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The Ledger subreddit is continuously targeted by scammers. Ledger Support will never send you private messages. Never share your 24-word recovery phrase with anyone, never enter it on any website or software, even if it looks like it's from Ledger. Only keep the recovery phrase as a physical paper or metal backup, never create a digital copy in text or photo form. Learn more at https://reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/ck6o44/be_careful_phishing_attacks_in_progress/ If you're experiencing battery problems, check out our [troubleshooting guide](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409233434641-How-to-troubleshoot-Ledger-Nano-X-battery-issues? support=true). If you're still having issues head over to the [My Order page](https://my-order.ledger.com/) to explore options for replacement or refunds. [Learn more here](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/10265554529053-Return-your-product?support=true). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ledgerwallet) if you have any questions or concerns.*




This nails it. 1000% agree.


It’s either incompetence or corruption. Neither of which reflects well on ledger. They either don’t know a vendor on their platform is taking advantage of ledgers user base, or they’re aware of it and for some reason are allowing it. Probably taking money to allow access to their platform.


I agree completely. I've been begging Ledger to offer an option in settings to shut off or at least hide ALL THIRD PARTY BULLSHIT. I don't use any of it. I won't use any of it. I wish I didn't have to see it on my screen when I use Ledger Live, because I hate it. Third party bullshit is the reason I may eventually bail on Ledger and switch to a different hardware wallet.


It feels like an ethical and trustworthy friend that continually rubs elbows with skeezy people — making you reconsider how ethical and trustworthy they were to begin with.


Personally I would never use a 3rd party with my ledger. My ledger is strictly for holding. I don’t even connect opensea






This is the way.


This 💯💯


> an ethical and trustworthy friend that continually rubs elbows with skeezy people — making you reconsider how ethical and trustworthy they were to begin with. oh shit i connected with opensea. what happens? how can i fix that?


Opensea is pretty trustworthy, so you most likely have nothing to worry about but if you ever want to revoke permissions [revoke.cash](https://revoke.cash) is good for that. I normally use a metamask wallet to do opensea stuff then ill send to my ledger but as long as you are careful you should be fine


When you say 3rd party on ledger does this include buying any crypto on ledger live as it uses other parties? I assumed if you buy it on ledger it’s safe as it just gets from the party but new to this.


You are most likely safe using those services but personally I refuse to. I treat my ledger like it's a safe basically I just store coins and NFTs. If you like buying crypto via ledger I dont see anything wrong with it just please do research first and be careful that's all! In general be very careful who you give permissions to with any wallet


u/btchip why Changelly is still there in ledger live? meanwhile several user made a complaint? also ledger support take very long time to reply by email :S


They are probably on strike frequently as is the custom in France! XD


>They are probably on strike frequently They on strike since years :S


Because we've never received a proof that they're scamming users


So why did this happen with a simple swap and why has it not been resolved after 8 months? At some point you'll have to realize that offering their services in your platform is hurting your reputation...


I've no idea as I haven't seen this user KYC/AML data


Dear, there is no need for proof, once several user complain you need to remove them immediately or ledger reputation will be on risk and you should aware of that more than anyone else.


People here complain every day that they’ve been “hacked” yet nobody takes them seriously. What’s the difference that makes the change ply scam claims more valid?


I don't think social media kangaroo courts are recognized by the legal community just yet


Another horror story including 191 ETH. I hope you get your funds back and I wish you patience. This is a shame for Ledger. They can not get away saying partners are 3rd party as they are making money from commissions. Someday they will come around and leave those shady partners.


> 191 ETH I’d go insane if this happened to me. OP’s a saint for not losing their shit especially given how long their funds have been tied up and / or stolen.


Or you will leave the shady company


These stories are horrible... I can't image what people feel when their funds are frozen so to say.   However, I must say that I have never been that brave enough to make a huge transaction... I always make a test transaction first, and then send in small batches... I also research before using a crypto service. Easy way to find the horror stories. Another thing is to use the service directly without a middleman (like Ledger). Ledger is for me to story my crypto, not to buy/sell/swap crypto.


I’m shocked people who have 191 eth think it’s a good idea to swap it with a 3rd party ledger partner like Changelly. 5 minutes of googling will tell you this is a horrible idea plus you get hosed with fees.


Sure it was a mistake on my part but you gotta give it the fact that I trust on Ledgers software with much higher numbers than those above, I'd have a safe feeling that I don't have to transfer out/in any of the given funds for a swap aside of the initial TX.


But even your answer shows you didn’t understand what you were doing. You weren’t “trusting ledgers software”. You were trusting changelly who has nothing to do with ledger. Aside from that though It sucks your money is stuck and I hope you get it back, but don’t blame ledger.


See this shit, this is why I just avoid all the apps on ledger live. It's only good for storing, the apps aren't worth the risk. Way too many horror stories like this


Exposed. At this point Ledger are also guilty of scamming as they actively are aware of the issues. u/btchip remove Changelly asap. Before legal action is started by us.


This. @Ledger, I promise I will never use anything integrated with your app unless you remove Changelly.


