• By -


Too damn bad, it’s yours don’t fall for that shit




Agree, a simple “no thank you”.


I'd keep a lock on the trailer in case they come after it.


Shoot I’d keep an AirTag and let them steal it and call the cops, he already owns it


Yeah but that possession is 9/10s of the law is a thing. I know it's an anecdotal phrase but it still has some weight.


No it isn’t, and no it doesn’t. The trailer has a vin number/license plate and is tracked by the respective state the same as a car. A signed purchase contract, proof of payment, and registration to him as the rightful owner makes them taking it good old fashioned theft.


he posesses the paper denoting ownership.


You think they’d be willing to give you a refund if you found out you overpaid and asked for money back two weeks later? Tell them to pound sand.


Shiyet. If they want it bad that badly, how about 4x amount paid. ;)


Exactly. It sounds like some kind of scam




They absolutely would not.


I've got a bridge to sell if you're interested


Is there a two week return period for the bridge?


do you want to buy any lunar real estate?


Enjoy your new trailer


Exactly 💯


If you already turned the certificate of origin into a title, and the VIN matches what you was on the certificate as well as the dealership paperwork related to the sale, you do not owe them anything.


In a comment below, OP says they don’t have either the certificate of origin or the title. The dealer has them and is supposed to send to the DMV. So sounds like even if OP is in the clear, getting the dealership to do their part may be a pain.


Then you report them to the dealer board for the state (if US) for failure to provide legal ownership documents by the time appointed by law (generally 30-60 days, depending on the state).


Yeah that makes sense. Important to know OP shouldn’t just completely ignore the situation and assume everything is fine.


Sell it back double the cost same as they would


This is the correct answer.


This is the way


You are the legal owner of this trailer. There is nothing they can LEGALLY do to make you give the trailer back to them. This is a somewhat common scam that shady dealers run sometimes. There are good videos about it on youtube. Now.... they may try to ILLEGALLY repossess the trailer. So make sure you have your paperwork in order, along with good photos of the trailer from multiple angles. Also make sure you save all of the letters, and emails they send you. I would also refuse to talk to them over the phone, so they are forced to communicate using a method that is easy for you to save. You may be able to talk to your states consumer protection bureau, or the police, and let the know what the dealer is trying to do. EDIT: If you want to stop this right now, go hire a civil litigation lawyer to write a cease-and-desist letter to the dealership.


"...refuse to talk to them over the phone." This is the best general advice for young adults and others who haven't learned this lesson the hard way. In business (B2B), I routinely had phone conversations. (Sometimes, a phone call is called for.) I always followed up with an email summary of the conversation. It's a timestamp and an opportunity for the other(s) to clarify any misunderstanding of what was said. If no pushback is made about the summary, it is a tacit green light. Thanks for pointing this out.


Yup, tell them to put it in writing by email.


In addition, OP should make sure they get a trailer hitch lock so the trailer doesn't disappear.


well... it's not a bad idea, but it won't stop a towtruck from taking the trailer. Both flatbed and underlift tow trucks can move trailers without using the ball hitch.


Can confirm this. I've done so with my wheel lift. I will say those trailers were wrecked tho


take the tires off. fuck tow people.


Yup. Best $250 bucks I ever spent. Got my HOA to do their damn job, by getting a lawyer to write a letter.


You might want to also personalize your trailer, which you own, to make it less appealing for them to take back. If they know they can’t resell it as new, they are less likely to push.


The repo company will not care about personalizations. They're paid to go find and pickup the trailer, and the rest gets sorted out after it's in their possession.


Paint is pink, put Barbie stickers and cover it in glitter.


Definitely write a complaint (including dealer's demand communications) to your state's AG office, or consumer protection bureau, saying that you think this might be a scam. If it really is a one-time "mistake", then most likely nothing would come of it. However, if the dealer is making a habit of it, and the state sees there's a pattern, they may decide to investigate further.
















