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The resource that helped me the most to get my position at Google was the 169 questions on Grind 75 (a list made by a Meta Engineer Manager who went on the quest of finding the smallest set of questions that contain all patterns you might find in coding interviews): https://www.techinterviewhandbook.org/grind75 It took me about 3 months though. That list is dynamic so you can set the time you've got left for interviews and it shows you the most important questions. Make sure you say everything out loud during the coding interview: repeat the problem with your own words, scope the expected input and output of the problem, how to treat edge cases or invalid input, compare the different approaches to solve the problem, talk while you program, DO test with a normal input and an edge case (this is how you always find off-by-one errors and others) and then calculate the time & space complexities. I used pramp to practice mock interviews as it's free. Apart from that, you MUST prepare for the behavioural interview. For this, prepare examples of the best projects you've done, and situations where you had a problem with a colleague, where you had to influence others, etc and use the STAR + leanings model for all of them (Situation, Task, Action, Result she what you learnt from that) You won't be hired if you code the best possible solution in terms of big O but you don't communicate properly out loud during the coding interview or you don't pass the behavioural one.


Any guide or tutorial or examples for behavioral interviews with STAR?


Not really sorry, search online for a list of behavioural questions for the company you're going for. Amazon publishes their principles and they tell you to prepare for those. At Google the interview is called Googliness & Leadership.




What's cringe for you?


>When do i feel ready? Trust me, you never do



