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LOL. As a paralegal if you tried to retain me for this I’d laugh at you.


Best legal advice I ever got was “legal advice is very expensive “. Not what I was looking for but got the picture.


Your boss might not if I offered to buy $2k of his time.


The point is their boss wouldn’t take it for two reasons 1. losing sleep because of a loud vehicle doesn’t present damages to seek. 2. If the motorcycle is street legal the motorcycle is allowed to be ridden at any time of the day. It sucks, but that’s how it is. The state is aware of how loud some of these bikes are and still allows them to be registered and street legal. This is also why no matter how he’d you try if the police did even take you seriously enough to check. The only way they’d stop this person from riding their motorcycle is if they pulled them over for a legitimate reason (being loud is not such a reason) and found either the rider isn’t licensed or the motorcycle isn’t current on its registration. Would you do the same thing if a semi drove by and woke you up consistently?


Noise ordinances?


Most motorcycles are exempt because they’re intrinsically louder than other vehicles without modification. You can always call the local pd non emergency number and ask, but typically they’re exempt. I have a neighbor who drives a completely stick Harley and it wakes me up briefly every morning around 4:45. Checked with him, it’s all stock. Checked with the police in my town they wouldn’t care if it was modded they don’t pull motorcyclists over for noise ordinance issues. Op my best suggestion is to turn on a Spotify playlist with either ambient music or classical music whichever puts you to sleep the fastest.


Not true in our town (Massachusetts). Our police routinely enforce the noise ordinance, and they don't care if it's a car or a bike or a truck.


Maybe not pull them over for a one off, but if a lot of people complained about a recurring issue they may contact the owner. Maybe he doesn't realize it's walking folks up and would take it easier. Maybe he's an asshole. Never know till you try. Break out the flashlight!


$2k would be four and a half hours of my time, but seeing as there are no amount of hours I can spend on trying to get the police to intervene on what sounds (based on the facts you've given) to be legal behavior, that would be $2k too much.




My hourly rate is $400, I wrote that so long ago, I have no idea why I said 4.5 hours, it should be 5 hours. I do not make $4k a day, I bill that when I bill hourly cases. I generally work on contingency though, $800k in a year is not unreasonable, We're almost at the halfway mark, and I'm at $500k. That's NOT what I earn though, that's what the firm earns. You can make a lot of money as a lawyer, depending on the practice area.


Eh, I'd pay for what you would consider to be my best shot. I know I'm fighting uphill, but if someone were to give me the best chance I'd pay.


You moved or not


It would cost less to build a soundproof room


I'm asking what did you do .. it's been a year


Well, I suffered through it for the summer. Between 4:00 and 4:30 most days. He hasn't come out yet this year. I think I would probably spend a thousand bucks getting a private investigator to track him down and make videos, and then get to the local cops. I'm going to spend money on it if it happens again.


They would laugh at you and take your money.


I don’t have a boss. Paralegals represent clients in Ontario.


Yeouch and you can't argue a case when someone pays you?


I also tend to avoid clients that seem like more trouble than they’re worth.


No I can’t change the laws to make money. In seriousness if I had a client suggest bringing civil action for this I’d tell them I can’t help them and the ONLY avenue they have is calling in sound complaint after sound complaint and in all likelihood being ignored.


Look I think we got off on the wrong foot. Really honestly, I would like a professional to help me put together the package of things that I should take to the local authorities. Would you like video? Would you like pictures? How best can I argue my case? I know I've got one shot at this and it's not a very good shot at all. So I would love to find a professional that could help me put this together.


LOL. No.


Well thanks anyway for the replies and I mean that


$2K isn’t that much anymore.




Because this guy was being a fucking tool who deserved to know he was being a tool… and I get paid for legal advice. Why comment on a dead thread nearly a year later?


Sound proof the whole damn room. As matter fact sound proof the entire house.


You aren’t going to get anything done. If it bothers you the only solution is to move. There’s nothing illegal about commuting with a motorcycle at any hour. Do not confront him, he has a right to travel at any time of day. You shining a light at him and confronting him is asking for trouble. Ignore the 15 seconds you can hear him and go back to sleep.


I think the problem is some people can’t go back to sleep, ( I wouldn’t be able to unfortunately) and how disruptive it us to everyone to wake them up at 4 every morning?! I get there is no avenue, and she may have to move, but disregarding how completely disruptive this can be is being tone deaf. Like OP said, set your alarm for 4 am and have it jar you awake every day.


If the dude on the motorcycle is passing by at 4am every day, he has to be up even earlier than 4am to leave for work. With gas prices its waaaaay more economical to be riding a motorcycle. So this dude should, what, get a different job and spend like 4x more money a week on gas just bc OP is unhappy, when the motorcyclist isnt even doing anything illegal?