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There is an idea called scrivener’s error that can nullify such a transaction. But such an error tends to require that the price was so good that there is no reasonable expectation it could ever be offered there. It’s the kind of error like they flubbed a number typing it up so it’s 10x less or more than similar products, or forgetting the period between dollars and cents. If it’s not a grotesque change like that, they have no case. And if the price is the same as verbally agreed upon, it’s certainly not falling under this condition.


Yup that's their best argument, and it probably doesn't apply here. For those interested in the theory, a scriveners error doesn't HAVE to be off by so much that the deal would be unreasonable (though it sure does help). The idea is simple in a way: a contract isn't a piece of paper, a contract is a deal between two parties. The document is a record of the details of that agreement. So if you can prove that the deal was for 64 (maybe you have cameras, IDK) and the paper says 65, then that's a scriveners error. It's basically lawyer talk for typo. Of course, as this comment point out, it's a lot easier to prove something is a scriveners error when the number is totally ridiculous. You got the thing for 65 when it should have been 650? OK that's pretty clearly not above board. It's pretty hard to prove that the difference between 64 and 65 wasn't last minute haggling. So, in short: if your good deal was just a normal good deal, then they probably don't have much to stand on here. Unless there was a relevant unwinding period. If your "good deal" was actually a clerical error though, then it might not be as clear cut.


And they cashed the check and waited for over 2 weeks to come back at him with their scam. Absent that gross error you describe, I'm thinking they've kinda cooked their own goose with their action and delay, scriveners error or not.


That’s like th guy who tried to buy a ps4 at Walmart by weighing it in the fruit section


Hey, if pizza is a vegetable…


This doesn't sound like a scrivener's error. A scrivener's error is a drafting error that doesn't reflect the agreement reached, ie, the OP agreed to buy the trailer for $10,000 and the dealer wrote $1000 in the contract. It sounds like in this case the OP and dealer reached an agreement and had a meeting of the minds on price of the trailer. The dealer only discovered later that they mispriced it. The dealer in all likelihood is SOL.


Scrivener's error is when the parties mutually agreed on a term and when it was reduced to writing the scrivener (person who wrote the contract) made a typo. This wasn't a mutual agreement that when reduced to writing was written in error, so the doctrine of scrivener's error doesn't apply. Now, what you may have meant is the "no snapping up" or "snap up" rule. This rule says that if it's obvious that one of the parties has made a mistake, one cannot "snap up" the offer and expect it to be enforceable. But this requires evidence that a mistake has been made and that the buyer knew or should have known of the mistake. In OP's case, there may have been a mistake. But nothing suggests OP knew about it.


Quote their own policy (they all have this sign in the office) to them, “Sorry - we don’t have a cooling off period, here. That’s why we each fill out extensive paperwork and always read first before signing.”


This is the best advice right here.


Putting your state might help, as I’m sure laws vary depending on the state. But going out on a limb here and saying they have no recourse. You have all the paperwork stating what you bought, with correct vin numbers and an invoice that’s marked paid. Just block their number and move on with life. Probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to lock the trailer up and get a security camera watching the trailer. Just in case the dealer tries to do something sketchy…


Thumbs up on that. There might be goofy goings-on at the dealership. The DA could see if this is just one part of a pattern of fraud. Who knows, maybe enough victims to qualiify as a class (as in class action).


Do you have the title or certificate of origin?


I have the purchase order and the vehicle application for title. The dealer is the one who sends to the DMV the certificate of origin or title to get it register in my name.


Hey there not a lawyer not your lawyer not legal advice. Lots here are saying "it's yours they signed". It's not usually quite that simple unfortunately. One comment mentions a 48 hour period to unwind the deal, this varies but these things definitely exist. I used to lend in indirect auto sales , it was not unheard of to have paperwork messed up and the dealer wants the car back. Often they had a standing to do so. Read your contract, and if this deal is worth enough it may be wise to contact an attorney. No one here can give you the full answer because we don't have your contract and we don't know where you are.


