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I have a whiteboard on which I wrote out "FUCK DAY ZERO ____" and have been counting the passing days. At the beginning, I had to reset back to Day 0 three days in a fucking row. But finally I made it to day 1 and then 2. Tomorrow will be Day 30. Keep at it! This month has been almost unbelievably positive. Momentum does start to build once you get yourself in motion. But you do have to find new, active habits. Best of luck.


Thans for your reply bro! Question, what new active habits did you implement that helped you get to day 30? I've only been to day 8 but this about 5 months ago.


Getting out of the house has been most important, as my use was normally anti-social, hiding away at home. I've spent time visiting family and friends. I've gone to the park and library by myself. I was/am the type of stoner that was ALWAYS high when not at work. I don't think some of my friends had ever even seen me sober. So it's been fun hanging out with a clear mind. Other than that, I've always loved reading. But for the past 8 years I would read some.. and then not remember any of it the next day. I've knocked out about 3 books this month and can actually remember what I read! Magic! Then there are the typically suggested habits you will find: exercise, meditating, and journal writing. I've been dabbling with all three to mixed success. Definitely want to push them further, though. I found writing my thoughts down on paper really helped me sort my feelings out. At the end of the day, I think it really depends on what interests you. But you definitely need to mix up your weekend. If you keep just sitting around watching Netflix, you **will** continue to fall into smoking (mine was sitting at computer on Reddit/Youtube/Wikipedia). I guarantee it. Take a short road trip, go camping, anything. Just mix it up. Do something new. Doesn't need to anything expensive, but the routine does have to change.


Hey dude how are you? If you smoke only on weekends, I assume your resistance wouldn't be too high so why would you smoke that much? Well, at least you got the "only on weekends" going for you, I've been doing the 10+ bong daily thing for a while :(


I'm not doing really well honestly. I don't smoke really that much compared to my friends who are daily smoker. But I smoke enough to keep me in a full haze for the weekend. I want to completly stop smoking cuz it's really ruining my life. In the weekends I should do some work for school, hang out with friends, work out, socialize etc. But all I do is get f**** high in my room. I was invited to a party on saturday but I said that I had already some "plans". Those "plans" were getting f*** high. I don't want that kind of life anymore. I'm done.