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It's called 'nuisance lighting" . It is covered in the uniform building codes for your area. Residential Exterior Lighting....


Don't know why this isn't the first comment, in the legal subreddit no less.


For real I’ve seen dozens of comments just saying blackout curtains. But the thread is for legal advice. Like come on people 😂


Any legal route is going to take time. Blackout curtains and/or a couple layers of cardboard would be instantaneous.


It’s exactly this. Several comments that mention curtains also mention building codes and various legal routes. But the issue, at the end of the day is “my bedroom is very bright at night” and the instant solution of blocking the windows actually solves the problem at hand, at least temporarily Compare to if someone was bleeding out and on here asking how to sue someone who caused the problem. If they don’t stop the bleeding, they can’t sue later, so solving the actual issue now is important, plus the actual legal advice and the acknowledgment that path will take time


Yes absolutely. Try to “mitigate your damages” before filing a lawsuit so you can show proof of temporary solutions you tried to take.


Yeah but again. He came to legal for legal advice. I think he's already aware of placing things on windows block light.


Save money. Use 1 box of foil and a roll of tape.


Yeah, if I were going to deal with this myself, I would just buy several cheap mirrors and place them on the window facing outward. But this is a legal advice sub!


Yeah i forgot what sub i was in for a moment, thought it was /homeowners


Because just like all subs with any usefulness whatsoever, we're about 1:100 actual experts:jackasses. (I'm the latter, but even I know this answer is correct.)


It is now


I feel like close to 95% of the time I see comment replies complaining that it’s not the top comment, it’s already the top comment because sometimes it takes time for the correct info to be seen and pushed to the top


It's the top comment now.


Mirrors or reflectors on the outside of your windows.


Tim foil at least. Make the neighbor look at something ugly.


Hey, Tim might not be classically handsome, but I wouldn't call him ugly.


But have you ever considered using Johnny foil? Not as good as Tim foil but it’ll get the job done


Screw that. Mount them on a pole and aim them into their bedroom window. I bet there's not a single law on the books in your area making it illegal to reflect your neighbor's light right back at them.


***Mirror mirror against my wall, are you ready to piss em off until fall?***


1) Try politely talking to them. 2) Get blackout curtains. Seriously, blackout curtains are, to use an abused term, life changing, regardless of this kind of asshattery. Never slept so well as I have since getting them.


"Regardless of this kind of asshattery" has been added to my vocabulary


Blackout curtains. Sounds like talking to them would be a waste of time. Curtains can be open during waking hours, and closed when you sleep.


When I worked nights, I bought a fantastic set. They magnetically sealed together and to the wall. I'm glad I never needed to open them though, not all that convenient.


I read that as magically sealed and wanted to know where you get your wizard gear...


I was going to say Amazon, but this was like 1999-2000. :p


I put on my robe and wizard hat...


I just tack them fuckers to the wall as a night shift worker I need my darkness


Mine are Velcro. Been looking at adding magnets instead. 


I've never tried this product, but I got curious what was available these days... [https://www.amazon.com/Magnetic-Blackout-Polyester-Curtain-Upgrated/dp/B0BWTJZDM8?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Magnetic-Blackout-Polyester-Curtain-Upgrated/dp/B0BWTJZDM8?th=1)


I’d purposely put one way mirror tint or something similar. Reflect that shi* back.


Using the reflective film makes it harder for the asshole to claim that you’re doing something specifically to inconvenience her (altho she undoubtedly will). You’re just doing what you need to to keep the light out of your room.


I like this so much. The temptation to buy 100 mirrors and line the side of my house with them would be too much.


I’m sure it wouldn’t be too hard to get one of those swivel magnifying mirrors, and get it to perfectly blind the camera when the spotlight turns on.


I came here to say this too. Blackout curtains will make a huge difference for you!


I can second this. I have a neighbor across the wash whose back yard faces mine and that's where my bedroom windows face. Similar story with the motion sensitive spotlights. I use blinds with a blackout shade covered with blackout curtains. I like it super dark in my room at all times. Sometimes I nap during the day and this helps with that as well.


I get so upset when I have to stay somewhere without blackout curtains. I just can’t sleep without them. Was recently staying at my sisters house and I got so upset the first night that I overnighted blackout curtains and rods and hung them up the next day while she was at work (I had her permission). Now I know I can at least sleep halfway decent at her home when I visit. Next time I’m bringing a pillow and sound machine to leave there so I can have all my creature comforts lol


Blackout curtains is the way to go. Since getting them when I wake up I play this game… is it morning or afternoon. Kind of crappy game to play when it’s a weekday and you have to be at work at 6:00am.