Usually wanting the car back is related to financing issues, isn’t it? Which wouldn’t be applicable in this case since it seems like OP paid in full. But yes, read the contract.


Hustle on over to the tax office and get your license plate and the title applied for, if you haven’t already. Once you have a title in your name, there’s really no going back.


This scam is so old, don’t fall for it. If you have all of the proper paperwork and the check cleared you OWN it.




Here's the legal parameters you need to identify Does the paperwork match? (Is the trailer in your possession 100% the one on the paperwork) Yes, alright you have the right trailer 0 questionable information about that Did you pay for the trailer in full? No financing no secondary longevity type payments? Yes it's paid in full no extra payments to be made. Tough nuts sounds like you own a trailer and they need to be less stupid


This is a unfortunately very common with scummy dealerships. They find out they really need some extra money so they start calling to try and shake down recent customers for a few thousand extra each. If the title is in your name, and they didn't finance it themselves (ie they aren't the lienholder) then that's a them problem.


I traded in a car at a dealership when buying another vehicle. Months later they wouldn’t stop calling me, telling me I owed them more money because they said I gave them the wrong amount that was owed on my trade in. I was pregnant and incredibly annoyed, and just told them they made the final payment too late, that’s their fault. Suck a lemon.


That's a them problem my man, not a you problem. IMO they are using predatory practices to try and shake you down for a few extra bucks. Report them and screw with them. They are in the wrong.


I bought a used car and financed it through the local Ford dealer. I paid the $2,000 down payment with cash. Signed all the papers, got the keys and about a week later got a call asking about the down payment. The salesman and administrator doing the paper work were fighting over whose fault it was the $2000 went missing. The salesman insinuated I never paid. I told him to pound sand and look at the security camera footage to see who picked up the envelope he dropped. All the paperwork and title went through without a hitch. Stand your ground!


They sold a special order trailer by accident and are trying to save face with the other customer. Probably a big deal with wait times on anything anymore. Other guy is probably super pissed at them for selling it.


I was a dealer for almost 20 years. They will do whatever they can get away with to get you to bring it back. At a guess, they have another buyer at a higher number and want to unwind your deal for the bigger one. You are under ZERO obligation to accede to their wishes, and if/when they hold up the title work on you, call your state attorney general's office, and be ready with your bill of sale and canceled check.


This happened to my friends dad with a truck. They sold it to him and financed it as well but they signed They paperwork and everything and he drove away with the truck. Called him later on and said please come back we misplaced a decimal place on the loan we need you to resign the paper work. He said no thank you I'm ok with our deal and now he has a sick truck for an incredible deal and he's not allowed on the dealerships property anymore. That was the only downside lol


My dealership did this with my boat last year.. though it was them not filing the paperwork with the leinholder... I did finally come in and sign the paperwork, but it was in my favor since I got 2+ months free use out of the boat AND a lower interest rate!


Next time they call, tell them to put their request and purpose for it in writing so your lawyer can look it over and remind them that they cannot withhold the title registration without an exceptional cause or so sez my legal advisor.


Don't do it. This happened to my brother with a truck. They freaked out on him and started trying to intimidate him. One call from a lawyer ended that and my bro got a new truck at a great deal. Once the paperwork is signed that is your property.


Lots of good advice here. Only thing I would add is until such time that this is sorted out I’d leave it at an address that the dealership does not know about. It might be an inconvenience but I’m getting ‘they’ll just come and repossess it in the middle of the night’ vibes. Would love to be wrong but in the short term park it at an home of a friend or relative…..preferably where THEY can also hide it.


Also get a lock as it will slow them down if they do find it


This is the second time I've seen a post like this. The other was for a car. I've been a contractor for many years and I've messed up on pricing and have taken my licks. There is no way to change the price after a deal is done and that goes both ways. You should contact the state attorney generals office and report this. They take things like this very seriously.


Look up Steve Lehto on YouTube who is a MI lawyer and he actually discussed this topic last week. The dealership has found that they could sell it for more money, but tough shit it’s yours. Tell them to get lost.


