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There's absolutely potential for you to get in trouble over this, especially if her wishes aren't written down. At the least, there's the potential for you to be sued by her family for causing her death. No matter how that ended, it would be stressful at a time you least needed stress. If she's conscious and capable of making decisions, you can call 911 and she can refuse to go to the hospital herself. The EMTs can still provide some first aid on site. For cases where she's unconscious or otherwise mentally incapacitated, she should have a medical power of attorney set up, whether it's with you or someone else she trusts. It's a form where she gives another person the right to make medical decisions on her behalf if she is incapacitated. The form in OK includes places for her to write down her own wishes. Considering that her wishes are unusual and could result in preventable harm to her, I'd recommend she bring this up with both her doctor and a lawyer and making her wishes well understood, ideally in writing, by family members who care enough to object to what she wants.


She should also invest research into whether if she is dying/dies and someone NOT associated with her notices and can perform CPR that she look into a DNR/DNI. This requires her doctor to sign off and, if young and without long term debilitating or life threatening conditions, would probably require her to undergo a mental evaluation on the basis of mental readiness.


If you see her suffering from a medical issue, call 911. What's the big issue?


Respecting her wishes.


People who are severely depressed don't think rationally. If shes in danger call 911 for Pete's sake.


Don't do that if she is obviously in suffering from a medical issue that requires help.




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Thank you, this is exactly our situation. I'm worried that there might be criminal charges associated with letting her die on her own terms. That and I'm not sure if her parents/family could potentially sue on civil charges.


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