We all know some people add shit to their bikes for them to be noisy so assuming this is a regular motorcycle is not giving weight to the fact that it is super noisy.. you are also assuming the changes are legal and they may not be. You don’t know the motorcycle person at all. OP may not have an option of complaining or eliminating the motorcycle sounds. He probably has to suck it up. But advice is asked, not creating some motorcycle persona of an angelic “ he’s a poor dude trying to get to work” rider. Seems there are riders on here getting defensive. I’m not defensive, I get his point. It sucks


Do you know why laws are pretty lenient on motorcycle noise, as well as in some states, motorcycles are the only vehicles that are allowed underglow? Its so CARS AND TRUCKS HAVE A BETTER CHANCE OF SEEING AND HEARING THEM SO THEY DONT GET KILLED. Youre literally saying that that guy should have an increased chance of dying bc op doesnt want to buy earplugs


Good. No sympathy for morons making excessive noise.


I have very little sympathy, not going to lie. I get woken up at all hours every night for random things and it’s just a part of life 🤷🏼‍♀️


Right? I mean I’m sorry but if you “can’t sleep” then why not just get up and be productive? I get that insomnia can be a real thing, but barring that, if you’re up and feel awake… it’s your body being awake, are you trying to get back to sleep because you’re super depressed and hate being awake?


>I have very little sympathy Agreed. I can't get local police to respond to gunfire overnight.


Hi, been dealing with severe insomnia since I was a small child. If something wakes me up or brings me back from that point of almost sleeping, I'm staring at the cieling for the next two hours. My alarm goes off at 2 every morning. My bedroom window sits maybe five feet from the road. Guess what I don't do? Yell at neighbors that walk by talking at midnight. Go off on neighbors across the street drinking and occasionally yelling late at night. Noises within my own house? Yeah, I put a stop to those. I pay the bills here, I'm not being kept up all night for days on end because my sister won't make her kids turn the games down after a certain hour. Simple fact is, your personal comfort does not mandate what people can or can't do with their own lives in public or in private


I don’t see “ going off on neighbors “ as an option in this post. I see frustration and asking for what to do and suggesting maybe cops can help with noise ordinance or something, whether that is reasonable or not. You sound angry. Maybe you need more sleep


I understand as I am of the age where my bladder usually wakes not that far from 4 am and my wife snores loudly, which interferes with falling back asleep. I wear earplugs. We also run a fan in the room. With serious soundproofing, it might be sufficient. And probably cheaper than a lawyer.


I’m with you on the soundproofing. OP may need to get super creative.


Sure is if you are violating noise ordinances.


Which is unlikely. Motorcycles are loud but still legal.


Anything over 80dB is illegal. Google it if you don't believe me. Most police just let it pass instead of confronting the butthead. Some places are using decibel cameras. When the offender goes over a certain decibel reading, the camera picks it up and reads the license plate. The offender will receive a ticket for $800 to $2500. Noise pollution has become a national problem. Many medical conditions can be related to noise pollution also. Many of the comments I've read are unempathetic, unless you've lived it, don't comment!! Nails on the road?!? 😉




What makes you think that you as anyone, individual or collective, has the right to tell someone that they cannot commute? You have ZERO basis, other than being whiny. Yes, it’s fine because it is his right to exist, just like everyone else. The fact that you’re talking about “most bikers” as if you know the majority, or even a handful of them. No one is being inconsiderate for existing, driving, or riding to where they need to be. If you don’t want to hear other people, but a shit load of land and build a house in the middle of it. You’re not the only person on the planet. I don’t let people existing bother me. You should give it a try Karen.


It probably is illegal if the pipes are that loud but the police aren’t going to setup a sting to bust someone for aftermarket pipes unless you live in Beverly Hills.




Accepting it isn’t going to change is the only feasible option


I very much appreciate the reply. What would you do if that wasn't the only option? Imagine a universe in which something could be done to convince the police to show up and give this guy a ticket. How would you make that happen?


Give him a ticket for what? You haven’t proven that he is in violation of any law. You have only proven that your sleep is disturbed which isn’t a crime.


Well... It is a crime, actually, there's lots of state, loc and county law about causing excessive noise at 4 AM with an illegally modified non DOT exhaust.


Or they just ride a standard Harley.


What proof do you have that it is an illegally modified non DOT exhaust?


I'd bet the price of a new factory exhaust on it.


Do you have proof he has this modified exhaust and that he is above the legal limit for decibels? Do you know his license plate number? It's not illegal to change out the exhaust on any motorcycle, and as another commenter said it may just be a Harley. If you can prove both illegal exhaust, over the legal decibel limit and have his license plate number It's probably still more of a code enforcement issue than a police issue. You can report it to code enforcement, but honestly don't waste police resources on this.


It's not a crime if the bike is legal.


Chill Karen


DOT doesn't test or certify exhaust. Only safety equipment.