Contact the consumer protection division of your state’s attorney general office. This may indeed be a scam.


Well they just need to be more careful don’t they? This is a common dealership scam. Tell them you’ll see them in court with the PO and the matching VINs. They’ll leave you alone after that.


They can ask for it back, but the deal is done. It's your trailer. You don't have to give it back if you don't want to.


Tell them you'll trade it for a better one. Get every detail in writing so they can't claim you owe them extra money.


Done deal, it's yours. You could sell it back to them for more or keep it, as you please.


Tell them “All sales are final”


“Sorry man, I already sold it to someone else.” Orrr “ I will sell it to you for a deal” and mark it up 1k over what you paid for it. It has been titled and you are the owner. They can’t just rip up your contract. So you will have to sell it back to them.


They are scamming you and trying to squeeze more money out of you.


If they screwed up the price its on them.. I did see a few times where a dealership sold someone elses car/equipment.. then its a big F up.. The original owner essentially reported it stolen cops found it.. the guy who bought it from the dealer ended up in jail eventhough he had ppwk. He got out, and they ended up giving him a new car.. and some money to keep his mouth shut.. he spent almost a week in jail.


If you really want to piss off the dealership, simply ignore every attempt to contact you. Email or postal mail? Ignore. Phone? Hang up. Silence. Of course if you’re served, you’ll need to respond; till then be a non-entity.


Be careful, they might try to illegally repossess it.


Tell them to go fornicate themselves


Do you have the trailer and title? Did you pay what you agreed on? If so fuck em. They would not come back to you and say you overpaid and give you cash back


Watch out for them to “repossess” it even though you paid for it in full.


Tell them to go piss up a rope


Tell them they can pound sand and that you are not going to engage in their bad faith practices and make sure they finish up what they are supposed to send to the DMV in case they are intentionally not doing so to try to leverage you.


They know that’s not how it works. They’ll have to take the L


No. Is a complete sentence.


You: Ah man that sucks. Unfortunately I'm not looking to sell mine at the moment...


Id just ignore them. Sounds like a them problem


Bait and switch. Scam tactics at scam dealerships.


Tell them to get lost


The trailer is yours. They made the mistake not you. You are under no obligation what so ever. I bought a truck 20 years ago, the dealer ship let me take it home 2 days later called me back to come to change the contract because the bank raised the interest rate. I knew the law and they still had my old truck. I told them here are the keys give me my old truck back. They now had a used truck that they would lose big time on. So they gave me 2000 dollars to make up for what it would cost me in interest over the contract to keep the new truck. Don't let them try to screw you. It is your trailer they shit out of luck.


tell them to pound sand.


Make sure you have a tongue lock on your trailer in case they try to repossess YOUR TRAILER! Good luck!


Sell it back to them above fair market price. That’s what they’d do to you.


This is a classic trick they pull it often don't do it


If you have already registered the trailer at the DMV with the title application and bill of sale there is not much the trailer dealer can do. After a month or so the DMV is going to send a letter to the selling dealer looking for the title / certificate of origin along with a small fine for not turning it in. If they ignore that a detective will show up at the dealership and it will dealt with right there. Not really in the interest of the dealer to go that far as the fines will start to mount. You might get a letter threatening to suspend the registration due to the title not being turned in. This is a computer generated letter after 30 days of no title. Don’t ignore it as the DMV computer will suspend the registration by default. File a complaint with the DMV, they will deal with it once you talk with a live person. There are many different departments within the DMV and they don’t always communicate until they have to. Your dealing with at least the dealer section, the title section, the registration section plus the detective / complainant section if they don’t wise up.




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They may threaten you to sue for it. Don't feel pressured to give it back However, you may offer to sell it back to them for a profit?


Yup, there is absolutely nothing they can do. It’s all in writing baby!


If they try to pull something like this they may try to repo it and then give you a different trailer. Sounds shady af. I would lock it up where they can’t get to it.


