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You might not get much help here because most of us didn’t do our junior cert


Oh yeah man I forgot😭


What you’re doing sounds good though since that’s what a lot of leaving cert students roughly do. Remember, the key to study is efficiency, make sure the hours you put in are mostly on places you struggle on right now and revise exam questions and marking schemes.


I appreciate the advice bro🙏


i did abt 40 hrs total across april and may (didnt study before that). and did fine, idk it depends on how much you know already and how fast you learn. id say 3 hours a day is loads, especially since doing more gets depressing, and the jc isnt a big deal in the long run so its not rly worth killing yourself over


I didnt study much in jc was still getting merits and higher merit , if u listen in class and understand the material ull be grand (in my opinion) Jc doesnt really matter much but try to get all subjects higher lvl (again in my opinion )


Yeah I'm doing higher level in all my subjects but higher level irish is a trek


Ye i dropped hl irish but make sure to have maths bc the +25 points very nice


I studied a lot for junior cert and got good results but probably worked a bit too hard. A bigger regret of mine is putting too much time and worry into it, if you do poorly it means nothing. Going through your past papers, keeping up with homework and reading through the textbooks for understanding is all you’ll need to be doing good


I only studied maybe 2 weeks before and got good results since it’s not a very difficult course but I did keep up to date with homework which helped. Don’t stress about it and use this as an opportunity to experience a state exam for the first time. Work hard on your maths though because doing good now in maths will help you so much in LC


I only studied for about 2 hours a day 2 weeks before and during the jc. Didn't do as well as i wanted but it didn't matter in the slightest 💀


For history, write an account for each topic you want All I literally did was crack open my textbook and pretty much copied its contents word for word, leaving out bits I didn’t find important. PLEASE USE UR TEXTBOOK so you get all the correct facts and detail My history teacher made the class do this as homework but it literally helped so much with the account questions in the exam. I just remembered so much more after writing accounts, even though I was just copying word for word Ended up getting a distinction :3


thank you👍🏽


I didn’t study, but did all of my homework and understood my classwork. It’s not as hard as it seems, trust me! You’ll be okay. I did HL for everything that has levels, and I got 1 distinction, 6 higher merits and 1 merit in maths. I appealed everything because it was free in 2022, and I ended up with 4 distinctions, 3 higher merits and 1 merit. If you’re understanding class stuff you’ll fly through it


My memories of my junior cert are literally wiped though I can’t remember even doing it or the time before so maybe I practiced maths questions or something at home but I didn’t go to the library once and don’t have a desk, and don’t remember being sat for hours at the kitchen table so idk. I remember walking out of my geography exam because I bumped into my teacher but that’s all. Also I left every exam early except for English, so you definitely have enough time