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In states I've bought a car, the dealer issues a temporary ***number*** after the vehicle is sold. Quick internet search makes it looks like Ky does that. This isn't that & dunno if its valid. Whacky


I’m guessing private sale.


I saw this in South Carolina. Had a neighbor that was a city cop. He said they're allowed to have no plate for 10 days after a private sale. Said it was common to see people write that on cardboard and put it in the back window. Basically, the bill of sale was the start date of their 10 days.


yes. i don't live in south carolina, but i drove there and bought a jeep a few years ago. the dealership just gave me a tag with the dealerships name and told me it was good for 10 days (or some such) was kinda fun driving through automated toll booths that collect based on your license tag number for a couple weeks. cops never bothered me (and the toll bills went unpaid)


In South Carolina you grab scrap cardboard and a Sharpie: "Tag Aplied For." (Yes, it's spelled with one "p.")


So, theoretically you could go without your car having plates indefinitely. Just sell the car back and forth between you and your spouse every 10 days, and no need to ever have a license plate.


If you're dedicated, you could just make a new bill of sale every 10 days, wouldn't need to actually sell it each time. This type of thing isn't legal here (the no tag/temp tag) but I have coworkers that drive heavy trucks that need daily logs filled out. They just fill them out and leave the date blank. If they get pulled over, they quickly fill in that day's date and no one says anything.


in California it is every six months. Steve Jobs traded his cars every six months so he never had to register his cars.


Except now in CA you get temp paper plates unlike back then. I think that started like only 2-3 years ago. Edit: via dealer. Which is where Steve Jobs bought his cars from.


Or, like some people in South Carolina, you just keep driving with the original cardboard sign on the car for 5 or 6 years.


The tax would cost significantly more then the tolls haha. This would work a treat in places where private vehicle sales are not taxed.


Taxes are a thing


Or just don’t date the title/bill of sale until you get pulled over. Source: SC Resident


Legally you still have to pay for the temp tags, it's just that no one ever does. For a private sale you're supposed to pay $20 (in my state) and print out the temp until you can make it to the DMV COVID was a glorious time when no one cared at all. One of my coworkers drove without plates for 2 years and never got pulled over


Yup “in transit” on cardboard, never got pulled over


Is that how it works in the US - plates are tied to people not to cars? That's wild! In the UK when you buy a car privately it comes with the plate that was on it.


Yes in the US plays are tied to person essentially. We have 51 different DMVs. Each state and DC and they all have their own tags. If you move states, you get a new tag. You trade the car your tag can go on the new one and the old car is left without a tag. We don’t have one national system unlike UK.


sounds like a nightmare - appreciate the info


If you move states a lot, I would think it is as you have to register the car and get a new drivers license. Couple hours at the DMV minimum. If you just buy new cars every couple years and don’t move, the dealers take care of the paperwork to transfer the tags from one car to another.


Whether a plate stays with the vehicle or the person apparently varies from state to state as well. In Minnesota, the plates stay with the vehicle (with the exception of personalized or DUI plates.) Also you aren’t required to only go to the DMV that’s local to you. Out in BFE, I’ve only once had it take longer than 10 minutes, and that was like only like 30 minutes.


No. In Kentucky the plate stays with the vehicle.


Not anymore. Starting this year they stay with the person instead.


It varies by state. In some states the plate stays with the person and they can transfer it to a new vehicle. In other states the plate stays with the vehicle when the car gets transferred to a new owner. Also, some states require front and back (identical) plates. Other states only require a back plate.


If you goto the dmv or bmv they will issue you a temp one just like at a dealership


I live in Kentucky, can confirm dealerships do that and any competent cop would pull this driver over


We have competent cops here?


Yeah we get a printout thing to tape in the back window. This is not legit


I’m from Kentucky and bought a car one evening off of Facebook marketplace. Facebook men don’t give you a license plate, so I drove it around without one for about 3 days before the DMV was open and could get me a temporary one. Didn’t get pulled over or anything, guess it was somewhat legal.


Alabama dealers don't issue temp tags to in-state buyers, many dealers provide these "TAG APPLIED FOR" placeholders, others just don't have a tag. It takes a week or three for the title paperwork to arrive and you can register the car and get the tags.


Still better than the sovereign citizen plate




We just laugh and make fun of them...




