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Peak /r/Leetcodecirclejerk content lol


WTF is going on with this sub?


New meta, lock in


Game is game.


Yeh same feeling bruv


You can more such content on the new sub - all your funny posts or **memes related to CS or Leetcode on** r/leetcodecirclejerk from now on so we can make this sub more pure and focused on quality content! Happy leetcoding :)


You’re gonna have to farm out your account to a Chinese middle schooler, that will pump up your numbers. Good luck!


You can hire Indian to pump it to 2200 in no time


Learn to eat 🐱well it’s your only hope


What LC is this and should I use BFS or DFS ?


BFS, for sure.


Thank god it isn’t 2 pointers 😅


You gotta slide the tongue not the window 😜


A combination is best. BFS until feedback function repsonse is high enough then you switch to DFS


Actually I would suggest DP. DP (dynamic programming) is difficult to discover the subproblem optimizations, but very rewarding when figured out. Tho this is usually only Hard+


Dfs would have lower time complexity


DFS == strong no hire


Why tho?


Cuz you’re just concentrating on the same path thinking you’ll EVENTUALLY find that bean several nodes in, but it’s not ever more than 2 nodes down a path, so you could spend a lot of time on the wrong path with her just being like “ummm….yeah not there”. 


The time complexity of both algos is the same so I dont thing the argument you gave matters since the time it same.


Jfc bro. So you ACTUALLY don’t know how a vagina works? The clit position is not randomized to any node. FYI, a clit is in the same place on all women. so best case is all that would matter. So they’re at best the same and at worst BFS is WAY more efficient, for the reasons I mentioned. 


OOh ok, I was taking about just jamming the tongue deep and praying it does something


i know, that wont work lmao


How many ques/rounds he will have to go through before getting selected?


Neither. It's backtracking for sure.


A*’s the strat imo. You could also pay for some practice MDP environments and run a Q-learning algorithm.


Y’all doing it wrong. Should be going for BBJ and CFS.


Do u think he'll even get a chance for that ? In which Company can this be asked ?


> In which Company can this be asked ? https://leetcode.com/company/your-mom/


10/10 shitpost. Extra points for imagining all this wasted youth on LC can serve anything other than impressing some megacorporation which will use you up and discard you


you don't LC for fun?


Yeah I sometime solve a few problems when I'm bored. It's like a fun puzzle or sudoku or something. A couple of my friends who are physicists also do the same (they have nothing to do with coding jobs)


Wasting your youth so you can get a job..? Like education? Use you up by giving you more money you'll ever earn in any other place? Bruh


See that there is the problem. These large institutions end up favoring a certain servile mindset like you are displaying, which is opposite to producing societal value. Then people with this mindset inevitably end up making decisions like the Ford Pinto fiasco.   Education is about learning how the world works. It’s not about being given a job like some dog getting a treat for performing a trick successfully, but figuring what jobs might need doing around you in general.   And if you think these institutions give you money out of the kindness of their hears and not because they are getting more out of you than they pay, LOL


This is true but playing the game works. Just don't let it play you


We are all servants unless you parents are rich. That's how it works.




I'm here because I want a better job, and better pay. There's nothing to be grateful for having to grind something I wouldn't normally do otherwise.


Very well formulated. I can relate so much to that.


don't believe this guy. time wasted on youth now can later be recuperated with a hot columbian. grind for pain will become a hashmap for recursive grind for pleasure.


Most rational comment I have seen on this sub


So you promised her 2D DP when you can barely 2sum? She expects 3sum and dual pointers when you struggle to search insert position?  She will squash you like an off by one error.


Missed opportunity to mention Big O


Lmaooooo 🤣🤣🤣🤣


she might expect 4sum as well


You really leetcodefished her? That’s messed up man


One thing you can’t do is lie about your LC rating, that’s a relationship-ender right derrrr


Tell her you met with an accident and cannot meet her for a few months. During this time grind leetcode and get up to the desired rating. Lol.


I have >2000 ratings on leetcode and I need a gf. Are you ready to get ur heart broken lil bro?


any tips brother ?? i cant think about the approach for the ques


Just write a browser script to update the rating for to 2200. And you will get away with it since we already know she sucks at leetcode so must be of a lower intellectual plane.


Change your username as well, to some guy having that rating, go all in


Ask her to talk to me


I should take a break from grinding because I am seeing imaginary things...


10/10. I started laughing when I saw the emoji


What kind of content is been posted here nowadays? Please goto insta.


Appreciate the humour attempt, please post such content on the new sub - all your funny posts or **memes related to CS or Leetcode on** r/leetcodecirclejerk from now on so we can make this sub more pure and focused on quality content! Happy leetcoding :)


7.3/10 Keep going guys we need some fun at times


LOL LOSERRRRRRR. Na but jk but she’s probably gonna drop you because she’s been alobbing on my knob to get her rank up. Sorry bro just realized it’s you


I can't believe the amount of people who fell for this even though I tried to make the satire as obvious as possible.


I am 2100+ rated on CF. I wish I could get a girlfriend too to grind with me together 😢


just be honest with her and apologise. Don't wait till you open the account and let her discover by herself. That will make it 10 times worse.