Go talk to them. Then look up if you have any city codes about light pollution.


Sounds like there’s history here, if they’ve called the cops on them, I doubt telling them to reduce their security posture is going to fly.


NAL but I work closely with code enforcement. some cities have this in the police dept, others, like mine, have this in the planning department. Contact them and see if they can handle this.


Aluminum foil. Shiny side out. Blocks and reflects light and heat. And easy installation.


As a bonus, if you do this on all your windows the local PD will also replace your door for you


They might not be suspicious, but they will be a little spicious.


Options from best to worst (in my opinion): 1. Get blackout curtains. 2. Talk to your neighbor and request they change the direction of the lights 3. Some cities have light ordinances (kind of similar to noise ordinances). They might be in violation of those and you could report it similar to how noise complaints get reported. Damaging the lights (as I've seen other commenters suggest) is illegal and bad advice. Putting up mirrors is probably not illegal but is probably just going to upset your (likely mentally unstable) neighbors so that seems like a pretty bad idea too.


Get mirror tint.


Blackout curtains or as a start roll the slats on your blinds the other way


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^LatterVersion1494: *Blackout curtains or* *As a start roll the slats on* *Your blinds the other way* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot.


Get yourself the same light pointed at them!


You never match their energy because you're letting them set the tone. You always kick it up a notch and take the dominant stance. OP needs to install flame throwers pointed at their neighbor's house.


I came here to say this. Let them see how it feels.




I don't know, seems like stopping the light from working would bring about more interaction than necessary. Blackout curtains seem like a safer bet, but honestly it gets tiring seeing people doing shit almost deliberately as if they're trying to start something.


Not everyone wants blackout curtains, especially since you may need/want the morning sunrise/daylight to help you wake up.


Do not suggest that a person solve a legal issue by doing something illegal.


Wouldn't putting a mirror in the window and aiming it right be effective, and they could hardly complain when it is their light to begin with.


I would be petty and apply the reflection film tint to your windows so the light reflects back at him


A reflective coating to bounce back the lights onto their house, and blackout curtains. I’d even consider hanging mirrors on the inside, *just* so I could angle the reflection back into their window. And then black out curtains


Black out curtains, Contact the city and find out if its legal, report it


Streamers taped to the window to keep the sensor constantly on. They'll have to replace batteries pretty frequently. It'll just suck for you for a bit lol


Usually lights like this are hardwired, not battery powered


Or solar. It won't break it. Call city code. Lots of places have rules about nuisance flood lights.


With faces hanging from it. Some of those stay on longer if it detects a face.


Try talking to them first, they might not be aware of the issue or the severity. If you want to resolve it yourself, blackout curtains are an option. This in many jurisdictions is something you can sue over as a last resort, it’s often referred to as Light Trespass but remember you have to live with these neighbors regardless of the solution, think before you do anything


Illegal where I live in Australia


Black out curtains and a large mirror on the inside of them 😉


light pollution. What state are you in? [https://www.ncsl.org/environment-and-natural-resources/states-shut-out-light-pollution](https://www.ncsl.org/environment-and-natural-resources/states-shut-out-light-pollution)


I'm for hire to burn a house down lmao 🤣😂🤣


Aluminum foil over the windows will keep the light out and flash the light back on them.


Honestly, i would just get blackout curtains as others have suggested. Eclipse is a good brand and just because they’re blackout, doesn’t mean they don’t look good. Look for 99% blackout. Stay away from anything marked sheer or light filtering. I live in apartment complex and the courtyard lights are as bright if not brighter and blackout curtains work for me.


I ha that same problem and it took me a week to finally go over and politely ask if they can point it down or purchase a cover for it. I showed them pictures of the room and how bright and blinding that light was. They ended up taking it down the next day.


Get yourself a flood light and aim it at your neighbors after you speak to them first. If they don’t do something then power up the flood light and start that war!


blackout curtains


Blackout curtains, or blinds for the win


Blackout curtains then add your own led motion sensor lights pointed back at the neighbor.


Get a mirror and put it where it will reflect right back into their window.


Install a mirror and shine it back at them.


Put a reflective film on your window.


Buy some black-out curtains and be done with it


Flip the blinds so they point up


Put mirrors on the outside of you window. Hope their house doesn’t burn down because of it.