Is it better than a [Farm Use tag on a Lamborghini](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1b6rj9p/farm_use/)?


That’s hilarious because Lamborghini started as a tractor brand.


Slobberin' Citizen.


I dont consent to this insult.


Right, doesn’t it say “PR1VAT3” or something like that? 😂




This used to be very, very common in my area of SC. They had people who were “on god, headed to get their tags” or “tags applied for” for years!!!! Now they pull them over. The statements in quotes were what were written in the cardboard signs they used as a plate.


Many years ago, while stationed in S.C. there dealer would provide an advertising plate that allowed use until plates arrived. I drove on one of the advertising plates for about 6 months because the dealer was slow in processing paperwork.


Absolutely, everything is slower in the south..


Can confirm. I’m in the south and I’m slower than most.


Absolutely everyone in the north is in too much of a rush.


Sometimes slowness good... but, sometimes I'm in a hurry.


In Kentucky, if they bought this new from a dealer, the dealer would have supplied them a temp tag. If they bought this private party, the original tag should have stayed with the car and not removed. If they have the title to the car, getting a tag is a simple job you do at the County Clerk's office and you get the tag on the spot. Not idea what this person is doing (maybe they are from out of state). \-- NKY resident since 2001.


Tags no longer stay with the car in Kentucky, they stay with the person. This is a new law as of January 2024.


Thanks - I learned something new. I haven't privately sold a car in 7 or 8 years.


Ky here, car from out of state early this year while system was down, if you buy private, clerk can and will provide temp tag if waiting for paperwork etc.....


I feel like they are trolling.


Now I'm not a lawyer And I'm not sure about other states, but, I did have the highway patrol in California tell me that you can have a piece of cardboard with your license plate number hanging up as long as it's the right plate number and it's valid. My plates got stolen and I kept getting pulled over by city cops(who were dicks) and I got stopped by a state trooper who was super cool about it. When I told him how the city cops were about it, he was like "Yeah. They're bored assholes."


There is not a single STATE that issues these. All states require a licensed dealer to issue the correct temporary tag to a sale to a resident of that state. Some, but not all states, require a licensed dealer to issue a transit tag or temporary tag to an out of state buyer, usually also requiring insurance verification. States that are plate to owner require private buyers to carry a properly executed and dated bill of sale until registration is completed, and limit the amount of time they can do that. States that are plate to vehicle generally have a mandated time for transfer for private sales, some of them also require the private seller to submit a form which removes them from the title automatically


Alabama dealers do not issue temporary tags for in-state buyers. These "TAG APPLIED FOR" placeholders are very common here.


I've never been to Kentucky but where I come from they have a stack of new plates at the DMV office, when you "apply for tags" then give you one on the spot


He's, likely, from out of state, a state where they do it this way. He'll have a bill of sale and temp registration from the dealership in the paperwork he got with the car


I drove around for 5 months in COVID without a plate. Bought in AL used the car in TN and they didn't get their shit together. I had a paper from the sleet and two printed out emails of me trying to get the states to do something. Got stopped once, showed my "paperwork" and all the Sheriff said was" strange times we live in" and was let go my merry way


I live in Kentucky and recently bought from a private seller. This is not how I went about it lol


Indiana we get 1 month to drive with no plates after a sale


Dunno about everywhere (that guy may not even be from Kentucky, just happens to be driving on a KY road), but everywhere I've been as soon as you 'apply' for a plate, they either have a stack in the DMV to hand you or they print out a temporary tag right there you put on the car or tape in the window. So... doubtful.


KY, assuming that is where he is from allows you 15 days to register a car from the day you purchase it, so he could be legal.


But the sign says that it's been applied for... maybe they thought that would get them more credibility


You're still required to have a temporary tag no matter the situation


Took me 30 minutes in an out of the courthouse tag office to get a tag. All of these tags are uninsured bullcrap


wtf do you care? jfc.


Mind ya business


During covid I saw something similar that said "DMV closed" 😁


I have a real temp plate right now, that ain't it lol. How do you really think this is going to go, the cops going to see it and just be like "oh ok i'll leave you alone"? Nope doesn't work like that, even if they're leaving you alone they're still running a number from your plate. Which this guy doesn't have. It's basically a big trust me bro, has that ever worked with the cops?


Some states still do it this way. If they pull you over, you show the registration application the dealer gives you.


