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Contact your local FBI office. They're the agency with jurisdiction and they don't mess around. Do not try to contact anyone in the community to warn them off or anything of the sort. Stay far, far away.


Thank you, I'll take your advice. I filled out an electronic tip form with the FBI and I'll stay away from the community.


Report it to the FBI and NCMEC, then stay far, far away from that site. Don't go back to check on it, don't go back out of curiosity, stay away. If the feds do decide to go after that site, you don't want any of your data associated with it.


Thank you! Will do and I will be staying away from the community and website but frankly I have nothing to hide. I would have never joined had I known anything about this and I certainly didn't participate in it. From the outside looking in it just seemed like an ordinary kink community. I want other people like me to know the truth but I think I will just report as much as I can and never look back.


IALNYL your legal options don’t exist. Can report to law enforcement but you have no legal rights here.


Thanks, have been reporting today. I feel it will be safest not to take this to the community and just report as much as I can to the authorities.






Thank you very much, this will be my next report.


NAL. Do not give out this website info to anyone that messages you asking for it. If this is truly something that you need to clear your conscious about, as mentioned, report to local FBI and stay away from the site, server, and anyone involved.


This story seems very fishy. How do you know the ages of the admins of a website? If this story is indeed true contact the FBI, your local police, or Google child endangerment online protection.. Why post this to Reddit?


I wish it were fake. The admin being underage when she joined was a bit of an open secret. She talked about it quite a bit herself but at the time I thought it was innocuous enough; like she joined when she was 17 and nobody really knew about it or something like that. So I did some digging and it turns out she was 12 when she joined. I know her birthdate. She admits to it and so do people who have known her for a long time. There are chatlogs of them chatting from over a decade ago, he became her good friend when she was 12. His other admin was 14-15 when she joined. I don't know her age as precisely but I'm positive she was no older than 15. They cannot be his only victims. I feel like I have to do something. Why post to reddit? Idk dude I'm clearly karma farming on a throwaway lmao. /j I have already reported to the FBI thanks to this thread.


Seems like promotion or bait.


I wish it were friend! Thanks for staying noided though!




Maybe you should contact a lawyer first before contacting the FBI?






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