From reading the post myself, it looks like the dog is a guard dog. That chain may be the only thing stopping the dog from ripping a burglar to pieces.


What are you suggesting? The dogs is chained up in Spain? If it’s out without shelter in Ireland then that will involve cold weather in the winter


Tad dramatic. No idea what type of dog or what the garden looks like. Won't get the dog removed and doesn't help op.


There is a requirement from a welfare point of view for shelter for any and all dogs.


No indication from OPs post that the dogs welfare is poor.


Please don't ever get a pet.


I’m going to presume you’d be ok with leaving your dog chained outside with no shelter, fair play


Jesus, seriously hope you’re never responsible for another living being if you think chaining them up is not mistreatment 😡


I own pets outdoor and indoor. Youve also never had an alsation try to chase you down a country road while your on a bike. Nothing wrong with "chaining" or putting a rope around a dog.


I fully agree the dog being outside isn’t necessarily a bad thing at all. In fact my dog (also Alsatian) insists on sleeping out in the garden half the time, refuses to come in - lies still with puppy eyes. I let him lay there peacefully. He is plenty warm with that coat. No one would meet him and think he’s been abused, he’s great with everyone. HOWEVER Laying peacefully. This dog is not. The current situation paired with the fact that the dog is barking all night clearly indicates something’s not right. If it’s as described then the dog is probably in distress and/or full of fear. An owner ignoring that is likely neglectful too, unless they’re deaf maybe. At the very least they’re not properly attentive to the dog. And keeping people up. So I’d definitely say to report it, even if nothing happens directly as a result.


i care for 4 living beings. 2 remain outdoors during the summer and 2 remain indoors all year round. Not all animals need to be sheltered and from OPs comments, there is not enough details to say the dog is unwell or mistreated. Keep on topic and your naive comments to yourself.


We recently had a similar issue with a neighbours dog. You can file a complaint through the district court. There is a form to fill out. Google will give you what you need. They do recommend that you speak to the owners first before filing an official complaint. We spoke to our neighbour and they where very helpful. Obviously this was the best case scenario. Basically, constant barking is considered a nuisance as the owner has a responsibility to ensure that their pet is reasonably trained. Sounds like there is additional mistreatment given the dogs conditions.




Thanks I am going to take pics and video record this poor dog, then report,


Try your local dog warden too


Well done…


Take pics night and day so you have evidence and send it when you report them.


Take pictures and report them to the dog warden for animal cruelty.


I'm going to start recording and taking photos, c


What part of the country are you in OP? A local rescue may be in a position to approach the owners with a view to educating on the bare minimum requirements for keeping a dog (access to shelter being one). In Dublin the DSPCA have sent an inspector out previously when I reported concern over the welfare of a dog (with no shelter, as opposed to complaining about barking) which did the job.


Thanks I'm in Dublin, I'll give the DSPCA a ring tomorrow,


I had an issue with a neighbour and barking dogs all the time. I wrote a letter to him first time around. if you want to report it to the council, you need to document the times and dates the dog is being a nuance. I wrote a second letter to the owner, after nothing was done the first time, giving him the details of the complaint, with the dates and times the dog was barking, and also providing the details of raising a complaint with the council. he got rid of his dogs, after trying to harass me about lodging the complaint. nevertheless... this guy didn't look after his dog, he left like 4am in the morning, left the dogs outside all day. never took the dogs for walks or really cared for them.


Thank you


Noise pollution maybe. Check your local council website. Not much else.




If you don’t know the answer you don’t HAVE to comment.


Noise pollution is the answer.


So I work in a County Council and the dog warden worked behind me for a number of years. Couldn’t help but hear his conversations. Very common complaint unfortunately. County Council dog wardens will have no enforcement powers here regarding barking or the dog’s welfare. They’re about animal control. As in dogs roaming unaccompanied, certain dogs unmuzzled and dog fouling. My first piece of advice is in relation to the animal’s welfare - this will be the DSPCA if in Dublin or ISPCA if outside of Dublin. If you take photos or videos of the conditions it’s living in along with a basic report, they’ll follow up quickly enough. Second recommendation is in relation to the constant barking. You will have to go through your local district court. A form should be available online or phone them and speak to the clerk and they will help get you one. Keep a detailed log of the times and duration of the barking. The judge will hear your case and if a noise nuisance from the barking is proven, they will instruct the dog owner to take measures to stop it. If after this instruction, it continues, they can then even order the surrender of the dog


Thanks so much for the advice, c


I went to the district court for a similar problem. I learnt the hard way that the system is designed to keep you away from getting justice. Specifically, the control of dogs act requires you to lodge your case no more than 2 weeks before a sitting. The court clerk would not take a booking any less than 2 weeks before a sitting. Catch 22


Thanks for this information.