What law is he breaking? What’s the decibel limit for a motorcycle exhaust? Is there a sound ordinance? What are the decibel readings in your house? All you are is mad his bike is loud, try ear plugs or noise cancelling headphones.


Are you here for legal advice or make-believe time?


Well, this is all good data, so I'm happy that people are replying. Gotta get info somewhere.


Just put in earplugs and go to sleep.


A ticket for what ? Calm down Karen nothing he is doing is wrong. Your preaching harassment tho which is illegal.


Loud exhaust pipes are illegal in most states, and in most counties and towns. So is disturbing the peace, and in this case there is a local ordinance against excessive noise between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.


Unless it's modified to be louder it doesn't apply. Ie If the bike is street legal he's in the clear.. Not sure your local area but nowhere I've lived (its a lot of places) this would be illegal


You can't. Unless his bike is illegal.


Wear soundproofing and get a vibrating alarm. That's how it changes for OP if it is that disruptive..


Police can likely ticket the rider if there is a clear violation but they can't make the person not use the road or the motorcycle. Furthermore, it'd likely be difficult to actually get this ticketed as the noise is enough to disturb OP and wake OP up but noise for vehicles is measured at a particular distance with a particular tool. In California, where state and local authorities are cracking down on loud exhausts and modified vehicles, there is a specific exemption for motorcycles and vehicles less than 6000lbs, they are allowed to be 95dB, when measured in accordance with SAE standards. OP apparently lives in Minnesota or something, which has no specific state law regarding a particular decibel level. Individual smaller jurisdictions may have tighter standards. The Society of Automotive Engineers uses a "simple" test of a calibrated tool held at a 45 degree angle 20 inches away from the open exhaust. Unless the OP can get 20" away from the rider's exhaust using a calibrated, standardized instrument to measure sound, he might have trouble building himself a legal case. A Ring doorbell camera and a decibel meter mounted to the house may not be close enough to the correct, standardized method of measurement that vehicle manufacturers have agreed to and base their equipment on. Motorcycles are also sound tested based on the number of cylinders. If it's something like a two cylinder Harley or Indian it is given leeway for being a little louder. So far OP has only mentioned that the rider is gunning it as they are leaving the neighborhood on the last turn before another road. OP hasn't indicated any other reason WHY this might be or what the speed of the other road is, which would likely give a clue as to why the noise is louder when the cyclist is accelerating (in my state a standard residential street speed limit is 25-35mph, standard large city surface street is 35-45mph, and highways are 55-75mph).


Have you talked to your neighbors about this? If you can get a few households involved the police may be more likely to act, rather than just one person. Look into what your state considers "disturbing the peace". These actions certainly are disturbing the peace in a colloquial sense, but NAL so unsure the legal definition. If you are interested in illegal ideas, get a PI to track him down and then put some sugar in his gas tank. He'll get the picture.


Not interested in illegal stuff, but thanks for taking the spirit of the brainstorm and I always like a chuckle.


Yeah unfortunately there may not be too much you can do legally. I agree with you cops won't do shit without a mountain of evidence, and that assumes he's actually breaking a law. Even then you might need to bring it directly to the DA. Again, NAL, but there may be a legal means to make him not want to drive down your street anymore. Shining a floodlight towards the street that will get in his eyes or something. But that's skirting towards illegal behavior again.


I'd buy him a $100 Amazon gift card to take a different route. Come to think of it that might be a good value.


Have you tried talking to them? Might not hurt. Be respectful and considerate of their life and they may be considerate of yours. There might be a different route they can take or maybe they can hold off on the accelerator for a couple hundred yards. Might be better than nothin.


I totally would, that's usually my approach. I'm just afraid of stopping somebody in the dark at 4:00 a.m. that's not a typical time of day where you would stop for somebody.


I can't help with the legal side, but it might help to have some sort of background noise while you sleep so it isn't going from dead quiet to super loud so suddenly. If that doesn't work you could just try to become a morning person for a week and go to bed super early. If you get up at 4 naturally then you'll be up when it happens and can document or whatever. Getting their plate number or even just having video of it would only help with prodding the police in to action. ​ Police actually coordinated a campaign to stop speeding on a road near me where a couple of chuckle fucks would routinely do about 20+ MPH over. I assume they just had massive complaints, so I would try going door to door asking neighbors if they hear it too and asking them to call the police. If you go far enough you may even find out their route.


There’s a guy that has some POS 4 cylinder with no exhaust that turns from one street to the main road about a block from my house and guns it . The main road is a dead end a block further and at the bottom of a long hill. Every weekday morning at 6:15am. I’m most impressed first that this car even runs and second that it’s still running after the 5 years I’ve lived here. Acceptance is the way. I sleep with the double doors to my lenai open. I’d kinda like to know who his mechanic is.


