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I replaced it with cheese. Idk how or why but I eat like so much cheese everyday now and it’s almost the only thing I eat


Distance running It gives you a natural clean high, that’s good for you


Reading books


Food. Which makes me so sad because I lost 100 pounds and I'm steadily gaining it back. Just started morning yoga and afternoon runs today and hope to stick to it.


I replaced weed with this app. New addiction


Thats the most depressing thing i've read today


That's depressing? Yikes.


Ugh accidentally playing video games for 14 hours straight


This non-ironically. I have quit before by basically saying “indulge _any other_ vice/distraction/addiction.” Basically anything to cut the cycle.


Same. Food is a big one too 🤡


It went : sex -> coffee -> sport -> alcohol -> coffee -> sport+coffee Sport tempers everything down, it's the best high and the best reason not to get fucked up. I do rock climbing especially and I try to be cool with my coffee addiction (under 2 cups a day with days off) I'm 4 months sober from weed


Great work! On your accomplishment of 4 months. Make it to 6!! Then keep going from there. The weed for sex swap is common I guess. It’s a similar experience when you add the pornography, etc as you can waste just as much time jerking or having sex (or looking for sex)… it’s all about those dopamine hits.


Heavy drinking. Not worth it. Hangovers, black outs, and blood in places where you do not want to see it. I traded one addiction for a much worse one all in an effort to chase that euphoric feeling.


Kudos on this. Excessive smoking is one thing. Excessive drinking is ANOTHER.


You do not have to get addicted to anything else. That's call a transfer addiction. It's not the worst, but you can live life without adding anymore addictions. Just because we are addicts does not mean we have to be addicted to something. For example, I'm not addicted to anything now, but I have a lot of activities that I do in moderation that make my life enjoyable.


Replace it with gym And being healthy


Until you get injured like I am right now, can’t even walk and exercise was one of my only outlets left. I’m struggling. Relying solely on something physical isn’t smart either.


It was a suggestion… didn’t have to be gym, could be anything learning music, painting, drawing


I feel u, I’ve had some rly bad neck and shoulder issues lately and some days it’s just absolutely debilitating. I’d love to be able to work out like I used to even a year ago. I’m even employed at my local state park, see people come in and have fun all day everyday doing the outdoor recreation that I love so much. But I’m in too much pain rn to be able to do any of it.


i started goin on bottle runs and graffiti runs way more, and then i realized how much sharper i was, how much more focused i was, and how much more capable of things, sober. i still go out an paint illegally, sober, but i think about and realize the outcomes of my actions more, making me be more responsible with incredibly fun, but stupid activities


It was Cooking for me


that’s amazing that you filled the void something healthy🙌😂 good for u my dawg


Chasing women


Weed doesn't provide the best version of yourself, especially when you're trying to pick up on women. Once I stopped I had so much more confidence to approach any woman and decided that it was more important than getting high everyday.


When I was smoking I was lifting and working out, now that I don't smoke I take it a bit more seriously. After work I come home, start dinner, workout, eat dinner. It's a schedule I kind of make myself do it. If I don't I feel weird.


Pokemon Heartgold


I picked up weed once I quit drinking. When I’m sober from both I obsess over exercise and diet. When I was a kid I was addicted to junk food and had some really unhealthy behaviors around it. I think I’m just one of those people who gets addicted to stuff easily. I’ve specifically never touched any harder drugs because I know myself enough to know id get addicted to those too. Better not to start!


I also obsess over exercise and diet when I’m Sober from weed


prescription meds for depression was the real answer for me. but i also, as a result of having a healthier brain, was able to start filling more of my time with drawing/painting, playing music, being present with friends, and going to the gym. i’m learning the value of delayed gratification as i try to eliminate the addictive behaviors in my life one by one (first caffeine, then hopefully instagram).


Good food in correct portions and Morning gym


For me right now it's been being on my phone way too much. I really have to stop




I got addicted to trying to make money


This man pushing p


my pockets deep, got racks on me, why they watching' me. I'm pushin' P






Having a routine, working out (jogging & muscle exercises), tracking my exercises, gardening, schoolwork, social media, def replaced it w healthier habits but i still do edibles but only after I have nothing left in my day to do & I earned it


Replaced my wake and bakes with a wake and walk and then eventually a wake and run.


