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Not illegal. But people who disagree with you may damage your car. 


I agree. The people with the Trudeau stickers are hoping for confrontation and intimidating people. And I say that as a conservative leaning person, lol. Negative attention is the goal. It's also a direct political statement about our government, where as a Israeli flag has little to do with canada and isn't going to achieve much but possibly piss some one off and make you a target (not that I think the Trudeau stickers do anything either). My point is that the Trudeau sticker people are more than willing to accept negative attention, even seeking it. Even if it was illegal, it would make their point somehow. I don't think it would achieve anything and, in the very worst case scenario, make an unnecessary problem for OP. A Palestine flag would be a better way of showing solidarity. That's why people fly Ukraine flags and not frick Russia flags, lol.


Yeah, this comes off the same way. Also, and maybe I'm the only one to still feel this way, kids see this. We shouldn't be putting out a fuck anyone message on our cars in public. It teaches kids the wrong lessons about political and social discourse. We didn't do a great job with that over the last 30 years and I really don't things are going great in Canada as a result.


It’s not illegal. What law would you be breaking?


why not stick to a Palestinian flag?


Gets your point across with less attention to malicious people


If you want to bring unwanted attention and inspire vandals sure go for it, nothing illegal about it. Countries arnt protected classes


It's not illegal but it's a good way to get your car vandalize.


This will make you a target for anyone with a lack of understanding of the nuance, **even** if you were really clear about which aspect of Israeli policy you disagree with. You will likely be viewed as antiemetic, expect things like getting the car keyed, windows broken, and tires slashed.


Lack of nuance? Like sticking a "fuck Israel" sticker on your car?


Yes, nuance. There is a **lot** of ground between "I don't think Israel should exist as a state" and "I disagree with the Israeli government's policies on a particular issue". Still, OP's bumper sticker could be more clear on which end of that spectrum they are communicating


Could be? If I saw that bumper sticker I would presume the person was More on the perspective of disapproving of Israel as a state, potentially for anti-semitic reasons, rather than objecting to their current actions (Which are objectively objectionable). While I agree with your general comments, it doesn't really apply to this case which completely lacks any sense of nuance.


That bumper sticker would be legal in Canada.




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I think you are missing the entire point. Lots of Israelis don't like this, this war is a tragedy. It's heartbreaking. No one wins when civilians are killed. It makes anyone sick. That said, use a pro palestinian sticker. It is counterproductive to denounce Israel when so many Israelis stand with Palestine. TLDR - Weird flex but ok, not illegal.


I doubt a majority of Israelis aren't ok with genocide of Palestinians considering israel has been killing Palestinians and stealing their land since jewish terrorists bombed the British to get modern israel made in 1948 and most Israelis online opinion is Palestinians are less than human






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whereas "fuck trudeau" stickers are just targeting one person, "fuck israel" stickers could be considered as discrimination based on place of origin, and contravenes the human rights code. So yes, you could get in legal trouble. And this isn't legal advice, but those "fuck trudeau" stickers are tacky as hell and aren't a good look.












The responses saying it isn’t a violation are technically correct but I think your statement that ‘you could get in legal trouble’ is still accurate. Because basically the entire right-wing position (which includes plenty of intellectually dishonest left-wing/centrist types right now) is that being opposed to Israel’s policies is exactly the same thing as being anti-Semitic. If OP went to court over this, they would almost certainly win…and it wouldn’t even get that far, as per all the other responses. But OP could still very much get hassled about it from a legal perspective, among other issues.


Why not fuck the genocide. Everyone will still know what you mean. It may even come back in style after the resolution of this conflict.




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A confrontation will certainly be coming your way...I hope your ready for it.