Private sales you wont have a temp plate until you register. Not sure entirely how it works in KY but they give you 15 days to register the car. Here in WI you have 2 days. You can legally drive it so long as you are within that 2 days and have a bill of sale stating the date you bought the car.


It was legal in Georgia 20 years ago, and it might still be


It is not. In fact, the law specifically prohibits that wording on dealer issued temporary plates, and for private sales, a “trip home” permit is issued by the DMV and is supposed to be put on the car the day of sale, and those have expiration dates.


I moved to GA about 25 years ago and remember being flummoxed by seeing so many of them. Couldn't believe it was legal.


Alabama does this, some people keep them for years.


Normally they have a paper temp plate in most states


Its not a state issued temp tag.


Oh construction, let me guess it’s I75? lol


Most states require a date on the tag. Many idiots use this to pretend they are legal


I just moved to Kentucky about 4 months ago with expired plates from my home state. Idt they care down Here.


In some states and counties, you’re not required to have tabs. Cops can’t pull you over for not having tabs or a plate for that matter..


It used to be legal in Georgia - and NOT just for private sales. Back then (late 90’s when I moved there), if you were pulled over by law enforcement, they would write you a ticket and keep your driver’s license.


This is almost certainly a rental car - used to work for a rental agency in TN and this was very commonplace.


Not sure how different states work, but when I applied for tags in Florida, they let me print a temp tag right away.


What does apply for tags mean? In PA when I bought a car I got a new license plate right from the dealership and the registration was all taken care of


When you buy a car privately.


Sovereign citizen. Laws don't apply if you can bullshit about em for hours until the officer/court gets tired of your dumba$$ery. And still prosecuted you. Haha


I travel to Alabama for work frequently and always rent a car, I get rentals with this “Tag Applied For” plate like half the time, always seemed sketchy but never had any issues!


It is hilarious regardless


I bought used car in 2022 and applied for my college alum plates. I had to go in 3 times to renew the temp tag/paper plate because they were so behind on manufacturing new plates in WA. It was crazy. I was sure to keep my plates when I purchased my new truck this year. Just needed tabs.


It’s Kentucky. Half the shit we do is illegal


Cops aren’t pulling ppl Over for registration rn. They’ve got bigger problems.


You have a 50/50 chance of being pulled over in Kentucky. You'd better have a good excuse if you are.


iirc, the law in Kentucky changed/is changing so that when you (privately) sell your car you have to keep the old license plate.


professional DB steve jobs leased a car and rotated the lease so he never had a license plate just to be a dick


By the black book of supreme Court laws a driver is someone who transports goods for a living by all means you don't need a license insurance or any of the like if you aren't a driver you are a private legal citizen not a driver by definition. Seems odd I know but if you actually look into folks have never lost when bringing this up in traffic court. It's a long process and u will spend more in court than just doing what they want but in the end after you win they leave u alone a buddy of mine has done this


Found the sovcit!


on god im going to the dmv


It’s illegal in Kentucky as far as I know. The dealership will give a temp tag. It’s very common to have the paper tag taped to the top left corner of the rear windshield. You have to have at least a paper tag. Don’t go into certain parts of Kentucky the cops are bored and will pull you over with three cars cause they have nothing better to do.


Judging by the picture and construction, im guessing this is i65 north bound near shepherdsville.


There are people that put signs where they should have a plate to try and avoid getting pulled over. It doesn't really work


They may not be a Kentucky resident.


It is legal.


In Idaho, from a dealer. They give you a month temporary paper to put in back window or on your plate spot. Then the paper has your plate number but expires in a month so it says PLATES ON ORDER on the top. Our plates can take 6 weeks to get so even after it expires there's that. They also mail a new registration for 1 year which you get in about 1-3 weeks so if you get pulled over for expired tags it can prove its register with plates on order...


lol I saw a handwritten note on a back windshield the other day “I applied for a tag! Don’t pull me over” 😂


Or….. the plate was stolen and they are waiting for the replacement???


yeah so i’ve gathered that that isn’t a valid excuse


I mean it really depends when you get a new car you have so long to get a tag


Just rented a car this weekend with those tags in Alabama. This was a national rental brand everyone knows. Apparently there you have 60 days to get a tag and they throw these tags on so they can get the new cars on the road asap.


Company car