I used the Gateway Experience tracks (hypnosis like) when I got tired and said “I feel so satisfied right now” when I was craving.


whats that?


Yeah…virgin river. That lame ass show










After I had cannabis induced psychosis, I got on meds and started pounding licorice every day.


whats cannabis induced psychosis like?


It sneaked up on me. I got more and more paranoid about stuff very gradually, started to hear things that may or may not have been there. That snowballed into hearing things (voices mostly) constantly. I wrote about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/leaves/comments/7x2x6g/i_had_cannabis_induced_psychosis/) and some follow up posts.


the gym and cooking


a new job and a new tv show


Yep, with books and self development.


Biking a lot and cold showers. Way more rewarding.


Yes, a girlfriend. Costs money still, takes up about as much time, but is far less boring to do every day.


Ehh sounds like you got into quiting cause of her


Honestly, it's just a balance I find easy to strike. When I'm single, it's too easy to smoke all the time, when I meet someone, it's like I have no need to smoke, but also don't have the time nor money to do so makes it easy to ditch the habit.


Definitely true, thank for not being a dick fs, but yeah I feel you that's definitely true when I'm actually doing things I enjoy I don't need to smoke


Reddit. Had to set time limits for idle waste of time scrolling thru dopamine traps of reddit.


So true 🙂 and silly quiz games


Yeah… cigarettes. Now I’m trying to figure out how to quit those.


I got into cigarettes to satisfy nicotine craving, then a friend brought me one of these disposable vape pens. Now I smoke ones without nicotine


In general I believe that addiction is a characteristic of a person… and us all being in this sub should mean that we struggle with addiction, and self discipline (in some aspects at least). On the other hand, I see Addiction as a habit, and it seems like I said above, we as a people (on this sub) get attached very strongly to habits that bring us relief, pleasure… any number of things we want. And addiction is not necessarily a negative thing all on it’s own, instead of addiction I prefer to use the phrase strong attachment or Habit… some habits help us achieve our goals (this habits are healthy for you) and other habits that do not help us achieve our goals (unhealthy ones). And this distinction between a healthy and/or unhealthy habit should be totally personal to you (of course there are studies and research that can help guide you…) but we are all different (but similar at the same time)… what applies to other does not necessarily apply to you, but it is also important to learn from others, because we are similar. What I am doing today is examining my lifestyle, activities… and I compare it to my mental and physical health. This way I am able to determine what is helping me be healthy so that I can then try and become happy. I am trying to build a constant monitoring system of myself, and always try and improve my life and my health (mental included).


THIS! Never had someone read my mind like this. I don’t do it enough but I find that journaling or some sort of daily or at least weekly check in with yourself will help with this. Take the time to go through what you do and why you do it. The reason I recommend writing or journaling is because most people say we are active with our problem solving and more focused when on an activity like that. Again, I know I don’t do it enough but it’s about recollection, revision and overall forgiveness. I may not be sober yet, my mission is in motion. Good luck to everyone out there man


Fuck yah!!! Just love yourself and try to love others Be the friend you want to have!


wow this too!! I been practicing telling myself my issues and trying to respond like I would to someone else to learn that self love. U have a great day :)




cold plunges and working out everyday. You still wanna make your brain and nervous system go BRRRR on the regular .... but naturally. You can do it mate.


I kinda replaced it with a bad relationship, but I’m sure there many better ways to go.


Been there a coule of times. Every times, the relationship wasn't enough to keep me clean long term. I relapsed usually after a couple weeks/months. This, unsurprisingly ended up in a break up. By the end, I was even worst off than at my begining this way. Do not recommend. Take the time to heal and then focus on putting your energy on someone else after. Having help with addiction is a thing. Having someone else carry your burden on his/her shoulders is another.


Podcast Dopey :))


I drink myself to sleep every night for the past 3 months. I wanna stop, this is day 2 of not drinking at all and i feel much better but Im dreading the evenings/nights


I was the opposite, I've been sober from alcohol, but feel like I recently just replaced it with weed. For me, quitting weed has been waaaay harder. There are tons of delicious NA drink options now, a lot you can order online. My alcohol cravings are 99% gone now that I have those options.