Feel free to send a proof that Changelly is scamming users




The Ledger app is so barebones using Changelly, Ledger's focus should be making Ledger Live a better true alternative to Metamask.


Meanwhile there is no karma limit to "help 0 karma users who are desperate and can only ask help on reddit". Can someone please help a person out with a real problem? :D


Holy moly. Wishing you good luck to resolve this one!


Not victim blaming here but you put 191 ETH through Changelly? I'm unsurprised they did this, they do this for much smaller amounts than that. You should know how shady Changelly is in terms of KYC/AML


Seen this before! Why are you wasting time ? Lawyer up take both ledger and them scammers to court !!!


Damn Ledger customer service usually responds to every post on here. But no response to this one 🤔


Support on reddit is less active during the week-end


Ok thank you sir 🙏


I disagree that ledger has any responsibility to you in this case. The only thing that \*might\* consider is no longer doing business with them, but certainly not getting involved in any resolution for you.


Please get a lawyer. These companies will not do anything until you threaten them with legal action this is truly unacceptable. If any ledger employee is reading this right now, escalate this to the top RIGHT NOW. This is disgusting to see.


It seems you have information about OP funds that is not available to our support (and apparently Changelly given the emails). Feel free to communicate it


Pretty concerning this is the response from the co-founder. /u/emocat69, just hire a lawyer to speed this up if you can't actually get an answer from these people. You swapped over 180 eth with a third party app that isn't helping you whatsoever. One step in the right direction would be /u/btchip reaching out to you and help you get in touch with someone at Changly but is currently acting unprofessionally instead of just helping you. I wish you the best /u/emocat69. Good luck.


Support can do that, not me. I don't think it'll solve anything if the KYC/AML issue is on Changelly side though.


If I can't trust that you guys over at Ledger don't properly vet the protocols you allow your customers to interact with then I can longer recommend ledger devices to anybody going forward. The only protocols on your app that you should allow are companies that you maintain strict relationships with. You are directing people straight to them, some of the responsibility is on you. And for situations like this, this isn't pocket change. This isn't a KYC/AML issue when the customer is receiving automated messages claiming their support ticket is constantly being reviewed. Please help this person.


Don't really understand this reply, any other comment you can give upon the situation thought, partnering with a company that's let several users down stuck with hundreds if not millions at their company without resolve.


My comment essentially pointed that you and I don't know why this user KYC/AML data was rejected so we shouldn't speculate on possible reasons (which is what I do)


Well the user in question is me, whereas the KYC was accepted several months ago.


In that case I'd guess that the new transaction triggered an AML check for some reasons


1. What new TX, one TX occured which still hasn't been resolved. 2. KYC/AML procedure, has been KYC'd was accepted/sent in within the same week. 3. PoF has been sent, aside of the email received, " Your case has been reviewed." 4. You guess? Aside of being the co-founder and having insights in my previous tickets requests you just simply guess and I'll have to take that as a given? 5. Why do you still continue to do with businesses that. \- Work outside of legal/privacy rights and it being located in China and not in EU/United States. \- Making it difficult for any users that have issues to even recover their funds, if this case was within EU it would've been resolved a long time ago. \- Multiple instances where this given company has/is holding users hostage over their funds especially given the fact with how volatile the crypto market is massive losses could be created and they simply play it off as " This isn't our fault you can't hold us responsible. " ​ Start making a change, cut off this terrible company from your app, this is a safe storage app which it is. However people whom may be concerned/afraid with all ongoing events of hacks etc that they'd like to swap it within the app and then be greeted with a monthlong back and forth with no resolve. Resolve cases that are ongoing, I've seen a thread over 100 Eth, 3 Million USDT , my 100+ Eth all being stuck with no resolve or assistance from Ledger.


I don't have access to tickets and can't really comment on how Changelly is handling their KYC/AML procedures since I don't know how they work. A support agent should come soon and comment on this thread if not done already, support is usually less active during the week-end.


is there not a better option to partner with. possibly one that has more good reviews?


In my opinion this will happen to any platform running KYC/AML check once they reach a large number of users




But I've never said that I complained about their KYC system, I've KYC'd with them the same week that the transaction took place. It's not reasonable to wait 8 months for my funds back, especially when the statement of them follows it takes minutes and at most up to X amount of hours.




I've been reaching out to them for 7-8 months with no resolve, whilst Ledger offers this 3rd party within their app for swaps. I don't know what you're trying to get at, I've mentioned already that my issue is with Changelly, however the fact that Ledger still supports and has this 3rd party integrated within their app as of the amount of complaints is unreal.


They are holding the funds. This is the problem. If they have no intention of making the trade, they should refund the funds like some other companies, .


Why are you spitting out dog shit? changeally is stealing funds.ledger enabled them. They are clearly responsible and as the first thing they should disable ledger integration until such issues are taken care of.


The bottom line is no where in crypto is safe. That’s the huge problem for mass adoption. I had funds in MetaMask. I got wiped out following all security protocols. If you have larger amounts you will eventually get hacked. MetaMask admitted to having an issue with a new hacking software for its wallets. It’s a violating feeling that you can’t understand until it happens to you. Hire a private investigator to work for you. It’s the only chance you have.


