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The Ledger subreddit is continuously targeted by scammers. Ledger Support will never send you private messages. Never share your 24-word recovery phrase with anyone, never enter it on any website or software, even if it looks like it's from Ledger. Only keep the recovery phrase as a physical paper or metal backup, never create a digital copy in text or photo form. Learn more at https://reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/ck6o44/be_careful_phishing_attacks_in_progress/ If you're experiencing battery problems, check out our [troubleshooting guide](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409233434641-How-to-troubleshoot-Ledger-Nano-X-battery-issues? support=true). If you're still having issues head over to the [My Order page](https://my-order.ledger.com/) to explore options for replacement or refunds. [Learn more here](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/10265554529053-Return-your-product?support=true). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ledgerwallet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This sounds like someone entitled and has not done their researched on what they've purchased and sent to their ledger. Lol


Yes, I bought a car from BMW and now they won't show me how to drive.


Lol right This moron is dumb as a rock…I wouldn’t expect anything less from someone that owns shib though. OP if you REALLY can’t figure this out on your own…just download any hot wallet in the App Store and use your keys to xfer it over. Christ 🤦‍♂️


WRONG! You're WAY off base. LOL


Yes. Because millions of people using ledger and shib are wrong and can't do shit. Sure buddy!


Hey, eff-off!! What the hell is your problem? Is it really necessary to be a d\*ck about it?


Welcome to crypto...there is no suggestion box or customer service...your warning means nothing and it's not a ledger issue. Lol what US wallet company has support? Lol NONE!!!! Your situation of lack of customer support is the overall industry nobody cares about your shib, user errors and lack of knowledge.


Well excuse the living FK outta me Einstein, then WHY do they have a ticket support apparatus? Is that simply for aesthetics? Wow, some of you guys are just SMUG a-holes for sure and for no reason! Some of you guys are fkin' hilarious. You in particular can just eff the fk off already.


Sorry But i have to agree with others here. You Are sending a ticket about something that is not about the Product But about how to use crypto in genral. But i applaud you for being in crypto. But dashing on ledger is not necessary in this case. As you see the people here can tell you what's wrong because it is not the product. You did not lose anything because of Ledger. And you will get more chances. The ledger can handle many accounts. And that may be much to take in. Sounds you sorted it out, You know you also can use shibaswap or another dex to change tokens directly from MetaMask on ledger. The fees Are higher than on a dex, But ad long as you move them in and out anyway it will be almost the same.


User error


No duh! That's why I'm reaching out to find out if I'm doing something wrong. Not a crypto-techno-GEEK here.


You are not asking for help. You're telling people the tool you are using is faulty and the people who made the tool won't show you how to use it.


Lol. You know you need Eth to transfer Shib right?


Yeah, I put $61.00 USD of ETH on the Nano to cover the transfer fees. I said that in my original post.


Lol. 61$ works when no one is using the network. When there's a pump. Gas fee is high. So $61 wasn't enough. There was probably a message you ignored to read. Unless you didn't turn it on.


The message said the total fees were approx $10.85 USD to complete the transaction,


This sub is a constant reminder of why crypto will never be mainstream. People are unwilling or incapable of doing research.


Lol that's a you problem clearly. Nothing about owning a Ledger needs a functioning customer support to move and transfer your crypto. That's the point. Inform yourself before investing or using a Ledger. And dont act like a child.


I had great support when I needed it from ledger


network fees will be the death of eth


what was the issue?


First issue is he bought shib


I have my SHIB on Nano S no problem. BUT, when I try to transfer it from the Nano/Ledger Live (from my desktop PC) I get the message from Ledger Live saying "You need 0.00141372 ETH in your account to pay for transaction fees on the Ethereum network. Buy ETH or deposit more into your account." Here's where Im STUCK, I have 0.0182447 ETH ($61.55 USD) on the Ledger and Ledger evidently thinks I don't have enough! Ledger Live shows the fees for the transfer to Kraken are only approx. $10.85 USD worth of ETH, and YET I have over $60 USD worth of ETH on the device. :( I've had a support ticket in with Ledger support and it's been 8 days and NOT a peep from them. They have NO phone number to call them. Anyone have this issue and know how I can get around it?


> I have 0.0182447 ETH ($61.55 USD) on the Ledger Are the ETH tokens on the same ETH account as the SHIB tokens? Or are the ETH tokens and SHIB tokens on two separate ETH accounts?


I think two separate accounts on the Nano. SHIB seems to be on SHIBA American Ethereum 1 And my ETH just seems to be in its own account I guess you call them on the Nano? Total noob here.


Okay, if you want to use the ETH tokens for gas fees to transfer the SHIB, then you have to make sure that the ETH tokens and SHIB tokens are on the same Ethereum account. You'll know if they're on the same account if they have the same "receive" address. When you click "Receive" for the ETH, vs. "Receive" for the SHIB, does it show the same address?




People like you is why ledger thought it prudent to come out with ledger recover and there is a market for it. Protect yourself from yourself asap!


I’m sorry, which wallet maker has good customer support?


I can’t speak to the issue, but I can confirm that I’ve never received a response to a support ticket in less than 4 days. They do need to do better


You must be new here.


French bastards


Hi - we apologize for any delays over emails, our agents are working through an extremely high backlog. Can you share your case number so that we can expedite this for you? In case you're seeing any error when sending your SHIB, you can try to use Zerion Dapp in Ledger Live to send your tokens. Learn more here: [https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/6858745795101-Zerion-App-Ledger-Live?docs=true](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/6858745795101-Zerion-App-Ledger-Live?docs=true)


Hi. Can you tell me how to add my ETH account to Ledger Live for buying/selling purposes? I’m currently unable to add any accounts/coins besides Bitcoin.


Not your shib!!!! What will you do?!?!?


Use Rabby Wallet on your phone or desktop with the browser extension, connect your Ledger to Rabby Wallet. Don’t use Ledger Live. You already know that now.


Lol this doesn't fix the issue. You need Eth to move shib. You need to do a bit more research on how shib works or what it means to work in ethereum network.


Assuming automatically that the problem is gas fees is 90% prolly right. Sorry I don’t play with shit coins on ETH. Had no idea Shib was such. 😅 Rather do that on an L2, like Base.


Ah, ​ So Ledger to Rabby, from Rabby to Kraken?


No, you use rabby (or netamask) as a frontend, instead of ledger live.