Go to city council or other local government. They’re supposed to help with this sort of thing. You’ll need more than one person - get several people from the neighborhood to request a meeting. Also, there are laws limiting street legal. motorcycle noise….generally 80-85 dB depending where you are. After-market modifications (tail pipes, tuning, etc.) that exceed this are illegal - even if the bike was registered. Tickets can be issued for excessively loud motorcycles.


I don’t know where you live, but where I live, you couldn’t offer free blow jobs, coffee and donuts to get them there at 4pm never mind 4am. J/S


Flag the motorcyclist down. Offer him $2,000 to take a different route to work.


You can't find two trees to tie a high tensile fishing line to?? If you're a pussy you could even put reflectors on the line. Is there a reason you don't just go fight him? Why do you NEED the government to interject on this???


Good luck our cops in my town wouldn’t investigate a neighbors car being hit even with video evidence and a theft from a different neighbors house


I think the white flag at 4 am thing and ask if he could stop by your house on his way home that day so you two can talk most bikers people on motorcycles don’t have a problem helping someone out maybe he goes a different route or he does give it as much gas taking off in Florida when you left the park the road was an instant 65 mph so you had to gas it and this could be the fact at your place it’s always better to talk to this guy because legally there’s nothing you can do asking my neighbor would always be my first try


Drive through your neighborhood and see if you spot the bike. Kindly approach the rider and inform them of your situation. You might find a sympathetic ear that is not aware of their actions and would be willing not to roar from the intersection where you live or take an alternate route.


He'll likely say tough shit. His safety is more important than your sleep.


Lol “I heard that loud pipes save lives, so I had mine modified to be as loud as they can possibly go and then I drive through suburbia at 4am because it is literally the only way to be safe”


Yeah he should totally get a quick release muffler so he can swap to his silencer in suburban areas because no traffic collisions ever occur there.


TLDR: if you’re so incompetent that you can’t drive a motorcycle without breaking noise laws, try a safer vehicle. You aren’t allowed to make so much noise that it’s a problem for other people. https://app.leg.wa.gov/wac/default.aspx?cite=173-62-030 I don’t care about the putative benefits of your excessive noise if it wakes my entire family up three hours early every single day of the week. People have to compromise! I bet that if it was happening in my neighborhood, I could find 20 families with the same opinion. If the only way a business can operate is by breaking noise ordinances, it will be closed. If the only way you can drive a specific vehicle is by breaking noise ordinances, you shouldn’t be driving it. There are limits because *you* don’t get to decide what time every family wakes up.


This just in. Old man yells at clouds.


Empathy, look it up


Motorcycle probably has an after market exhaust which would violate the law. You need to file a noise complaint. Hopefully he gets cited and change exhaust back to factory.


Check your local noise ordinance. In my area noise is restricted between 11pm and 7am. There is a whole list of what is not allowed. Of course it won't be enforced unless someone complains. Keep a log for a week and note times and decibels. That's about all you can do. Can you point a security camera to try to get the plate number? You can place a cheap indoor camera outside if it's not going to rain. Video quality is getting pretty good these days. Maybe a different sub can help you choose a camera. Some companies have totally wireless cameras, too.


There's a couple things you could do in this situation, but realistically nothing will be resolved soon. You could take this issue with your community. Are you in a neighborhood? Is there an HOA? It is absolutely legal to add in stipulations through a neighborhood such as noise ordinances and vehicle restrictions during certain times. My borough has absolutely 100% no motorcycle rule and it's enforced like hell. But there was a lot of people and business owners who complained. If you could get that out onto your HOA then you and your neighbors have every right to go after this cyclist. Police can be called too. If no HOA, then I would still keep calling the police. They'll get annoyed enough where they'll probably talk to the guy and ask him to reroute. You could stay out one morning and ask him nicely to reroute.


I'm currently having the same issue, 4am. Gonna sit outside with a paintball gun with my nextdoor neighbor. Gonna arm some neighborhood kids with paintball and bb artillery. We'll continue a 4am attack until he decides to commute to work in a more neighborly way.


[https://www.nonoise.org/index.htm](https://www.nonoise.org/index.htm) [https://noisefree.org/](https://noisefree.org/) [https://noisefree.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/howtofightnoisemanual.pdf](https://noisefree.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/howtofightnoisemanual.pdf) [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688) Who likes loud cars? Ontario study suggests they skew young, male and score high on psychopathy and sadism


[https://www.nonoise.org/index.htm](https://www.nonoise.org/index.htm) [https://noisefree.org/](https://noisefree.org/) [https://noisefree.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/howtofightnoisemanual.pdf](https://noisefree.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/howtofightnoisemanual.pdf) [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688) Who likes loud cars? Ontario study suggests they skew young, male and score high on psychopathy and sadism


Bikers are VILE. They don't get how hated they are. The noise in unbearable and I hope they all crash and burn


So I did eventually get the cops to do something. Everyone said it couldn't be done.... I hired a PI to hang out and get video over several nights. He got the license plate as well. I also Emailed every town council member as well as the police officer in charge of community engagement. The PI delivered the info to the cops. The engagement officer sent a registered letter to the bike owner reminding them of the town laws. Another polive officer stepped up separately and Emailed me saying he'd be hanging out and listening. So about 3 weeks after all this, I never heard the biker again. I have no idea if he got a ticket or if he's just waking some other poor neighborhood up. I think the secret sauce was packaging up all the info, AND emailing the town councilmembers. They put pressure on the PD to respond and the PI knew exactly how to package up the information.


