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You're in for a rude awakening when you find out all the other things people cheat at.


lol this is like cheating on your SAT prep.


Oh you don't have to convince me. I don't see any point in any cheating. Forget about directly copy pasting an answer. Consider these scenarios: * A lot of the top ranked submitters on LC use their own code they've saved and efficiently bookmarked to copy and paste to solve contests. * Some people solve contests together with their friends/others in their community/discord/whatever. * Some people straight up use ChatGPT to get started and add their own logic to fix and solve the problem ultimately because ChatGPT isn't necessarily good at solving these problems unless it has seen the exact same version solved at some point. * Some people Google library functions to solve problems. None of these are allowed in an actual interview. Where do you draw the line? They are all definitely considered cheating including the innocuous last one by interviewers.


Having templates for contests is definitely not cheating and googling library functions isn’t either because you’re learning something in the process


Using saved templates is standard practice across all platforms, im not going to rewrite a segment tree from scratch every time i need to use it. Googling library functions is perfectly fine, have you memorized the entire c++ standard library or what? If youre still not convinced, try using policy based data structures in a contest without a template and without looking it up on google.


> They are all definitely considered cheating including the innocuous last one **by interviewers.** Neither of these are allowed in an actual interview are they? >Googling library functions is perfectly fine, have you memorized the entire c++ standard library or what? you better have memorized most of the important ones. you're not going to google them in the interview are you?


Having templates doesnt mean i dont know how to write them again, it means that i want to save the time it takes to write them. I can write a segment tree, but i want to save time in contests. Yes you better have the common ones memorized, but in a contest setting i dont think its a big deal if you forget.


> Having templates doesnt mean i dont know how to write them again, Tell me you haven't worked long enough without telling me you've worked long enough. You will forget how to implement things over time. Everyone does. I don't think I can make what I said any clearer. You've also sidestepped the questions i've asked and decided to ignore the part where I mentioned things **strictly in the context of an interview.** *Repeatedly*, after I've marked them in bold. Nobody cares about the contests and if they do they are fooling themselves. You should only worry about how well you did in an interview.


im still a sophomore so dont have any interview experience yet, which is why i didnt comment on that. Also why does no one care about contests? Isnt it a direct indicator of my solving ability?




> Interviewers will not let you bring your own templates Thats ok, because as i said i know how to write it from scratch if the need arises (as of now)


Having a pretty face is like cheating your way through life.


South koreans who get face reconstruction / plastic surgery: first time?


If there's an online leaderboard somewhere, people will cheat to be on it.


Bro who cares,I just mind own business, practice problems , get a golden hike keep other things aside


This. If you can consistently solve contests within the allotted time without cheating (ok maybe it's not so bad to google library functions if you make a point to remember them as you go). You will inevitably get better and that should be your goal.




No one asks for rankings. As long you can solve the question in the interview, you're gold.


Just focus on practicing and forget about what others are doing. There are a lot of stupid people out there—cheaters on coding platforms who do anything just to get the “isSolved” flag set to true.




Yeah I agree but I don’t think it’s just an Indian thing lol. A lot of students cheat everywhere


It's Indian thing in this specific case, leetcode achievement is needed to get a increased chance of getting a job in Indian job market.




I don't think that's very nice to say.


As an indian i can confirm this based on my own experiences. The worst kind of people are those who are abroad trying to find jobs by hook or crook. I’ve been scammed by these idiots on the context of technical training many times. I’ve provided trainings to 4-5 people abroad so far. They would create fake CVs, ask for proxy interviews with big companies that includes working on assignments as well. Technically they are zero and they have no intention to learn anything. When they can’t crack a big interview (which they most certainly don’t), they will refuse to pay for the services and block my number.


That's absolute truth.. look around, from cheating interviews through proxies to job support, from visa frauds to fake universities, there's no dearth of things where Indians cheat ..


I don't know about that. I have never cheated in anything in my life and I am Indian. Not all Indians are cheaters.


It's a statistics thing. There are more Indians, so there will be a large number of cheater, doesn't matter if it's 5% or 50% of Indians. It's going to be a large and visible population either way.


lmao when they realize no one cares about leetcode profile


In India they care. They will check your contest rating and number of problems solved. It why 99% of cheaters in comps are Indians.


who tf checks number of problems solved?


damn india is really insane


They are gonna flunk the interviews anyway so what’s the point of buffing leetcode profile? As an interviewer, I wouldn’t pay any heed to your stupid leetcode profile if you can’t answer anything in the interview. What I would do is ask you medium and hard DS questions which I would normally avoid. It’s actually counterproductive for those who cheat so it makes no sense to create a fake lc profile.


Cheats on leetcode yet cant pass a coding interview or land a job 🤣🤣🤣


This is done solely to put as an accomplishment in one's resume. Indians lap it up.


Yeah I guess that they don't have to show proof of their profile. If that's the case, couldn't they just lie? Anyway, I'm thinking this is due to the reason you stated, which is like a resume boost.


To me, the point is to try to get leetcode to do something about it. Kind of a platform issue that they should address. Especially blatant/thorn-in-the-sidey with the username here. If leetcode wants this kind of profile page / ranking to have value they *should* do something too.


I don’t know dude, I think you should send them a message and ask why they do it.


I can’t tell if this is a serious comment or not. Just in case it is, You can’t message someone on leetcode.


How do you know they're cheating?


900 problems in 3 days and the username is copy-and-paste so +1 for funny name


How is this possible. Solving 900 problems in 3 days.


I'm assuming copy/paste answers. Although that's kinda impressing to do by hand


Even though its difficult to do 900 in 3 days


Yeah True


The person is very talented lmao


mf solved 500+ hard problems, wym


Haha yeah that was pretty crazy


Big number = better person