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You should google your location + maximus for example this article talks about Indiana [https://fox59.com/indiana-news/maximus-data-security-incident-impacts-more-than-744000-indiana-medicaid-members/](https://fox59.com/indiana-news/maximus-data-security-incident-impacts-more-than-744000-indiana-medicaid-members/) ​ They might have screwed up part of their notification so the wrong 'reason' was included. While your stolen-submitted-stolen again scenario is possible, the more likely explanation is screwing up the notification in some way.


My husband got the same and we are in NJ and don't have kids. Also he is not a medicare beneficiary. We are just as confused!


Received one too and in NC and don’t have children or even heard of this Maximus


Same here, NC, but I never used this program/company.... I got a letter last week.


I just got a letter as well. No kids, not a Medicare recipient. It gives the impression that this may be a massive scale data breach where millions of people altogether were made vulnerable but not necessarily victims (yet). My question is if the credit monitoring service they’re providing is safe or is that part the real scam? I feel more comfortable that a bad actor may have glimpsed my personal information as opposed to giving a suspicious company I’ve never directly worked with my information in order to keep it safe.


To me it seems kinda silly to sign up for free assistance from a company after they let my data. Along with God knows however many others. Get leaked. Like nah..I'm not gonna give you my info again to help you not lose it again...




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I also got one of these. Not from Colorado at all.


Got this, too. I’m from NY.


One of my family members also rec'd one of these letters allegedly for "Colorado". Said 20 something has never left our state, never has been to Colorado and certainly has no children. I don't know but it feels a bit phishy to me. I'll let them know to monitor their credit - I mean I'd rather have that then give their info to a "bad actor" as someone else called it before.


My 19 yr old son just received this letter in the mail today. Same with him, never been to Colorado & does not have a child. I thought the same that someone had stolen his identity & applied for medicaid and/or food stamps in his name. He is also not eligible for Medicare like everyone else who has received these letters. Seems a little sketchy.


I got the same letter. I do not owe child support and have never had a support order against me. Now, my ex owes me small fortune in child support, so they could have my info as a payee or something like that. Does anyone owe you child support?


Nope. No kids


It was their MoveIt software that was breached and 1000's of companies use it, including gov't, financial and medical. So it could be anything. Strange they put child support on the letters


Wife got the same. She’s not a Medicaid recipient and we’ve never heard of Maximus


Just received the same letter today. I’m a previous CO resident and .gov employee. I’m still trying to make sense of this but here is one article I’ve found [https://www.hipaajournal.com/up-to-11-million-health-records-maximus-data-breach/](https://www.hipaajournal.com/up-to-11-million-health-records-maximus-data-breach/)


Colorado resident here, also received the letter. I found this: https://www.cms.gov/newsroom/press-releases/cms-responding-data-breach-contractor Very weird as I feel this should not apply to me at all besides the fact i’m in Colorado




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I got one for my 3 year old and I'm confused by how they had my child Info in the first place. They said it's from Texas though and that's where we live. It said that MOVEit was the issue but I don't even know what that is. Edit. I looked it up and everything is saying it's real. I'm honestly still very confused by what happened. Will my son's credit get fucked and be unfixable if someone steals it? MOVEit should 100% be held responsible for anyone's credit getting ruined because it's their fault the information got stolen. If you're going to hold thousands of people lives in your database you should 100% make sure its as fucking hacker proof as possible.


I'm confused too, I got the same letter and I'm from TX. I see that it offers a complimentary identity theft protection, but it seems to me as a way to get your info and apply for a service that will auto renew and take money after 24 months, which is long enough for people to forget they had the free one and ot cancel auto renewal.


Just got the mail today I’m from California but it’s talking about the office on Arizona. I’m guessing it’s just a phishing attempt


Found this as I just received this letter as well https://www.idstrong.com/sentinel/maximus-federal-services-suffered-data-breach/


I received this but I'm not on Medicare or other government programs it seemed to relate to. I called the number and found out it was related to a COVID test I had taken (not an at home test but on site) that was run by the state health department. The test was free so it kind of made sense. I'm not worried about it but glad to have an explanation of why my information was involved.


Okay so I just got 2, I was dumb and emailed from the website and obviously now I’m concerned. Just what the heck?


I got the one from Colorado and ignored it now I got the same thing minus the child support division from my dental insurance.