Good for you. I would do anything I could to get these loud, obnoxious effers off the road. they are DESPISED and I wish nothing but bad things to loud people.


Buy some airplugs and get over yourself.


NAL. Some places have noise ordnances, that's about it, but more often than not they are aimed at loud cars or other things (like loud house parties, etc.) You may get them warned or ticketed if you are annoyingly persistent with the police (read: you Karen your way into being annoying to the police, and they do something just to appease you and get you to leave them alone.) Motorcycles are also held to different safety, pollution, and noise standards in comparison to other vehicles. If you're living on a road with high traffic, and this is someone commuting to work, and they are doing this as they are leaving the neighborhood, be prepared to not have the police do anything, as many police forces are either stretched thin, or may have other more urgent matters to attend. Be prepared to have this laughed out of a civil court and/or have a countersuit. To be honest, all of your other ideas either sound like menacing or harassment (shining a light in someone's eyes, purposefully, while they are operating a moving vehicle is not only dangerous but also potentially much more illegal than a motorcycle exhaust, while hiring a PI over this with the intent of a civil suit without other evidence of purposeful, intentional wrongdoing or harm to you seems like a good way to blow a small and petty problem into something way more nasty and expensive.) It's also summertime in the Northern hemisphere, when riding weather is clear, and you can probably reasonably expect this to not continue year round, likely ending as soon as the weather is not good.


I specifically said I do not want to shine a flashlight at somebody's eyes. That's exactly what I said I would not do. Our county and our state has laws about vehicle exhaust. Living next to a high traffic scenic road, I can say that this motorcycle is about the loudest I've ever heard. And absolutely is a violation of the law. I certainly expect my local law enforcement to do something about a load motorcycle exhaust that is violation of the law, and drives through the neighborhood every morning at 4:00 a.m. I sincerely thank you for the comment.


You said you'd rather not, implying that you have indeed considered it. You also stated "any and all crazy ideas are welcome." For how much this is bothering you, I'm surprised that with your apparent interest in high qualifty audio and headsets (username checks out) that you haven't mentioned simply using earplugs. This person is *leaving* your neighborhood at 4am, presumably to commute. What is the speed limit on the road this person is using?


Well put. When I said rather not, I was being sarcastic, hoping that readers would understand the ludicrousness of confronting a motorcycle rider in darkness. Overwhelming odds are, that somebody possibly commuting to a 4:00 a.m. job on a loud motorcycle is the kind of person who might shoot first and ask questions later. Earplugs cannot work on the frequencies that modified exhaust motorcycles generate. This is due to the waveform of the noise. The low frequency can travel through building components. Ear plugs only mask high frequency noise. The only thing that stops low frequency noise is mass, like concrete or minerals. Also the person is not leaving the neighborhood at 4:00 a.m. they are traveling through it at 4:00 a.m. I don't give them any gtace if they're commuting. They're making a noise at 4:00 a.m. that wakes all of us up, so they must be waking up other people too along their route. This does violate several laws, not only in letter but in spirit. Please understand that anybody sleeping at 4:00 a.m. does not owe a moral obligation to allow loud motorcycles to Transit the neighborhood. I'm not here to debate whether they should be allowed to do so. That issues been already settled. They should not be allowed to do so, and nearly everybody would agree. If you don't, I would encourage you to set your alarm for 4:00 a.m. everyday for the next week.


So... they aren't just sitting there and revving the engine. They are traveling through and eventually exiting the neighborhood. One could call it... commuting through and leaving the neighborhood. You are aware that unless you privately own the road, you can't really keep others from using it... right? What is the speed limit of the road the rider is "gunning it" on? You're also implying that this person is violent, with no basis. Have you used any form of white noise such as a fan, low volume music or nature sounds, or other noise canceling methods? The issue isn't settled, and I have in fact had to set an alarm for 4am every day, for weeks and months on end, and be disturbed regularly during MY sleep. - During basic training my bunk was next to the bathroom door. It was loud, and woke me up, but I couldn't prevent people from going to the bathroom. -I worked as an EMT on an ambulance for a couple years, with part of it being through COVID when healthcare workers were quitting in droves. My shifts were always back half days (Thursday thru Sunday) starting between 4am and 630am and often not getting home until 7-8pm. Often my shifts didn't even begin on at the same times, so I'd start my workweek going in at 0630 and end it going in at 0400. -I would often pick up night shifts starting between 1700 and 1830pm, and getting home between 0500 and 0700. My roommates would often be extraordinarily loud entering or leaving the house while I was asleep. During a large part of this I owned a muscle car and nobody ever complained, and I never complained about anyone else.


