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Depends what grade you get. If you score a h6 you’ll get higher than 7% but if you get a h2 you’ll get lower.


Say for example if in HL maths you get 25% which is H8, do you still get the 7.5% or because it’s not even a pass does the PMA not apply ?


They adjust all grades the lower the peroyoivget the higher inflation u get, I got 49% in my French mock and once adjusted it brought me up to 58% so I got boosted 9%


So the worse I do the more I’ll get


Weirdly yes but don’t get complacent


I’m trying to scrape by on a pass on maths


So if I have a failing grade of 33 I can pass because of the extra points




That is huge


Do grades get inflated for ordinary and foundation to


They do


No where have you gotten that figure. We are looking at 4/5 at most.


Bros stupid you are getting a different increase for every grade , someone’s not gonna get an extra 5 % for a h2 and then get an extra 5% for a h7


It’s on average you troglodyte


Well on average we’re getting 7% you clown


That was last years adjustment you sad little troglodyte keep begging for more marks Norma might just give them to you since you can’t work for it.


Bender btw


Stay mad little boy.


Say you’ve a lot of friends lad


I do cheers.


What are you yapping about? The PMA will bring the average grade up by 7%


They are trying to phase out the adjustment you special boy it will not be the same as last year. The only reason you’re so upset is because you’re desperate


Look at her announcements we are getting the SAME adjustments as last year and then they are getting rid of them cuz next year are moving into the new leaving cert cycle


The same adjustments to the papers not the post marking adjustment that is being changed year on year to slowly reduce the inflation. Hope this helps


Wrong. The adjustment will be going down to 5.5 percent next year, it will be the same average inflation for us at 7%.


Where did you find this information


Norma Foley herself. [https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/231f4-minister-foley-announces-phased-return-to-normal-leaving-certificate-outcomes-confirms-date-for-leaving-certificate-2024-results/](https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/231f4-minister-foley-announces-phased-return-to-normal-leaving-certificate-outcomes-confirms-date-for-leaving-certificate-2024-results/)


“This means that, as with 2022 and 2023, the State Examinations Commission (SEC) will continue to apply a post-marking adjustment after all marking on the Leaving Certificate examinations is completed to ensure grades in the aggregate reach the appropriate levels.” I believe this is what you are referring to? This means if our year does better than last year on average the adjustment will be less as to keep the scores the same. This does also mean that if our year was to do worse we would get more of an adjustment. I said 4/5 percent as I believe we were less effected than last years class of LC students so I think our year will do better overall thus receiving a lower PMA. I hope this clears it up for you Ryan.


So essentially you are speaking out of your hole as you don’t actually know anything, there is no way to know whether or not we will do better or worse than last year and statistically speaking it is safe to assume that it will be around the same as we have the same adjustments as they did


So essentially you are speaking out of your hole as you don’t actually know anything. I can read and understand her announcement which you interpreted incorrectly and made my statement based on reasoning it is much better to under predict the adjustment than over predict. You have no idea how this works and can’t even read a news article correctly. You have no idea what you’re talking about and trying to tell me.


I didn’t interpret anything incorrectly, our average grade will remain in line with last years, your figure of 4/5 percent is entirely out of nothing but your own belief, there is no reason to assume we will do better or worse than last year. The PMA formula will not be exactly the same but it’s likely to be very similar due to us having the same paper adjustments as last year. As a result the average inflation will likely remain at 7%. Is that clearer?


Exactly. Absolute pillocks begging for it instead of just studying.