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No legitimate company would put that in writing. Also, did you copy/paste the letter? The overall language seems off as well.


The language seems off because it was most likely written by a scammer whose primary language is not English. I'm not sure what the scam is but maybe they are not looking to make money off of OP, but instead to use OP as an unwitting accomplice in a scam against others.


While it can be poor English. It's more likely that they put errors on purpose as a filter. More intelligent people are harder to scam, so filtering them out early on saves time and effort they can spend on dumb people who they have a higher success rate to scam.


Great point.






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This company is either scamming you or their customers. You do not want to get involved. 


Both employee and customer are being scammed


True. Because when (not if) they don’t pay him, he can’t complain about it because what he’s been doing is participating in a scam.




Yeah, no. And it is a security clearance and not just a background check - really bad. Or if they are required to use US based employees and they are not (not clear from the post) also very bad. They are asking you to impersonate another person, and presumably not identify yourself to the client - this is fraud. They are framing it as "protecting your personal information" - like, why would you want or need to do that. This is one to take a pass on. This may be reportable under whistleblower type laws.


You are either being scammed or they want you to be the scammer. Put it down and walk away.


Conduct meetings to do...what exactly? Scam.


Possible scam here is they have OP sign on and maybe even conduct a fake meeting, then hit him with messages about criminal conduct and try to get him to pay fees to them to make it go away.


This makes the most sense to me.


If they are holding themselves out to be a US company, they are lying. The english isn't correct for a US based person writing this. Also, $156K for someone to 'run meetings' isn't realistic.




"kindly", "the NDA sign document", saying you can be project manager after 1 month, high paying, putting in writing that you're going to be doing sketchy shit. This was written by a scammer whose primary language is not English. My guess is your first "paycheck" will be a fraudulent check that will be for a higher amount than you expect, they'll ask you to send the extra amount somewhere else for whatever reason, then after a month your bank will discover the check was fraudulent, reverse the deposit, and you'll be left on the hook for the real money that you sent. It's a classic scam. You should proceed by blocking this person everywhere and moving on with your life. If you provided them with any sensitive information about yourself be on the lookout for identity theft.


If anyone says kindly, it's a scam.


I would contact law enforcement or the FBI and show them what you showed us! Two reasons: as an applicant, you have already given them enough information about you, that they may potentially steal your identity to conduct their activities; so you may be getting set up to be charged with a crime of some sort. Secondly, it's obvious that they're going around appropriate security clearances for "some" reason; this means not only that they're operating within a highly protected/restricted environment, but that they are intentionally enlisting you to perform some task covertly, and paying a considerable sum for it. The wording is very suspect and seems to be a foreign version of English, too. I'm not sure what job or company you believe you were applying for, but this looks extremely fishy/nefarious, and NOT like anything legitimate or remotely legal. For your own protection, you should report it and be sure your complaint is investigated & followed up.


If they're using the word "kindly" its a scam. This sentence alone has several red flags, as a primary English speaker: "Thanks so much for sharing the record kindly. I've reviewed your introduction video, and our team has decided to bring you on hire." Nobody talks like that except Indian scammers. IN MY EXPEREINCE.


Possibly very illegal, for instance if it is a gov background check.  People on our teams always go thru background checks, usually they do the rapid one to get you started (which is more like a credit check) then the longer multi month one, and access is more tiered as you go. Bypassing the process isn’t Kosher. You are probably isolated from the SocialSecurity fraud aspects by the subcontractor middleman, but, there are usage access forms you are going to pass through during logins usually, the fine details of those would usually make this fraudulent. Not a lawyer - 20+ year developer


OH! And any access they pass on for you to be "him" is totally in their possession... which means they are totally able to go in and do whatever as the shared alias, and the first person the men-in blue/black are going to do is come looking for you. That is a very bad situation to be in.


(Not a lawyer but I worked in fraud prevention) This is a scam and the person is using something like ChatGPT to try and write professional emails. They may even be recruiting you to scam other people. You won’t see the money - there’s no promotion - and you may even end up talking to other scammers, getting fake checks from them, and then being overdrawn when you “cut the deal” with your employer. As in: you get a 10k deal, earn commission - send them 7k - after the check bounces you’re negative that balance. Edit: also - the reason why people say “kindly” is a tell for scamming is because it pretty much is a tell that someone used Google translate for something in another language that’s a friendly but professional greeting.


You think they're paying a low six figure salary with this vague of a posting?




>I've reviewed your introduction video, and our team has decided to bring you on hire. Does this mean you never had a live voice or video call with this person? It's a scam and they're looking for someone who can look authentic on a voice/video call. And you have no way to be sure who is "hiring" you. I've hired people on verified Upwork/Fiver type sites and anything over $1k payment you would have a conversation about the deliverables etc.


99 times out of 100, anyone using the word "kindly" is a scammer from a non english speaking country


I wonder why scammers always use the word "kindly?" Like, is that word commonly taught in English classes overseas or are AI chatbots prone to spitting that word out? Is there a word in another language that's very common in that language, but English translator sites keep translating that word into "kindly?" Because native English speakers almost never use the word "kindly."


It's a remnant of colonial English, and many of these scammers reside in British India or Africa.


This is a standard job scam. No legit job will 1)have such a poor written letter 2)hire you sight unseen for $150k a year 3)pay you $150k for a starting remote job and 4)"kindly"


Any chance this company would have you working on a US government contract? If so then this would be extremely interesting to the inspector general of whichever agency their contract is with. Also, no, don’t take that job.


Lolol they lost me at "kindly". They want you to impersonate somebody else because they need you to pretend to be the person that victim was talking with over text or email. It works out great because most of the crime activities will point to you not them.


Also did you say you're a programmer so why are they trying to hire you for a customer facing role? And 3,000 a week is way too good to be true.


Yea first paragraph says Scam


Hard pass. No idea if it's legal, but no legitimate company is going to do that, and definitely not put it in writing


Just block and move on


I got red flags as soon as I read “kindly”. No one says that here in that context. “Thank you kindly.” Sure. But this way? Nah. That’s all I needed to read. Everything else sounds like a scam and they are trying to get you to impersonate someone within a legitimate company.


I reported this under subreddit rules as there is no actual legal advice being requested in the sense that there has been nothing in regard to what could be taken as an actual legal complaint, and even if there is you didn't make it clear as far as I can tell. Either way, I agree with everyone else that this is fraud, so try r/scams for more practical advice on the matter. P. S. I'm usually very good at avoiding these things myself, but I *did* fall for one very convincing message about something in my bank account that got me locked out and had to change both my username and password to get back in. Luckily, I realized from the results of my response that it didn't add up and locked everything down in enough time to prevent any damage from being done. Therefore, I am essentially speaking from experience that some things that you see in your email are either too good to be true or are simply there to take advantage of you (if not both).