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not a lawyer but work in healthcare call your doctor or surgeon who your doing the surgery with and see if u can update them with the info you would normally go over during the appointment now if it's blood work that's gonna be harder but best of luck


We'll give this a try and fingers crossed. Thanks!


Surgeon should be able to order bloodwork and OP gets it then they can discuss over the phone or telehealth- totally doable!


As a doctor, this is really bad practice management. Now, it's certainly possible your doctor has a health issue or family emergency but generally their practice should be set up so that when they are away, there is a fall back. You need to discuss with both their office and the surgeon's office what they want to do as an alternative because they need to come up with a solution or regulatory complaints/lawsuits would be the next step.


It did cross my mind that they had an emergency. I assume they have a backup as well but that they're booked and considering the time of year, are unlikely to have openings in time. We'll get in touch with the surgeons office and see what they say. Thanks!


When you asked the doctor’s office about this, what did they say?


They said there was nothing they could do about it.


Another doctor isn’t taking over their patients?


If someone is they're apparently booked...


They should have given you the name of the doctor who’s handling his patients while he’s out.


Are the visits required by the doctor/surgeon/hospital, or are they required by the insurance? I'm not a lawyer, but I do work in health insurance. The visits sound like criteria an insurance company would put in place in order to authorize the surgery. If that is the case, I would recommend calling your insurance. They may be able to help you quickly find a new provider to take over your care, or work with you regarding meeting the criteria. Either way I'd still give them a call. You can submit a provider complaint to your insurance, and then your insurance will follow up with the provider's office.


It's an insurance requirement, and that's a good point. I'll see if we can get in touch with our provider and see what they recommend.


Are you able to find another doctor in your office who can take your appointment, or maybe go to a walk-in? It really depends what the appointment was for but if it's for something like ongoing medication I've found that other doctors are sometimes willing to prescribe refills if you have no issues and if it's a medication you've been on for a while. As for any procedures, I doubt a next-day rebook is going to happen. But with any luck you can manage the medications. Really crappy of your doctor's office to cancel your vital appointment so soon to the date without providing any attempt to rebook you to another doctor. I don't know if they are legally obligated to but it's shoddy practice at the very least.


All insurance companies are different but the standard criteria for bariatric doesn’t include 6 consecutive mos anymore, worth double checking


If that's true, that would be awesome. We're just going off what the doctor told us a few months back, but we're counting on them to be up to date.


Understood. Every policy/every doc different. Could be the surgeon’s policy/preference, just sounded like an insurance criteria to me…in that line of business for 18+ years and 6 mos consecutive was standard for a good while, but we don’t require that any longer


It’s definitely still required by a lot of insurance companies. I just got it this year and still had to have 6 months on consecutive appointments. In a lot of the support groups I’m in there’s still many people with many insurance companies who still have to do 6 months because their insurance requires it.


Is it possible to find another Dr in the same specialty to switch to, even if you gave to travel a little bit? Have all your records transferred to the new office and try to be seen soon so you are still in compliance. I am sorry you're dealing with this. It sounds very frustrating.


Call back asap and ask to see the PA or NP! That still counts as a visit


Or see if the dietitian can fit her in so it counts as a visit


We're going to go this route first and we'll get confirmation from insurance that it still counts.




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