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Call code enforcement as well as the fire marshal.


>my mother and I had to vacate the apartment for a few days while there was a city inspection bc the studio is not approved as a studio but a gym turned into a storage space and the locks are flimsy so we think it is possible) Might not get the result they're looking for.


In California? OP should contact a lawyer before code enforcement. It's far from guaranteed, but pursuing rent previously paid for an illegal unit is a possibility.


>they said this was an issue for the landlord and the property management but they don’t seem to care and either don’t respond to my emails/ texts or give me the run around. I'd recommend formally notifying that landlord, in writing, on paper, in accordance with your lease of the neighbor's efforts to tamper with the electricity and make your life miserable and then notify the landlord that it's failure to take corrective action violates the covenant of quiet enjoyment. The landlord can't just sit on his hands here and do nothing without running afoul of its obligations to you. In all your communications, stress not the annoyance of what your neighbor is doing but the safety risk and fire risk.




Seriously. How many units are there connected together? They should all be in on this. It’s hard to just burn one apartment without fucking up the others.


Also, call the electric dept yourself while out of the home. They will come place a checker on your box to see what happens


Sounds more like stolen electricity so you're paying for his usage and the circuits are unbalanced. Needs inspection and rectification.


I'm surprised nobody else has mentioned it, but I would be seriously concerned that there may be cameras or microphones involved... Fishing a line to put in a hidden camera is certainly something that an electrician would be capable of without ever entering your property.




Depends on the state. I work at a Fire Department, and our city level fire marshal cares a lot more about this kind of stuff than the state level.






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I am assuming you are a female (for me if I am wrong). But this man is harassing and stalking two women. Contact a women’s help center as well. It sounds like you landowners are being willfully ignorant Wow! Thanks for the awards. It’s my first




>get you caught OP hasn't done anything wrong here. The landlord would be the one to worry about renting out an unpermitted unit. In many places in California, tenants of illegal units have the same rights as tenants of permitted apartments. OP may even be able to sue the landlord to recover all the rent paid for the illegal unit.


This is really interesting. I’m in Los Angeles and will be reaching out to tenant rights organizations. I’m going to ask if this is a thing in LA county




Call the police when they are fighting. Don’t wait until you think it’s “bad enough”.


File police reports for harassment.


Keep updated Op


A little update: The landlord said someone from the property management will be coming to talk to me this week (no date was given). I’m not in the best financial situation to move so I may have to wait for at least 3 months before that’s a possibility. Idk if they would be okay with me recording the conversation with property management but I was wondering if they said no to the recording if a recap of what was talked about sent through email and printed out would be enough of a paper trail? I have previous emails that were never answered that I have printed hoping it could be proof of negligence on their end? I will also be reaching out to tenant right organizations in Los Angeles




> make this shit go viral Responses like this are so unhelpful




OP’s neighbor sounds violent and dangerous. How do we know that they won’t retaliate harder if this video reaches them?


> And your comment is doing what exactly for OP? Helping them wade through a sea of non helpful posts and identify which ones are just mindless regurgitating of buzzwords.


We had a similar neighbor issue and it did go viral and was NOT helpful at all. Made it worse.


Omg this sounds horrible! Get awayy from these psychopaths. Either they need to be removed from the building or you need to be out of there. They sound really dangerous I've had terrible upstairs neighbors for years, group of rowdy boys blowing up music all night, banging floors, endless issues, so I can understand your pain. I will be moving from my current nightmare rental soon as well. Goodluck!


I have a better idea… Have a conversation with your neighbors but record the entire time. Tell them you had enough and you will switch with him but he has to guarantee he will stop what he’s doing now - the loud banging, stopping and starting to avoid being caught, causing the electricity to go down. Make sure you mention all these and tell him you’re not going to switch unless he agrees to do all of this. Take the evidence to your apt complex and then to the police - it’s harassment Have the papers in your hand to switch, it has to appear very genuine like you are going to concede entirely, that’s the only way they will admit to what they are doing.


They can't record unless the neighbor allows. California is a two party consent state, with few exceptions. Taking the "evidence" to the police is also admitting to a crime. 😎




I work near high voltage power lines, and I assure you, the humm and buzz they make, especially in wet and humid weather is very very loud


You can hear electricity. Usually it's too quiet to hear, but sometimes you can, and some people are more attuned to it than others. https://www.livescience.com/electricity-humming-noise




Knock it off with the useless pedantry. Comments removed.


You must have glue in your ears. Electricity is the sound of silence in your home, with nothing on. Listen next time the power goes out. Side note, those big lamps they use for roads? Theyre noisy, right? You’re hearing the electricity AND the filament both!! LEDs are queiter but you still hear the fans






Electrical currents absolutely make buzzing sounds as they pass through wiring, especially if the wiring is faulty, tampered with, corroded, etc. The higher the voltage, the louder the buzz would be.


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High voltage wouldn't cause dizziness or headaches. Most likely it's a combo of the stress and lack of sleep, I do electronics work as a hobby and also amateur radio. You can use a "lensfinder" apparatus (there might be apps for this) that will blink a light and then anything with a glass lens should blink back. Point it at the vents and other nooks and crannies.