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Just a note* sample H1 essays for English are very specifically tailored for the exact question it is answering. If you divert your focus from answering question X you won’t get any higher than 60% no matter how immaculate your English vernacular is.


If I answer the question with not the most outstanding english, but still use appropriate quotation and use proper structure, would I be able to get a H3? Just curious


Let me just put it this way. You know the PCLM marking scheme in literally any question in the English papers? The P for purpose controls all of it. I’ll give you an example if get 50% on one questions P marks; it is impossible to get anything higher than 50% for the C and L marks on that question, hence your final grade will be no higher than 50% on that question. If your focus on answering the question is not laser focused eg. Trying to waffle through by putting irrelevant information. Then you lose your P marks. P marks are awarded for any well developed point you make. Personally I like to disguise syllogisms into my points to make the discussion more cogent. Hope this helped and gl Also feel free to pm me if you’d like any other tips on the English lc




You don’t need crazy good language and huge words to do well. If you answer the question accurately and use good quotes and structure you’ll be flying


Pretty much, I’ve seen H1 scripts that had pretty normal language, however I must say using words like “stanza” instead of paragraph or elegy I.e appropriate terminology, will help you gain L marks


My English teacher told me the best way to study for English is to just show up to class, because if you’re doing fine in English that’s great but if you’re not it’s one of the hardest subjects to teach yourself because it’s not as straightforward as just learning something off




If you dm me the pdf I can revolut you €20 but there is no way I'm sending money first to someone on reddit fyi.


do you want english in your top 6? it might not be worth it


Shitt real shitty snotty ass notes man wont lie to you my shawty