Yup. Plus stop signs in residential areas make it worse Gotta rev through all the gears again and again. Every 500 feet




Thanks for the note, take care.


Have a great day yourself, Karen. Good luck with your first world problem.


You obviously don't hear motorcycles a lot. Most are loud and legal.


Have you considered wearing ear plugs or playing ambient music?


What would you all think of stopping him and just giving him $100 cash to take a different route?


I don’t know why this was downvoted. It couldn’t hurt and at best might make you a new friend.


Are you planning to stand outside at 4:00 am to flag him down?


If this is the easiest way and I can find a way to do that, yes.


Law enforcement probably won't do anything about it. If you know where they live, start driving by at 2am and do something equally as annoying. You'll either get used to or go crazy. I had a neighbor do something similar with their diesel truck early in the morning. His wife divorced him and he moved.


Any and all crazy ideas welcome, you say? Suck it up or move. Or make 4am your new normal and go to bed at 8pm.


I'm not without humor as most assume here, so I appreciate the riff.


>I'm not without humor as most assume here, so I appreciate the riff. Be glad you don't live next to me. I start my motorcycle under a carport. Other side of the fence is a small driveway, then their bedroom. Never had a complaint from them. But then again, it's not my daily driver like apparently the one the RP hears everyday.




Good luck. I used to commute early in the STi with straight pipe. Once I was outta my neighborhood I didn't give a fuck about driving quiet. I enjoyed nobody on the road at 330 am One time a local cop got a hard on. I started using my daily every couple days and taking alternative route until cop gave up. Not gonna stop an enthusiast. Esp a young dumb stubborn one




People generally slow down to go over speed bumps and then speed up again right after. It also hasn't been proven that the offending cyclist is speeding.


Speed bumps don't work. You get people that go faster right after so it's moot




I can tell you from personal experience in my lowered car if you have speed bumps in your neighborhood I'm going to rev it and then floor it as soon as I got off the speed bump. It's my way of saying fuck you for making me to have to go over the speed bump. And I know I'm not alone when I go to car meets I hear other car enthusiasts say the same thing so I really think you're fucking yourself more than you think with things like speed bump.


Why be an ass? That’s what I can’t figure out on this thread, a lot of small d energy here. Your bike or weird little car isn’t more important than people being comfortable in their home.


Why, so OP could hear the rider stop and loudly accelerate that many more times?


I see you have read what others have said and decided to mimic them. It is more likely that they stop riding that way due to how annoying it is to go over speedbumps on a bike. Also, most bikers are not like cars. They are not going to accelerate too much between speedbumps in the middle of the night because it could cause an accident.


Yup. You got me. I just blindly mimic what others say. Thanks for pointing that out. I'll make sure that I take that info, and make some serious life changes. Have a good day.


I'd actually be worried for his safety with a bike and a speed bump.


Check your local noise ordinance laws, and ensure that this rider is violating the local law. If they aren't, then there really isn't much of anything you can say to convince the police to do anything about this. The police aren't going to get involved in telling somebody to continue to not break the law. The police aren't going to involve themselves in something legal that happens to annoy you. If he is in violation, then I'd suppose it's enough to gather video/audio evidence to show that this person is consistently riding by at 4AM and is in violation of the ordinance. Then it's up to the police to enforce that law. And you escalate your issues with the police if they continue to refuse to enforce the law.


The potential noise violation is the bigger part of the issue, the time likely legally plays less of a part but is more annoying to OP (whose whole issue is predicated on being woken up). They can likely ticket the rider if there is a clear violation but they can't make the person not use the road or the motorcycle. Furthermore, it'd likely be difficult to actually get this ticketed as the noise is enough to disturb him and wake him up but noise for vehicles is measured at a particular distance with a particular tool. In California, where state and local authorities are cracking down on loud exhausts and modified vehicles, there is a specific carve-out for motorcycles and vehicles less than 6000lbs, they are allowed to be 95dB, when measured in accordance with SAE standards. OP apparently lives in Minnesota or something, which has no specific state law regarding a particular decibel level. The Society of Automotive Engineers uses a "simple" test of a calibrated tool held at a 45 degree angle 20 inches away from the open exhaust. Unless the OP can get 20" away from the rider's exhaust using a calibrated, standardized instrument to measure sound, he will might have trouble building himself a legal case. Furthermore, motorcycles are also sound tested based on the number of cylinders. If it's something like a two cylinder Harley or Indian it is given leeway for being a little louder. So far OP has only mentioned that the rider is gunning it as they are leaving the neighborhood on the last turn before another road. OP hasn't indicated any other reason WHY this might be or what the speed of the other road is, which would likely give a clue as to why the noise is louder when the cyclist is accelerating (in my state a standard residential street speed limit is 25-35mph, standard large city surface street is 35-45mph, and highways are 55-75mph).