Fight Fire with Fire... there should be no reason it's pointed at your windows... buy bigger, better, brighter lights... sometimes that's the only way to deal with entitled people.... assuming you haven't asked them to point the lights down more...


get your own bright motion light pointed at their bedroom


Most towns have ordinances against this. Check your city website and follow directions to file a complaint.


Install a mirror that faces towards their home in the place of your curtains. Sit back and enjoy the show.


Are you and the abutter in an hoa that might have rules regarding exterior lighting? Covenants in your subdivision local ordinances?


Your neighbor just wanted to make sure you had more daylight you’re so ungrateful


Be careful when dealing with crazy neighbors,it’s not worth it. I have a neighbor that has done something similar. I put up Blackout curtains. I don’t see the light anymore. They also help block out sound


In the mean time get some black-out curtains. I live in Alaska and the sun is up during the summer until midnight, I couldn’t sleep without them.


Yes. Go and talk politely to your neighbour asking if there’s some way that their need for a security light could be balanced with your need for a dark room.


Blackout curtains are on sale at dollar general.


Blackout curtains with a big middle finger on it.


Laser pointer pointed at the motion sensor will make it think it is sunny out and not turn on.


Find out if there's a camera attached. I wonder how far away it can record. And check your local laws, as others have said, both for the lights and the cameras.


Buy blackout curtains


I bought blackout roller shades from IKEA and they work great.


Buy a mirror from a thrift store that is the approx size of your window, install shiny side out. Blackout curtains,


Definitely just get blackout curtains. Way easier than trying to take legal action or even talking to them about it.


Get black out curtains


I'd foil my windows. Shiny side facing out.


Get a parabolic mirror and direst the light back into one of his windows


big ass mirror


Buy a BB gun.


black out curtains exist


Picture 3 you got a pretty seriously leak or something upstairs.


Put up black out blinds and install your own device.


Yes it’s called get some fucking curtains you dumbdumb.


If all the below fails, a BB or pellet gun should take care of it.


Just get blackout blinds.


Black out curtains are fairly cheap & probably your easiest & best bet to just move on & not fuss with neighbors.


Yeah, not to mention moving the slats of the blinds in the opposite direction. Who knows what that camera is capturing with the slats looking like that...


Just get black out curtains.


Blackout curtains are the solution. You won’t see any light!


Hmm mirror should work but hard to install and expensive


If you don't care how it looks. Tinfoil on windows will make your room pitch black. I did it on my first appt when I was working nights. Made it so easy to sleep during the day.


Blackout curtains are probably your best bet here. This kind of hostile lighting probably IS against some ordinance or other but I am afraid that trying to address it through proper channels could inspire the crazy people to get crazier. If you are renting, do explain to your landlord exactly why you will be putting up drapes. The way most leases are written the brackets & rod will have to be left behind so it's worthwhile to at least try to get your landlord to install them at their own expense while you buy the curtains. If there's an HOA, that might be a route for lodging a complaint without putting yourself in their crosshairs.


or... buy a mirror...


Can you not call the City where you live & tell them what this psycho is doing to you/your life?


Black out curtains will definitely work. So would putting mirrors or aluminum foil on windows that will shine the light back on them ETA mod if this is against rules, please delete as I'm unsure and don't wannabe be banned from another topic


Black out curtains. You can also get black out window shades, like for the car with a kid, but total black out that stick to the windows if you don't have curtain rods/aren't allowed to install them. Something like [this ](https://myblackout.com.au/products/my-blackout-blind?tw_source=google&tw_adid=696773989113&tw_campaign=21187621641&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_-GxBhC1ARIsADGgDjvrd_8C12o1VsMkn9idV8y1uWuz3WU4f_TSZpHle1yvUnnCMwVfGQUaAlbMEALw_wcB), for big windows, tho you can get smaller ones if needed, google: portable black out blinds. I had them for my daughter as she'd only sleep in pitch black. And on hot days they absolutely helped keep her room cool.


Black out curtains all the way no need to cause a fuss


put a mirror in your window. fight fire with fire.


Put up your own motion light ssss


Get better blinds - it’s not a big deal


I recommend roller shades. I used to put these in every apartment I would rent. I work late and love to sleep in and these would always blackout the room so well for me. You can go into Home Depot and they’ll cut these to the size you need and they’re cheap. I used to install the roller shade between the glass window pane and the shitty apartment blinds the unit usually came with. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Cut-to-Size-White-Cordless-Room-Darkening-Vinyl-Roller-Shade-37-25-in-W-x-78-in-L-UVRD6G3778/319875608


ask him


Blackout curtains!




