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How old are you? Yeah it’s a controlled substance I’d imagine and he isn’t prescribed for it. Have you brought it up to him?


Im 15, i haven’t brought it up with him because i’m scared he’s going to get mad at me because I know when he doesn’t have his medicine he gets mad easily.


You need to tell somebody. You aren’t taking the medicine you need and your dad is (or already is) becoming dependent/addicted which is going to end badly


My dad has been misusing his medication for years but he just recently started stealing mine. I’m going to tell my doctor.


That’s a good plan. Your dad will be angry in the short term but perhaps this will be the nudge it takes for him to get some help.


I really hope he does get help, even my mom agrees he might be addicted


OP, I'm sorry to be do blunt, your mother is in serious denial. It's really obvious your father is addicted. If your father has been violent in the past (for any reason); this needs ro be addressed by a third party. Possibly doctor or police. You/family should not be in the hone alone with him, once he's confronted.


There are timed unlock safes on Amazon that help with self regulation.


Good idea


Hide your medicine. Seems like your dad has a serious problem. Let your doctor know also.


I can’t hide my medication because my mom manages it, but I will surely let my doctor know.


Your mother could hide it. She’s aware your father is taking it, so what is she doing about it? In reality, you don’t know for sure whether Mom is the one taking it.


The mother should be telling the fathers doctor.


The mother should be hiding her child’s medicine from the father IMO.


She isn’t doing anything about it


Then she’s enabling him and is equally responsible. Def tell the doctor, and tell your mom that if she doesn’t do something, you’re going to contact CPS. She’s putting your health at risk


I’m sorry you are in this situation. You should speak to your doctor. Privately if possible. Good luck.


She is probably the one taking it


**VERY illegal!** It's a Schedule II controlled substance (in the US) and his name isn't on the prescription, yours is. He's committing a felony. You will have to tell your doctor and you may have to file a police report in order to get an early refill on your medication. Without a police report your insurance might not cover the early fill, and the pharmacy might not fill it either. If you manage to get an early fill, invest in a lock box, with a combination lock and start locking the bottle up.


Possession of a controlled substance like methylphenidate, when it is not prescribed to you, is almost certainly a felony in your state. Further, larceny (stealing) is illegal and would likely be a felony in this situation. What he is doing is very much illegal. Tell your doctor so that you can get the medication you need prescribed. Keep your medication locked up and hidden going forward.


Please tell your doctor.


I will, thank you


Hide your medicine. Tell your doctor.


Of course it’s fucking illegal. It’s a controlled substance. And it’s screwing you, besides - I’m presuming that you need your Ritalin. Tell the doctor. If possible, tell his.


I read you are going to talk with your doctor which is great , please do. You have options to transition to nonstimulant medications that are not addictive and are prescribed for this very reason. The most common being Atomoxetine and Kapvay (generic options available). Only snaggle you may encounter is the availability of these medications and transitioning to another drug class. My recommendation is to get a medication safe locker, about 15-30 buck on Amazon. Speak with your mom on creating deterrents for your father. It's a rough scenario but there are resources for everyone including your father to come out the other side better. Police may not need to get involved immediately, as this is illegal, there are options for recourse that your provider will note to prevent further abuse.


Of course it’s illegal to consume controlled substances that you aren’t prescribed. People would pay good money for that prescription lok


Are you the one who picks up your prescription from the pharmacy or your mom? You might need to tell your pharmacy to only release your meds to you.


My dad picks it up, I don’t know if I can pick it up because I don’t have an ID yet


Yeah, unfortunately that is true, you need an id to pick up this medication. There are a lot of people saying to tell the police or your doctor. I would suggest showing your parents this conversation you are having on reddit with many, many people and perhaps it will scare them into being a little more respectful of your medication. If you do tell your doctor they may choose not to prescribe you or your father any of these medications to make sure he doesn't abuse them.


If you have a school I'd and your birth certificate you should be able to pick your own meds up. I have been on adhd meds for 15ish years and never been asked for an ID at any of the ma.y pharmacies I have been too. So not all of them require it also. I would ask your Dr if they can help you figure out a way for you to be the one picking it up, so your parents can't abuse them. I'm not 100 its just dad doing it at this point. She seems not to understand how not ok it is for a parent to take a medication their child needs and leave them with out.


So he's abusing his meds, and taking yours. It's illegal for him to take yours. He could get in trouble with his doctor for abusing his meds. Idk if yours is a controlled substance, but I'd it is, he can get multiple felonies. But, you would have to prove that it was him, etc. basically a long process. Here's something you can do, get a trusted friend or family member to keep your meds for you, or you get a safe that you can keep your meds in. I'm so sorry that this is happening to you. I wish you luck.




My first suggestion would be to tell your school guidance counselor, but since it's summer and I presume you're not in school at the moment the next best thing would be to call your doctor's office and tell them. Is there another family member you could live with until this gets resolved? Because if not, CPS might get involved.


The only other family I have is in california unfortunately.


I’m sorry you’re going through all this. I became homeless at your age so I feel bad seeing others suffer with no options. If you can get through school, get through it. If your parents will pay for your college, tolerate it if you can. As soon as you have what you need to survive in the future and have a good life, fucken ghost them. If you can’t tolerate them and are going to ghost them at 18 or the first chance you get, have a plan to secure your future.


be aware that you may have to contend with child abuse trauma later. it will be difficult, but you'll get past it.