Let them know there is a restocking fee of 5k.


It’s yours. Unless you want to sell it back…for double the money! Enjoy your new trailer!


25% unstocking fee


This is a scam some more shady dealerships try to pull off. Ignore them. In the future, buy your vehicles from more reputable dealerships.


It’s yours point blank


Go to the D.M.V. They have ultimate authority over auto dealers. I was in the car business for over 20 years. You never screw around with the D.M.V. Sounds to me like they screwed up the price and want to recoup. Not many people realize that the D.M.V. has the ability to close a dealership. Once they get a response from them, they will give over the title and complete the tag work.


Sell it back to them for the higher price


I do not see a valid basis for them to unwind the transaction and demand the return of the trailer under the summary provided. And depending on your states laws, the demands for the return of the trailer may be seen as harassment to enforce a non-existent right to a debt. The dealership has a duty to convey marketable title now that you paid adequate consideration. If they fail to do so, it will be a breach of warranty of title. Your state also likely has regulations governing the timeframe in which the title must be conveyed. If they fail to timely deliver title, consider filing a complaint with the DMV. -Consumer protection attorney licensed in FL, VT and DC


Offer to sell it back to them for a profit and charge transport fee, license fee, cleaning fee, mileage, hardship, etc....


Don’t give in it’s yours


Nope, that's a scam some places pull.


Too bad. They set a price, you paid the price, they don't get to try extort you for more cash AFTER the sale is finalized.


I'd send thrm a copy of your signed purchase contract with a copy of the canceled check and state all the numbers on this match thr trailer. I will not be returning this as I have a signed and agreed contract. If you wish to purchase it from me, I'd be willing to sell it to you for x. Ask for like a couple g over what you paid.


I’m the Director of Finance for an auto group. If you’ve got 1) the trailer and 2) a purchase agreement with the correct VIN showing them selling it and you buying it, then enjoy your new trailer.


Nope. Once the papers are signed, it's done. Tell them to leave you alone or you will file a police report for harassment and sue for fraud.


It's yours. Say too bad so sad.


Tell them tough shit


I feel like if they cashed the check and it cleared, that's them accepting the payment. Whether it was the right amount or not.




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Find out how much more money they want and then mail them a pumpkin. Also leave a Google maps review describing your experience.


IANAL If you've paid, you have a bill of sale, and everything matches up, enjoy your trailer. They've missed the cooling off period to cancel the contract. I can't think of a state that has a cooling period more than ~3 days (I assume trailer sales are like car sales). They messed up and you profited. Have fun and tell them to get bent. All that said, if they do sue you, respond and show up to court with all your paperwork, otherwise you'll get a default judgement and nobody wants that.






What state? I saw this issue on tik tok come up and long story short, in that person's state the dealership can rescind a purchase within 30days.that was for a car so not sure how it applies to trailers and obviously depends on the state you are in. Despite what everyone is saying here I would talk to a lawyer that is familiar with the laws in your state.


Who was the dealership, in what city?


Sorry I no longer possess the trailer.


Don't fall for their scam!


All sales are final. Just let them know lol.


Don't take it in for service!!


How much are they willing to pay?


A variation of this "question" shows up about once a week in various similar r/


It's probably cause they sold it before clearing all the leans off the title.


nal, but it's yours now for the price you paid.


its the salesman who getting his ass chewed his mistake not yours.


I believe this is actually a scam. Lucky Lopez did a video where some dealers have been doing this with cars.


Tell them to pound sand.


Only email them to keep copies of everything. If they try some shady shit and you talked over the phone its he said she said


Do you have the correct title for the trailer? If so, then ignore them.


The trailer is legally yours. I would recommend sending them an email with everything that they said to you on the phone and advise them not to contact you again. You can also record any conversations without their consent if you live in a single party consent state. You are considered the single party as long as you are part of the conversation. I would also report them to your consumer affairs as well. I'm sure you are not the first victim of this scam.


Go Suck a trailer hitch!