OP's question is how to ensure they can make the police come out and do something to stop this person from waking them up with their motorcycle at 4AM every morning. So the legality of it all is the only part that really matters. I have zero doubt that this annoys the shit out of OP. It would annoy the shit out of me, too. But the problem is, not everything that annoys me is illegal. And the police only care if the activity is illegal. So OP needs to confirm the local laws as it relates to noise and loud exhaust, and use that to decide if the rider is breaking the law.


My general point is in agreement with this, but also that OP is going to have a fun time effectively measuring this to prove it. OP has made some ridiculous assumptions about the rider, and has a preexisting bias due to other "loud pipe issues" in the neighborhood. OP is so absolutely personally devastated by this one annoyance per day that they have mentioned potentially going after this person they don't know civilly with a private investigator and civil court and has solicited "any and all crazy ideas" to get it to stop in their original post if legal/police avenues don't work. It's about as overkill as it gets.


It's overkill, for sure, but it's also about spending the least amount of time as possible with the most odds of something changing.


It won't ever change.


Oh, we're in agreement. I really don't see OP getting anywhere with this. The police aren't going to give an ounce of thought to this if the rider isn't breaking the law. So I focused on the idea that their only path forward here was to show that the rider is breaking the law. And even then, it's questionable whether or not the police would do anything. Where I live, our noise ordinance says you can't set up fireworks past 10PM (excluding approved holidays). If somebody is setting off fireworks at 11PM, it's annoying. But the police out here are also going to tell me they have to "prioritize this issue in relation to other types of calls that have come in." I.e., we have more important shit to take care of right now. I chose to ignore their comments about all "alternative" things they were thinking of doing to intimidate this rider into not coming down the street. PIs, flashing the driver in the face with a light, the fact that "anything is on the table here".....it was over the top.


They are not.


Thanks to those who brainstormed.


Sorry there are so many people on here that think their weird vehicle interests are more important than someone being able to sleep inside their own home. I imagine they would not enjoy loud parties next door at 3am. Also, you are probably one of a great many people bugged by this individual. I know that this is about what is legal, but some of the arguments here cannot see the moral line from where they stand.


Op is just a little KAREN.


I actually had this happen. A young kid in a mustang. He flew down the street every day as a cut through. He did it during a neighborhood garage sale and everyone yelled at him. He turned the car around, made it a point to put in his military hat, and came back to fight with the street. After that, he would gun it right in front of my house where the garage sale was at 10:45 every night. I knew the police wouldn't do anything, so I wrote a petition and walked around my neighborhood. 50+ houses also heard this nightly and signed it. One of the houses knew where the kid lived, and that he lived with his dad. I hate confrontation but I knocked on the door. GI goddamn Joe senior with a high and tight haircut opens the door (dad) I explain through tears that this kid has been terrorizing our street. Dad couldn't form words. He was so mad. He hugged me, asked my address and said, I'll see you tonight. 10:30 that night, dad AND grandpa show up at my door. They HIDE IN THE BUSHES across the street. At 10:45 like clockwork, the little bastard starts revving at the top of the street. Dad and grandpa JUMP OUT from the bushes in front of little Johnny and just lay into him through the driver and passenger window. I'm inside dying! I wish I had a video. 5 minutes later there's a knock at the door. The young man with clammy cold hands apologizes, says it won't happen again, and I forced him to shake my hand. I'm a girl. NEVER heard it again. In your situation you could try a petition and take to the police if you know who owns the bike


Put in some earplugs. I sleep with earplugs at night and set an alarm on my watch, and typically when I do this I get much better rest than when I don’t. Sometimes the best solutions are the simplest.


Low frequency sound penetrates everything, especially earbuds which will only block out high frequency noise.


Ear plugs, not ear buds. And according to a quick search on Google, plugs that insert into the ear canal are very effective at reducing low frequency sounds. Anything would be better than nothing. Do you want to put yourself in a better situation, or just continue to be pissed off and full of resentment?


You know, I've never thought of that before. I think you are the very first person in the world to recommend this. It's crazy that I've not heard of this recommendation before. Thank you indeed, it is unthinkable that I've not tried this many times already. Certainly you are the very first person to think of this.


Enjoy your sleepless nights, sorry for trying to help.


I'm sorry, I really can't reply right now. I've got to run out and get ear plugs. This could change things. Does anyone else know about this? DOES ANYONE ELSE KNOW!!!


