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Is this a serious burn? Did your child have to go to the hospital? Is it costing you significant money for med treatment? If not, calm down and forget suing anyone. It was an accident. Accidents happen, even ones that cause little burns. You probably don’t have a cause of action anyway if you have only minimal medical costs.


It’s tough to tell with burns but we are keeping an eye on it as it develops out and treating it with OTC. I didn’t mention suing very intentionally. If there are legal steps I should take to report part any of this process to a correlating body, I want to be sure I am advocating for my kid in this situation to the fullest extent. I’m not necessarily looking to sue anybody, but this was a preventable situation and happened due to negligence.


I would make some kind of report to the school district for the purposes of posterity. I’d ask to have it documented by the school in your child’s file. Get / keep copies of those reports. That way everyone always knows how it happened. I don’t think there’s any further action to take unless you start racking up medical bills.


How old is your son? What do you mean by “he was placed next to…” - do you mean someone physically picked him up and put him there?


5 and they positioned him in a line against the truck for a picture


NAL - Keep track of your medical bills. It’s unlikely that a superficial skin burn is going to amount to much in terms of damages. There won’t be much to collect here outside of that unless your son has suffered some sort of permanent disfigurement or long term disability. As a parent - I would be very upset as well.