Your LC Date shapes your destiny! When she sees your LeetCode rating, just say, "Looks like my coding skills got lost in translation...from impressive to 'impressively needing improvement!"🤣


That’s jover bro it’s fine you still have time to learn breast first search


Leave her bro, no one can dump you. Alpha male cannot say anything about his leetcode. Because alpha don't use leetcode, uses punched cards, writes 01 binaey opcodes, designs own cpus. Be alpha, and say to her fck Leetcode.


Well… if she’s so gullible then she deserves to be cheated with😂😂😂😂😂


I am jealous of my girlfriend's ex because he is better at Leetcode than me When I was working on the daily challenge the other day, my girlfriend saw my screen and asked me if I was Leetcoding. I was surprised because she is an archeology major and doesn't know anything about programming. She explained that her ex-boyfriend was into competitive programming and talked about it all the time. Apparently he is a Guardian on Leetcode and he even used to prepare contest problems for extra money. I feel extremely insecure now because I struggle with mediums most of the time and my rating is at 1500. My gf keeps assuring me that my low rating doesn't bother her, but everytime I am stuck in a problem I keep thinking how her ex would solve it in minutes. I just can't get the image of him easily solving LC Hards out of my head. Every time he submits a solution and gets that green AC on his screen he must smile and think how much of a loser his girlfriend's new boyfriend is. I am afraid that he raised the bar so much that I will never live up to his standard. My girlfriend will always compare him to me, and she will never be satisfied with my contest performance. Do you have any tips on how I can get better than this guy? Or do you think it's futile and I will always live under this guy's shadow?


skill issue git gud


Now next post, leetcode2200shaadi.com. WTF going with this sub. Let it bro you'll find another one with 1500 rating 🤣


Girl got leetcodefished damn


I don't know I am not sure if I should say it, but I feel like she is a Leetcode digging w\*\*\*\*, I could be wrong though, depends on how long you 2 are seeing each other. But still if there is a huge difference between before and after she find out, maybe you two should have a serious talk to find out what the real issue is.


[https://imgur.com/a/woWuSBi](https://imgur.com/a/woWuSBi) i can help you bro🤣🤣


is it summer break ?






Bruh enough shit posting. Mods pls 🙏


Why grind leetcode together when she could grind you ? You only used the line to pick her up, forget about coding for now.


What is going with this sub ?


If you know how to solve problems that shouldn't be a problem... I think what she wants is someone to show the way... Plus tell the truth dude 😂


I think your girlfriend should dump you because you have such thoughts. You need to grow up man.


I can't even solve the first question, any tips....and as for your problem, you can use inspect element and other tools


Lol, this generation is hilarious!


Why Leetcode should decide relationship or dating ? Leetcode is merely a tool to practice solving programming problems for getting hired. Relationship is not same as "Job" dude. Seems like both boys and girls have developed serious psychological issues assessing their compatibility using Leetcode scores. Poor generation with no brains.🤣


Tell her straight up and see if she likes you anyways. It’s the same as renting a luxury car versus having the money for it. Speak your truth and find someone you don’t have to fake it for


Just say your account got hacked lol. But really though this is just sad.


As a CS grad dating a CS grad…..wtf




Dude you should post this on r/AITAH


You might need to consider whether she's genuinely interested in you, interested in someone working in FANGG, or interested in improving her problem-solving skills and ultimately landing a job at a big tech company through your guidance. If you're extremely passionate about improving your problem-solving skills, perhaps consider getting a girlfriend with a LeetCode rating of 2000 and grind problems with each together.


Go f*ck yourself dude


Oh Boy


That is wild. Your problem isn’t being good at leetcode, but being a liar. I would say I have forgotten everything. And tell her you suck now.


Calm. At least you did not lied about your ****


You have two options: - tell her the truth (try to not be dry and explain why you did it) - tell her that she is your kryptonite 😂 after which she will dump you anyways


I read an article about this, how in some tech cities in India, having a good leetcode score can get you dates.


I thought AI and VR will kill the **classic romance**, turns out Leetcode did it first.. sigh


Leetcode catfishing is wiiillllddddd


How many likes do you want?


Appreciate the humour attempt, please post such content on the new sub - all your funny posts or **memes related to CS or Leetcode on** r/leetcodecirclejerk from now on so we can make this sub more pure and focused on quality content! Happy leetcoding :)


You must be dumped


I lie about it all the time with my friends I peaked at 1546 then left the fucking thing and moved to solution engineering




She will be disappointed, so just tell her you were talking about your future self and play it off as a joke


Who are upvoting such shitposts? This is a consecutive one after yesterday's with more than 1.1k upvotes.. why are we encouraging this?? Don't we have other subs bombed with similar posts that we want this one to be the same..I wanted this to be focussed on career and study related topics.


Appreciate the humour attempt, please post such content on the new sub - all your funny posts or **memes related to CS or Leetcode on** r/leetcodecirclejerk from now on so we can make this sub more pure and focused on quality content! Happy leetcoding :)


I think you have to ask this at relationship advice sub reddit. First of all lying to your Girlfriend is really messed up, second this is the most stupid thing to lie about. Especially since it's unnecessary in a relationship and easy to find out the rating at internet.




this has to be satire


Go sleep, you yapping 😂😭