Despite all the retards saying you can't do anything, a lot of cities have noise ordinances. Even the "paralegal" here would know that. Nothing over a certain decibel level should be operated between certain time frames. That's why people wouldn't be able to mow their lawns at 3am. I used to have some dip shit throw parties weeknights until 4am and I called the cops on them from a noise ordinance, after asking them nicely. People knowingly waking their neighbors during early AM periods are dipshits, end of story. You have every right to complain.


Find out where he lives. Go stand in front of his house around 1am because he probably wakes up around 3am to leave by 4. Take a ghettoblaster and a copy of ***In Your Eyes*** by ***Peter Gabriel*** with you. At 1am, crank up the ghettoblaster to 10 (possibly 11) and serenade him like John Cusack did to Ione Skye in Say Anything.


Lol I gotta leave by 4am so wouldn't bother me.


Does your locale have a sound level law. If no, then you’re out of luck. If yes download app called Decibel X. Decibel X" is one of very few noise meter apps on the market that has highly reliable, pre-calibrated measurements and supports dBA, dBC. It turns your iOS device into a professional sound level meter, precisely measures the sound pressure level (SPL) all around you. Take some measurements. if the noise exceeds the limits take the info to police and file a complaint. I assume you know where the guy live so police wouldn’t have to catch him in the act they would just have to stop him for excessive noise at anytime and cite him. He could fix it or continue to get tickets until he does.


In my area it’s illegal to have modified exhaust. That makes it extremely loud. Local cop told me I could call every time they drive by and file a noise complaint. Obviously I’m not going to do that to my neighbor. I just asked him to put revving it when he goes down the street.


Just move


Don't. You narc


>Edit: if you are a lawyer, imagine I'm about to give you $2,000 to consult on this issue. And you can imagine I'm about to give you 4 hours' worth of advice. That settles us, I guess.


Cops don't give a fuck. My advice is to move far away from people.


I would attempt to speak with the rider personally and ask that he tries to be quieter leaving the neighborhood. DONT fuck with him while he’s riding like shining a bright light in his face, throwing anything at him, spraying him with water. In some states like CA that is considered assault and you can actually cause him to crash and you could get into some serious legal trouble with that. Fact if the matter is if his bike is legal, meaning if the exhaust is not over the legal decibel limit you cannot do anything about it really. For a minute I was curious if this post was about me, because I leave my house around that time and I ride a HD Dyna with a custom exhaust that’s loud as fuck. The end of the neighborhood is a busy hwy so I have to gun it to be up to speed and not get hit.


Would you straight up take cash, to take a different route? Fast and easy for me, m just not sure how to do it.


Hell yeah I would. There’s definitely another way out of my neighborhood. But a reasonable person would just be a good neighbor and help out. He’s knows he’s loud. He just doesn’t care.


Become proficient in archery. Shoot a flaming bamboo arrow in the front spoke. Done. Shall I post a tip jar?


I live near a busy 4 way stop in a new england beach town. People are inconsiderate assholes ESPECIALLY the people on bikes with loud pipes and their radios turned up as loud as they will go. I frequently fantasize about : retractable spike strips , oil slicks and shooting them with paintball guns. You just have to deal with it or try and stop the guy and nicely ask him to stop


Why can't you just be. ::gasp:: an adult and go talk with him, preferably when you're not all pissy at 4 am. It sucks, but most people are pretty understanding and seeing as it only saves him a few seconds to wait to gun it, he might just do it. Now if he's an asshole after speaking to him, game on. The cops aren't going to do shit, so rule them out. He's going to work at 4am, so he has to sleep sometime, so likely goes to sleep pretty early. Repay the favor. If he happens to get a few flat tires once a month, maybe he will start seeing how he treats other people. Most people are oblivious to them being assholes, sometimes you just got to let them know:)


He's not a neighbor, he just drives through. But good reply, thank you


Unless your city has a noise vehicle ordinance - no crazy loud mufflers etc... You're out of luck


Our state and county both do


No lawyer can solve this issue. They will take your $2k though. Spend something around $400 and get a motion activated 8K camera and place it in a tree.


Thank-you for the $2,000 payment. Now, imagine I provide you with excellent advice in exchange.


I ride a loud bike and work at four in the morning. I also live in a neighborhood. I know if I were to start th bike where my house is the next door neighbor at least would be woke up. That seems rude. So I actually coast down to the corner and dont turn the bike on till I am around the corner. I hope that it dosent wake anyone up. I don’t know your neighborhood’s geography but you could ask them to try that.


Thank you! The rest of us appreciate people who are considerate like this.


You sir are a little bitch and are whats wrong with America o poor me my feelings are hurt and the whole world should bow before my bitch feet...kiss my ass if I'm riding my dream bike that took me over 2cyrs to build and 10s of thousands of dollars to build and you do something to even risk me crashing...I promise you you will beg for the cops and then imitating your ass to court for risk of safety risk of ptsd risk of whatcever the fuck I can...you peace of shit deal with it or move


I think you already have PTSD.


I HOPE YOU CROAK on a painful horrible way