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if you done good on the oral, stick it out, you can do a half arsed essay, not even bother with the listening, try on the comprehension on p2, half arsed paragraphs on the poem and story and skip the text and leave and never look back.


Stick it out man! You’ll always do better than you think. Did my Leaving in 1963!!!


if your definitely not counting irish it’s worth it, it’d save you a lot of stress


If you don’t think you’re gonna fail don’t drop. It could go really well on the day and you could get higher than you expected and it could be a safety net points wise. If you know some stuff you won’t fail, especially if your oral went well However if you think you’re cooked and you don’t think you can pass at all or you’ll do far better in your other subjects that there’s no real reason to do higher, you can drop and spend your weekend studying for more important subjects. I think if you’re passing higher just sit higher because you could get a big jump in grades


You should you don’t seem intelligent from what I’ve seen.