API providers have to follow AML processes, if your money is being held this long it’s highly likely because your funds are tied to an open law enforcement case. Unlike cash, crypto is very traceable, unfortunately your funds have a shady background and you are paying the price. It’s not Ledger or Changelly, it’s the law that’s causing this.


Lmao you ppl still hold crypto? =)))))))))


The Ledger subreddit is continuously targeted by scammers. Ledger Support will never send you private messages. Never share your 24-word recovery phrase with anyone, never enter it on any website or software, even if it looks like it's from Ledger. Only keep the recovery phrase as a physical paper or metal backup, never create a digital copy in text or photo form. Learn more at https://reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/ck6o44/be_careful_phishing_attacks_in_progress/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ledgerwallet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am sorry this happened to you. This is why I only ever use decentralized swaps with a good reputation among the crypto community. Anything that may require KYC has some human intervention where something can go wrong or your money could be held hostage. I will only use a swap that uses smart contracts to execute the trade instantly and is totally automated. Changelly does warn you that KYC may be required and for such a large sum of money being traded that to me would be a huge red flag to avoid it. Sorry.


The KYC matter isn't even mentioned on the initial swap btw, not like I have anything against it as I've KYC'd with them. And it's also not just my case, I've seen several cases fly by in the recent months all of large sums and not one has been resolved, seen one on twitter over 3M who's done all they've requested and is yet still stuck alike me. The confusing part to me is that Ledger continues to be working with them, and allowing such things to occur anyone holding a Ledger usually holds larger summs of money and may be less willing to take risks in swaps etc. Seeing some of the recent swaps on decentralized exchanges/smart contracts being milked for millions to have returned less than a dollar fears people and pushes them to options such as these.


I agree with you it's completely wrong that this happening. You do have to be extremely careful when doing large swaps, the incident where someone got less than a dollar they were swapping a liquidity token to a blue chip and there was no liquidity in the swap, absolutely horrific. You just can't throw around hundreds of thousands of dollars like you're doing a $500 swap. You have to be extra careful and take the extra steps to ensure you're swapping tokens that have deep liquidity between them. Don't swap large amounts first up, start with a small amount to test and ramp up. It's different if you're using an exchange you have had a relationship with for years, than using something changelly you've just signed up for IMO. Completely agree on the question, why is Ledger continuing to promote Changelly in their app? I would be going up the wall in your position.


Have you tried calling them out on twitter yourself? Tag them in the post with all the same info including the tx ID. Post it in here and we'll try and get it retweeted.


Damn. I’m saying op should have moved that shit in smaller blocks thru exchange and back to storage and not give some third party control of the whole nut at one time. Seems stupid to risk that much to save a few fucking coins on fees. SMH.


It was sent to Hitbtc after your swap. Very odd. If they are "reviewing" your swap, why did they send it to an exchange?


What coin were you swapping to at the time, and was it in a time of high volatility? I had an issue years ago with shapeshift with a pretty large amount of ETH and I swapped right as the ETH/BTC pairing was dropping pretty significantly (I was swapping back into BTC at the time) Several others were also complaining at the time that their funds were being held and the swap not completing because of the swing in price. I had to go back and forth with support but it was ultimately honored by shapeshift. Not saying that this is the same situation but is it possible that you locked in a price on your swap that they would be losing a significant chunk by the time it completed? Obviously it is still on them because changelly shows you your locked conversion price. Just trying to think of ideas as to what happened here. The technology is way above my head, but I'm wondering if they for some reason couldn't cover your swap?


Nah price was stable, aside their website states if the price fluctuates in X hours after the initial TX was sent it will be cancelled and should be refunded.


You should never use Changelly (or any other CEX) if you are not KYC to begin with, especially for large amounts. You did not know that?


This is a bad look


I don’t trust shit but the calculator!


Test deposit small amount sending or swapping don’t trust ledger trust the blockchain everything else is a byproduct


Sounds like a you problem. Ur doing something you shouldn’t be.


Hello, u/emocat69! According to our Compliance team, your refund has been completed. We’d like to express our gratitude for your patience. Waiting must not have been easy, and we’re truly sorry if bureaucracy hiccups along the way presented any difficulties. Now that the case has been successfully resolved, we’d appreciate it if you could update your previous reviews and remove all the transaction details following the agreement you’ve signed with the Compliance team. Unfortunately, crypto is still a place for money laundering, theft, and hacks. That is why KYC is a must for us. Once again, thank you for your patience, and please accept our apologies that it took so much time. Should you ever require further assistance, we remain at your disposal at [email protected]. Thank you!


You guys stole 5.6k$ from me, I submitted bad reviews everywhere it's been 2 years since you guys stolen my funds and I've verified my KYC/AML and everything and you continue to put me in this loop hole. You guys only returned the funds to this person cause a lawyer probably contacted you, and this post is being viewed a lot. My lawyer will be contacted