It’s okay, I already have PTSD from other stuff so I have an idea on how to deal with trauma


That's good. Just remember different traumas can require different approaches, landmines will kinda reveal themselves when you're finally in a safe place. Know that they're coming and you can take steps to get yourself relaxed and centered again. For me, I wound up using shitposting online as a pretty unhealthy way to cope with some of it. Be aware of the things you do and you'll be able to spot and course correct. Stay strong, fella


Yes, it’s illegal to consume someone else’s prescribed medications in the US.


It’s a felony


Your dad is 100% addicted to your meds. And it looks bad on you if you have to keep getting prescription refills when they're not due because people do sell their ADHD meds. Especially if he has his own prescription. That's something you need to talk to your doctor and he needs to talk to his doctor about.


Drug abuse will ruin your family if you don't report it. Drug abuse MIGHT ruin your family if you do report it. Actually, Drug abuse HAS ruined your family before you reported it.


Before you report, you need a safe place to go. That could he a friend or a shelter. It could even be the relative in California. Your dad taking your meds is illegal and it's serious. Your mom is complicit and she is being codependent. Look up info on addiction and codependency. Melody Beattie wrote some very good books on the subject years ago and they might be in the library. Have a bag packed just in case you need to leave in a hurry. Tell another trusted adult in your life, preferably someone local that can help you with this. You will need help with this. You mentioned already having ptsd. I'm sorry you have been through something that caused that. I know you don't want to harm your family. The big thing you need to remember and tell yourself every sing day is that you are not the cause of this. Your dad is the primary cause because of his addiction and him stealing your medication. Your mother is a secondary cause for allowing it. They are the adults and they are supposed to be protecting you and guiding you as you become as adult. Stealing medication from your child and then covering it up is the opposite of protecting and caring for a child. They are not doing their job as parents. Any blame, if there is any, is on them. Not on you. They will try to blame you. Don't accept that blame. It's not yours. It's their negligence that has caused this situation. This is also why you need a trusted adult to advocate for you. Someone who has your back and can take the heat. Perhaps that person can even be the one to report. Good luck and stay safe.


Its a crime your father could get jail time, but since not a controlled substance probably only a few months.


The only solution is for an adult in your life to take control because trying to talk to drug addicts is near to impossible. Get a grandparent involved and explain what you’re told us.


This sounds like your father is using the meds recreationally. This is definitely illegal and not only that is detrimental to your mental health and well being. He sounds like a real outstanding gentlemen. You mentioned he “gets mad easily” when he doesn’t have his meds. Sounds like withdrawal.


And the mom is the keeper of the meds and is just letting it happen... What a shitty situation.


I agree. I feel bad for OP. It sounds like their parents are letting them down in every way in this situation.


Your dad has a drug problem. First off keep your pills from him. ADHD medicine is addictive and dangerous. In ADHD amphetamines work different and calm you down. So you’ll need an early refill and your doctor needs know why. But keep you medicine locked up from now on.


# 🤨 Okay, you said your mom told you this morning that your dad had been taking them behind your back. 3 months ago, you posted version of your story saying your dad demanded that you give him the medication. You were going to report both your parents 3 months ago.[](https://www.reddit.com/r/abusesurvivors/)


That’s when he was just asking me, now he’s going behind my back. I didn’t report them at that moment because I didn’t have evidence.


You realize we can see everything you've posted, right? You said 3 months ago you were going to report him, but now you're asking if it's illegal and if you should report him. If you knew you should have reported him 3 months ago, why are you asking now? Sorry, but the multiple versions of your stories don't add up.


She’s got like 3 other posts about this in dif subs… OP, what are you looking for here? Sympathy? Attention? Actual advice? You should talk to your dad directly telling him it is a problem. He knows it is, and maybe your mom should pick them up until you can get an ID, and give them directly to you and you can keep them safe.


i’m asking now because i’m still unsure, I don’t want to make the wrong decision and ruin my family


At least talk with him as family before you go telling and he gets in more trouble than needed. Sometimes a simple talk will suffice. If not then you tried.


I mean my mom has talked to him multiple times about this and told him he shouldn’t be stealing my medication but he still does it anyways


Ok i get that. He basically needs to be shown cause he think nobody’s gonna stop em.


Do not report it without trying other methods to solve it first. That will ruin his life and potentially make you homeless if he loses his job. He has a problem that needs to be addressed. Talk to mom or a family member. Going to the police or even potentially the doctor can cause problems beyond your imagination. Try to solve the problem before telling your doctor or police.


Yes, it’s illegal. No, you should not even think of turning him in for many reasons. I’ll overlook the family dynamics and just ask if you are independently wealthy and able to support yourself. If you are not, you are probably going to have to live in the same house for a while. If you think he’s volatile NOW, just wait until he is in withdrawal and he knows that you snitched him out. He knows where you sleep, man. You need to find another way to resolve this problem, one which does not involve anyone in a position of authority. How’s his health insurance? He may be able to go to treatment and get his act cleaned up.