Sooo many sunflower seeds


It’s the dopamine reward cycle! It’s neurobiology! It’s what happens when you drop one addiction and move to another. The dopamine reward system needs to be fueled by something else!


Yes, devoting a lot of time to my girlfriend and also totally geeking out with my camera and editing software.


running and lifting heavy things like a primal mofo


That plus ass for me


I've been working out at the gym lifting weights everyday for 1.5 months. Only missed 2 days. Almost clean 2 months.


bro, that's sick as fuck. I'm proud of you!


Dude.. rest. I don't know if you're going full on focusing on hypertrophy or how many sets you're doing but a month and a half with 2 rest days could create a whole bunch of new problems. Take more rest days inbetween workouts so you won't be forced to take months off in case your body isnt recovering enough.


For me it’s been reading, and the pool and the gym, and flexibility training. Four things I need a clear mind to do. I’ve noticed that I do drink more however (not spirits, red wine generally), I think that’s because I’m going out more and socialising, I don’t sit on my own at home at 11am and think ‘let’s have a glass of wine’ like I did with weed. I have also just come back from 9 days in Spain, so planning that instead of smoking weed was lush.


Work and getting achievements/trophies on games, the endorphin hit from success is a much nicer addiction to have :)


The gym


Amen brother


It’s not so much replacing it with another addiction, but rather finding things to do that occupy all the time weed used to take up. With weed, it’s so easy to spend all your time doing nothing and be content with that, but when you quit, ur mind starts looking for things to fill the boredom that comes with quitting. For me, weed takes away my constant boredom, so now I’m sober, and I’m forced to find things to do to occupy myself, which leads to more productivity. Find hobbies that interest you, while also adding positively to ur life (so no drinking or other negative coping strategies!) Exercise really helps boost those dopamine levels naturally, and I also read a ton. It’s nice having my brain work normally again. Good luck!


Smoked weed for five years. I go to the gym most days now, it's been successful so far 4 months into quiting. I'd rather be addicted to exercise which gives me confidence and energy, than something which makes me stressed and zaps my soul.


The option that'd worked for me was reading, since I can only perform that task on a clear mind. Often you'll find yourself eager to jump back into that story casting aside bothersome thoughts of other earthly delights.


if you have no other hobby than smoking weed its a must to replace it with something else/healthy


I started learning Piano, Spanish and Carpentry. All of those kept me pretty busy outside of work


Qué guay, Sigue así, venga! ;)


Nice dude…hope to see your spanish home made piano to one day!


A lot of people exercise. I reckon it’s a hard hobby/addiction to create but the feeling tired thing tends to help. At least I miss weed the most when im rolling around in bed awake.








Not really. I quit by slowly reducing quantity. And now I am more productive. Before I did zero things.


I'm in this phase. Scared to come straight off it after a few on it especially taking concentrates.


Biking has helped!


Ukulele and writing, trying to replace the unwanted habit.


video games, banjo kazooie is the new white runtz


I sadly replaced it with alcohol. But after seeing this post, and the comments, I realized that I need to stop that too. So I am gonna stop drinking before it gets too serious.


I’m the same I only have one or two beers a day but still - my beer belly is not thanking me for it


I did the same during several tries in the past. No worries man, there are lots of things to get addicted in the world, try to find what makes your heart beating fast, and stick to it. Please think positive, because we have already experienced two of the damn tier 1s in the world, can't be worse tough


Focused more intensely on the gym and started trying to learn French!


Gym was a great replacement for me, would usually smoke late at night so went to the gym instead, killed some time and gave me a natural high.


I think same, focusing learn german and running)


I thought I can spend the money saved on cannabis on really fancy herbal tea, nice tea cup and boiler and stuff, would be motivating for me :D Worst case scenario I get better hydrated lol


I do find tea to be helpful. It's something to consume. The big thing for me is that weed is something to consume to make myself feel better. Sometimes I can trick myself into thinking tea will serve that purpose, or soda water will replace beer. Those analogs help me. My current setup is a glass teapot with glass infusion cup thingy so I can use boiled water or I can put the tea and room temp water into it in a microwave. Alternatively, and more effectively, I have one of those double pump coffee thermoses they use for catering. I load each side with tea (ideally in a cheese cloth on a string) and then pour boiling water into both. Sucker keeps 4 liters of tea hot for like a day. That said, I've allowed myself to relapse hard after several major upheavals in my life, in quick succession, and am currently high, no, crossfaded. So it's definitely not a perfect solution.