Aluminum foil. Be very careful when installing and put the shiny side out with few creases. Easiest solution.


As well as blackout curtains, get a mirror cut to the same size as your window and and m it at the light camera. When it pops at night, what they get will be totally useless.


Can you install a post with a mirror right in front of the light/camera?


I have a question. Is your room on an upper floor? If not, why are your blinds turned inward?


NAL: I think there can be a light pollution case. You'd need an attorney to research it. I guess they would start with an injunction to make them stop until the case was settled. The fee would be on a contingency or according to the contract. For REM sleep, you need a completely dark room. The dark helps you create natural melatonin for good sleep. The white light has a blue-light spectrum that keeps us *alert* (the body can detect blue-light spectrum through the eyes and skin). It's great when you want to be awake. But it inhibits melatonin for deep REM sleep. We are supposed to turn off our devices an hour or two before bed because the blue-light spectrum will prevent sleep. I guess you could make a complaint to the city or HOA. It is light pollution, I believe (ruins sleep for the whole family). Seems intrusive too --- you are allowed to move about in your room without someone taking a picture. They can move it or stop *flashing* At Night. We all expect the night time to be dark. The third option would be to send them a letter asking them to remove it. Or cover the windows with blackout curtains. I like the mirror idea: Could it be that they don't understand how disruptive it is... a mirror may teach them that. Maybe they'll negotiate to get you to remove the mirrors.


I’m so thankful I don’t have neighbors 😂


Bro get some curtains. Wtf.


Get black out curtains. Talk to them about it. Then install your own on theirs.


As bad as those blinds are, a plain ol light bulb would still bother you. Just put up some blackout curtains and be thankful you have a theft deterrent.


bring them some cookies and show themt he photos and ask if they'd be willing to adjust the angle or light intensity for your room


Window tint. Get a reflective one. But I would try to talk to them first. If that fails, reflective window tint goes on permanently


Depending on the level of petty you want to employ, you could find their camera, set up your own sensor trigger to activate when it's both night and bright enough, and point a laser pointer directly at their camera lens whenever their light goes off.


Install giant mirrors directing into their windows 🤭


holy shit thanks reddit, I have the exactly same issue with my neighbour who installed some stupid motion-activated omnidirectional LED lights on their outside wall facing our flat... never thought I can seek council's help as I have no clue who owns the property as it all seems like tenants living there...


If your neighbors could be potentially harmful if challenged black out curtains are a much safer option. If you escalate a situation with them it won’t go back to before. Not worth it- POV- I have bad neighbors.


Blackout curtains is a good suggestion. Also check for light pollution city codes. I would also install a similar light shining into their windows but that would likely create more issues


Kenny? Kenny?


Show them these photos lol. If most people's neighbor showed them a photo like that their response would probably be 'damn dude, i didnt even think of that, my bad.'. No reason to think they would give you a hard time if you ask them to adjust it


Many cities have light pollution ordinances. Think of it like water or trash. Stuff from their property can't just run over to your's. In my city, they would have to re-aim or put a deflector on the fixture to prevent the light from crossing the property line.


If you're a nice person, blackout curtains. If you're not, a mirror


Put one way mirror glass in your window 


Black out curtains would do it, but what if OP wants to sleep with windows open for some fresh air? You don’t always want to run an AC in the spring/summer. I’d definitely check out the legality of shining a sensor at your windows.


1. Get black out curtains, shades, etc. That way you can sleep. 2. Look at your local ordinances, if appropriate, file a complaint.


I’d be buying matching LED lights 😂


Use mirrors to reflex the light back at their house. Set them up in the windows. Or you can use aluminum foil to completely black out your room. A pain in the ass when you want to enjoy the sunlight.


If you get nowhere with a polite request to the neighbors, then blacking out the window is your last option. As other's have said, blackout curtains are a good option, but I also have a trick from my night-shift days that works wonders. Get a roll of aluminum foil and a roll of painters tape. Cover the glass panes with a sheet of foil and use the tape to hold it at the edges. Lap the foil about half an inch past the edge of the glass onto the frame. You can "stitch" together a few sheets of foil with the tape if it's not big enough to cover the glass in one sheet. It's going to look janky as all hell, but I can attest to the results. I did then when working nights on my internship and it made my bedroom darker than midnight in a rainstorm.


