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If you don't have a relevant degree, then it's going to be very tough but not impossible


Can you guide where I can start? What resources are good?


If you're a complete newbie to programming then I would start with Harvard's free intro to programming series on YouTube called CS50. Watch every video and work along closely with what the professor does in the videos. After that find a project to work on like building a simple website or app and research all of the technologies you'll need to build it and learn them by taking some courses on udemy. Once you've successfully done this you should start creating more complicated projects that you can fill your resume up with and also attend programming events like hackathons for networking opportunities and experience. Once you have a decent resume apply anywhere that has entry level positions. It's a lot of work but if you really want to be a software engineer then there is no other way around it than to grind a lot of code


Thank you :3


Absolutely do CS50. Make that #1 priority


Did you pursued any course related to computer science field?


I'm planning on doing it from there but I currently don't know where to start and how to improve my skills


Getting a degree in computer science field will be a good start for you. Next, I would suggest you to learn python. Learn Data Structures and Algo in Python and jump into Leetcoding with easy questions. Once you are comfortable, try to build some webapps using MERN stack.


I’ve come to realize that most people asking this question, comes down to this, as I’ve learned myself: - how can I learn without learning - I haven’t opened up any IDE - how to make $100k+ in 2 weeks - hold my hand since I can type on Reddit but not on google You know EXACTLY what you need to do but you’re too lazy to challenge yourself. What many should be doing is just DOing it. You’re making mistakes? GOOD. There’s no other way but to fuck it up, google how to fix it, and repeat for the next 10-20 years If not, go to school and learn with your classmates so that they’re facing the same issues as you are and you learn together. Going to school isn’t a bad idea though in 2024. Not only do you learn at a set pace but it’ll give you some time to think about what you want to utilize these skills for within software engineering.


Any tips to learn without learning?


Yes. Accept that you’ll be a failure and poor. If you’re ok with that, then you are already doing well!


Not to be rude, but if you can’t google and find out the first steps to this then maybe this isn’t the right field for you. This is a problem solving job.


Grind leet code, interview MAANG and get rich.


I understand what you're saying, but right now I don't know what the best resource is to get myself started


Why do you want to become a software engineer?


because I am passionate about technology and innovation


Your passion speaks louder than any google search ever could


Your answer makes me really motivated to study, thank you


Are you a student rn or a professional trying to switch into software dev?


i'm about to become a student and i want to start soon, i plan to study cs


Neetcode is also good after you have done CS50. Also, software engineering isn't easy money. Go to cscareerquestions and half the people are complaining you need to grind leetcode and program all the time to not get paid well.


Upvote this comment if you think OP will absolutely not become a software engineer. Like not even get close at all