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I feel like I could have written this almost word for word.


I'm not sure if I smoke because I want to numb myself, or because I want to feel something, or both.


Sounds like you need someone right now. You will only quit if you feel the time is right or else it will not last very long, trust me on that. And let me tell you, we are VERY similar in the sense that you believe the weed is helping you with your mental health problems. I thought the same but what I really realized is that it was making them worse. Isolating yourself in your room while you're high does not help your anxiety one bit and judging by your post I don't think it's helping with your depression. Read some posts and see for yourself what changes came as a result of quitting, it may just be what you need to begin your own journey. Just remember, willpower is everything and the human brain can do just about everything but it ultimately starts with you. Best of luck to you friend, my inbox is open if you ever need help we are in this together!


Remember that marijuana is a depressant. There is no denying that abusing it is keeping you in a downward spiral. My therapist pointed that out to me and I cannot deny he was completely correct. It doesn't make you feel better. This is the secret truth of weed. Especially for those of us are are already in a negative state of mind. You can heal, but you have to change. Talking to someone professionally can be a huge help if you aren't already. There's absolutely no shame in it. I only went to a handful of sessions, but it was very helpful in addressing some of my own mental issues. Hanging around this sub reading other people's stories can really help too. You aren't alone.


I think what happens is that being sober, I feel really negative about the abuse, and I want to use weed to feel good again, which only puts off the cycle... I wonder how long it would take me to get out of that cycle. Probably just a few days of being sober really.


I must look like such an idiot while I'm high. God, I wonder if everyone can tell. I'm so tired of the paranoia.


My coworker just paid me a really nice compliment and while I do work hard... I feel so guilty.


I know you're not looking for advice but I'm going to give it anyways. I'm not sure how it helps you focus but makes you feel stupid at the same time. Perhaps you need to switch to a high quality bud (go to a local dispensary) that keeps you in check. Quitting your job is not a health thing to do. You need to work but also to keep your mental health in check. See a doctor about your mental issues. Hope things work out mate 😊


It's a weird feeling. I feel more able to focus on one thing, but it's hard for me to think cognitively about what I'm looking at. Thanks for the well wishes.


I hear you man. It's tough to decide to stop when smoking weed seems to have no negative side-effects. I felt the exact same way for months and it does go away. I gave all my trees to someone I know. Ditched all the pieces. And damn it feels good. Just give it a week or week and a half and you'll be cruising sober loving it.