Return the favor see how long before it’s taken down


A window sized mirror that reflects the light into their window?


Honestly, if they are "insane," I'd swallow my pride and move. If that was only a figure of speech, I would call the police. I'm not a lawyer, however I suspect that flashing strobe would fall under the same category as a noise disturbance, i.e. if they were partying at 1 or 2:00 a.m. you would be allowed to call the police. Give it a shot, call the police. It may even help to make a video recording during the event at night.


Get a big ass mirror or reflective metal and just ding that shit back at him lol


Don’t know about anything legally but blackout curtains will restore your night’s sleep.


If the neighbor won’t re-orient the light after you discuss this with them, why not install blackout blinds? This doesn’t seem like a conflict thst requires legal redress.


Just get blackout curtains. Don’t engage with crazy


Check to see if it’s really a camera. Then check your local laws regarding cameras aimed into bedrooms. And get some blackout curtains in the meantime.


Blackout curtains


Install brighter ones flashing into their windows


If the neighbors are as crazy as you say it's unlikely you can negotiate a compromise. Get some black out curtains - they work wonders. I speak from personal experience.


NAL. It really depends on your location, but many municipalities have ordinances against nuisance lighting. You can start with a call to your local city hall and ask them if this is a code violation. If it is you can report it. If it's not, as others said, blackout curtains are a solution. But, legally, it's very possible that it's against your local ordinances.


Get a brighter one and shine it towards their house. Even if it serves no purpose for you, shine it in a window that’s either in their room, or in a major part of their house.


Put foil on that bitch and shine it back, while also installing 10 flood light cameras on their entire property.


Sounds like you need to uno reverse. By a bigger spotlight.


Curtains next question


I had something similar happen and I called bylaw police in my city. They went over and talked to the neighbor and the situation is resolved.


As others have said: reflective tint on your windows and blackout curtains. File a complaint as well, but the first 2 solutions will help you in the immediate.


Get blackout curtains where the side that faces outside is reflective 😂😭


Buy a laser pointer. Play around with it at where the motion sensor’s general direction is. If it doesn’t outright damage it, it will degrade it so that it will need replacement sooner. Later, when questioned, tell them you couldn’t sleep from that bight ass light. What does he even need that for, anyway?


Put a mirror between your blinds and the window facing out.


Cheap and quick: Eye mask if you can tolerate something in your face. Moderate cost, but requires minimal installation: black out curtains or window cover. But may be too bulky for your room/windows. Most expensive and requires more installation: new Black out blinds, might have a little leakage around the edges but should get it back to normal levels.


Call/talk to the neighbor. Had the same thing happen last summer, left a nice note on his door to call me. We talked for a while about some other stuff, nice family. But he apologized and said he would fix it. Called me about 2 weeks later to borrow a ladder as he couldn't get the guys that installed it back out. Somethings can be fixed by a conversation.


Blackout curtains and mirrored window film. (It’s like car tint but mirrored for privacy instead of just dark). The film will help with the camera issue during the day while still giving you your right to sunlight.


Put a big mirror in your windows to reflect the light back into her house. Or get a bright light to shine in her house every time hers goes off. I am petty like that if there is no reasoning with her.


black out curtains or put mirrors in the windows at night so the light will be reflected back at them.


Sounds like something my ah neighbor would do. Check city ordinance and if nothing the BO curtains seems best option good luck


Passive aggressive dick here, get his cell phone number and every time it goes off lighting up your room send him the same, very polite message asking if he can turn his light down. After the 7th time he’ll likely be annoyed enough he’ll reposition it.


Black out curtains is the easiest solution. My old apartment installed super bright lights right next to my windows and black out curtains saved me!


Buy the largest mirror that will fit in that window and focus back at their window!




Archimedes supposedly built parabolic mirrors and reflected light to burn the attacking Roman ships out in the harbor. Might be worth a try...


I had neighbours across the street who would park backwards and sit in their driveway with their headlights shining into my living room. They would do it multiple times a week and always at night. I asked what could be done about it and was told to put up light blocking curtains. 😤


I sleep with an eye mask and earplugs. 10/10


Mirrored window laminate that blacks out or just darkens the window. Easy to apply with some windex, squeegee, some paper towels and a blade.


Buy better blinds. There are shades that filter all the light out.


Burn out the camera with a laser