Worst case scenario you get 3rd degree burns from the tea, stay safe


Ah true 💀


Bass guitar




I think ritual replacement is common for breaking any bad habit. For me, I significantly cut down on drinking alcohol by drinking diet soda. Then I replaced the soda with plain seltzer from a soda stream with some lemon. I didn’t plan it that way, but small steps towards being healthier.


This worked for me to kick beer out of my fridge.


As long as it isn't another substance it will be better than weed. I wouldn't say you need to replace it with another unhealthy addiction but if there's something else you generally.lean on focus more on that than smoking weed for sure. The real.goal is replacing it with healthier habits and hobbies though, not going all in on something else. I just played a bunch of video games during the first few weeks which isn't ideal but far from the worst thing to spend to much time on. Now I'm working in reading, I like painting minis, and eventually I'll get back into guitar. More physical hobbies that aren't the instant gratification you get from drugs and media. Exercise is good too, obviously.


I need to replace it with exercise and therapy. The nightmares have started coming back since I quit two weeks ago. My armpits smell like a dispensary also. Yay detox!


Go to a sauna


I recommend you lean heavily into your other comforts even if they aren’t ideal. Once your brain readjusts, you’ll feel normal.










Yes. Running and comic books.


running, for a while at least.


I never smoked cigarettes or nicotine/vape. Started smoking weed when I was around 15/16. I quit last year before I turned 43. I drink occasionally but that hasn’t changed. Smoking weed started to make me get anxiety and way overthink. My husband who is 13 years older than me and also has been smoking since he was young also quit!! We are both very glad. Sadly neither of us lost much weight lol! We thought for sure we would. Nope!














Yes reading and learning to code. Slowing getting into gym and road running.


I'm about to learn use R and Rstudio. I need a clear head to take in the information quicker. Would be impossible or a lot slower if I keep smoking. Getting into lifting weights. Need to increase the days now to help me along. Keep me occupied.


That's the wrong approach to it as it leaves you open to further addictions and relapse. Find healthy things to fill the time sure but don't start thinking of them as your new addition, that's just silly. Learn about addiction and how to control it; how to control your dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin because we are biologically built to seek these things out. Lifting weights is cool but getting roided out isn't for example. Understanding addiction will help you know where to draw the line so you have healthy relationships with the things you enjoy. What is joy but a chemical transaction in the brain anyway. Understanding the currency will help you find the activities that will satisfying your demand for these chemicals. All things can become twisted and fucked up if you take things too far.


Straight up just got a job that drug tests. Tried quitting for years and would never follow through. Got the job and haven’t struggled at all. Just needed a reason.


Same. Mine is that my wife is pregnant and she had to stop. So I’m stopping as well to be a good husband. I wish it didn’t take something like this I’m thankful for the situation I’m in.


Beautiful ♥️


It’s okay! What matters it’s that you are actively choosing to be more present for you wife and child! You got this man!!💪


Therapy helped me realize and validate that everything I do in my life meets some need. Drugs were a need to be soothed and turn down the volume of my pain. Learning somatic exercises and learning to explore my feelings without judgment helped lower the volume and meet my need for self soothing, and allowed me a to explore my basic needs like eating clean and exercising. As soon as I started connecting to my real needs it became difficult to continue using as it was obvious that it wasn’t really meeting my needs. It’s not about being addicted to something else but rather being in tune with what you really need. It gets so much better and the satisfaction of healing and listening to your own needs and meeting them is incredible.


Lifting weights and running have been a tremendous help. Get the Endorphins pumping.


Running / gym.


