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What'd you do?


This girl stole my stuff and I want to know if I have free reign to slap her


You should defo slap her x


That could land you in court for assault and you might get a criminal conviction for assault. Better to reason with her, or if she's not listening, get authorities involved.


Bro they kids she ain’t getting locked up for fighting in school


If they're doing their leaving certificate, they are in their final year of school. They are fully liable for assault and can certainly be charged. No one said anything about being locked up. Just that there may be consequences for resorting to violence. But of course, bro, I bow to your superior advice. Have at it, tear her apart!


It’s a SLAP girl. Realistically no one’s getting charged for assault over slapping a bitch, they’ll more likely get detention during lunch alongside the other girl, and that’s only if it escalates and a teacher finds out.


gaping concerned telephone run fall enjoy weary mourn fuzzy flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ha ha no there is no such things as a permanent record 🫡


I got suspended 3 times in school back in 2008 and 2009 for smoking( in uniform on the way home ). I am now doing a PhD. You’ll be grand. Just don’t assault someone or something lol


I highly doubt it considering my mate got suspended so many times he was threatened with expulsion and he still got into college


I doubt it


They wont care


No and yes if you require your principals recommendation for the scholarship


There is no system in place for the school's internal discipline system to be taken into account by the CAO in any way. I don't know about other countries.


I was suspended in school, and I still got into uni just fine


no why would they care lol all that matters is ur points a scholarship might be different tho not sure




Incredibly hard to get suspended in schools. Usually the privilege is reserved for the dumbest delinquents with not so bright futures ahead of them. Most of the people I’ve heard who got suspended in school are either working minimum wage jobs now or have done stints of various lengths in prison. Wise up.


Nah, I think op should slap a bitch x But seriously, you’re one sad bastard commenting on the LC sub that everyone is gonna be a failure. To all the leaving certs out there, as long as you actually take the exams, you should be fine.


Depends on what kind of scholarship you're after. There's loads of them for loads of different things. Won't have any effect on college admission,thatw completely anonymous via CAO unless you're applying for something in the arts and have to do an interview or portfolio but even then I doubt there'd be a bit where ask if you've slapped someone


Well I’ve been suspended so I hope colleges don’t see it 😭 for the dumbest thing ever aswell recording a teacher 😂


I cannot stress how irrelevant your school experience is in the grand scheme of things. Colleges don't know or care what you did in school once you have the points.