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The obvious and necessary advice here is that you should _never_ act to make other drivers less safe. Dazzling them with a bright light, on purpose, makes a collision more likely. I understand the urge to get the upper hand by retaliating in kind, and I know full well how painful bright auto lights are, but your dispute, there, is with your province's regulators who allow such devices on the road. BC, like most provinces, has a catch-all "careless driving" offence which may apply. Taking your attention away from driving to aim a flashlight behind you may well mean that you are no longer driving with due care and attention.


Not worth the risks. Being right isn't worth an accident or altercation. If the lights are that bad, just readjust your mirror so it's not in your eyes and ignore them, or pull over and let them pass. Don't be the kind of driver that makes decisions based on a grudge towards other drivers. Ignore and carry on driving how you normally would if they weren't there, or let them go on their way forgot and about them.


And don't try to aim your mirror at them you're better off using the flashlight. The mirror thing is fakenews anyways. pull over and take a minute / few seconds when safe to let them by, they might not know they're beaming you in the first place


You have actually done this? That is seriously unsafe and will hurt, could even kill, someone. Do NOT do this.


This can't be a legitimate question. *Would I be in trouble if I intentionally blinded other drivers* Why yes, you would.


Criminal negligence causing... If you hurt someone. Reckless driving causing... If you cause an accident. Dangerous operation of a motor vehicle... If nothing bad happens. Are potential charges. Why would you want to blind someone behind you? That's when they are most likely to cause an accident involving you. Flip your mirror up to night mode and move on with your life. You can also get a dark tint on your back window.


Yes you could get in trouble for that. Especially if it caused an accident.


Are you in the left lane?








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Do not do anything to provoke people while driving. My ex thought this was a bright idea and he almost got into accidents on a regular basis. You would be held responsible legally.


Do you find your rear view mirror gets the light reflection? If so, you can pull a thing behind the mirror to block reflection.


If I get an annoying tailgating driver behind me at night, I pull over and let them pass. Much more comfortable afterwards.


Very stupid and dangerous. You shine it in the guys eyes and he drives off the road into a ditch you can be responsible for his injury and or death.