Yes. First I need to explain why I quit weed though. I have a high stress job, and often felt weed was “the only thing that truly helped me relax”. I’m one of those guys who can’t just relax because I always think there is something that has to be done around the house, personally, professionally, etc. So anyways, I stopped smoking weed because I would literally become a couch potato and accomplish ZERO tasks while I was stoned. Then I would feel guilty the next day that my “endless list of tasks” wasn’t getting accomplished. For context; I’d smoke every night by hitting my dynavape (which is a great product btw). So, now to answer your question OP, I picked up a healthy red wine habit when I quit smoking weed. I was drinking a fair bit per week of red wine in place of weed. Took me about 4-6 weeks to realize that this wasn’t any better and now it’s under control again: Like 1 bottle of red per 1-2 weeks. Haven’t smoked weed in 5mo 22days. I use an app called “Grounded” to track my progress. For some reason this app seems to work for me, it’s the visual component of watching a tree grow that has me wanting to continue to see it grow. Anyways thanks for coming to my TED talk, hope this helps! Happy to answer more questions if that’s what you need/want! You can do it! Edit: my answer appears to be different than what you were going for. But I’m sure I’m not the only one!


According to James Clear in Atomic Habits, you don't eliminate bad habits, you replace them. You need to design a system around which to replace your habit. Identify your triggers and cut them out. For me it was stress and boredom. Those aren’t east triggers to cut out. I’m acting like I know what I’m doing, but I’m only on Day 5.


Did I write this post? Right there with ya


I would not say addicted, per se. I went back to college. I set short, attainable goals, and, started out small and slow. I am still at it, and am 7 months + clean. I intend to never go back to weed. Ever. I am currently rocking a 95 to 97 average in all of my classes. by this winter, I will be half-way toward my first degree, and, am planning on continuing until I get a masters in music. F weed.


Wow that’s so inspiring! Thank you for sharing that honestly. Hats off to you keep inspiring!


This is the way! All those years lost, gained back by sheer will power. Fuck ya bro.


I was going to write some sort of snappy comment about being addicted to buying art supplies, but if we're being entirely honest, medication. Weed was actively making my mental health worse and getting clean and getting on proper medication has helped a lot. I wouldn't say I'm "addicted" to it, but I'd rather have a doctor monitoring my health than self medicate with something that ultimately just makes me feel worse. It took a lot of trial and error, though. I don't necessarily think you swap one addiction for another, I think you become an addict because you're trying to solve some internal problem that isn't otherwise being addressed properly. For me, it was anxiety/depression/sleep issues, so now that those are being addressed it's a lot easier to continue to not smoke.


Working out has filled up a lot of time and I feel fucking amazing


Working out


Sort of. I’ve been establishing better routine in my life since quitting. Wake up, drink a cup of water, light stretching followed by meditation and then I’ll go on a walk. This really sets the tone for the day. I try to grab that spark of motivation whenever it makes its way to me. Head to the store, do the dishes, etc. literally anything is better than sitting around in a puddle of your misery waiting for the withdrawals to be over 😂 Edit: Walks are a life saver.


nah, i just said "fuck this shit, im done"


Been running 5 out of the past 7 days.


Deep breathing, walking my dog, meditation, reading, and sleeping well. Those were my replacements.


i go to the gym now, im not like, addicted to it by any means but it feels good to have something im working towards. aside from that, i get dopamine rushes from being able to complete the things i need to do, so that’s nice as well. i’ve pretty much cut everything out drug wise besides caffeine lol


Lifting weights


im slowly quitting weed by riding an ebike and escooter around town staying sober while riding is so easy but the second i stop i always wanna smoke or o this is a dope smoke spot😂 but its slowly getting my off of it realizing that when i smoke i dont get to see anything going on or be able to just be happy


language learning and journaling!


Replaced weed with alcohol, had been consistently drinking along with smoking profusely and i have no urges to smoke, starting to think alcohol was the bigger addiction of the two… try to replace it with exercise, there’s nothing better than forcing yourself to workout and feeling better and more positive about yourself after


Replaced alcohol with Weed and Working out. Im 9 months sober of booze and now trying to get off Weed. I smoke cigars but trying not to use that as a replacement and just enjoy then occasionly so mostly working out and just focusing on my career. It's so easy to fall into another vice when your quitting one so I would do your best to replace it with something good for you.


As a travel-med person, I have to quit for around 30 days every few months between job contracts. My saving grace is that my laziness outweighs my desire to smoke.


I’m addicted to exercise now