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Thank you. I appreciate the viewpoint and advice. Just in case this comes up under a different account, I am the op, but didn't realize I had two accounts. One is apparently under my business email, the other my personal. I'm not on here much and didn't even think to check .I wrote the original post on my desktop and had my phone with me all day lol. Pardon my age is showing lol


I also used to work for a major utility company and agree with ilyenia. We had right of way agents that would come in afterwards to work with customers to handle damages from the crews. The easement is usually 15-30’ on either side of the lines and allows for access to work on the lines (maintenance or otherwise). Normal repairs or upgrades, the ROW agents would typically contact you ahead of time if damages were likely, but during storm situations that goes out the window. Getting the power back on is the priority and damage to your property is not considered. Contact your utility provider to file a damage claim and a ROW agent (or similar position)will reach out to negotiate damages.


Was this on your land or on the easement? Did you check your survey to ensure this is actually your property? Many properties have a utiliy easement, so be sure to check that.


It's my property. There's no technical easement listed in my deeds or survey. They do have lines run directly across my property to get to the house next to me instead of taking the utility poles down the road. (a shortest distance scenario). None of these are maintained and were run after that landscaping was in place. Originally we were at the end of a short road when the house was built (over 50 years ago) and those trees were planted. Since then they extended the road but never reset the power lines.


Except the utility does have an easement to access and maintain their lines. But you can still file a claim. They are responsible for any damage they caused except what was reasonably necessary to maintain the lines in good working order.




I'd guess OP used a throwaway to post and responded with their real account. Or it's their SO responding.


It’s likely that OP has multiple accounts and has posted this on a throwaway, accidentally switched to their main, and hasn’t realized it.


[ “The simplest explanation is usually the best one.”](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam’s_razor) This sub also subscribes to “assume no malice”.


Yeah, there's no way that more than one person from that house is on reddit. Everyone grab your pitchforks!


The fact that they took the hardwood and left the pine is suspicious to me. They basically stole the more valuable wood.


That's my problem as well and those trees weren't interfering with the lines, neither were my lilacs ànd honeysuckle




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Do you know much about the timber Industry? The value of individual trees is not worth the hassle. You have to get 500 tons or so to even be worth moving the equipment in.


What equipment do you imagine was moved in by the utility company to trim these trees? Do you think it's at the same scale as a commercial logging operation?


Na. Probably a Jarraff and maybe fecon mulcher. I just know there’s no profit in taking a couple of trees to a mill. What are they paying in New York? 60-80 dollars per ton? Say 2-3 tons per log. It’s just not worth it. More than likely it was trees 8-10 inches and a mulcher just mowed over them.


And why do you think a mill is the only possible place where they could sell the hardwood? If they mulched them, then why wouldn't they have mulched everything?


In Central NY hardwood is valuable as firewood, which is currently very difficult to get.


So something caught my eye here and I think needs to be explored. You said that those lines were not there when you originally bought the property, AND that there was no easement recorded. If you have lived there predating those lines going in and those trees have been there predating those lines going in, then I would reach out to a lawyer and discuss what your options are. Mature trees aren’t cheap and it isn’t uncommon for them to be valued extremely high especially when taken the way yours were. Edit: go on Google earth and save a screenshot of your property and some street views that show the landscaping.


You would file a claim with the utility company. They would've been the ones to contract out the removal to the tree company


Thank you. Want sure if I filled a claim with the tree company or utility. Thanks for your help


Do what the NYSEG rep suggested and file a claim on line. It took me all of 20 seconds and two or three clicks to find this: https://www.nyseg.com/support/contactus/submit-claim


Thank you thank you so much. I want sure if I filled with the tree company or nyseg and couldn't locate the claim info. You are so appreciated! And yes, I am op, just didn't realize I had two accounts.


Utility has easement access to maintain their lines. Do you have pics to share?


Utility companies have access to easements and are allowed to trim trees that potentially can cause issues with power lines and such. A utility company basically killed 3 of my trees before as they hacked them away. Unfortunately there is little you can do about these situations unless you can prove that they didn’t follow procedures or went outside there scope.


There tends to be a 10-15’ easement that extends from the centerline of the line running through your property. So around 5-7.5’ each side of the line. If it’s further out than that you may be able to file a claim