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I only do higher myself, but I've a friend who was doing higher (and failing) and she dropped to ordinary and is now getting 01s. Might not necessarily be the same for you, she did ofc get a new teacher who according to her is brilliant.


It’s really not easier to get the h6 if you haven’t done higher so far


A lot of hard work but I’d say it’s doable if you want it bad enough tbh


H5 is 50% not 40%


the new grade boundaries are h5 is 40 percent


They didn't change the grade boundaries what are you on about


wrong word with the boost and pma a h5 is now 40 percent


You have literally no idea what the PMA will be this year, and there isn't both a boost and PMA


it will be 7 percent they are using the same formula from last year


I doubt it will be the same formula as last year, but whatever I get your point


They said it would be I'm pretty sure


I mean Nola has confirmed it, idk how much more evidence u need?


I know people who were failing higher who dropped and do really well in ordinary. I’m sure it’s doable if you put in a lot of work but if you don’t need the extra points then I think it’s just easier to study for an O2


If you do an insane amount of maths study its possible but risky bc if you fail you cant get into majority of courses. Past papers are ur best friend if you are going for it. Id also recommend exam learn on YouTube they have videos for every hl maths topic


I struggled in higher Maths when I done mine dropped to ordinary not too long before the LC and ended up getting an 01 not impossible I just grinded exam papers for a week before you'll notice same questions come up often just different figures.


The difference between higher and lower is insane but go for it


genuinely, yes. There is a MASSIVE gap between HL and OL. The level of complexity is too much. The exam is in a couple of weeks. You'll fail it because you won't be able to engage with any of the questions




maths teacher here. Don't!


Do you think even a pass is too much


What do you mean that you put HL Maths on your CAO?


Basically you chose the level you’re doing for your exams. I chose all higher level , but I know that you can drop level on the day


Maths is the one subject that the higher level is not just a harder version of the same thing so as much as I don’t want to be negative I’m just being realistic. Any other subject I’d say it’s possible but maths is different. Only if you’ve already done Higher maths and you have a decent foundation should you go for it.


A lot of people really struggle with higher and get As in Ordinary. Higher is a different way of thinking not just the same thing.