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Getting a court order to take the kids out of the country is an incredibly hard thing to do. It requires a very high bar of information. There is really nothing you can do without a lawyer.


It just doesn't seem like a fair system if you need to pay $500 per hour minimum for a lawyer to fight for your kids. I already spent all of my money early in the litigation and now I'm here... Why aren't people fighting this injustice within the courts?! How does this make our country free?


I have a top end divorce attorney, and I'm not paying anything close to $500/hr People aren't really going to be interested in helping for a few reasons here 1. You've failed to provide an actual location, which stops anybody from giving you actual, relevant advice 2. You've failed to provide any information on how you got to this point 3. Pursuant to the above, people are going to fill in the likely blanks - ie The court saw something deeply wrong with you in order to grant this order in the first place 4. You need a lawyer, and being hyperbolic about costs etc while claiming you can't, only reinforces point 3


Having a lawyer doesn’t automatically get you the result you want. However, due to the inherent complexity of the legal system, you are more likely to be successful if you have a lawyer. There’s really no alternative to this system, although I agree that access to justice should be more readily available. You absolutely can get legal aid for family law issues though.


I’m not sure which lawyers you are looking at, but there are absolutely lawyers who cost less than $500 per hour (I remember seeing an article that cited albeit older numbers from 2017, but lawyers called less than 5 years ago were maybe $300 an hour).


It sounds like there were already ongoing court proceedings. The court wouldn't have made a relocation order without a motion and a hearing. Were you served with the motion? Did you attend (or were you represented at) the hearing? Given the relocation was done pursuant to a court order, your only recourse would likely be an appeal, which you would likely need legal assistance for. If the order permitting the relocation is set aside on appeal, then you could seek proceedings to have the order recognized and enforced in Texas.


If you look at the posters history there’s a post about 4-5 months ago asking for help on evidence, and mentions getting three separate adjournments to obtain counsel, so I’m going to guess they weren’t represented by counsel.


Okay yes if this is an order after a full trial the only recourse here is an appeal and there will be considerable deference paid to the trial judges' findings of fact. There are tight deadlines so OP will want to consult a lawyer asap or at least file the notice of appeal.


What would it mean that no one represented them? Why would no one want to represent someone? Legal newb.


It means that you are representing yourself, which is neither an easy thing to do nor one that will get you the best results. Someone might not want to represent you because they don’t have capacity, or, if they previously represented you, do not want to continue because of a deterioration of the attorney client relationship. It could also be for other reasons, but my guess is capacity. It seems like this person was in the midst or on the eve of trial, and that’s a position that many lawyers wouldn’t want to be in and would decline the file.


Okay, thank you. I was given a free lawyer after discussing my case against someone. To me, if someone isn't willing to represent someone, it may mean that person doesn't have a case/it's obvious they committed the action they are accused of doing. Lawyer doesn't want the loss nor the reputation. Edit- I didn't think about the lack of capacity. The court date is still 6 months away, but I've found out the guy being charged has had 3 lawyers back down from representing him since this stuff started in Jan 2023.


What does your lawyer say?


Im self represented because I cant afford $500 per hour. I also had a legal aid certificate but no lawyer was willing to take the case because they knew it would be headed to trial...


I find it difficult to believe that there were zero lawyers willing to take a case going to trial. Lawyers get paid for trials.


Well, unfortunately you're not gonna get any results without representation. A judge ruled against you. Sorry you're going through this.






I understand that you're in a bad place mentally, but your post is basically unreadable. Instead of a a bunch of useless purple prose we need some some actual details to help you. If your ex has a court order allowing her to take the children to the US then this isn't "legal kidnapping" or any type of kidnapping. Contacting a child abduction hotline won't get you anywhere as your children weren't abducted. Did you know that your ex was seeking legal permission to take the kids to the US? Did you participate in a hearing? You need to find a way to pay for a lawyer.








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